Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

Missing Waltz Three Five

The Encounter of the Three Light Wind Forest

The first day of the date ended hastily because of the "crowd fight" incident, and then scolded by her sister's subordinates. Xilu was sulking all night after returning to the college. So no matter how much loyd urged during the day, she just pretended to sleep under the quilt and refused to show her head. In the end, loyd had to make a must-kill attack and took off her quilt. Xilu curled up in panic:

"What...what are you doing! You perish..."

As usual, she only wore thin pajamas, and Xilu's delicate body exuded a green ** force under the slightly transparent cloth... loyd turned around:

"It's almost noon, and the habit of sleeping late will make your body weak."

"You don't care about me! Anyway, it's also a holiday... I just want to sleep enough!"

"But today is the last day of vacation... Because you slept late in the morning, everyone's training has become very lazy..."

"Anyway, it's enough to have you and the big stupid bear... Huh? Is today the third day of the holiday?

"Have you forgotten? We were arrested the day before yesterday, and we were released yesterday, and then you were angry all day... So I have to wake you up today no matter what."

"It's just a waste of a day... I'm so angry! That's a precious holiday! It turned out to be spent in a dream..."

"So, it's right to get up immediately. There is still an afternoon, let's go for a walk in the light wind forest.

"Go to the light wind forest...what to do?" Xilu became a little excited:

"Is this a date with me?"

So your puppet will take the initiative to date me... In that case, I can consider it...

"If it's a date... it can be regarded as..."

Loed suddenly became hesitant, and Xilu suddenly became dissatisfied:

"What is 'can be regarded as'! When did you become so sluggish? If you want to ask me out... If it's you, I won't refuse... Probably..."

As a result, I'm not the same dragging! Xilu pounded the bed with regret...

"So...Miss Xilu, if you can... please go on a date with me!"

Although he said so, loyd still turned his back to her.

Is it because of shy? Oh, this ice-like man will also have a fever... But it's really rude to do so...

"Hey! If you want to take the initiative to ask me out, you should show your sincerity! At least... turn around!"

"But... this doesn't seem appropriate..."

"I have covered myself with a quilt... Just be generous!"

Hearing Xilu's impatient urging, loyd reluctantly turned back, but the looming scenery under Xilu's pajamas was in front of her... The young knight quickly turned around again:

"Miss Xilu...!"

"You are a tumbler who goes around! Stupid!" Xilu was naturally angry.

Although... although you are not allowed to make any crooked ideas... even if you just want to touch the range that you don't consider... what is this reaction! Do you only stare at other people's feet attentively? It's completely denying my charm... Although compared with others of the same age... such as Shirley... I'm just a little worse! You should at least show a little... a little fascinated by me! Just staring at me in a daze... Um... I'm not the kind of person who is unreasonable... Knock on your head at most...

Silo's heart continues to have this specious distraction while peeking at loyd's reaction... loyd doesn't know when he returned to his small bedroom...

"Tell me when you change your clothes, little Xilu..."

"You little ghost! Stupid--!" Xilu smashed the pillow hard on the door of the small bedroom.

Thirty minutes later, two entangled figures appeared on Heregg Square.

loyd's attitude just now is really damaging to the face of my noble daughter. He completely ignores my charming body... No! Ignore the dignity of my master! After making such a judgment, Xilu decided to teach him a proper lesson...

The so-called "appropriate"... is a method that does not use violence but can honestly reflect her feelings... Xilu first adopted "condescending", deliberately ignored loyd, and deliberately distanced himself from him... The result ended in failure, because loyd really had a "knightly style" Following her without saying a word... Xilu, who was unwilling to fail, took the second strategy, contrary to the previous indifference, but leaned on him enthusiastically...

So the second round was a complete victory. The unprepared Loed was too poor to cope with the sudden honey, and the two twisted into a mess in the square. In the face of Xilu's eyes full of expectation, dissatisfaction, and even resentment, and sugar-coated shells such as "Do you hate me" and "Do you really don't know what I think?", loyd tried his best to change the topic, but was finally blocked by Xilu by the fountain.

After taking a step back, I was about to fall into the pool... A cold sweat dripped from loyd's forehead. Xilu is like a snake preparing to prey on wild animals, holding her head high and slowly:

"Nah... answer me... What on earth am I in your heart?"

"This... you have always been my master..."

"That's not the case! Except for the owner! Beyond the master! If you are so perfunctory, I will kick you into the pool!"

It turned out that he just wanted to tease this puppet... but suddenly it became another purpose... he wanted to dig out his real idea! Humph! Shirley, Lulu, and me, who weighs the most in your heart? Anyway, there is no one else in the square now... So Xilu boldly and took the initiative to launch an attack.

Worse! This young lady is serious this time! It's worthy of the legendary star dew! Although in fact, I don't understand what this nickname has to do with her current bold behavior... In short, it's terrible!

In the past, similar behaviors were just jokes. When loyd was at a loss, Xilu would laugh and say, "I lied to you, idiot." But today her momentum is completely different... she completely wants to swallow him up!

What to do! How can I get out of trouble...

The strong glacier is quietly melting, and even if it is just a puppet, it is unconsciously giving birth to the flame of life... Although loyd has not figured out what internal cause his change is based on, in short, he is aware of his own abnormality after all...

People can often understand valuable truths under crisis... But the current situation is that even if they understand a hundred truths, it is meaningless. If they don't answer Xilu's questions well, they will really be kicked into the pool... This young lady must do what she says.

What does Xilu mean in her heart? Is it really just the owner? Or something else?

Of course, loyd understands what the meaning of this question is, and he also wants to tell Xilu what he really thinks... But that should not be and is not allowed... From the first day he came here, this possibility has been erased...

So loyd chose to be silent and was ready to be kicked by her, and from Xilu's raised eyebrows, it can be seen that she was really ready to do so...

You guy... what does this mean! Do I have to say it the most directly? I'm a girl! Don't you know how to observe words and colors? Even if you didn't understand before... it's time to learn it now! It's time to make a statement now! How determined do you think I have to make this statement so directly!

Xilu transforms disappointment and anger into strength on her legs, and then prepares to practice her foreword... Anyway, this guy is ready to become a drowned chicken. I, the master, will fulfill the knight's little wish...

Seeing that there will be a tragedy by the fountain...

"Hey! Partner! Little girl! What game are you playing here?"

It is also a truth that the savior always comes in a timely and untimely manner.

Xilu put down her half-lifted foot, and then turned around with a gentle and lovely smile...

Sure enough, it's Keke... and five members of the swordsmen's group, everyone stood there laughing and crying...

"It's you, the big stupid bear... And everyone, won't you go out for a walk today? It's the last day of the holiday!"

"We... are not as popular as our partners. We are all poor people who can't find girls!"

Everyone laughed with Kick... but a completely unwilling and annoyed bitter smile... Xilu couldn't help but sweating coldly:

"You are so uncomfortable and still pretend to have such a terrible smile... Are you not working well?"

"What to say! We are also members of the glorious swordsmen! The mood of not being seen by girls like this... partner! You can understand! You happy guy! Ah!"

Kick put Loed's shoulder in his arm:

"Why are you so lucky! So many girls are fascinated by you! There is such an arrogant cactus as Xilu! There is such a pure lily as Shirley! And such a wild white rose as little Lulu! You are the public enemy of men! You are just a fallen knight! What's the face of these nobles! Should we beat you up?"

Everyone followed Kick to make a noise, and Loyde suddenly fell into a situation of besieged on all sides. Xilu was first shocked by Kick's inexplicable behavior, and then blushed:

"What are you talking about, big stupid bear! Who is the cactus? Why is Shirley a lily? Who else...who is fascinated by him! Let him go now!"

"Ha! Since you don't like him, is it okay if I don't let him go?

"That...that's what and what it is! He is my knight! How can a master in turn a deaf ear to the safety of the knight! Take your bear's paw away immediately!"

"Well! You say 'I like this guy' here! I'll let him go right away!"

Everyone echoed another piece of "Yes, yes." Xilu immediately raised her magic wand...

How's it going? Have you calmed down?"

Everyone who was swept away by the sudden ice wind and fought a cold war nodded desperately, and Xilu ended her singing:

"If you mess around like this next time, I will freeze you directly into ice sculptures! If you are still alive, let's go! Loyd!"

Because he was caught in the crowd, loyd was also tossed by the cold wind... Hearing the order, he shook his body and walked to Xilu's side. Kik grabbed his shoulder curiously:

"Are you going out on a date?"

"Just go to the light wind forest for a break..."

"That's right! We can go together!"

"What do you mean?" Xilu's heart rippled uneasily.

"We are also going to go to the light wind forest... Look! We all brought camping tools!"

Let's light up the pockets around us... Wild meat and wine, as well as kitchen utensils such as pots. A thick dark cloud appeared in front of Xilu's eyes:

"Hahaha... I actually came prepared... It's really set..."

"Everyone is a friend! Friends have to get together to have fun! Right partner!"

It should be a date between the two of us... You guys are really ignorant...

She was disturbed and was not happy, and Xilu wanted to attack again. loyd took her hand as if he sensed something:

"Then let's go together, Miss Xilu. After all, everyone is a member of the swordsmen's group."

"Huh? Hey? Er, uh..."

Feeling the heat from the palm of her hand, Xilu suddenly beat faster, and inexplicable words kept coming out of her mouth. Kik on one side scratched his head blankly:

"Please speak the language we understand, little girl..."

"I know...I know! Then let's go together! Really!"

It would have been better to hold my hand like this... You stupid knight... Why do you always understand at the last moment... I...

The temperature on the palm of his hand suddenly subsided, and loyd had been surrounded by Kick and others to walk to the gate. Xilu woke up from the original fantasy for a while and shouted "Wait for me, fool" and stred after him.

Really... Since you hold my hand, you have to be responsible... In your capacity, you can't easily hold my hand... Well, I also allow you to go a little too far... Just a little... But when will I allow you to leave me with those idiots... Well, as a punishment for this, Today, I will continue to sit on your immediate rest...

Eight people set up a pot in an open area near the forest. Kik and five others went to pick wild fruits separately, leaving the fire and fishing to Xilu and Loyde. Xilu was worried about being blackened by firewood and didn't want to let the river wet her clothes, so both hardships fell on loyd's shoulders.

The light wind forest blows warm winds in four seasons like the college and Libianta Lake, and the reputation of "light wind" comes from the wonderful changes of sunlight in the forest. Although the ancient trees in the forest are towering, the sunlight can still be projected to the grass through the gaps between the leaves, and the seven-color luster constantly changes in the next moment of the overlapping shadow of air and leaves. Therefore, the color around the forest always presents unpredictable irregulars, like a moving oil paint.

Loed made firewood and then came to the riverside to prepare for fishing. Xilu also followed to the river bank to sit down, then took off her shoes and soaked her feet in the river, allowing the flowing water to stimulate her white skin. Loyd quietly stared at this scene, as if his soul was sucked away by the doll in front of him...

"What are you... looking at..."

Discovered loyd's abnormality, and Xilu's face also blushed, but she did not withdraw her feet... loyd did not answer, but still stared at Xi to reveal her spirit...

"Damn it! Stare at people with this kind of eyes..."

The shy and angrunt woke him up from silence. Loyd turned his head with some embarrassment:

"I'm sorry..."

"What's the apology! But...are you looking at my feet?"

" to's worthy of Miss Xilu's feet..."

"Please! Use some appropriate words to praise me! What 'worthy of Miss Xilu's feet'! Is there any difference between me and others?"

"No...but...because I don't know what to say..."

"Hey... you're really indescribably strange when you're nervous... By the way... You used to always look at Lulu's feet... Now you're staring at my feet again... Are you a 'foot fetish'?"

"This...this strange interest is really..."

Loide's words were not satisfactory, and Xilu couldn't help laughing:

"Ah ha... I thought you must have changed a lot... It turns out that you are still as flustered as before... It can make you so nervous... It's worthy of Miss Xilu!"

When she heard her proudly boasting about herself, loyd smiled bitterly:

"But I feel that I have indeed changed a lot... Because it's always easy to rely on emotions recently... Isn't this a little..."

"That's not good! People are originally a body that gathers all kinds of emotions, so letting emotions dominate themselves is just following the principles of nature. In this case, why do you always shut yourself up in a dead world?

Recalling that when loyd first came... she was a puppet with no superfluous feelings, only knew how to think mechanically and then act mechanically. The sentence "Please give me life" even made her a strong fear. However, in such a short time, this puppet has become energetic, impulsive, angry, shy, suspicious... The feelings that once did not belong to him are recovering rapidly, and of course, the most labor is me... Xilu will inevitably be proud of her "achievement". As for what she is proud of, or why she works so hard to change the other party... She doesn't seem to have thought about it.

"In a word, your change will make me very happy. Just continue like this."

"I'm just worried... will this affect my duties..."

"So...what are your responsibilities?"

"Protect you as a guardian knight, Miss Xilu."

"If it's just to protect me, there's no need to find you! As long as I am willing to spend money, how many mercenaries can I hire?"

"So...what else do I have to do..."

Seeing loyd's confused look, Xilu began to get angry:

"Then ask your heart!"

Your head is still a puppet! You have hinted to this extent, and you are still pretending to be ignorant as a child there! There are some words that girls can't say! Um... Although you say it, I won't agree... I won't agree easily... Anyway, as long as you talk about this problem, you won't do anything but make me angry! You deliberately want to make me angry to death to be happy! Why are you so happy when you are with Lulu and Shirley...

Contrary to loyd's "unintentional", Xilu is best at pulling a problem to spread infinitely, which is no less powerful than the snowball of some rumors. Just like now, once it is determined that the other party "didn't do well in this aspect", it will immediately spread to "there, there and there", and then "But do whatever you want with some people"... This temper is added to Loed, and the result is that Loed is restored from a puppet to a normal person, but if it is added to others, it may cause mental weakness and even collapse...

However, it seems that it is still an unattainable dream to get loyd to get back all normal feelings... Forget it, now he is very good... It seems that he is difficult to force himself...

Seeing that loyd showed doubt and uneasiness about his sentence "Ask your heart", Xilu sighed helplessly:

"Don't stand there in a daze. If you have a chance, think about how to answer my question! By the way, aren't you going to catch fish?"

"Ah... Yes, I haven't done it yet! Miss Xilu, come and help!"

When he finally got down the steps, loyd was finally relieved, but as soon as he said it, he was white-eyed by Xilu:

"I don't want it! I hate eating fish! And I don't want to get that fishy smell on my hands!"

"In that case, we can also fish..."

"Isn't it pitiful to watch those fish struggling dying on the hook! You are so cold!"

"Hey... It turns out that Miss Xilu can't catch fish or fish..."

"Who...who won't! Stupid!" Xilu splashed water hard on loyd with her feet:

"If you talk nonsense again, you will be turned into a drowned rat! Go and catch your fish!"

"Don't be busy catching fish, partner!"

Kick appeared inappropriately in the opposite corner again... This guy exists to destroy the atmosphere! Xilu is full of unhappiness:

"What are you doing, big stupid bear! Didn't you go to pick wild fruits!"

"Gone this kind of thing first! Partner! Come with me! I found something strange!"

loyd answered and ran to the depths of the forest with Keke. Silhu hurriedly put on her shoes and shouted, "Wait for me" to catch up quickly... Speaking of speaking, this is the second time she left me today! Stupid loyd!

The two ran a distance of about 500 meters with Kik and met the other five people on the way. Eight people moved forward about 300 meters. Kik signaled everyone to lie in the grass:

"Everyone keep your voice down and look there carefully..."

"Isn't that... the abandoned 'Ville Abbey'... Ouch! That's..."

Siloe almost exclaimed, and loyd quickly covered her mouth. But no wonder she made a fuss. There are two strong ogres standing around the deserted ruins... And from the shadow on the ground, there seem to be two others patrolling nearby...

Seeing the hill-like body, **rough brown skin and bloody fangs, Xilu felt a burst of nausea, but now was not the time to vomit... She pushed away Loide's hand and half leaned on him:

"It's strange... Why are ogres here... Are there any treasures hidden in this abandoned monastery?"

"So I think things are very strange! Think about it, I'm afraid it's not that easy to use these guys as guards!"

"That's right... General guards are served by soldiers or mercenaries, and it is enough to deal with skeleton soldiers at most. But use this kind of guy..."

Legend has it that ogre is not afraid of swords or low-level magic, and is powerful. They can easily use boulders to smash their opponents into meat sauce... In fact, they don't eat people, but their appearance is indeed almost the same as cannibals... Xilu turned her eyes on Loed and seemed to ask about the real strength of the ogre, Luo Yide nodded:

"You can't take it lightly. Those guys are not fake."

"Even you say that... Big stupid bear, what do you think?"

"There is a need to break through. I don't think there will be just some treasures hidden in it... If it's a treasure, it must not be simple. If not... At least we can at least clean up the disaster for the villagers nearby."

"So can we do it with a few of us?"

"There should be no problem! My partner and I are the main attackers. You use magic to contain them, and it is no problem to get rid of them. But we don't know how many enemies there are in the monastery..."

"Sony, I heard the sound of the carriage!"

Everyone stopped talking at loyd's reminder. Sure enough, the rumble of wheels came from afar, and a few minutes later, a common country car stopped at the gate of the monastery. Two people who jumped from the car and were covered with cloaks, the shorter ones talked to the guard ogre, and the tall ones looked around warily.

"It's not an ordinary person... The one talking to the ogre should be a magician, and the tall guy should be a warrior... They don't look like ordinary travelers..." Xilu whispered in Loid's ear.

"Well... So there must be something wrong with that carriage... Maybe there is something valuable hidden... Maybe there is something important hidden..."

After talking for a moment, the magician-like man motioned the carriage to enter the corner of the monastery. At the moment of turning, the curtain of the window was blown up by the wind, and a human face was faintly exposed...

"Hey! See, partner! The girl inside!" Kik seemed to be a little nervous.

"I saw... Although it was only for a moment... the girl's eyes were as lifeless as a puppet..."

"Hey! How can you see so clearly! The eyes are so sharp when I see a girl! "Sexy!" Xilu protested unhappily, but loyd had no intention of joking with her:

"That girl should be controlled by magic... That is to say, it is likely to be a kidnapping..."

"The kidnapping team composed of magicians, warriors and ogre... doesn't seem to be just kidnapping! Isn't that girl an important person?"

Silo was also aware of the seriousness of the incident and couldn't help but feel anxious. loyd nodded:

"That's right! So, it seems that we have to discuss the next plan..."

Just as everyone was about to retreat to a safe place to discuss the battle plan, the warrior-like people suddenly roared in their direction:

"Hey! Rats hiding in the grass! Don't sneak up on hide-to-see things! Get out of here now! Let's fight for a fair fight!"