Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

Golden Dream Four of Six

Four out of six separate

The celebration of the college is carried out according to the established plan.

The afternoon schedule includes a magic test and a square ball. The so-called magic test is actually the personal performance of those top students, presenting the magic learned in front of the audience in the most gorgeous manner under the condition of reducing the destructive power to zero, which is also an effective way to judge the magic level of students. Moreover, because the princess was at the scene, the students who got the opportunity to go to power worked harder. From time to time, a fountain will rise on the stage of the performance, or a waterfall will fall down, and sometimes a mythical beast such as a fire dragon will appear, and sometimes the posture of the four-system elves will appear... All kinds of incredible things will emerge one by one, and the students who enjoy this spectacle will burst into a warm shout, and the most It's still those teachers...

As for the open-air ball in the square... it is not much different from the usual ball, but it is just the etiquette law of aristocratic society. However, because the princess smiled and said, "My time allows me to dance with three people", which caused a burst of madness. The boys began to rush forward regardless of the image, so that the guards on one side almost pulled out their weapons and rushed forward... Finally, the boys who narrowly squeezed into the top three were happy when they held the princess's delicate hands. Even the heart seems to burst...

In the high-emotional crowd, I have never seen the figures of Xilu and Loyde... Fei Linwen, who accompanied the princess, looked extremely melancholy. At the dance, many boys admired her reputation and invited her to dance with them, which were rejected by her on the grounds of "physical discomfort"; on the other hand, the beautiful man Lyon was also surrounded by many girls, and his existence simply made all the boys present lose their luster... So his move triggered countless girls Scream, and the jealous eyes of the boys enough to kill...

Because of the arrival of the princess, the celebration atmosphere of the college has reached an unprecedented height... Even after the scattering at dusk, such an atmosphere has not been scattered on the horizon with the sun. The students' comments came from around the square, such as "It's so happy to shake hands with the princess", "Miss Fei Linwen is more lady than the rumored, and she doesn't look like Xilu's sister", and "I feel it's an offense to just look at Mr. Lyon"... In short, these young people have lost them. The reserved of the past. Of course, there will also be sour grape remarks such as "Felinwen is simply an ice beauty that is inaccessible" and "Leon's guy just relies on his appearance to attract those superficial girls" ... After all, it is an helpless fact that the jealousy and self-esteem of the nobles are several times higher than ordinary people.

After entering the dusk, because the public mainly lived in the college, the tasks of the guard and the swordsman regiment were also on the right track. The members of the swordsmen who had just won the bronze knight badge began to patrol in groups with high enthusiasm, but the absence of Xilu and loyd made them a little uneasy, while Ferdinand was still full of doubts because of loyd's failure to receive the same reward; the guards surrounded the temporary pavilion where the princess stayed. It's not clear, but they don't know that the princess has already sneaked out and ran to the college principal's office, lying on ** pretending to be a stand-in...

The princess sitting in front of the college president sighed melancholy... Bamont and Glom looked at each other, and the scene fell into an extremely confused silence... Finally, Selysia broke the silent iron curtain:

"I can't find anyone to negotiate with, so I have no choice but to disturb you two... At least, I believe you two can still be my most reliable negotiable partner..."

"It's really a great honor... But what did Her Royal Highness say...?"

"Hey...? I should have made it very clear in the letter I entrusted to Rogge to the president..."

"Ah...about that...I'm a particularly forgetful person...and that letter has been burned..."

In the face of Baymont's sudden stupid attitude, Glom still had a smile that had been carved out, but Selysia's face turned pale:

"Your Excellency... What do you mean?"

"That is to say... I can't be the object of your discussion as the princess said... I'm just a bad old man who is good at forgetting and likes to touch women's buttocks..."

"You... Are you laughing at me?"

The princess's body was shaken with surprise and anger... She came to the college president with full of hope and resentment, trying to find a way to at least comfort her irritable heart... Unexpectedly, as soon as she opened her mouth, she met such an irresponsible prevariance as the college director... That she had hidden before What exactly is a tearful letter? What's the point of coming to this college with all your efforts?

"So... If Her Royal Highness can let the old man touch her buttocks... maybe I will think of something..."

Baymont ignored Celicia's pale face and continued to gossip, and even Glom was uneasy about her old friend's attitude... Celicia stood up as if responding:

"If this can satisfy the president of the college... Please show your noble hand rudely!"

Baymont stared carefully at Selysia's face... and then showed a heartfelt smile:

"Since Your Highness can make such a determination... is there any need to find help from others in everything? What I can do is such a simple thing, as long as you can understand it.

Sericia sat down again... Her face faintly glowed because she understood the other party's intention, and then Glom breathed a sigh of relief:

"Old friend... Although you are indeed out of kindness... I still hope you can change a more reasonable method... After all, Her Royal Highness is still a 16-year-old young girl, and her noble buttocks do not belong to anyone..."

"Can only be touched by His Royal Highness the prince far away in the north? Hahaha..."

"Please stop saying such embarrassing words, Your Excellency, Sir Glom."

Sericia's face turned slightly red with these seemingly light words, but her tone still ejected reserved and firm:

"I can at least understand the intention of His Excellency Baymont... Indeed, I always discuss things that bother me... It will make me lose my opinion. As a princess of a country... and a future queen, I can't let this bad habit continue. However... At least I hope that the president can take into account my identity and take a more acceptable form... Then I will be very grateful."

"Really... Please forgive me, Your Highness... I'm the kind of old man who doesn't pay much attention to the so-called etiquette. This may be the vice given to me by the special temperament of the holy moonlight... Even if His Majesty the King himself comes in person, maybe I have this attitude..."

"I have heard about the history and reputation of your college for a long time. However, it is a great honor to experience this profound mystery here. From the moment I entered the gate of the college... I was deeply bound by the great spirit that I have been fixed here and inherited to this day... As if Lord Roard still lives in this world and guides us descendants... So I am convinced that I will find the answer I need most here..."

"Your praise... So... what is the answer you found?"

"Before that... I must listen to Your Excellency the College President. I can't find anyone to discuss in the royal city... so I won't overreact to any of your remarks, even if it's excessive."

"Thank you for your tolerance... Please forgive me for my outspokenness. Isn't it more appropriate to discuss this question directly with Lord Rowlingforth? Sir Glom and I don't seem to have any say.

"If I can do that... Although Luo Linfuqing does not agree with my marriage with Prince Hland, he also opposes Prince Lutwin and me... His purpose is simply to become the queen of my country... I can't find any allies except Fei Linwen, but Fei Linwen has nothing at all. Law produces the power of decision-making..."

"So... what does Her Royal Highness think about becoming the queen of her own country?"

"Emotionally... I'd rather choose to be the princess of Lutwin, but... Haier Milan has no suitable stepchild, and it is impossible for me to escape the burden on my shoulders... So, I think all I can do... is the choice of becoming a queen..."

"That is to say... will the bond between Prince Lutwin be forced to be cut off?"

Sericia did not answer, but buried her face deep in the palm of her hand. Baymont looked deeply at the weak princess with pity and noticed her fragile heart under her noble identity:

"I have always believed that Her Royal Highness should choose the ideal ending that suits her for her future, but you should at least not consider the problem of Silas first. Should you turn your eyes to Heland now? Regarding your abduction, I'm afraid it's just the beginning of a huge conspiracy.

"I'm also worried about this problem... First of all, in the previous incident, the unknown visitor he met who claimed to be the envoy of Prince of King Heland, caused by the aftershocksud's mission to temporarily suspend the trip halfway... I'm afraid that the alliance between the two countries will also be affected to a considerable extent. Impact it. I'm just wondering who is planning such behavior..."

Please forgive me for the country-related issues that are not suitable to be mentioned here. I just want to say... Whether it was done by Heland or not, it affects not only two kingdoms... I'm afraid even Silas will be involved. So... whether it's on emotional issues or national issues... what you have to face will not be so easy... You should be fully aware of this."

"I understand... In fact, I also know... Rollinforth educated me with that harsh attitude... for exactly the same reason. It's just that this pressure is too heavy for me... That's why I want to find a space to breathe."

"That's because you are still young... After all, you are 16 years old, and you should have been waiting for the prince to pick yourself in the flowers... However, everyone must learn... or be forced to grow up, and the price paid is often the broken of the ideal... Forgive me, this bad old man who said too much A lot of nonsense, but since Her Royal Highness has come to this college, I have to make these words clear to you..."

"Please don't care about it. I just wanted to come here to listen to your teachings. In fact... before I came here, I had already guessed what you would say... and I have made my own decision. But at least I still want to make a little effort for my fragile ideal, so I want to borrow Miss Xilu's power.

"Borrowing the power of Xilu? You mean..."

"The reason why I didn't give her the same bronze knight title... is that I have a special task to entrust her to complete... A friend I can trust now... Except for Fei Linwen, she is the only one. This pair of sisters... are destined to be the most dazzling constellation in the starry sky of my fate.

The night has completely embraced every corner of the college, and the lively square has returned to silence. On the contrary, many students' dormitories are still lit, and they are probably immersed in insomnia caused by the excitement of the day.

It's Lulu's turn to patrol tonight... Lulu keeps complaining in her heart.

Because the students of the Princess Guard and the Swordsman Regiment in charge of night patrol are performing their duties throughout the college... Am I overdoing this? What an uninteresting college rule... At least give me a day off on a heavily guarded day like today... Just now, she also applied to the dean like this, but the dean just touched her buttocks and said "no".

The hateful old man...

Lulu scolded rudely in her heart, but she still carefully inspected every corner with the lights. Among the teachers in charge of night patrol in the college, only she and Robeck will be so loyal to their duties... This often makes her feel unworthless behavior, but she can't get rid of this temper...

But maybe it's because there are guards and swordsmen patrolling the night... so tonight seems particularly boring. Lulu yawned a big and thought that she would simply ignore it and be lazy once today... So she decided to wander around the square casually and then go back to her room to rest. And... Today was a dance party and a banquet, which made her tired...

The dance... Speaking of which, I didn't see loyd today...

Recalling the last time she danced with Loed... The faint sweetness made her smile happily. Although I was almost 30 years old... At that time, it was like going back to the age of 18 and re-experienced the poetry that a girl should have...

What are you doing at the age of 18? Unexpectedly, I have no impression... That is to say... It was completely wasted in vain... I feel so unwilling when I think of it...

If only water magic can maintain its own appearance, but also its own age... In that case, you may be more proactive in pursuing the people you like... This is really a helpless reality.

Lulu couldn't help shrinking her shoulders... The night of the college was still as cold as ever... I should really learn from those guys and close the door to drink after my turn... But there is still time to do this now...

Lulu stopped at the corner for a moment, then turned around and headed towards the direction of her room... When she passed through the fountain in front of the statue of Roward, her feet tripped over something and almost fell to the ground...

"Who...who is there!"

Lulu quickly took out the magic wand... Unexpectedly, someone really came in to such a heavily guarded college! Fortunately, I'm not lazy...

However, the figure did not move and did not say a word, but sat there in a daze... Lulu raised the lamp in front of the other party in surprise...

"Yes... why is it you, loyd! What are you doing sitting here? It scares me to death!"

Loide was still silent and didn't even look at her. It seemed that she had turned into a wooden sculpture... Lulu sat down beside him with a sigh:

"What's wrong? Did you quarrel with Xilu? Have you never seen such a look? At least you can talk to me... I should be the object of your discussion."


"If you don't say anything... who will know what you're thinking? You can't stay in a daze like this, can you?"


"You will feel much better after saying it... Don't you never procrastinate? Then tell the unhappy things like before! Don't you even trust me?"


"Idiot! What do you want to do? I will be angry!"

Lulu pushed hard at him... loyd kept her original posture and fell into the fountain.

"Wow! What the hell is going on with you?"

Lulu hurriedly pulled him up from the pool... When he wiped the splash off his face, he suddenly felt something warm dripping on the back of his hand...

It's not a drop of water, is it? Water droplets don't have that temperature...

"Did you... cry?"

Did this guy shed tears? This guy who has never shown too much emotion... This puppet that once thought he had lost his joys and sorrows... Did he shed tears?

"It's really an insurable child... Although I don't know what's going on... I really can't leave you alone... Well, stop making that expression. Your head has woken up in the water, right? Do you want me to make you more sober with magic?

There was finally some change in loyd's expression... He looked at Lulu with a dead gray-colored gaze, and Lulu suddenly felt an inexplicable tremor...

"The oath... seems to be going to lose its effectiveness..."


"I don't need me anymore..."


"With him...the former engagement...I'm no longer necessary..."

Lulu finally understood some of the originals in his fragmentary sentences:

"You mean... Xilu has a marriage contract and has returned to him, so do you think you can't be his knight anymore?"


"What a complete fool! Are you going to escape from fate for such a reason? Don't forget that you made an eternal vow in front of the statue of Roward, and I am a witness! Isn't it too irresponsible for you to say these words in front of witnesses now? Mr. Guardian Knight!"


"I can put my words in the front... me! I don't want to get involved between you! Although... although I have this and that idea... that doesn't mean that I'm a rational person! But... I don't want to see my students... and the people I like will have unnecessary cracks for one reason or another..."


Lulu has said the lines of "the person I like" frankly... loyd still has no reaction... Lulu can't help but be a little annoyed... But on thinking about it, it seems that the conflict between them this time is extraordinary, otherwise loyd will not feel so much... just by words The persuasion should be difficult to work, and Lulu feels that it is necessary to take some practical actions:

"In a word... I think you will understand sooner or later... But I think it may be difficult for you to go back to face Xilu these days, right? So...if you don't mind, let's take a night in my room today. What about me... I applied to the college for a vacation because of the holiday... Would you like to go there with me? Just think of it as adjusting your mood. The starry sky there is much more beautiful than here! And there are also mysterious treasures hidden!"


"Really... In the face of such a sincere invitation from the lady, you should at least reply! I'll take it as a tacit, and you really need to relax your broken heart... Well, don't look like that anymore, come with me..."

Lulu pulled his hand over and put it on her shoulder, and then helped him stand up. Although Loed didn't say anything, he did not resist and was at her mercy like a scarecrow.

"Really... Obviously, they like each other... but they always do this kind of behavior... Young people's temper is difficult to serve..."

Xilu on the other side... also made a similar decision with Shirley, ready to go to the countryside with her to adjust her already confused mood...

Not long ago, Lyon took Xilu, who was kneeling on the ground crying, back to his room, and then left after leaving a sentence, "I will always wait for your answer." Xilu just fell down and kept crying...

I will never see loyd again... I can no longer face loyd... I completely hurt him... I completely lost the qualification to be with him...

Xilu always repeated these words in her heart, and the more she repeated her tears, the more uncontrollable it was. She decided to shed all the tears of her life today, and then make a final farewell with Loed and Lyon...

I will never love anyone again... I have lost that qualification...

This was her final decision... But fortunately, Shirley's occasional appearance temporarily suppressed this terrible decision.

Shirley was temporarily hired to clean the student dormitory because the college servants were understaffed. When she hummed and stepped into Xilu's room, she was shocked by the scene in front of her, and then quickly ran to help Xilu up to ask what was going on, but Xilu answered her with a continuous crying...

No matter what, I can't ask why... Shirley directly used civilian means... She slapped Xilu directly in the face...

Xilu was beaten to one side. Before she could react, another slap in the face was thrown over...

"What...what are you doing, country girl!"

Xilia closed her crying and touched her red and swollen cheeks angrily, but Shirley's face was relieved:

"So you still know how to wake up! I thought you would only cry even if you were beaten by me! What the hell happened to make you cry endlessly!"

"It's none of your business! Get out of here!"

"That won't work! I'm the kind of brain that has to control it to the end if I help others! To be honest, I don't care if you cry to drown yourself... But in that case, Mr. loyd will be sad, so I can't stand it!"

When Loed's name was mentioned, Xilu's eyes turned red again, and Shirley vaguely understood the cause:

"Did you quarrel with him? But it doesn't seem that you are not the first to quarrel.

"It's more serious than a quarrel... I can't face him at all this time..."

"What the hell is going on! So exaggerated... Don't deliberately scare people! Tell me! Maybe I can help you figure it out!"

"Don't be self-righteous! You can't do anything! This is my problem, just leave it alone!"

"I'm so sorry! I'm really the kind of person who doesn't know how to retreat! And how can I help you if you don't tell me? Just tell me directly! People need to be honest with each other to become friends!"

"Who is your friend, a country girl! And...and how do I know if you are trustworthy or not!"

"I can swear to Mr. Loed that I will definitely keep today's secret."

"What the hell oath! Loyd is not dead again!"

Although she was a little reluctant... After hesitating for a while, Xilu still told Shirley what had happened. After a moment of silence, Shirley scolded her with dissatisfaction:

"It's really too much for you to do this!"

"Wow..." Xilu lowered her head deeply.

"But... you didn't mean to do this. It's just a misunderstanding between you... But this misunderstanding is too exaggerated. I'm afraid it can't be solved so easily!"

"So... I really can't face him anymore... Do this in front of him..."

"So... you don't want to break up with him, do you? Hello! Didn't you say that he was your knight forever? It's really irresponsible for you to do this!"

"I didn't think about it that! But...but I really... I really can't..."

"Then take courage to have a good talk with him! He is not the kind of desperate person! After you hit me last time and ran around alone, didn't he desperately go to save you?

"Just...that's why I can't face him... He ignores my life for me... But I hurt him in this way... I don't have that kind of courage at all..."

"So... if I hit you twice or beat you up... will you summon up your courage?"


It seems that this is really a problem that can be solved with a few words... Shirley thought for a long time and finally came up with a solution:

"In that case... Would you like to go to the countryside with me?"

"Go to the countryside... to relax? What does that mean?"

"Just go to the countryside to relax! Maybe this can change your mood. After you recover, come back and explain the reason for the matter to loyd. I think he must have calmed down at that time... Then the matter can be solved smoothly, right?

Maybe this is a feasible way...and it's the only way. If we continue to stay here... I can't imagine what it would be like when we met loyd... Now the two of us really need to calm down first.

"Well... this is really a good way... but I don't understand why you want to help me? You... actually like him, don't you?"

"What should I say... That's right, but it's not as complicated as you think. I just said that I helped you because I didn't want him to be sad. I don't care what you have become! Well, you can leave him a letter to tell him your plan first, and then pack up your things. I'll help you clean the room first.

"Do you still want to leave a letter for him... You are really thoughtful."

In case loyd comes back and can't find himself, he won't worry too much when he sees the letter... It seems that although Shirley is the same year as herself, she knows how to take care of others better than herself... This is the advantage of ordinary people compared with aristocrats! Think about it, isn't loyd the same?

"By the way... Shirley, the countryside you are talking about..."

"It's my home, my mother's hometown! It's at the seaside! The sea is very beautiful! You can also find all kinds of beautiful shells on the beach! Sometimes you can catch crabs and starfish..."

Xilu was suddenly full of infinite fasm... The sea is a scenery she has never seen before! And as soon as she says it, it looks more charming... Speaking of it, Shirley's personality may be synonymous with the sea!

If loyd goes with me... Xilu's heart hurts again.

Okay... Let's go first this time... Take him with us next time... Just take it as an apology for him...

"So... I want to leave tomorrow... I want to rest early today..."

"Hmm! You are really too tired today! There's nothing we can do! Then I'll wait for you at Hereige Square tomorrow. By the way, if loyd comes back tonight... I hope you can summon up the courage to talk to him."

If he is willing to come back... I will definitely apologize to him and explain everything. Self-esteem, master and knight... I can completely put it aside.

Xilu thought so, and then waited for the familiar figure to appear again with anxiety, worry and panic...

But that night, Loed finally didn't come back.

So the next day... the two figures who were supposed to understand and snuggle with each other, but because of an unexplained misunderstanding, at least in space, they were getting farther and farther away from each other...