Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

Missing Waltz III

Three-two riot holiday appointments

From the Holy Moonlight College to the south, riding for about six hours, it is the largest town in the eastern continent and the lower street of the royal city of Haier Milan. As the forefront of Gongweiwang City, it should theoretically belong to a military fortress-type town, but from its architectural layout, it is quite a completely commercial city. The residents who settled here may be close to the royal capital and always show condescending arrogance towards foreigners; and for the same reason, they dare to make the most direct and sharpest evaluation of the royal family's gains and losses, so it is easy to find praise or criticism of the kingdom here.

However, none of these can affect the frenzy caused by the arrival of the festival. Since yesterday, the residents here have been harassed by crowded businessmen and tourists... and countless heavily guarded guards. Because it is a national vacation, the commercial profits can be brought are self-evident. Those tax officials who are usually invincible must have been closed for a long time; of course... vandals with various purposes will also easily sneak in with the flow of people... Therefore, anyone who goes in must undergo strict inspection, which makes Ben The residents of the city complained bitterly.

This is just the noise of the eve of the holiday. On the first day of the holiday, the atmosphere in the city quickly peaked after sunrise.

Silo and loyd dismount at the gate, explained their identity to the guards, and handed over the mounts to the attendants to the stable - a special service to the nobles. It is worth mentioning that they only rode Loide's brown horse. In the stable outside the college, loyd originally suggested that "take both horses", but Xilu said, "'Wind Dragon' is not feeling well today". loyd turned around and saw that "Wind Dragon" really... seemed to be sick...

"What did you do?"

Loide's suspicious eyes messed up Xi:

"How come! All right, let's go! Otherwise, there will be too many people to enter the city!"

So the two rode a horse to Eudraxiu City. Xilu didn't care about the speed of the mount at all, but just hugged Loed in front of her:

"Don't run too fast... I'll fall..."

"It's already the slowest... And you're not the kind of person who is not good at riding..."

"If you don't listen to me, I'll fall down and show you..."

"What a childish..."

"By the way, you should also give it a name... The mount can't be called a horse all the time..."

"Then... let's call it 'amber' in the future."

"Because it's brown... Anyway, it's a nice name..."

Today's Xilu is not like the usual Xilu... She wore the purple low-cut skirt she wanted yesterday, the bow tie given to her by Loid, and her hair was combed into a somewhat civilian ponytail... What's more strange is that she actually sticks to her side like fudge... Did she drink yesterday and still wake up today? Come here?

loyd recalled carefully... Last night, she should have accepted her gift happily and drank with him happily... Then she closed her eyes and made a strange pose... So she asked, "Are you tired?" in exchange for her scolding... Finally, although the two had dinner together But it's all awkward...

I can't find anything suspicious... Or should I say that every place is suspicious...

loyd felt the sweet breath of Xilu coming from his back and let "Amber" move at will, although he finally came to the gate... The original six hours were extended by at least another hour. If the two hadn't left before dawn, it might have been dusk when they arrived.

It is worthy of being a national vacation... Even the carnival atmosphere is at the national level.

Originally, the road was quite spacious, because temporary stalls were set up on both sides, which suddenly became quite narrow. Looking at the goods from all over the world, they almost wiped out the nets that could and could not be bought in the market. It seemed that residents who were in chaos shouted in different tones on the streets and squares. Long live the color; every pub is full of the unscrupulous vulgar laughter of the drinkers. It seems that even the most basic etiquette is useless at this moment, and even some drinkers make trouble in the streets or squares with the sake, and then they are quickly dragged away by the patrol guards...

The country's vacation, first of all, is the people's vacation, which is really not fake at all.

Loed and Xilu squirmed with difficulty in this crowded wave of people.

Maybe she was attracted by the fanatical atmosphere... Or maybe she was attracted by those unprecedented goods. Xilu was opposite to the bird just now... It should be said that she was still a bird, but now she has become a magpie... chirping around Loide.

"Nah! Look at this! It's so cute like a mouse but not like a mouse!"

"This is called a hamster..."

"That one! What is like cotton and not like cotton?

"Of course, it's called marshmallow, which contains honey and plant juice..."

"And that suit! It seems to be shameful to wear..."

"That's what the maid in the hotel wears to please guests and earn tips..."

Although such Xilu looks very cute... It seems that she knows nothing about the lives of ordinary people. No wonder, after all, she is a count... Now she is the daughter of the marquis family. However, Xilu didn't care about this at all and continued to pester loyd to ask questions.

Fireworks were set off in the square in the center of the street, and the five-colored flames changed in various forms in the sky. Xilu stopped and stared at the familiar magic tricks. After a moment, she turned her head to loyd:

"I remember... the night we completed the contract... Isn't that fireworks?"

"Well...and it's more beautiful than any other fireworks."

"Because...that's a sacred fireworks..." Xilu turned her head to the other side with embarrassment:

"Oh, there seems to be someone juggling over there. Take me over and have a look?"

Loed originally wanted to ask, "Are you also interested in such a program", but he thought that she might not have really seen these civilian programs... In a sense, it was really pitiful... So she promised, and Xilu took his arm with both hands and leaned her body:< /P>

" least you have to be like a knight... like a gentleman."

"Xilu... seems to be different from usual today?" Loyd finally couldn't help revealing his doubts, and Xilu just said "um" gently:

"Because I'm dating today... I won't treat you as a knight."

That is to say, if you don't date... you will become the kind of wayward child who often calls me "stupid" again, right? Loyd smiled with understanding.

The juggling program loyd can be said to be clear, but Xilu seems to have seen it for the first time. The simple move of "spitting fire" attracted her to her:

"Oh, loyd, how did you do this? Are those people also fire magicians?

"Of course not. Those are just very ordinary skills, but to put it bluntly, they are meaningless."

"How long will it take for civilians to complete these movements?"

"It's probably as hard as you learn magic. Life is not easy. On days like you, people bring delicious food every day, and ordinary people are out of it.

"Really... Sure enough, everyone is working very hard, and so do I. I keep working hard for my ideals..."

"So you will definitely reach the other side of your ideal..."

"Although I think so... But now, I'm a little confused about the original goal..."

"Do you mean you want to surpass your sister's ideals?"

"Well... I've always thought so, but... Now think about it... My sister is not used as an opponent... My sister should be the person I love... I can still act coquettishly in her arms..."

"That's right... So are there any new ideals to work on now?"

"This... is a secret that can't be told! Speaking of which, it's almost noon. Hurry up and find a place to eat..."

Xilu's stomach is like an accurate clock and will report her current situation on time. If it is reported in public, Xilu's face will be lost... loyd took her hand and walked to a restaurant that looked somewhat imposing by the roadside, but Xilu stopped and pointed to another corner:

"I want to go there."

That's a roadside stall... Under the ordinary big umbrella are ordinary small round tables and ordinary chairs... This layout is roughly equivalent to the current "roadside fast food".

"All you can eat there is a simple lunch..."

"It doesn't matter... because I just want two people to eat. Those places are really noisy..."

So under the "traction" of Xilu, the two sat face to face at the small round table... Because they could look directly at each other's faces at a glance, Xilu lowered her head shyly:

"Don't stare at other people's faces like this... It's rude..."

"I just think... today's Xilu has a special charm."

"Charming...charm like this...I'm not..."

"Today's Xilu is also very attractive when she panics."

"I hate it! Stupid... Don't always say such embarrassing words..."

Although he shouted "stupid", he did not get angry as usual... Instead, his head was getting lower and lower...

"I've been waiting for you two for a long time! Do you want something?"

The energetic voice shocked the two. After looking at each other, the three called out at the same time:

"Wow! You are Shirley!"

"Wow! It's you, country girl!"

"Wow! You are Mr. loyd!"

The world is really small...

"You, you... Why are you here, country... Shirley!"

habitually wanted to say "country girl", she suddenly thought that the other party was actually from a famous family... Although she was an illegitimate daughter... Xilu still turned around halfway.

"Even if I'm on vacation, I can't stop my work at hand! Today is a temporary helper here!"

"Who are you lying to! Working here... You shouldn't wear such clothes!"

What Shirley is wearing... is exactly the clothes that loyd gave her last night. Although it is only civilian clothing, the exquisite workmanship still fails to escape Xilu's sharp eyes:

"It's really a first-class dress... Even if it's just civilian clothes, it's at least 50... No, at least 60 silver coins! You can even afford such clothes and use them here to do odd jobs?

"Hey! It's seen through! It's really Miss Xilu! I'm very envious of this dress!"

Shirley proudly showed her clothes, and Xilu almost sprayed out the tea in her mouth:

"I envy you! If I take any one, it will be hundreds of times more expensive than you!"

"Of course I'm not talking about the quality of clothes! This dress is..."

Shirley carelessly wants to tell the origin of the clothes... In case Xilu knows that this is also a gift from Loyde, I'm afraid it will cause disastrous consequences... Loyde almost jumped up, but Xilu took over the conversation carelessly:

"It was from loyd, right? So you also want to ask him out today, right?

Unexpectedly, everything was clear when he was silent... Loyd and Shirley were stunned on the spot. But what surprised them more was that Xilu really didn't break out as usual:

"Although my knight can't lend you today... I don't care if there is another chair next to you... Just sit down there..."

"Oh... Really, is it really okay?" Now it's Shirley's turn to be at a loss.

"If you ask one more question, I will change my mind immediately."

"'s rude..."

Shirley dragged a chair and sat down beside Loed... Xilu slapped the table and stood up:

"I didn't ask you to sit there! Are you deliberately trying to quarrel with me?"

"But if it's over there... it's a street, it will be hit by pedestrians..."

"Who cares about you! Sit over there immediately!"

"I refuse that rude request!" Shirley also straightened up, and the two girls stared at each other like two fierce cats competing for their prey:

" how dare you talk to the nobles like this!"

"It has nothing to do with whether it is noble or not! And today is a holiday regardless of class!"

"Today is my date with the knight! Don't steal this wild cat!"

"It's you who want me to sit here! You are a parrot with different words and deeds!"

A few minutes ago, Xilu, who was still soft, changed back to her original appearance in a blink of an eye... But this is the most real Xilu! Loyd smiled regretfully and began to think about how to persuade the two girls who had fallen into an excited state. However, they are not going to give him time to think. Xilu has shown her fist:

It's useless to say more! It seems that I need to use my strength to let you know what reality is..."

"Ha! It would be naive if you thought I would only be beaten obediently... I also have the ability to defend myself!"

Xilu suddenly blushed... Recalling that night when Lulu disguised herself as Shirley, she launched a terrible attack on herself after saying such a sentence... And even the first kiss...

With a "dong", Shirley's punch in self-defense actually hit her opponent first, and Xilu fell to one side on her back.

loyd and Shirley exclaimed at the same time.

"This...this hateful country girl!"

Xilu roared and jumped up to crush Shirley to the ground. In truth, Shirley is certainly not the opponent of the fight. She is about to be black and swollen under Xilu's chaotic fists... The crowd on the roadside suddenly burst into shouting, and then someone was rushed to one side by the sudden waves...

"That is..."

Loed and two girls who fell to the ground stared at the corner of the riot in surprise... The feeling of the wave was so familiar...

"It seems... it seems to be Miss Lulu's masterpiece!"

"Probably entangled by a drunk and then..."

The guess of the three people was not bad, and it was indeed Lulu who came from the crowd elegantly combing their hair. Today, she also changed into a sexy skirt and had no hesitation in her snow-white arms and slender legs. No wonder she would encounter harassment from drunks...

"You are really as lively as usual. Speaking of which, isn't this girl... Shirley?"

Lulu stopped in front of loyd and secretly winked at him, signaling him to look at the earrings on his earlobe. She put on the gift given to her by loyd today. As Mrs. Sheila said, "Jewelry can get a new life once it is matched with her master". Ordinary crystal earrings shine with a holy luster around Lulu's earlobe.

"Yes...I'm sorry! It's really rude! I'm Shirley from the college's arsenal!"

Shirley, who finally stood up, quickly apologized to Lulu, but Xilu's eyes fell straight on her earrings... It seemed that even the smallest details could not escape her eyes. Xilu's eyebrows jumped, and then secretly stretched her hand to loyd's back...

"It turns out that Miss Lulu... also came out... You were harassed by a drunk..."

Because of the pain from his back, loyd was a little speechless. Lulu casually played with her long hair:

"That's right, because it's a so-called holiday, these guys are arrogant and dare to talk to me with alcohol, so I helped them wake up for free... Anyway, what were you two doing just now?"

"Only... I just accidentally fell down!" Xilu explained in a panic. Lulu said "alas" and looked bored with disappointment:

"So it was just a fall... I thought you pushed her down..."

"It's too exaggerated to push... push down or something!" The two girls retorted in unison.

"Because they are all girls? Then you can also try to knock down loyd..."

"No... it's not like that!"

"Okay, okay... I can hear it without being so loud... Young people are really impulsive... Anyway, Xilu... Your bow tie is full of good. It was given to you by loyd, right?

"Hmm...Hmm! I also think it's very suitable!" Xilu raised her chest proudly. Lulu stretched out her finger and suddenly touched her chest, and Xilu was immediately scared to shrink back;

"Do...what are you doing!"

"It seems that there is still room for growth... loyd, you really have vision..."

Lulu laughed like a child who had been mischieved. The two girls looked at the strange teacher in surprise, and loyd shook her head with a wry smile:

"It turns out that Miss Lulu is the one who drinks..."

Although Lulu is not bad at drinking, she often gets drunk easily for various reasons... Today may be because she is too happy and gets drunk quickly.

"Speaking of which... Although Lulu's drinking capacity is good, the wine is terrible... Let's still find a way to wake her up."

"Then I'll ask the chef there to bring some sobering medicine, and you two will be responsible for taking care of it here."

Shelly ran to the opposite restaurant. It seemed that she was also a little familiar with the chef there, but this wide network made Xilu somewhat envious. Loyd on one side held Lulu, who began to shake, and sat down. Lulu continued to laugh as if no one was around. The two looked at each other helplessly:

"If you get drunk on the street... it's really a bad situation."

"I'm more worried about those innocent passers-by..."

"That's right... Those people should have been washed away for no reason just now..."

"But anyway, the square is very messy today... No one will care..."

"Although you say so... I don't think the atmosphere is right..."

"It seems to be surrounded... These guys seem to be ready to arrest us..."

"It should be the guard who wants to arrest Miss Lulu... What should I do, Miss Xilu?"

"You are a knight... Master, do whatever you should do when you are in trouble... The rare atmosphere was messed up by this water witch..."

"You seem to be very predestined with the water system. Didn't you meet the lake elves and water witches last time..."

"So I also suspect that I have been cursed by water... Hey! I have knocked down the third one!"

"I really don't want to do anything with the guards of the kingdom... but since it's to protect the master..."

"Huh... pretend to be very loyal at this time..."

"Hey...Miss Xilu...?"

"Secretly giving gifts to others behind your master's back... You must explain it to me, idiot!"

"Wow! Miss Xilu, what are you doing...!"

A few minutes later, when Shirley came back with sobering pills, it was almost empty... There was only a guard standing guard, with a panicked face there. Shirley gave him a silver coin and asked him about the whereabouts of loyd and others. The guard replied in a stammer voice:

"It has... been...caught up... locked up..."

"Ha? Arrested and locked up? Why?"

"Gather...gathering a crowd to fight..."

"Then why are you trembling?"

"My companion... my 20 companions... by those two people... in an instant..."

"Twenty guards were put down in an instant? You guys are really terrible! So how many people have come to catch them?"


When the door was opened, the hanging wind chime sounded crisply, and the monotonous syllable echoed in the empty pub.

This pub is indeed a little wandering in space... The whole city is in a frenzy, and only it hangs a "stop business" sign to block guests, as if it disdains the idea of taking advantage of such a holiday to get a ticket. So when the guest pushed the door and entered, it seemed that a ray of sunlight was projected into the dark room...

Even so, the boss sitting by the counter did not raise his head, and his eyes scanned the visitor without hindrance.

This is a burly man in a black cloak who can't see his face clearly in the dim light, but judging from the strength of his footsteps when he walks, he seems to be a battle-hardened warrior...

The guest threw a silver coin on the counter in front of the boss. The front of the silver coin is engraved with an owl pattern, and the reverse side is a viper... This is obviously not the currency for trading, but the boss picked it up and narrowed his eyes and looked at it carefully:

"The owls in the forest should sleep well during the day."

"Because the smell of a snake always interrupts its thinking."

This should be some kind of joint code... The boss returned the silver coins to the guests:

"Would you like some wine?"

"I don't want the liquor to corrode my nerves yet."

Although he said so, the boss still took off the bottle behind him, filled it in the glass and handed it to the guest:

"Then let's have a light drink... If it's not a good wish for success, just take it as a farewell meal."

The guest did not pick up the wine glass, but sat down in a chair on one side:

" Speaking of which, when is this kind of hotel going to open? Just like these rag chairs, they will fall off immediately, right?

"Even if it's just a tattered chair, it can make you sit safely, as long as you don't use it to fight."

"I really want to try. I don't need the blade of steel, but how much I can hit with these rotten wooden sticks."

"As long as you are good at using it, it can also help you defeat... Even kill your opponents, your sharp sword will only relieve their pain."

"Well said, I'm that kind of person. Of course, the fragile concept of life needs clean and neat means."

The guest poked his head out of the brim of his cloak. Sure enough, he was a middle-aged man engraved with battlefield marks, especially a scar that spread from the corners of his eyes to his jaw, which was enough to prove that he was a quite brave warrior.

"It turned out to be you..." The boss hummed softly:

"I always thought you would refuse such a job... I didn't expect you to come in person."

"Whhh whether I come or not does not indicate any change in my attitude towards this task. I'm just interested in one of its links and want to confirm it in person.

"It can interest you... It doesn't seem to be an ordinary person."

"I'm not sure if that's a person worthy of my attention... But at least I've smelled the smell of his sword... full of depression that makes me unhappy. So I really want to completely dispel this annoying feeling..."

"Has the once feared battlefieldsi shen now become a scavenger? Of course, I don't mind if you will pick up the broom to clear those annoying spider webs for me.

"Then we have to clean it up together with spiders... Leaving these small creatures will only bring endless trouble, and the world needs to be spotless."

"It's just that what we want to get rid of... is a huge female spider. Although she does not have deadly teeth, as long as she is coiled in the spider web, she can make countless children spit venom tirelessly.

"It's a pity that I didn't come here for the female spider... and I haven't received an order to remove it. This task may be handed over to that guy... If the guess is correct, it should have arrived at the destination."

"Compared with that guy... I hate your appearance more, at least that guy will pay me after drinking my wine."

The middle-aged man laughed, and the whole pub seemed to tremble in his laughter.