Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

Missing Waltz Three

The courtyard of three ten confessions

In the courtyard of Lafard's mansion, Xilu sat alone under a towering ancient tree and buried her face between her arched knees. The lush branches and leaves of ancient trees completely dispersed the sunlight, turning her corner into a dark place.

Whenever she encounters something unhappy, she will maintain this posture in this place for a long time. Only her mother and sister knew her habit, so loyd quickly found this corner that seemed to be forgotten by the world under Sofia's guidance.

If you use animals as a metaphor... Xilu on the road is first a sleepy kitten, and then an energetic sparrow. When she gets home, she becomes a silent sheep... At this moment, she is more like a stray puppy, and her slightly trembling body can cause countless love and pity...

Xilu, who always looks full of vitality and often splashes in anger, is actually just an ordinary girl who often cries and trembles behind her back... Although such a contrast concentration on one person will always make others feel incredible, such Xilu makes loyd feel more real and cute... just Thinking of the agreement with Sofia just now, he couldn't help feeling bursts of sadness in his heart. Xilu was clearly by his touchable side, but he must keep an insurmountable distance from now on...

How can she understand herself or her mother's intentions? With her personality, she may misunderstand her father and think that I am deliberately cheating and alienating her, which will lead to unimaginable consequences, right? The last time she misunderstood her relationship with Shirley, which triggered a series of incredible **...

Loed, who has no chance of emotional problems, is completely overwhelmed at this moment. He imagined countless feasible solutions in his heart, but when he thought of the serious consequences, everything collapsed... To be honest, it was because he couldn't achieve the agreement with Sofia at all, right? That is to say... he doesn't want to let Xilu go at all?

Is this kind of feeling... the so-called admiration? Did you fall in love with Xilu? This grumpy, likes to scold herself as a fool, does things arbitrarily, and often causes bad events because of misunderstandings, but will be wrapped around her like a marshmallow? As a metaphor for fruit... is it a sour and sweet lemon?

loyd shook his head vibly and scattered his almost messy thoughts.

And... At the first thought of Sofia, you will feel that this mother is not arbitrarily interfering because of simple identity. Nobles like her must directly consider the most fundamental interests of the family, such as titles, such as property, such as bloodline... Once these issues are involved, they must stay out of the matter, otherwise the Lafardian family may have unpredictable consequences because of their temporary obsession...

That's right... I did it for the future of Xilu... So you don't have to hesitate or mourn about it, just fulfill your agreement with Sofia...

After making a difficult decision, loyd took a deep breath with relief, and then turned his eyes back to Xilu...

Xilu still sat silently in the dark corner without any change in her posture. In her eyes and mind, there may be only a blank at this moment... The blank is pure, as chaotic as when the world has not yet taken shape...

In this blank category, there was no possibility of involvement in it at all... So ROId was ready to leave for a moment to wait for her to recover, but at the moment he turned around, Xilu's weak voice floated faintly:

"Don't you even want to leave me..."


loyd was pulled around by this voice full of emptiness and loneliness, and then walked to her side and sat down.

Xilu's fingers draw irregular figures on the ground, as if they were telling the troubles in her heart. Loyd sighed softly:

"Have you quarreled with your father again?"

"So... I don't want to come back at all... Because it's my sister's instructions... Because it's my mother's expectation... But it doesn't change anything at all... I just don't want to come back..."


"Mother must have told you about the problem between me and my father... That's right... Of course, I know that this is actually my unilateral misunderstanding of my father... What 'he didn't take responsibility at all', 'he didn't love me as much as my sister' was just something I found by myself. It's just an excuse..."


"But... I just can't forgive him... No matter how guilty he is and how much he loves me... I won't forgive him... Because he will only care about his dignity... As an officer and as a lord... I don't need this kind of thing at all..."


"I don't need the so-called title and fame at all... I just want him to love me like an ordinary father... It's just that simple... But he will never say these words...' Xilu! Do you know what you are doing!'' Xilu! Don't forget the responsibility of the descendants of the LaFard family!'' Xilu! You will be the noble Lord Raspud in the future!' He will only repeat such meaningless lines... But I don't need these things at all..."

"Father... is a very hard term."

Loed, who had been silent, leaned back and leaned against the ancient tree behind him:

"Whether it is a father or a mother... whether it is a noble or a commoner... must work hard for the future of a family... That's why they always make their children feel indifferent... But they also have a heart wrapped in blood... How much is sealed for us in this heart. I'm sorry..."


"I have always envied you... From the day I first became conscious, I didn't have any reflection on my father... When I asked my mother, she always smiled and said, 'Your father is a great hero' and let me repeat this sentence 10,000 times in my heart... Until I was five years old, my mother Leave me... I will still repeat my mother's teachings in my dreams... This is my only image of my father..."


"If it were me... even if I quarreled with my father every day... I would be very happy to be scolded by him... But... Maybe one day I will be as unwilling to face it like you..."

"Don't say that you seem to understand everything... Do you want to teach me a lesson instead of your father... or are you bought by him to say good words for him?"

"I just told the truth..."

"Your truth is not as beautiful as your lies..."

"But I won't lie..."


scolded so loudly... It seems that Xilu has regained her vitality. Loyd breathed a little relief:

"But I want to ask a question that maybe shouldn't be mentioned... Will Xilu inherit the title and lordship in the future?"

When asked, Xilu's sunny face became dim again. Then she continued to paint on the ground with her fingers:

"Maybe... My sister is weak, and it may even be a luxury to marry, and her mother's physical condition does not allow her to give birth again, so... I may have to bear these responsibilities... After all, the family reputation and this land guarded by my ancestors for generations cannot be given up at will..."

"Real... That's also good..."

Confirming such a fact, he will no longer feel uneasy about the previous agreement with Sofia... So he naturally took the word "very good" and then found that he had said something wrong... Xilu really opened her eyes:

What does 'very good' mean! Do you think this is very interesting? Or do you think I like these boring things very much?

"I didn't mean that... but you are the heir after all..."

"This is not the problem at all! Don't you really understand why I don't want to be an heir?"

Xilu roared loudly at loyd, and there were flames and tears in her eyes at the same time. Loyd's nerves suddenly began to tremble violently:

"Is it... because of your conflict with your father?"

"It's not that reason, asshole! Because...because..."

Xilu's voice became lighter and lighter, and then the vague words did not run into Loed's ears at all. Although he kept reminding himself that "you must not do that now", loyd's body involuntarily leaned towards Xilu as if manipulated by an invisible puppet silk thread.

Xilu's breathing is unusually heavy... She is taking repeated deep breaths. Then it seemed to calm her mood. She suddenly raised her head, and the steely tenacity on her face made loyd tremble uncontroll.

"What about me... I'm a person who doesn't like to say that... Because it's better to listen to others say that to me than to myself..."


"Even if I have made up my mind... I'm not the kind of person who will easily put my ideas into action... Because if the other party doesn't understand my heart... it's not worth me to do such a thing..."


"But... If the other party is bound by one reason and can't do anything... If I'm sure that the other party is worth doing that... I will be desperate..."


"I only believe that I can use my strength to seize what belongs to me... Never let others say that I am rude or shameless... I am that kind of person... I have been that kind of person since childhood..."


"Whether it's good to be liked... to be hated... If you always think so much... Why on earth do I keep my body and soul... If I always use this and that excuse to escape..."


"loyd! Listen... You have to engrave every word I said today with the hottest flame... The reason why I don't want to inherit everything from the Lafarth family... Even if I'm no longer a member of the family from now on... That's because I don't want to leave you! Once I inherit the title and territory, I can't be with you... I absolutely don't want that!"

Before loyd adjusted his mind with the fastest reaction, Xilu had thrown the whole person into his arms. The sudden impact made Loid fall on his back, and Xilu fell on him without hindrance, and her little fist pounded his solid chest hard:

"Do you remember! Still don't remember! I hit you so hard to confirm whether you are dreaming or not! But this is the reality! So you have to engrave every word of me in your heart!"

Then, Xilu began to shed tears without hesitation. Loide looked at the sky with dull eyes, and there were no white clouds in the clear blue sky...

The agreement with Sofia passed through his memory again... loyd's heart suddenly trembled, and then stretched out his hand to move Xilu away. However, after his hand touched her skin, which seemed to be hot because of trembling, the push turned into a gentle hug...

I'm really sorry... It seems that I'm not the kind of person who can keep my promise... Mrs. Sofia...

Because compared with our agreement... I want to face my faith directly now...

I'm a person who has lost this feeling of faith for a long time... It was Xilu who helped me find it back bit by bit...

So... I can't leave her or betray her... No matter what an uncertain future we will face because of this...

Thinking of this, loyd's eyes also returned to Xilu from the silent sky. Xilu kept repeating "Do you remember?" loyd stretched out his hand to wipe her tears:

"I have remembered it for a long time... and as you wish, it has been engraved in my heart."

"So...then at least prove it to me!"


"When...of course! What you say... anyone can say it tens of thousands of times! So at least show me with action..."

Although her body was still trembling, Xilu's face did not hesitate to lean on his face...

At the moment when it was confirmed that the other party was breathing... her body suddenly flew up and fell heavily next to her.

"It painful! What are you doing, idiot..."

I was about to ask him why he pushed himself away. After she raised her head, she couldn't help but be shocked:

There is Rams, the father with a beard standing in front of him...

And Sofia, a mother with a trembling and blue face...

Roed, who got up in a hurry, helped Xilu up. The Marquis of Rams just roared "Get out" and then went straight to Xilu and threw a slap in the face. When he wanted to drop the second one, Sofia tightly held his raised arm:

"That's enough! Let's ask the matter clearly before saying it!"

"Is there any need to ask clearly?"

"That's right! And I don't want to explain anything to you!"

Xilu touched her swollen face and stared at her father angrily, as if she were staring at a monster she hated:

"It's just like what you saw! He is my guardian rider loyd! What I want to tell you is that I want to be with him forever!"

"What a joke!"

Rams broke away from Sofia's hand and then threw another slap in the face, but was flexibly dodged by Silu. Then Xilu's magic wand pointed to him, and even Sofia couldn't help shouting angrily:

"Xilu! Are you going to do such a rude thing to your father!"

"Mother... I'm sorry, I won't be at your mercy anymore! My sister wants me to go home, so I go home. If you want me to say hello to my father, I will say hello... But why should I come back to such a family? Why should I say hello to such a father? If I had known this... I should have adhered to my principles and stopped stepping into Rasprud!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the magic wand suddenly fell to the ground, and then her body was tightly bound like a red-hot chain - this was the fire magic 'purgatory' cast by Sophia. Xilu screamed loudly. Although the magic soon lost its effect, she still collapsed to the ground weakly.

"Bring the second lady down and lock her in the room and don't go out!"

Socie gave an order, and the guards behind him promised to help Xilu. Xilu, who had lost her strength, shouted loyd's name desperately, but was finally led by the guards.

"Mr. loyd... You seem to have broken our agreement! This is not the demeanor of a knight!"

Soya's harsh accusations made Loed speechless, and he could only remain silent. Rams looked at him carefully and then ordered the guards beside him:

"Catch it!"

In this case... After being arrested, he was mostly beheaded, and there was no room for discussion from Rams's expression... The guards surrounded Loide, and Loed immediately pulled out his sword, and Sofia on one side raised the magic wand again:

"Put down your weapon, Mr. loyd! You should know that even if you resist, you have no chance of winning!"

"That kind of thing... Even if it's just despair, you have to try it. And... Since I made a vow to protect Miss Xilu, I won't give up so easily..."

"Do you know what you're talking about, Mr. loyd? I think you should have understood everything in the previous conversation, right? Maybe it's very rude for me to say this now... but you shouldn't simply force your dreams into reality!"

"I understand... I explained everything to you before that... I'm in the same position as you."

"In this case, why do you still do such a thing? Do so-called knights only do such scandals with different hearts?

"That's because... I understand what Xilu really thinks. I became her knight to protect her happiness... So as long as she can smile anytime and anywhere, I can be the enemy of the whole world!"

Sofia was so angry that her whole body kept trembling. Perhaps because of excessive anger, she, who was already weak, suddenly turned her eyes and fainted. Rams quickly ordered the guards to help her back to her room for treatment by the doctor, and then focused his eyes again on the ignorant knight, but in his But there is a trace of appreciation unconsciously in the eyes:

"Your name is loyd? What's the origin?"

"I'm just a fallen knight deprived of the family's name."

"Deprived of the family name?"

Rams, who once served in Wangcheng, quickly read through the information he knew in his heart, and then faintly appeared several similar names in his mind, one of which suddenly shocked him, but he did not show it on his face:

"Is this just a civilian? Do you want to take away the glory of my Raffaude family?"

"I don't want to take it away... I just want to protect her."

"Hmm! What a big deal! But it seems that you are not empty... Come with me. I want to talk to you about something. I don't want people to comment that the lord of Raspud is a person who does not distinguish between right and wrong and only abuses authority on others.

After being locked into the room, Xilu tried to escape, but found that the door and window were blocked by magic, so she began to destroy and smash everything that could be smashed in the room. However, this is not the first time, and the utensils at home are not very expensive, so none of the servants went in - and they dared not go in to dissuade them.

After smashing everything that could be smashed, Xilu lay on the ** and cried. While worried about Loide's safety, she was full of resentment against her father and mother, and her tears were like an uncontrollable torrent of the levee. After crying, she began to sleep drowsily and tried to meet Loed in her sleep... Although it was as strange as if Loed had died, now she has only one way. However, what discouraged her was that even if she finally fell asleep, she still couldn't dream of loyd's shadow...

In the end, she began to abuse herself. First of all, she also applied the lock magic on the inside of the door, so that unless she opened the door by herself, or any big magician destroyed the door with all her strength, she was completely isolated from the world. After that, she began to go on a hunger strike... Although the fear of hunger hit her heart more than once, somehow, she was no longer as timid as before.

I'm serious this time... Will my father and mother worry about themselves? But that doesn't matter at all... As long as loyd is worried about me... He should have been arrested by his father... I don't know if he will think the same as me in prison... But... If his father dares to hurt him...

In this way, two days have passed in the confusion of waking up in a dream... Countingly, there are only four days left before the college's "Rovard's Day"... But this can no longer make her have any interest. Of course, some people knocked on the door, and Xilu would prick her ears to confirm whether the person was loyd. After getting the negative answer, she continued her empty dream. In fact, her thinking ability has already been eroded by hunger.

It's already the third day... Is your life coming to an end? Even the strength to get up has disappeared... I'm so sorry... loyd... I'm about to die... But even if I die, you will never be martyred... You have to guard my tombstone... For the rest of your life...

Xilu began to recall the zero fragments of her and Loide with her drowsy head...

The first meeting... He lost his temper with him because he felt despised... He brazenly refused to leave...

Competition with him "Wablin"... "Wind Dragon" tried to kill himself... He tried his best to save me...

Duel with him in the square... He cut off my sword but pretended to lose to me...

The night the contract was signed... The brilliant meteor shower in the night sky...

He was in a desperate situation on Lake Libita... He came despite the danger of drowning...

What a big fool... Although he always loses his temper with him... Every time he needs it, he will appear beside him to protect me... to protect me like this...

Now I'm going to die... You don't have to worry like now... Lulu or Shirley... will take care of you more gently than me...

But...would you cry for my death...of are such a big fool...

The fragment slowly converged into a turbulent torrent again, and Xilu's tears overflowed his eyes again. At this time, the door rang again. Xilu put her head in the quilt and tried to cut off the annoying voice, but then a familiar voice came:

"Open the door, Xiao Xilu, I'm Fei Linwen."

Is it my sister?! Xilu sat up from ** and wondered why she still had such physical strength.

"There are also people you want to see most, so open the door quickly."

Do you still have loyd?! Is he also at the door?!

Xilu waved her magic wand to remove the magic on the inside of the door, and then ran barefoot to the door. With the click of the door lock, the door opened briskly.

It's really Ferrinwen and Loyd...! Sure enough...!

Xilu pinched her hand hard, and Fei Linwen came forward and hugged her small body:

"It's not a dream... so you don't have to hurt yourself anymore. You have lost a lot of weight... What a naughty child."

"That's because...because..."

After sobbing twice, Xilu cried again without hesitation.