Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

Golden Dream Four of Eight

Four Eight La Chapelen Plain Pursuit War

Five minutes later, the damage caused by the gate of the showroom was quickly repaired by the director. In case, Fei Linwen's guard is responsible for the night patrol. However, this can no longer change the reality that the treasure has been taken away.

Ten minutes later, Baymont, Selysia, Leon, Ferrine, Ferdinand and others gathered in the president's office, but they all looked solemn. After Ferdinand told the process of the incident, the atmosphere became more dull. Everyone seems to have been shocked by the term ancient ancestors and the powerful power of Fland.

"Ancient ancestors... is indeed an ancient but frightening name. Not to mention everyone, even I have only learned about their history and culture from books, and the reality seems to be no same as what is said in the books. Although I have absolute confidence in the boundary set up in the showroom... I didn't expect that the other party could destroy it with the 'dark blue pupil'. This is really my mistake."

"Your Excellency, what you mean by 'deep blue pupil' means..."

Baymont shows the broken ring in his hand in front of everyone:

"This is one of the ancient secret treasures, the 'dark blue pupil' that can eliminate all magical boundaries... Unfortunately, it is only a replica that can only maintain its effectiveness once. But being able to break my 'dimension' with a replica only shows that the ancient ancestor named Fland has the same power as me... What's more, he can use the legendary 'empty'..."

"So... what kind of existence is the 'original slate' of the treasure he seized?"

"That's also one of the ancient secret treasures... Unfortunately, it is not a replica. However, I have never read its records in any ancient books, so I don't know what mysteries it has. I can only be sure that being taken away by such a powerful figure as Fland shows that it should have an unpredictable value, and I'm afraid that the behind-the-scenes man behind sending a figure like Fland is also a fearsome guy.

"About this... He just said before he left that if we went to catch up, we would be intercepted by the other fleet..."

"The fleet... seems to be really fierce... That is to say, it is more appropriate for us to give up the pursuit based on avoiding unprincipled sacrifices."

"But! That's the secret treasure of our college, which is also related to the honor of our college! What's more, you also said that it should have unpredictable value! Isn't it unreasonable not to pursue such a treasure!"

Part of the responsibility for the theft of the treasure lies in the slackness of the swordsmen... As expected, it has ruined our reputation at the last moment! Driven by this contradictory mood of shame and anger, Ferdinand excitedly refuted the director's proposal.

"Maybe what you said makes sense. But I want to ask you, Mr. Ferdinand, if Fland tells the truth, are you confident that you can defeat the other's fleet with more than a dozen people? What's more, it's impossible for the other party to send only a fleet to the palace, right? They will definitely arrange a certain number of soldiers as a containment... Do you think you are confident to win?

Fednan was speechless... His ambition gradually disintegrated in front of the director's calm organization, but he was still a little unwilling:

"What you said, can we only watch each other slip away like this? If they use ancient stone slabs for evil, can't we just sit back and watch?

"In that case... you can only come up with a reasonable coping strategy after it happens. Sometimes, passive defense is also a necessary law of warfare, based on the premise of late-up..."

"Sorry, Mr. President, I also agree with Mr. Ferdinand's opinion. In any case, we must send troops to pursue.

Sericia's bold decision surprised everyone present. The head of the college stared at the princess for a moment and shook her head:

"Her Royal Highness's kindness has been received. But after all, this is a private matter of the college. Her Royal Highness should not intervene on behalf of the country... If the other party is also backed by a certain country, it is likely to evolve into a diplomatic dispute between countries..."

"Sacred moonlight is the elite college of Haier Milan, and the students also represent the future of the countries. The other party's attack on the college is completely a gesture of contempt of China's authority! If we don't fight back against this, I'm afraid that Haier Milan's prestige among the countries will no longer exist! If you want to make diplomatic representations, you must first liquidate the causes and consequences of this attack! So I ask the director to agree with me and jointly send troops to pursue it!"

"But...we also mentioned just now, about the enemy's fleet..."

"So it is necessary for us to send the guards of the kingdom! If the other party is really backed by a kingdom... Presumably they will also be deterred by diplomatic pressure and dare not open fire easily, and we can take this opportunity to know who is the real mastermind behind the scenes, so it is imperative whether this pursuit is successful or not!"

Such a sharp personality, such a clear strategic mind... Is this really the princess who has always been gentle and elegant before? Everyone was surprised by her two, but the dean laughed softly:

"Your Highness seems to have grown up overnight... Although it is still unavoidable the immatureness of young people, what you said does make sense. So, which army is Her Royal Highness going to send to pursue?

Sericia turned her eyes to Lyon... Lyon smiled and shook her head:

"I am a guard directly belonging to His Majesty, and I can't easily obey the orders of the princess."

"So...Fe Linwen, only you..."

"Miss Fei Linwen's physical condition does not seem to be suitable for participating in the pursuit operation, and I'm afraid she can't bear this responsibility."

"So... Lyon, do you mean that I should participate in the pursuit in person? I won't avoid this responsibility!"

Lyon's words made Selysia couldn't help getting angry, but he still smiled:

"But... the following guard was granted by the king the privilege of 'allowing you to make temporary decisions at critical moments without my will'. Although I'm not sure whether the current situation is a so-called critical moment, I just want to try the pleasure of exercising my privileges. Please send it to the princess. Send me to the chase."


The princess's anger turned into gratitude, but Lyon still took care of himself:

"And...this is also to protect her college...I have to do this."

Everyone felt confused about his words, but Fei Linwen understood his voice and sighed helplessly:

"Your Excellency Lyon... Please don't forget that your opponent is a strong enemy with a fleet... Please cherish the lives of your subordinates."

"Of course, if you blindly send your subordinates to the front when you know the trump card in the other party's hand, you will not be a qualified commander. Mr. Ferdinand, could you please get the map?"

After getting the permission of the college president, Ferdinand turned around in the office bookcase for a while, and then took a large map and unfolded it on the table. Lyon borrowed a magic wand from him and pointed out a place on the map:

"If you judge correctly, their retreat route should pass through this 'Lachafen Plain'. It is the only place near the college suitable for the fleet to stop, and I think we will encounter enemy troops here. First, the enemy's ambush, and then the attack of the fleet. To some extent, the possibility of regaining the 'original slate' is quite slim, and our goal must be divided into two, either to recapture the slate, or pursue and annihilate the enemy and confirm their identity. However, my guard and your swordsman regiment, including you and me, can't fight head-on with the enemy, so we can only ensure the results by surprise attacks.

Lyon moved the magic wand to the right of the plain:

"Please lead your troops around this path from the side and find an opportunity to meet us here. I will lead the guard to attack the plain head-on. Once you encounter the enemy there, please support us from the side. What do you think of this arrangement?

"Although I don't have any objection to your strategy... But as you said, your troops are only ten people. Isn't it too risky to rush into the battlefield head-on?"

"Please rest assured that the Silver Knight has three times the combat effectiveness of the Swordsmen' Regiment and will not be easily defeated by the enemy. Because you must arrive at the plain before our side, please leave immediately. However, because this battle is quite risky, in order to ensure the safety of your lives, please be sure to obey the command on the battlefield.

"I will obey your order."

Fednam took the magic wand returned by Lyon, bowed to the princess and hurried away. Although he only accepted Lyon's command for the first time, he was inexplicably shocked by his courage... On the other hand, Celicia still showed a restless look:

"Lion... Although I dare not doubt your arrangement... but after all, there are only ten troops. Are you really sure of winning?"

"Please forgive my rudeness, Your Highness... In fact, no one can have the certainty of winning before the battle, because after all, the battlefield does not rely on calculation and inference to grasp the overall situation. All I can do is to do my best to witness my unpredictable fate. Since I was lucky enough to leave the embrace of death and return to the king city I love that year, I have developed a rather firm interest in the term luck.

Maybe the talker was unintentionally... The princess showed deep admiration after hearing this, but Fei Linwen's poor face became paler...

"Then... it's time to leave. You don't have to worry about this trip, just pray for me here. In fact... I really want to compete with that mysterious ancient ancesan.

Leon saluted the princess and withdrew from the room, and Fei Linwen also quietly followed him. After confirming that there was no one around in the corridor, she couldn't help calling Lyon:

"Your Excellency Lyon...please forgive my rudeness...but...about the you still..."

Lyon did not look back, but responded to her apology in an undulating tone:

"I'm sorry... I don't want to repeat my past memories. And... no matter what we say or do, the truth is the established law that cannot be changed... Please don't pay attention to it."

"I'm sorry... Mr. Lyon, although I may have done this... I'm still a little worried about your safety here. I hope you won't be too reluctant..."

"When did you become so vulnerable, Miss Fei Linwen? I remember that you were so strong that I even felt terrible... But that was two years ago, right? I hope you... and in the future can be like you in the past... just like Miss Ferringen.

Felinwen was stunned by Lyon's slightly indifferent lines. She tried to explain something more, but Lyon's figure had disappeared at the end of the corridor, and the resulting coldness made her hold her thin shoulders tightly:

" will never forgive me... In fact, I should have understood this long ago. You are always loyal to Xilu... Knight."

After landing in the Lachafen Plain, the French-riding Griffin roared in a low voice around the empty space, which was a pre-agreed signal. Soon, the former companions flashed out of the darkness.

"Your Excellency Fland came back on time. It seems that the battle plan is very successful. He is worthy of being an elite figure in Riselovin.

"It's just a little tampage... After all, the opponent is the rumored magician, but the agreed thing is here. Next, should you fulfill your promise?"

Fland handed over the slate in his hand to the other party's hand. After careful inspection, the mysterious man led by the other party handed it to a subordinate and ordered two words. Then his subordinates immediately got on the horse and ran to the depths of darkness. The leader turned around and took out a ring and gave it to Flanders:

"This is the 'Gate of Red Flame' agreed with you. Although the deal with you is over... However, the 'adult' hopes to ask you for your generous assistance when necessary in the future, and the reward will never disappoint you.

This is a ring similar to the previous "dark blue pupil" and also engraved with a small line of ancient words. After looking at it carefully for a while, Farnde put the ring on his finger:

"I am deeply grateful to you for your virtues of keeping your promises. Although I don't know if there is any possibility of continued cooperation in the future, I will consider this. Before saying goodbye, I want to remind you that the pursuers will come soon, and your opponents are also legendary characters... I hope you will cherish your lives.

Fland rode Griffin again and disappeared into the night, and the mysterious people immediately stepped on the war horse:

"The legendary character... I don't know what kind of character it is! But... no matter how powerful he is, he will not be the opponent of the fleet! Flesh and blood can't fight against it... If they understand this, they shouldn't catch up..."

"Captain! I have heard the sound of horses' hoofs! It seems that the enemy has arrived!"

The leader was shocked to hear the panic report of his subordinates:

"Have you arrived yet? How can it be so fast? What is the origin of the other party?

He couldn't help but feel suspicious about the rapid arrival of the pursuers, but soon he also heard the clear sound of horses' hoofs... This really made him a little panicked:

"Immediate! Order the cavalry to prepare! Listen to how many people there are on the other side?

"About ten people!"

"Do ten people dare to chase after them? Isn't it too good or not? Join the cavalry and encircle and annihilate!"

The mysterious people immediately scattered towards the depths of darkness. A few minutes later, ten silver knights led by Lyon also rushed to the plain. Lyon motioned the knights to strangle the horses, and then listened carefully to the noise mixed in the night wind. After a moment, he made a sword-drawn gesture to the knights:

"Now we are going to deal with about 50 cavalry troops, and one kilometer ahead of us should be the location of the fleet... Everyone, you must obey my order and never break into the effective range of the fleet cannons... I don't want any of you to lose your precious life, so each Just give me your life!"

"I understand! By the way, Lord Lyon, don't we wait for the students of the Swordsman Corps?

"Do you think they can really play a role on the battlefield? I really don't want their young lives to wither prematurely in this cruel bloody battle... I have lost many comrades-in-arms, so I am very sad about anyone's death... This is also a helpless fact! However, this is not the time to lament this, and the enemy is about to approach! Everyone! Head-on assault!"

The sound of the enemy's neat horses' hoofs has come from the darkness... It seems that even if it is not a well-trained regular soldier, at least it is a mercenary who has experienced a hundred battles. Lyon's subordinates were excited by the upcoming battle. After making a loud shout, they followed Lyon into the enemy.

However, on the other side, although Lyon said that he did not want the swordsmen to participate in this bloody battle and deliberately ordered Ferdinand to take a fork in the road, the swordsmen arrived on time after Lyon's war with the enemy. These young people's dedication to reputation and victory was no less than those regular knights. After hearing the shouts on the plain and witnessing the heroic posture of the knights led by Lyon, they also excitedly pulled out their swords to rush into the battlefield, but the accompanying Kick stretched out his hand to stop them:

Don't be impulsive! Unlike those regular knights, you have never experienced this kind of battlefield fighting, and you may die if you rush directly! Your job is to support with magic first, and then find the right opportunity to raid! Prepare your own magic spells, and then harass the enemy with minimal power! Don't hurt those knight companions by mistake!"

The companions changed their weapons with magic wands, and then sang their own attribute magic... A moment later, fireballs, whirlwinds, water bombs... rushed to the enemies in the melee together.

Because of the sudden appearance of the magician, the enemy immediately messed up, and the encirclement was also torn open... Lyon praised "I really underestimated them" while continuing to attack the chaotic enemy. Ferdinand and others won a blow. After another round of magic attacks, they also pulled out their swords under the leadership of Kick and bravely chased the defeated enemy...

"You came in time! Fifty cavalry were solved without any casualties within ten minutes, and such results can go down in history. I thought you were not familiar with the laws of the battlefield. It seems that it is a wise choice to fight with you.

Lyon sincerely praised Ferdinand. Ferdinand was a little flustered by his praise, but Kik on one side yawned indifferently:

"It's just because the enemy is too weak to find the joy of fighting at all..."

"Is it a pleasure to fight... Your Excellency's statement is really..."

"Ah... I'm sorry, Mr. Lyon, I'm here... He's such a rude guy, not as good as your genius, and he doesn't have such a view of the battlefield like you... However, when he goes to the battlefield, he won't think about those superfluous things, but only cares about how to survive... ...So it's a common language with Mr. Lyon! However, I admire your combat style... That's all!"

I don't know why... It's only the first time we met, and Kick doesn't have a good impression on Lyon... His attitude makes his companions feel uneasy, but Lyon doesn't care about the meanings of his words, but still suggests Ferdinand with a smile:

"After that, we don't have to chase it. It seems that the slate can't be recovered. Let's confirm the identity of the enemy first and then return to the college."

"Although the stone slab is indeed irreparable... this is also helpless. But let go of the enemy like this..."

"Maybe you are very unwilling... but there is the enemy's fleet one kilometer ahead. If we rush forward, I'm afraid our ending will be reversed. In a word, we have achieved the ideal results, so we should no longer pursue unnecessary decorations..."

"Are these... also so-called strategies?"

In the face of Ferdinand's question, Lyon smiled apologetically:

"These are just reasonable excuses for my cowardice to protect myself and my subordinates... It makes you laugh. But you should feel the same way when you see something like that.

Fednan looked in the direction of his fingers... Then he breathed a cold breath like everyone present.

In the sky not far away, a huge dark shadow slowly emerged... There was a condescending view of small human beings like the legendary dragon. Through the moonlight, it can be found that it is a huge air battleship with a vague outline, and at this moment, it is facing them with more than ten cannons on the side...

If you rushed up with a cavity of blood before, I'm afraid there will soon be no bones under these guns! Ferdinand, who felt that he had saved his life by chance, cast a grateful look at Lyon, but Lyon just quietly stared at the full moon in the air and muttered to himself with a sad expression:

"The La Chapel Plain under the moon... The holy place permeated with the love and forgiveness of the goddess has finally been stained with her wonderful face by blood and death... What a sad reality..."

When the two troops returned to the college, it was already close to dawn. I thought everyone had gone back to rest... The director's office was brightly lit. The princess and Fei Linwen both looked tired but waited for their return. Ferdinand couldn't help lowering his head in confusion:

"I'm really ashamed to keep you waiting for a long time..."

"As long as you can return safely, we have been praying devoutly for this."

Sericia shook her body and stood up, and Ferdinand quickly came forward to hold her:

"Your Highness seems to be very tired. Let's go back and rest first. Let's talk about the results of the pursuit later."

"It doesn't matter... It's not the first time I've stayed up all night. Thank you for your concern... So Lyon, please tell us the result in detail."

"Although I don't know if it's a kind of luck... After searching the enemy's bodies, nothing that can represent their identity was found... That is to say, it is completely uncertain whether a kingdom is manipulating all this behind its back."

"Don't leave any evidence... What a trick. Although it is impossible to determine who the black man behind the scenes is, at least there is no need to worry about unnecessary diplomatic disputes. Your Highness, this is also an ideal answer.

Sericia sat down again with relief:

"Indeed...that's a lucky result... So Lyon, about the fleet..."

"This is a worrying thing."

Lion was silent for a moment and changed to a solemn look:

"That's indeed an unexpected weapon... Although it is only one, it is enough to stop the assault of hundreds of troops... Maybe it will become an unavoidable nightmare in the future. Although it is uncertain which kingdom has such amazing strength, the most critical problem is that China has not built such a war. The ability of the ship.

Fednan borrowed a pen and paper from the president of the college and drew the sketch of the warship with his memory:

"Although the specific shape can't be seen clearly in the night... However, it can be determined that its length is more than 300 meters, and the sideboard cannon is probably divided into about 20 guns in the upper and lower layers..."

"That is to say... the whole warship's cannons have reached 40... Even so, it is already an invincible legend. If such a warship is mass-produced and formed into troops, I'm afraid it will be an ominous omen for the whole continent..."

Sericia's face lost her blood color, and her body shook more violently than before. Fei Linwen couldn't help holding her shoulder.

"That is to say... it's a harbinger of war, right? It's really a real problem."

The director turned his head out of the window:

"But... in that case, the college can no longer provide any more help."

"I understand that since it involves war... the responsibility can no longer be shared by the college. I must go back to the royal city immediately to discuss with my father. Your Excellency, thank you very much for your care and teaching these two days.

"I also hope to do something for Her Royal Highness... But it seems that you have learned a princess... No, the way a queen should do things, and the old man will no longer talk about anything... Well... Although the sun has risen, the afterglow of the moon has not faded from the earth... It's really the most beautiful in the morning. What a wonderful scenery."

"I will keep your advice in mind."

The princess saluted the president of the college, but Baymont did not turn his eyes back to her:

"The old man said nothing and did nothing... The old man is just looking for the stars that still shine with remnants in the sky. This kind of old man's boring game really makes you laugh.

Sericia smiled knowingly, but Fei Linwen looked hesitant. After a moment, she opened her mouth hesitantly:

"In addition, there is one more thing I want to report to Her Royal Highness... about the secret order you entrusted to Xilu... I'm afraid it's difficult for her to complete."

Sericia turned her face in surprise, and Ferrinwen turned her eyes to Lyon:

"Although I don't understand the reason... Xilu... she's missing."