Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

Missing Waltz III

The fierce battle of the three-six monasteries

"It has been discovered! Then we can only attack head-on!"

Xilu and others immediately held the sword or magic wand. At the moment they were about to rush out, eight figures flashed from the other side. Five of them drew their swords and rushed up, and the other three sang magic in the rear, which was obviously a well-trained combination.

"It's my sister's guard! Although they are all wearing casual clothes... but that can't be wrong!"

Xilu stared at the battlefield ahead in surprise:

"Why did my sister's guard go out? In the monastery..."

Before she finished her words, there was a scream in her ear. The five girls who rushed up were defeated by mysterious warrior-like people in an instant. They were either cut through their chests by sharp blades or their heads. Their death was really terrible. The three magicians supported in the rear were also shot by the ogre giant bow and crossbow at the moment after being stunned by the tragedy.

"It's too... too cruel! These hateful guys! Unexpectedly, my sister's guard..."

Angered by the tragic war situation, Xilu was desperate to rush up, but was pulled back by loyd:

"Don't be impulsive! Now is not the time for us to take action! It will be sacrificed in vain!"

"Ren me go! I can't just look at my sister's guard... They and I are sisters..."

Xilu struggled desperately, and Kick also came forward and pressed her shoulder:

"Calm down! That guy is a real master! What's more, there are ogres to help! There is only one way to rush up! Go back and discuss first, and there will be a chance to revenge or something..."

The two worked hard together and dragged the almost crazy Xilu back. The enemies on the opposite side didn't seem to notice their movements because they were busy cleaning up the battlefield...

After retreating to a relatively safe place, Xilu also calmed down. She was just too excited, not really unreasonable to ignore life and death. However, the tragedy at the scene also made everyone breathe, so when discussing the battle plan, everyone seemed a little excited.

Kick first confirmed his companion. Among the five colleagues, Ferdinand and Sek belong to the wind magicians, Gerard belongs to the water system, Rezzo and Suwen belong to the earth system, plus the ice Xilu... Such a lineup is basically reassuring. So he picked up the branch and drew a circle on the ground:

"Remember, we must first solve those dirty big guys quietly... Xilu, can you solve two with your magic?"

"No problem, although those guys can resist ordinary magic, I have confidence in killing them."

"The remaining two will be solved by me and my partner, and Rezzo and Su Wen wrapped their feet with earth magic..."

"Speaking of which, those guys' weakness is the head."

"Direct beheading... but how can you get it? They are at least twice as tall as us.

"Throw me up with your strength, and then Ferdinand and Sec blew me over with wind magic."

After loyd made a demonstration, Kik smiled:

"It suits me, this is indeed a good way! However, Ferdinand, Seck, pay attention to seize the opportunity! Otherwise, your wind will hurt your partner! After solving these watchdogs, my partner and I will deal with the warrior. Xilu and the rest of you will deal with the magician. Is there any problem with this arrangement?

"Let's do it! Then let's do it now!"

Sylu's proposal stunned Ferdinand and others:

"Now? Wouldn't it be better to wait until the evening?"

"Idiot! Will those guys let you wait until night? And none of us has experience in night attack except loyd! Taking advantage of their rest, it is most effective for us to launch a raid!"

"The little girl is right! Everyone! Let's go together! But... everyone! Don't die!"

"What unlucky words at this time! Big stupid bear! And you! Be sure to listen to my command when using support magic! We are going to succeed with one blow!"

"I understand, commander!"

Of course, they understand that this is not a simple training, and their opponents are more ruthless demons... But they don't feel much fear in their hearts, because they believe that Silu, Loed and Kik will protect their lives and bring them victory and honor...

Friendship is really strange... Xilu is always lazy to participate in training. Kik will show off his force whenever he has a chance, and loyd will only be silent like a puppet... But at the critical moment, no one is more trustworthy than them... This is really an incredible tacit understanding...

Eight people bowed down in front of the monastery again. Four ogre have gathered together at this moment and look around. Xilu gestured to Loed and Kik:

"My magic can kill the two guys with bows and arrows in the middle in one go. I will send you a signal then, and you can solve the remaining two next to you.

After determining the direction of the raid, the two made a "ready to complete" gesture to Xilu. Xilu then took out the magic wand and sang a spell to the two ogre in the middle.

The air temperature around the ogre drops rapidly, and then they condensed into ice flowers. Before the two stupid big men could react, they were frozen to death by falling below zero, but the bodies did not fall immediately.

"It's now! Rezzo, Su Wen!"

Royde and Kik pulled out their swords and rushed up quickly. The two ogre roared and called their companions, only to find that the other two companions had been killed at some unknown time. So they swapped a huge wooden stick to meet them, but their feet were tightly bound by the earthy hands suddenly emerging from the ground. Loyd jumped up hard, and kick grabbed his foot and threw him out hard.

"Fednan! Seck!"

The two companions quickly sang the whirlwind, and the small tornado hit loyd's back. loyd rushed to the ogre on the left like an accelerated arrow. As the shadow of the sword flashed, half of the ogre's stick and head fell down together. Loyd immediately used the body of the ogre as a springboard, charged the remaining one, and then solved it in the same way with the cooperation of his companions.

"Well done! Partner!"

"Well done! Everyone!"

It is a proud record to solve four ogre in less than two minutes. However, there is not much time to cheer and celebrate, because there are more powerful enemies waiting for them in the monastery...

"Everyone! Rush in with one breath!"

Eight people rushed to the gate of the monastery at a distance, and then stopped at the gate... The warrior-like man was blocked at the door and seemed to have been waiting for them for a long time.

"It's you! Take my sister's guard..."

Silo was impulsive and ready to fight against one of them, but was stopped by loyd:

"Wait a minute! Leave this to me and Kik! You break in with the rest of the people! It's definitely not just the magician in it!"

"Hahaha! Do you want to rush in? It's not that easy! Let me see how strong you are! If you can defeat the ogre, you are qualified to compete with me!"

The warrior threw off his cloak... Sure enough, he was a tall soldier with scars on his face. He is the middle-aged man who appeared in the mysterious pub of Eudraxiu before.

"Come on! You rats! As long as you can hold my ten tricks, I will reward you well! Of course! I will give you death fairly!"

"Ha? What is this guy talking about, partner? I don't seem to understand anything?"

Kick looked at loyd with a blank face. loyd shook his head silently, while Xilu "hummed" disdainfully:

"It's nothing. A self-confident guy is just barking there."

Fraged by their disregard, the middle-aged man held the broad-edged sword in his hand:

"You have the courage to ignore my existence! If you are overconfident, you can confirm it yourself!"

Noticing the sword in the other party's hand, loyd suddenly felt indescribable familiarity...

Although it is a wide-edged sword, its overall appearance is almost the same as that of his sword, and the sword is also engraved with an unfamiliar line of ancient words... loyd was attracted by this amazing accident and pulled out his sword. The middle-aged man stared carefully for a moment, and suddenly laughed again:

"Venixed! So it's you! I've been looking for a rival!"

"What do you mean?"

"What do you mean... To put it simply, I like you very much! I like it so much that I want to smash you into ten thousand pieces!"

The middle-aged man raised his sword and made a challenging gesture:

"My name is Ferrin Zambert! That knight! Report your name!"

"My name is loyd!"

Loed also raised his sword, but did not launch an attack immediately:

"Kick, you and Xilu go to the monastery to deal with the enemy. There must be mercenaries lying in it."

"Can you stand it alone, partner? Although this guy is annoying, he is a real master!"

"No problem! Xilu! I'm counting on you inside!"

Xilu wanted to say something, but the two soldiers had been entangled in the roar, so she said "be careful" and rushed into the monastery with Ferdinand and others. Kik stayed in place for a moment and was sure that there would be no danger for loyd before rushing in.

Sure enough, he is a brave man who has experienced hundreds of battles... Ferren suppressed his opponent with infinite strength and sharp sword skills. Loed, who was at a disadvantage in strength, did not fight with him in swordsmanship, but constantly avoided the opponent's offensive with his agile body.

"Hey! What's wrong with the opponent! Why don't you compete with me? It's really ugly to jump around like a monkey!"

"No one has stipulated that only fighting with swords is the only principle of fighting, and knowing that the strength is not as good as the opponent, it is just suicide."

"Hey! I can't see that you are still a scholar! But this is a wise choice! The opponents I usually meet are really boring! But do you think I will let you keep jumping down!"

"I don't have that kind of simple thinking, I'm just looking for the gap between attacks. Although you are a real strong man, it doesn't mean that I only have the ability to avoid... And it has more than ten tricks!"

"Hahaha! It seems that I really underestimated you just now! Because until just now, I haven't met an opponent who can support ten moves! Then, I will do my best! Opponent!"

"Stay with me to the end!"

As Loyde expected, there was indeed an ambush by mercenaries in the monastery. As soon as Xilu and others rushed in, they were surrounded by several sharp arrows. The magician in a cloak silently stared at the scene in front of the statue in front of him.

In the gap between singing magic, it will be shot into a hedgehog... Xilu was thinking about the next action. Kick roared and rushed in and knocked down the two mercenaries with lightning. Xilu and others took advantage of the chaos of the other party to clean up the remaining opponents with magic.

"Ah... What a lovely opponent. Only sending mercenaries really underestimated you."

The magician took off her cloak with an elegant movement... Sure enough, she was the middle-aged woman who attacked Selysia before. However, at this moment, she changed into a magician's robe, which makes her seem much younger than before, and according to her movements, she is more or less aristocratic...

"It's a little rude not to introduce yourself. My name is Kayla Northard, and my alias is 'Keira of the Earth Spirit'.

"It turned out to be a rumored high-level earth magician... It's a real opponent. I'm Clu Filinwen Lafard!"

"And! I'm Uncle Kick!"

"Ah, although I haven't heard your names much, it seems to be a great guy! It seems that I'm not unlucky today, so I won't get entangled with you. The person you want to save is in the room over there, but whether you can save it or not depends on your ability..."

"Ha! Are you going to run away? The so-called 'land spirit' turns out to mean that he is good at slipping away!"

"It's rude, little girl, I don't want to escape. Isn't it basic common sense that if the battle fails, you have to retreat in time? As for where my name 'land spirit' comes from, let you see it.

Kella waved her magic wand and suddenly raised three pieces of soil on the ground in front of her, then gradually condensed into a human shape, and finally turned into three soldiers with swords and shields.

"Don't underestimate my puppet, which is very different from the strength called by those three-legged cats. Normally, I only need one. Today is a special treatment for you. Well, see you later, little girl."

As soon as Xilu was about to rush up, a huge five-pointed array suddenly appeared under Kayla's feet, and her figure disappeared quickly like foam.

"Is it 'return'... It seems that it's really not a timid escape. If there is a real fight, it will definitely be a hard battle... But now it seems that those three local puppets are not ordinary roles..."

The three local puppets stared at their opponents with empty eyes and did not seem to have much sense of combat, but they could clearly feel a strong murderous spirit from their bodies. Xilu and Keke looked at each other and then made a gesture of "support at any time" to the five companions behind them. Then, the two rushed up like lightning.

With a bang, Xilu's blow was blocked by the shield of the earth puppet, and Kik on the other side also did not take advantage of it.

The three puppets are really different. Their swordsmanship and defense consciousness cooperate like peers, which is simply the standard of first-class swordsmen. Moreover, there is a considerable tacit understanding between the three. When they get the gap, they will launch attacks from different directions at the same time. When they are caught by Xilu and Kick, they will do their best. Defending and protecting their companions, what's more troubling is that they always stay close to their opponents, making the companions in charge of magic support behind them throw rat taboos... This realm, which can't even be easily achieved by ordinary master combinations, was interpreted perfectly by three inanimate earth puppets, which amazed Dexilu and Kik. In no more.

"It seems that we can't kill this mud so easily, little girl! It's just a waste of time if you continue to entangle like this!"

"Of course I know! Can you come up with any way, Big Stupid Bear?"

"I don't know if it works, but I have to try... Can you still use the same ice magic as you did with the cannibals just now?"

"Do you mean 'zero'? That's a very spiritual magic, and now I don't have the confidence to use it again.

"So... can you cut off these muddy hands, feet or bodies?"

"There is no absolute certainty. If you seize the gap, you may be able to do it."

"Then give it a try! Let me make the bait for you!"

Kick roared and swept with a fierce blow. At the same time, the three earth puppets set up shields to resist the attack of the broken bamboo momentum. Taking advantage of the gap where they didn't have time to get out of the sword, Xilu cut off the legs of a local puppet like cutting off a dead branch.

"Well done..."

Kick hasn't finished praising, and the injured local puppet's legs recovered as before in an instant. This made him take a deep breath:

"It can be regenerated! It seems that this method doesn't work!"

"Yes! Even if they are cut into pieces, they can quickly return to their original state! This is the most annoying place for high-level puppets!"

"Are you discouraged, little girl? Speaking of which, you are not so weak when you and I are at hand!"

"Who is discouraged by the big stupid bear! But I came up with a feasible solution... Gerrard! It's up to you!"

Ah? Me?" The companion who was named was shocked.

"Otherwise, who else! Of course, the mud should be dealt with with water!"

"Ming... Got it!"

Wake up by Xilu, Gerald immediately understood his duty at this moment and began to chant a spell. After procrastinating for a while, Xilu and Kik shouted "It's now" and then suddenly dispersed to both sides. The cut-down earth puppets fluttered into the air and staggered a few steps. Gerrard took the opportunity to wave down the magic wand, and a huge water bomb rushed to the earth puppet, and then burst in front of them, and the whole body of the earth puppet It was immediately covered with water.

Sure enough, water is the most effective way to deal with the mud. The action of the local puppet was obviously slow, and Xilu ordered her companions behind her:

"Fednan, Seck! Cooperate with my magic timing!"

Xilu's singing made the air temperature around the local puppet drop again, but it was not as effective as when dealing with ogres before, so it failed to cause effective damage to the local puppets. Then, the low-temperature air merged with the whirlwind sung by Ferdinand and Sek, forming the upper magic 'tornado' in just a few seconds, and the whirlwind with ice crumbs quickly tore the body of the earth puppet until they completely turned into fragments that could not be formed again.

"Well done! You guys! I didn't expect us to survive unharmed!"

Kick patted Xilu on the shoulder excitedly, and his companions behind him cheered at them. Xilu quickly hid aside:

"You are going to beat me to death! Big stupid bear! I'm a weak girl!"

"How weak are you! Hahaha! By the way! We almost forgot to save people!"

"Yes! It's in the room over there! Let's go and see who it is!"

Seven people rushed into the room, and sure enough, a civilian-dressed girl was in a coma in **...

"Hey! Isn't this Princess Selysia!"

Xilu's exclamation caused a noise and came forward one after another:

"It's really Your Highness! No wonder those terrible guys were found to carry out the kidnapping mission! Unexpectedly, he wanted to kidnap the princess!"

"Didn't we make a great contribution by saying that! We rescued the princess!"

"Oh, oh! This is the first credit of our swordsman group!"

"H Long live the Valkyrie Swordsmen! Long live Xilu!"

"Everyone! Let's throw people away together!"

"Wow! Wait..."

Before Xilu protested, six men rudely lifted her up and shouted "Huge" and began to "throw people". Xilu, who suddenly went up and down in the air, was frightened and angry:

"Enough, you idiots... all... have seen it... don't throw it anymore... idiots! "Sexy demon!"

Because she originally came out to date loyd, she still wore the purple low-cut skirt... No wonder she always felt that the movement was not smooth when fighting with the local puppet just now... But now the biggest problem is that the skirt is on the verge of "down" with her ups and downs, and Xi reveals her reputation at the bottom of the skirt is about to be lost. Shou, so anxious that I almost cried:

"Enough! Put me down quickly... loyd!"

This whine woke up Kik:

"Oh no! The partner is still fighting with that guy outside! Hello! You protect the princess to leave! The little girl and I will help!"

After finally getting out of the crisis, Xilu was in shock and wanted to attack, but everyone was busy helping the unconscious princess. It seemed that no one remembered what had just happened. She could only temporarily bury her anger in her heart and run out with Kick. Calculate how to punish these rude guys after going back...

The war situation outside has also become white-hot. In the face of Feren's full attack, loyd seemed to have been aroused by the desire to fight. Contrary to his previous style, he was completely fighting with his opponents. Although the airtight sword skills used by the two could not hurt each other, the metal collision and the Mars were enough to prove how dangerous the battle was.

Some of the first-class swordsmanship masters are good at "like bee thorns" and win with one blow of speed; some belong to the "mountain motionless" to find the best time to shoot in a stable defense battle; some are "thunderfire" and completely force to crush the opponent to a desperate situation. Ferrin belongs to the third category. Previously, he killed five female soldiers who attacked him at the same time, but this tactic suddenly lost its ideal effect when he met Loed.

Obviously, he can't compete with himself in power... But how did this guy support it until now? Ferrein was surprised:

"Hey! You are really awesome! It's amazing that ordinary people can resist ten moves at most when I'm serious. You've resisted me 50 times, haven't you? It's really hidden!"

"Then you're wrong... You've already realized that my strength can't be compared with you, right? To be honest... Now I don't even have the strength to hold the sword..."

"Oh? Then can you still hold it up to now?"

"Because I don't want to lose... it's that simple."

"Hahaha! You are really a guy who won't admit defeat!"

"You are also stubborn... because you can't beat me."

"Well... that's really the case. It seems that it's not that easy to defeat you... I admire you a little, boy! I have been looking for a rival like you! Hahaha! It really makes me very happy!"

"So what are you going to do next? Continue to fight until they die together, or stop for the time being?

"Hey... Kayla's guy seems to have escaped... Then there is no need for me to stay. That's all for today, and I look forward to another confrontation in the future!"

Ferraine put away his weapons, and loyd took a few steps back:

"But please tell me... what exactly did you just say?"

Huh? You mean why I want to fight with you? That's because your sword makes me uncomfortable!"

"My sword?"

"Oh? It seems that you don't know the secret about it...haha! That's also quite interesting! But it's not a bad thing that you don't know... Anyway, you will always know in the future! See you later, opponent!"

Recall that old man Cruff said something similar to his sword... Does my sword really hide some strange secret? Loyd just wanted to ask what was going on, but Ferrin had already stride away.

A strong sense of fatigue paralyzed his nerves. Loed's legs softened and fell to the ground on her back. Xilu, who had just opened the door, ran over in shock:

"Hey! Loed! Are you all right? Are you hurt?"

"No... I just feel very tired... I've met a terrible opponent..."

Loed smiled reluctantly:

"But...the strength of my whole body has been dissipated... I can only ask you to carry me back..."

"What's the problem, partner! I will carry you back! Speaking of which, we have made great achievements this time! The person we rescued is your princess!"

"Is it His Royal Highness Selysia... Strange... Who is going to abduct her..."

Loide frowned and fell into meditation, and Xilu patted him gently on the head:

"You! Let's think about these problems later! What you need most now is a good sleep! We didn't fight this battle easily!"

"Yes, partner! I want to tell you an important secret! I just found out!"


Seeing Kik put on a mysterious face, Silu and Loid both showed doubtful expressions.

"Listen... It's pink, Xilu's..."

"Big...Big stupid bear--!"

It turned out that the reputation under the skirt was still lost... Xilu, who was angry, kicked Kick to the ground:

"Anti... Anyway, that's it! I'm so sorry to disappoint you! I'm such a person. Whatever you think..."

"Miss Xilu..."

Seeing that Xilu was so excited that she began to talk nonsense, loyd couldn't help calling her.

"What...what did you do!"

Anyway, you already know... You can say whatever you like! But if you say something wrong... I can't kick you out of bed!

"I think...white is still suitable for you..."

"..." There seemed to be a red flame in Xilu's eyes.

"Miss Xilu...?"


Xilu's roar and loyd's screams converged into a messy movement, and the birds in the depths of the forest wailed in mid-air and dared not return to the nest for a long time.