Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

Golden Dream Four of Five

Faith of four-five glass

What is in sharp contrast to the boiling square is Xilu's reaction... It is simply a portrayal of lava relative to the glacier.

After escaping from the square, Xilu ignored the call of loyd behind her, ran into her room and locked the door tightly with magic. No matter how loyd knocked on the door and shouted, she did not get any response...

Just now, he clearly showed such a sad appearance... There was no sound in the room, and even the expected cry did not come out... Loide couldn't help but be worried about Xilu's abnormal behavior. In his memory, Xilu is completely a frank child. When she is angry, she smashes things, and when she is sad, she cries completely... So the quieter the room is, the more terrible it is...

What is she doing in the room now? Are you in a daze? Or did you faint because of excitement? It won't be because of a momentary obsession...

Although I don't believe that she will be so stupid... However... Because she is a straightforward person, maybe...

Feeling that the situation is serious, loyd is ready to knock the door open first... Even if the door lock is magic, as long as enough strength is used...

"Please wait a minute! Mr. loyd!"

Felin's voice stopped loyd, who had made a door-colliding posture in time:

"The magic my sister applied on the door lock cannot be easily destroyed, and a forced impact will only hurt your body. Let me talk to her."

Loide retreated aside, and Fei Linwen knocked gently on the door and reported her name...

But... several minutes have passed... there is still no response...

"Oh... It seems that I can't even do anything about it this time... This child..."

"Miss Fei Linwen... Excuse me, this is..."

"It really makes you laugh... Mr. loyd."

Filinwen nodded to him apologetically, but there was deep sadness in her eyes:

"Although I have always wanted to hide this matter... I still can't stop the irresistible power of fate. In fact, before I came to the college... I had expected such a thing to happen... Mr. loyd... If you don't mind, let me tell you all this... Can we find a suitable place?"

"If Miss Fei Linwen is willing... the student's cafe should be empty now."

Fe Linwen nodded and turned sideways to ask him to lead the way. Loyd appeared again with a look of hesitation:

"Listen to your tone... It seems that there is a crucial inside story... Is it really appropriate to tell me such a thing?"

"I think... you should also need to know about this, after all... you are no longer as simple as a knight in her heart. In fact... I'm not hesitant to tell you whether it's appropriate, but... Once you know the reason for this, I'm afraid that the hard-won bond between you and Xilu will create a crack... or even no longer exist."

"You mean... because the waves caused by this matter will cause such a big rift between me and Xilu? It's just... the friendship between me and Xilu... Will it really be so fragile?

"If it hadn't happened... maybe I was just alarmist. But... I can no longer make any evaluation of the impact of this matter. Anyway, please listen to the whole story first.

In the student cafe, the two found a corner and sat down. Fei Linwen did not open her mouth immediately, but looked at the lively scene in the square outside the window for a while and sighed sadly from time to time. Then, she took out a small bottle, poured out a pill, and swallowed it with tea... When she saw loyd's puzzled look, she smiled shyly:

" know my physical condition... If something exciting happens, I may faint... So this is just a precaution for me to be too careful..."

"If what you said will cause harm to your health... you can also find another opportunity. Maybe... it's not a wrong choice to seal the secret. And I don't have the habit of deliberately pursuing the secrets hidden in other people's hearts.

"Although I think so... I have to say it today. Because... I don't want to let your relationship go to the freezing point... I don't want to see my sister's sad eyes again..."

Filinwen's eyes were shining with crystal tears... but she did not reach out to wipe it:

"The knight who just walked with me next to the princess carriage... Did you see it?"

"Is it the black-haired knight?"

"Yes... everything started around him. The knight's name is Leon von Jurian.

After hearing the name, loyd's expression changed slightly...

"Leon... is the current eldest son of the Jurian family, who is the current commander of the First Legion of the Order of Yumir, who has the title of Hayabusa Knight and is regarded as the first swordsman of the kingdom?"

"That's right... Since you can say his position in such detail... it means that you know his strength very well, right?"

"Yes... I have heard rumors about him."

"It's no wonder you're surprised... But he's the rumored Lyon. And his strength may be more terrible than you think... At the age of 15, he became the real leader of the Silver Knight... At the age of 17, he defeated his swordsmanship teacher, the first swordsman of the kingdom at that time. So... a person who can have such a noble rank at the age of 20, even regarded as a legendary person... I'm afraid this is the only one."

"Why does such a person... appear here?"

"He is on behalf of His Majesty... and he is also responsible for the safety of the princess. You know, since the last time the princess was abducted by an unknown person, our nerves have not been properly relaxed... But if that's all, things won't become so serious..."

"You mean... Xilu's abnormal behavior is related to this Mr. Lyon?"

Felinwen was silent for a moment... After touching loyd's trembling eyes, she sighed heavily:

"I don't know if I should tell you... Leon... He is the one who established the marriage contract at the age of 12. And... in fact, Xilu is already his nominal wife."

After saying this fact, Fei Linwen was worried about how Luo De would react, so she quietly grasped the magic wand with some fear... However, Luo Yide just kept silent... Although the silence was a little terrible... Fei Linwen still relaxed her tense nerves:

"If things go on so smoothly... Maybe Xilu is a wife now. And you... won't have a chance to meet her... But the reality is like a joke... At the age of 14, Lyon actually took the initiative to remove the marriage contract..."

"Why is this...?"

"Yes...why...why did he lift the sacred and eternal oath he had made to the Luna Mountains..."

Felinwen seemed to have suddenly lost her mind and muttered to herself without answering questions. After a while, she woke up from her gaffe, and then was silent for a moment and raised her head with determination:

"Lyon's reason at that time was that... he was about to become a pioneer knight to fight against the expeditionary force of Silas... Because the other party had tens of thousands of troops and was worried that he would not survive and be involved in Xilu's happiness... So he ignored his sister's mind, which was almost collapsed at that time, and forcibly relieved it should have been three months later. The wedding... but in fact... it was her sister Fei Linwen who pushed this situation behind..."

Loed sat there stunned... His eyes were weak and even stared at the woman in front of him, who was complete with noble temperament and gentle temperament in both rumors and reality... And this Fei Linwen actually said a fact that would completely break her image into powder...< /P>

"This is the first time I hurt my sister... I really hope it will be the last time... But after all, I hurt her... My guilt for my sister... is a sin that I can't repay in my life..."

"You mean... do you also fall in love with Lyon?"

Fe Linwen's face seemed to blush because of shyness... but it turned pale in an instant...

"I entered the magic research institute where my mother once worked when I was 16 years old... Then I joined the magic guard around the princess on the recommendation of the dean... Although I had known that Xilu's marriage contract was Lyon before, I had never seen him... Then because of my position... I finally saw her. The rumored silver knight... My heart was taken away by him at that moment... I even forgot... My condition did not allow me to think about such a thing at all..."

"Sudden love...but you can't completely think it's your fault..."

"I'm afraid you don't know at all... what kind of means women will use to rob the same lover? At that time, I... can no longer describe me as 'crazy'... I completely forgot the fact that he was my sister's becator... At that time, I would even think, 'If Xilu didn't exist...' Such a terrible thing... And every time I went home, the unwitting Xilu called my sister affectionately... I I will restore my remaining reason and repent of my sins in the room, but as soon as I return to the royal city..."

My sister began to compete with her sister for a momentary obsession... and constantly hindered and even hurt her without her knowledge... What kind of unknown secret is hidden in this Fei Linwen, who is described as the "goddess of beauty"? Thinking of this, loyd couldn't help trembling:

"So... what was Lyon's final decision?"

"I didn't accept it... I was completely ignored by him. His heart has never left Xilu at all.

Fe Linwen seemed to breathe a sigh of relief... but her face was as pale as before.

"In this case... why did he terminate the marriage contract?"

"I was forced... Because I said to Lyon myself... If he insisted on his choice... I would tell Xilu what I had done and repay it with my death... So Lyon chose an almost impossible expedition... He was ready to die there..."

"That is to say... is this a way for him to escape?"

"You can say that... But fate is really a thing that can tease people... When I was desperate and Xilu was completely dead... Maybe it was because he had a dying heart... Leon actually defeated the enemy and came back alive... Because of this great merit, he got his current position... And Because I didn't dare to face the reality... and didn't dare to face Xilu, I stayed in Wangcheng for a long time and stopped going out on the grounds of my illness..."

"So... after Lyon came back alive... How about Xilu?"

"You should be able to guess... How could that child accept Lyon again? Her heart has long been Lyon... It should be said that I... It's completely frozen... Lyon has come to her several times to ask for forgiveness for his selfishness at that time... But Xilu didn't let him approach the house at all..."

"That is to say... Is Xilu also escaping?"

"No... Xilu and I are completely different... She is not escaping... She can't accept a person who hurt her so much... No one knows her character better than me... So if I think that if she knows the truth, maybe I can't be a sister with her anymore... I don't dare to take it lightly. It appeared in front of her..."

Felinwen lowered her head and cried silently. Her violent shoulders aroused infinite sympathy... However, at this moment, there was no such attitude in loyd's eyes, but a sharp light:

"Miss Fei Linwen... That is to say... Am I a substitute from the beginning?"


"Recommend me to be the guardian knight of Xilu... Isn't that your decision?"

"Yes...that's right...but it's not..."

"So I've always had an unanswerable question... You should know the past of my family, right? I think in the royal family... I'm afraid only the princess doesn't know... So... Why do you recommend me to be her guardian knight? Is it just because you think my life is worthy of sympathy?

"I... I don't mean that..."

Deterred by loyd's eyes, Fei Linwen unconsciously curled up, but loyd ignored her pity and walked forward step by step:

"You made me her guardian knight... It should be said that this is also the will of the goddess... But what purpose did you arrange all this? Although you are the princess's most trusted side, even if you want to restore me to a civilian status at that time, it can't be easy with your strength, right? For the so-called atonement, in order to make the so-called compensation to your sister... How on earth did you use me? How many more things have you done that will frighten us when we learn the truth?

As Xilu's intuition before... loyd seems to be no longer a puppet, but a puppet master who manipulates puppets... What's more terrible is that he seems to have become a puppet master who can manipulate people's hearts at this moment... Fei Linwen feels that her body is about to melt under his angry eyes... She trembles and holds her hand On his chest, he seemed to be praying for his forgiveness or the redemption of the gods... loyd finally returned to his previous calm:

"Maybe I said too much... In fact, I have always been very grateful to you... You pulled my body back from the arms of Death... I am even more grateful to Xilu... It was she who gave me life and soul. So I will use my life to protect her and repay you with my life... However, at least I don't want to be a pawn manipulated by you.

"I understand... After I get home and learn about the relationship between you... I understand that one day you will know the whole truth... Although what you know now is only a small part... But I can swear to God according to your words..."

"In that case, Xilu will be very sad... So you don't have to swear, I will never have any hatred for you... Because you are Xilu's favorite sister."

After hearing this sentence, Fei Linwen's tears fell again:

" Xilu's favorite sister... What kind of sins have she committed... In my selfish heart... How many hateful thoughts are hidden... What on earth should I do..."

"If that's the case... then wipe away your tears and do what a sister really should do. Just like Xilu trusts you wholeheartedly... Love your sister wholeheartedly.

At this moment... The image of the rumored saint was completely broken in front of him, replaced by a poor girl who closed herself tightly in the ice coffin because she couldn't forgive her mistakes... Of course, after leaving here, she will still become the familiar Fei Linwen, but that's just an appearance. Already...

Breaking the gorgeous shell, he looked directly at the fragile heart... loyd was stunned by this huge contrast. However, he is more or less a step deeper away from Xilu's world... Next, it's time to think about how to persuade her to lock herself in the room. Fei Linwen read his intention from his expression, so she took out a box of the same style as the swordsmen regiment given by the princess before:

"This is the special appointment given by the princess to Xilu... We are also very sorry that you can't become a bronze knight, but I really don't have the courage to face my sister now... Please hand this box to her for me."

"I'm not interested in any title or name... because I won't have any gratitude to the royal family, but... at least I still understand what I should do. Please rest assured, Miss Fei Linwen... Although I can't guarantee anything now... I will definitely make Xilu smile forever.

Shortly after Ferrinwen and loyd left, Xilu's door was opened...

Xilu in the room did not turn around... She knew who would do that... This feeling, which was familiar five years ago, has become strange now, but it has been lingering in her heart...

After she ran into the room, she ran to **, wrapped herself tightly with a quilt, and tried to block her ears... She hoped that she would not hear any knock on the door... In fact, she knew that loyd and Ferrinwen had knocked on the door, and loyd was simply smashing the door... Even so, she still I don't want to...or dare not open the door...

Really... I can't face him... I don't even have the courage to look at him...

She kept this and looked out of the window, but did not absorb a trace of scenery into her eyes. At this moment, there is a large cloud in front of her, and she can't see any corner... Even she herself is surprised why she can't shed tears now... Obviously, her heart is so painful that it's about to break...

Then the door was opened... It can remove her magic so easily... This person will have no one else but Leon. Although Lyon only knows the primary water magic, he can always crack the painstaking efforts... What kind of power is this?

Seeing Xilu's appearance, Lyon sighed deeply. The previous silence has been completely replaced by the pain:

"You are still the same... You will try to avoid me, but you are always hurting yourself. Five years ago... No, you are exactly the same as three years ago..."


"How many times have I said the same thing to you... Since I came back alive three years ago... I have been repeating this to you... but you have never accepted it..."


"You are like your magical attribute... It's so cold that it's scary and heartbreaking... It's just that when I first met you five years ago... I always doubt if it's real Xilu..."


"Maybe you have completely rejected me from your heart... It's not your fault... From the time I took the initiative to make that unreasonable request... I knew it was an inevitable result... But... The vow of Luna Mountains... I still can't forget it... You said to me... We will be together forever... ..."


Xilu finally responded in a low voice. Leon didn't hear clearly for a moment, so he stepped forward to her, and then Xilu's voice clearly reached his ears:

"Why... did you appear in front of me? long as you appear in my dream... Even if you call my name and call me 'wife' in your dream, I won't care... But I can't forgive you for appearing in front of me... You're too selfish... Just like you broke into my room today... You never think about my feelings... First appointment It would be you who dragged me out... In the Luna Mountains, you took the initiative to make an oath with me... In front of my father, you were the first to propose a marriage contract... And before the expedition, you broke the contract so easily and resolutely... You obviously saw the sadness that I did not hesitate to destroy my life at that time, but still turned away. I... Silu Suthe Rafald died that day... I finally became Silu Filinfan Rafal... But you still won't let me go... Like a ghost, you forced me out of breath... You think you are great, don't you... You always like to be wantonly Forced by others' will... Have you ever thought about how you have done me... This kind of injury is a hole that you can't make up no matter how many times you repeat those words... I finally mended this void... but you tore it apart again..."

Although she didn't turn back... Although her body was still trembling helplessly... Xilu seemed to finish her life's words at this moment, she said a lot in one breath, and then fell into silence...

A moment later... Leon's sigh came in front of her:

"Yes... I've always been so cruel and arbitrarily... Once I was crazy for Sioux Suthe Rafald... Now I just want to try to compensate Celinephine Rafalde... But it seems that even my compensation is full of coercion... Because since then Up to now... I've always been just Leon von Jurian."

"So... please don't appear in front of me again... I can accept your apology and your compensation... But I can't accept the fact that you appeared in front of me... I don't want to recall the sad past five years ago... I always thought it was a dream... a golden Dream...but I don't want to reassembling this broken fantasy anymore..."

The next second after saying this sentence... her lips were tightly blocked by Leon.

I felt the temperature from the other party's lips... Xilu's tears began to surge. But this is not because of emotion... but complete despair. At this moment, her heart is like ashes because of the other party's behavior, so even her lips have dispersed the warmth and emitting a deep chill...

Lyon...After this will never appear in my dream again...I won't regroup that broken memory again...I just want to love the person I really should love now...

I'm so sorry... Lord... I've been wandering between you and him until I confirm this... and I won't hesitate now... So this kiss will be my eternal farewell to him...

But... It's really strange... When I kissed him... I was thinking about another person... Is this kind of me... really qualified to have your love and the happiness you gave me? If I kiss you... will I also think of him in my heart? But now... I can find the most authentic answer...

After confirming her heart, Xilu opened her eyes and was ready to push Lyon away... Then she was stiff in place.

Loed... When did you come to my room? Did you see my shameless scene just now?

Xilu shouted in her heart, but there was no sound in her throat...

Loed... Please don't show such a sad expression! It's not what you think!

Lloyd! Please turn around! Don't leave me... Please don't leave me!

Xilu is going crazy. Her brain has been filled with infinitely expanding fear...

Lloyd! Please... I have something to tell you! Don't be so cruel!

Lloyd! Come back! I don't want the fantasy scene to become a reality!

Xilu pushed away Lyon hard, shook off the quilt, and chased loyd's figure barefoot to the corridor, but the corridor was empty... She was unwilling to run all the way down the stairs, but still couldn't catch the other party's figure...

Xilu could no longer control the huge waves in her heart and knelt down on the ground and cried bitterly.