Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

Missing Waltz Three of Nine

Three-nine return

The carriage traveled happily on the road to the Marquis de Lafayette's territory, which was the second day after the start of the college. At about noon, you can reach Xilu's house.

Xilu's mood is not as comfortable as the driving horse. When she embarked on the first step on her journey home, she looked depressed, and her disgust and fear of returning home was more like going to the execution ground. Loyd tried to talk to her to make her happier. She just talked without saying a word, sometimes even talking nonsense. Finally, she leaned against him and began to doze off. He had no choice but to surrender.

When talking to her about her family before, Loed had clearly noticed the insurmountable gap between her family and her, especially her father, which is now confirmed by her reaction along the way. It seems that even her dearest sister's instructions can't ease her attitude towards her family...

At the thought of such an amazing gap between her and her father, loyd faintly felt sad - both for her and for herself, because even if she wanted to have such a sharp antagonism with her father...

loyd recalled that last night, Xilu leaned against her and fell asleep, but in her dream, she always repeated lines such as "Why don't you understand" and "I've had enough". Now that I think about it, maybe she dreamed of quarreling with her father? However, just returning home made her mood a world-difference compared to the night of the dance. What kind of person is the Marquis of Rafalde? As soon as this idea came out, it made loyd unconsciously nervous.

Now Xilu is still leaning against her side to take a nap. It seemed that because loyd's shoulder could bring her a strong sense of security, and a sweet smile bloomed on her face. loyd thought that the summer water lilies were such a quiet gesture, and infinite love and pity surged up in his heart, but he did not show this intention directly.

This is always bad-tempered and unreasonable. She often scolds me as a fool, and sometimes beats my young lady fiercely... If she is as cute as she is now all the time, will it make many boys crazy? Of course, that's not Xilu. The reason why Xilu is Xilu is that her unrestrained nature makes her shine with a unique charm... I am also attracted by this charm, so I swear to protect her forever, right?

When I first became her knight... it was all because of the royal secret order. So the oath that I will always guard her is just based on absolute obedience to royal orders. In addition, I no longer have superfluous feelings and will only perform my duties according to the established orders... So no matter how disgusted or even insulted her at that time, I will not shake my faith, but It's not because I was attracted to her at all...

When did Xilu start to change my attitude towards her? When did her smile, anger and tears begin to occupy a place in my heart, which made me gradually find the joys and sorrows that had been completely forgotten in the past? Lulu once said that I was an unintentional puppet. My past did live as a puppet, but now... I have already lived for Xilu. With such a vow to protect you forever, I can now fight for you without hesitation...

Looking back, the first one that makes me feel warm is Lulu, right? She has never treated me as an aristocrat at all, and even poured her feelings in front of me like a little girl, and sometimes tries to burn my soul like a fire... Shirley is the same. They wake me up like the sun that has been sleeping in the dark world... Compared with them, Xilu In what way can it be better? But Xilu is in my heart...

But... all this is just my delusion... I can't live as I thought... and it's impossible to develop to that point with Xilu as I thought, even others... So I can't lose myself in front of anyone and let me continue my survival at the pace of a puppet. Meaning... Although every time I think about it, my heart will be faintly painful...

Loed continued this inverted and repeated thoughts, and finally withdrew the hand he wanted to hold her because of the decision he made unilaterally. This move shook his body and hit the head on his shoulder into the window of the car.

Xilu rubbed the pain and hummed and opened her sleepy eyes:

"It hurts...what's wrong..."

"I'm sorry... the carriage just shook..." loyd told a little lie while rubbing his head for her.

"Really... So I don't want to go home... The road is so difficult... I just had a nightmare..."


Loed casually answered, but Xilu continued seriously:

"That's right... I dreamed of dancing with you in the garden... You threw me very high... I'm like a butterfly... But I can't fly back to you... It's getting farther and farther away from you... I shouted your name... But you don't seem to hear anything..."

"That's just a dream. You don't have to be sad about it."

"Loed won't leave me, will he? Like in a dream..."

"Of course not. I can say it as many times as I want. If you become a butterfly... I will also become a butterfly to come to you."

"Hmm..." Xilu hummed softly and put her little head on his shoulder:

" Speaking of which... what time is it?"

"It's almost noon."

"Really... I've been sleeping all the time, so I can't figure out the time... I'm almost home..."

Xilu sat upright and began to tidy up her hair and clothes:

"Although I don't want to go back there... but this is my sister's order. There are some things I want to tell you, listen, our family territory is called 'Raspud', which is a place with 500 residents and 300 guards..."

"In terms of Heil Milan's national strength, this is a medium-sized territory, right?"

"Well...that's to say. My father's name is Rams Suther Rafard, who is the former supreme commander of the Lance Troupe of Haier Milan; my mother's name is Sophia, who was also the highest dean of the Heil Milan Institute of Magic..."

"That is to say, your family is a pure military family."

"Yes... That's why my father always puts on the airs of being an officer, asking for this and that, and it's not polite to me at all. I just hate his temper..."

It can also be said that this is a special love of a father. But you can't accept it for the time being.

"I don't care about this... Compared with my mother, she treats me better. My sister probably inherited her personality and is always so gentle..."

"In that case... your personality is inherited from your father..."

"Who are you talking about! Stupid! Who wants to inherit him? Listen to me! It's impolite to interrupt others all the time! No matter what you say, you are still a knight! Then you have to have the demeanor of a knight..."

Xilu lost her temper for a while before she calmed down:

"Where did you say? Really! It's all because of your random confusion. I forgot what to say! Anyway, pay attention to etiquette when you see my parents! What they value most is the meaningless thing of 'courtesy'! So don't talk if you don't speak. Even if you have to speak, talk less. The most important thing is not to talk nonsense!"

Xilu chatty like a sparrow, and loyd wrote down her instructions while showing a confused look:

"But I don't understand... Why do I have to meet your parents? Generally speaking, the knight should wait outside for his master to come home, but he can't have the qualification to meet the lord, right?

When she heard such a question, Xilu suddenly lowered her head:

"One... Generally speaking, this is the case! But...but you are different..."


"Because...because you...because you are my knight! So you are different from those knights!"

Xilu finally finished her words, but anyone could hear that this was an unconvincing reason. Although the confusion in loyd's heart could not be answered, she also understood that she could no longer be forced to find a more reasonable reason, so she could only pretend to understand and nodded. However, this attitude makes Xilu's mood more annoying...

You really don't understand what I think! Shouldn't knights be the same as their masters? Are you really an idiot! Why did I take you home and let you meet my parents? Stupid, stupid, stupid!

I can only say... Xilu's strong temper is really bad. Force others to understand their own intentions for no reason and then say their ideal answers... I'm afraid it's difficult for even for gods to do it! What's more, an unintentional puppet who has just begun to look for lost emotions... But even if she understands this, she will not admit it, but will make more unreasonable demands on the other party... As a result, she will toss herself torment herself.

Now she is in such a state of anxiety. Just as she was trying to think about how to continue her topic, loyd's eyes floated out of the window:

Miss Xilu, there is a large vineyard in front of you. What is this place?

"Vinyard? Then it's not far from my home! What a nuisance!"

Although she said it was annoying, she ordered the driver to stop the carriage, took loyd's hand and jumped off the ground, and then turned to tell the driver:

"Go back immediately and inform us of the news, and we will be home in half an hour."

The carriage went away in the sound of the driver's shouts, and the farmers working in the vineyard rushed forward and talked enthusiastically with Xilu:

"Is the second lady back? Isn't the young lady coming back with you?"

"Because of her position, my sister can't leave Wangcheng for the time being."

"Although we have only been separated for four months, the second lady has become more beautiful!"

"Thank you for your compliment, but I'm already beautiful, aren't I?"

"This year's grapes and other crops will have a bumper harvest! Be sure to send more to the second lady at that time!"

"Then thank you first! I have the least resistance to the grapes here!"

Speaking of which, who is this young man? Is it Miss 2's lover? You are a good match!"

"No... He is my knight Loed..."

Although the relationship with the family is not harmonious, it is very harmonious with the people. If she inherits the throne of lord, she will definitely be loved from the bottom of her heart. Loyd stared at Xilu's smile, and his heart was full of such confidence.

The mansion of the Marquis de Raffaude is a common aristocratic manor building, and its simple style reflects the calm and old-fashioned habits of the owner. Now he is training the square to meticulously direct the soldiers for daily training.

The Marquis Rams is 40 years away this year, with a strong body common to soldiers, and his flattened blonde hair and beard unreservedly transmit the majesty of senior officers. Although he has retired from the military, based on the fact that "the lord has the responsibility to defend the territory and the people", he has never neglected the basic training of soldiers for a day. Now, the soldiers are shouting loud slogans and performing neatly under his orders.

"You are still as strict as usual."

Behind her was Mrs. Sofia, who stood behind her husband for ten minutes and did not walk forward slowly until her husband signaled the soldiers to take a break.

"Why don't you rest in your room? If you are not feeling well, don't come out and walk around.

Rams's voice is still full of majesty, but also permeated with a strong love for his wife. Sofia returned with a comforting smile:

"You need to walk around often to restore your health. I have long been used to this way."

Sophia's figure, appearance and personality are similar to her eldest daughter Fei Linwen. To be precise, Fei Linwen has completely inherited her genes, and even the symptoms of weakness and disease have been completely inherited. In contrast, it is not unreasonable to say that Xilu is completely inherited from her father, at least in terms of personality and physique...

"You'd better rest more. You can walk around at any time, but at least after you recover from your condition."

Rams's words were full of irrecondable pressure, and Sofia still smiled with relief:

"I will pay attention to my physical condition. But don't you want to ask me why I came here?"

"Is it a difficult problem for the people to meet?"

"It's our Xilu who is back."

Rams's beard shook unconsciously, and then "hummed" heavily from his nose:

"Does she still remember that this is her home?"

"This is not what a father should say, and you shouldn't treat your daughter like an officer. Although her temper makes us feel headache... but since she is willing to come back, let's greet her first.

"That should be said after she called my father from the bottom of her heart."

"Your problem is that it is easy to become stubborn. There should be no such grudge between us and our daughter. And I know that you are actually very happy, just considering that the majesty of a father and lord refuses to show it. Well, you go back to the study to have a rest. I'll meet Xilu, and I hope you can have a good talk with her.

"I don't think that child will sit down calmly in front of me... but just do as you say. I also hope that she will understand her mistakes in these months..."

"Is it wrong... In fact, that child has nothing to blame. She will become this kind of personality, and you and I are both responsible. So, even if it's just today, please let Xilu understand your heart as a father.

After stepping into the mansion, Xilu's face turned gray again. The servants in the family shouted "Welcome back, Miss Xilu" on both sides, but she seemed to be deaf. She just took loyd's hand and quickly walked through the vestibule. After seeing her mother's figure at the gate, she reluctantly smiled and then saluted:

"Mother, I'm back."

"Welcome back, my Xilu, let me see you... It seems that you have lost a little weight. Does the college life make you uncomfortable? Do you get along well with your classmates? I have also heard a lot of rumors about you... Speaking of which, is this young man... your lover?

" is my knight..."

"Ouch? Knight?"

Somia showed a look of surprise, and Loed stepped forward and bent down:

"In Loed, he is the guardian knight of Miss Xilu."

"Guardian Knight?"

It is no wonder that Sofia is surprised. As a magician, of course, she has seen legends about guardian knights in history books. So after the word was put in the loyd newspaper, all kinds of waves surged in her heart, and then she began to look carefully at the young knight in front of her.

Although his age is similar to Xilu, he seems to be a much more stable and reliable young man than Xilu, and since his arrogant daughter has admitted his knighthood, his strength should not be worth doubting... Thinking of this, Sofia's original solemn expression unfolded:

"It seems that a lot of things have happened in the past few months that I don't know. Anyway, you can come in first. Xilu, before that, please go to the study to say hello to your father.


Although there are 10 million unwillingness in her heart, she also understands that this is what she has to do. Xilu leaned beside loyd for a while, as if to get a trace of courage from him to face her father, and then slowly walked to the inner room. Of course, these small movements did not escape his mother's eyes. Sofia frowned slightly and quietly stretched out his hand to Loid:

"Please come in, Mr. loyd. Although it's the first time I've met you, please don't be too restrained. I hope you can tell me something about Xilu in the past few months.

loyd took a few steps forward, half knelt down and kissed Sofia's hand gently, and then followed her into the living room.

Although it is the lord's residence, the layout of the living room has nothing to do with the word "luxury", and everything seems quite simple. Those decorations displayed around, whether paintings or vases to tables and chairs, are quite common objects. When Loyde, who had experienced the aristocratic atmosphere in the "crystal forest" of the college, first stepped into the living room, he even doubted whether this was a real aristocratic house, but after thinking of Xilu, all doubts disappeared.

Isn't Xilu's personality like this room, completely uncut and unadorned? In other words, it is because of such a family that a sincere and frank person like her can be cultivated, right?

Loed was deeply attracted by the scene in front of him. It was not until Sofia asked him to sit down that he woke up and sat down in the chair opposite her. Sofia's face flowed with a heartfelt smile:

"Does the decoration in the room make Mr. loyd feel a little shabby? Every artifact here is not in the eyes of the aristocracy, but it makes you laugh.

"No... I don't have that idea at all, although I was a little surprised at first..."

"Because the common aristocratic customs of peace are very different, right? In fact, my husband is also this kind of old-fashioned temper. For him, all decorations must be based on practical premises, and too much decoration will cause useless waste. This is a complete military style.

"It's true... Just like Miss Xilu, her temperament is as innocent as nature without any decoration."

"You are the first to praise my daughter so much. My wayward daughter has caused you a lot of trouble, right? But to be honest, I still can't believe that you will become the legendary guardian knight.

"Actually... Because it is a legend, even I can't be sure of its authenticity. However... Now that Miss Xilu and I have made an oath, we will work in the direction of legend... I will become her sword and shield and protect her forever."

"Although it's a lofty ideal... but my daughter is very difficult to deal with. Even if you praise her like that... I believe she must have brought you a lot of troubles, right? I have more or less heard of what happened in the college. For example, she got the exclusive magic wand, won the title of 'Star Xilu', and often arbitrarily conflict with her classmates... Not to mention you, even our parents often have nothing to do with her.

"Although I don't know if that's the wife's so-called trouble... I think Miss Xilu is quite an excellent genius. And... compared with when I first met her, she has grown into a very great person now..."

Loide briefly described the rescue of the princess, and Sofia showed a surprised expression:

"Can that child get such a merit... I always thought she would only cause trouble to others. I believe her father will be proud of it. Of course, thank you for your guidance, Mr. loyd.

"You're flattered... I'm just doing my best to protect her."

"Although humility is a virtue, it can also shake your confidence in yourself, so you don't need to deliberately hide anything about your achievements, Mr. loyd."

"I understand...but I'm just telling the truth."

"Real... Then I can't say anything more to you. Let me change the topic. I want to talk to you as a mother... Do you know why Xilu and her father have such a strong antagonism?

"Is it caused by personality?"

"This is just one of the reasons... In fact, the more important reason is from me. Xilu has good feelings for me and Fei Linwen, but she is full of hostility to her father... That's because I was seriously ill before Fei Linwen was born, which passed on my weak constitution to her sister. After that, Xilu's birth almost killed me. When the child understood all this, he thought that 'because of his father's selfishness made both mother and sister so pitiful'..."

"That is to say... she felt that her life was in danger because of her birth, and this guilt eventually turned into a misunderstanding of her father?"

"Not only that, she also holds the wrong idea that my father gave birth to me because my sister was weak and sick, so my father didn't love me at all... This is the real key."

"So... But there will be this kind of misunderstanding, and you can't completely blame Miss Xilu... I think it's because the Marquis is also willing to accept Miss Xilu's accusations against him because of his guilt for you?"

"Yes... The Marquis is also the kind of person who refuses to speak easily, so Xilu can't understand his inner pain at all. If she can understand the story as you, maybe... Of course, it will be difficult to do it with her personality, but I don't want them to maintain this embarrassing relationship. At least... I also hope she can call the Marquis her father from the bottom of her heart.

"I understand what you mean... I will do my best in this regard."

"No... it's not that simple. In fact, as a private matter of the family, even if you are her knight, you should not ask for it at will... I just hope you can understand each other's position and not get too close to her.

"Don't get too close to her... Madam means..."

"As a mother, of course I understand my daughter's heart... In fact, I saw it just now. But you should know that Fei Linwen's physical condition is not allowed to marry. Xilu is the only bloodline of the Lafard family. She must inherit the glory and fate of the family, so her husband..."

"That kind of thing... I understand."

Loud sighed deeply:

"In fact... I never thought of such an ending from the beginning. A fallen knight like me, even if it is really a legendary guardian knight... is just an ordinary civilian. Based on Miss Xilu's future... I can't cross the bottom line.

"If you can understand, I can feel at ease. My daughter will never give in to what she is obsessed with... So although I'm very sorry for you... If you have any requirements, I will try my best to satisfy you."

"Based on my current position... I can't ask for anything from my wife, so I don't have to take these words to heart. However, as a knight, I have the obligation to protect Miss Xilu until the last moment of her life... or until the day she inherits the family title, but I will remember your vow with your wife today and will never do anything beyond her duty.

"I'm sorry... Mr. loyd, maybe my selfishness has hurt your self-esteem... But this is a helpless request from my mother, please... Think of me as the head of the family and ruthlessly reject your future possibilities... Even if that child hates me because of this... It's my self-employed..."

It seemed to dispel the heavy shadow in her heart. Sofia smiled happily, and then ordered the servant to bring the tea:

Speaking of which... the air seems to be very comfortable today. That child can talk to his father for so long... Is it because they already have the intention to reconcile... Then I will feel very much as a mother..."

seemed to respond sarcastically to her judgment, and there was a heavy sound of closing the door at the end of the living room. The two turned their heads in surprise and saw the red-eyed Xilu stride through the living room and run out of the door, obviously quarreling with their father completely. Sofia's smile became embarrassed, and then shook her head helplessly:

"It still doesn't seem to be as smooth as ideal... After all, it's father and daughter, and there are amazing similarities in all aspects... It seems that it's difficult to reconcile smoothly... Mr. loyd... Although this is very difficult for you to do this... But please have a good talk to her. Only you can calm her down now.