Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

Golden Dream Seven

Four seven ancient ancestors

The activity on the second day of Roward's Day began two hours after Roed and Cillo left the college respectively. Compared with the first day's activity, this day is much more boring... But in terms of the excitement, it is even more than the first day. Because this is a program called "free trade".

To put it bluntly... It is actually a business activity that allows businessmen and students to trade freely in the college. Of course, because it is a magic academy... so the goods traded are limited to goods with magical attributes, such as high-purity alchemy ore, such as brooms that can clean the room by themselves in a short time, such as magic machine birds that can communicate with their owners simply... In short, they are so low that students are willing to spend money. Seed. Similarly, some students auction their magic achievements, such as high-end magic perfumes made by some girls... But because the purity of magic is too high, it is difficult to sell...

In a word, the square is a little lively... But there is a group of people who can't integrate into the lively scene at all.

They are the swordsmen who serve as guards and patrols. Because of the princess, or the gift of the royal family, they are already heroes in the college. However, this excitement only lasted for a day. Since this morning, their hearts have always felt as heavy as being blocked by a boulder...

When I got up to train in the morning... I still didn't see Xilu and loyd. This made their hearts coincidentally surrounded by a thick shadow.

These two people will leave without saying goodbye... Is it because they have not received the same gift? Thinking about it, these two people are indeed the most meritorious in the swordsmen's group... To take a step back, Xilu may not be a far-fetched reason because she wants to accept the princess's "special appointment", but Loid can't get any rewards just because of his civilian origin... Isn't this really unreasonable? After all, he has the merit of saving the princess herself!

Although I don't believe that these two people will really leave for this reason, it is also true that they did not appear in today's square. This makes them full of sympathy for their companions and vaguely antipathy to the style of the Wang family... I'm afraid the reason is that they have formed a group worth advancing and retreating together. In this way, the most annoying Kick can't help but become full of human feelings...

After Ferdinand, who temporarily replaced Captain Xilu, woke up from the touching that "I got the princess herself and kissed her noble hand" that lasted all day yesterday, he was immediately surrounded by a layer of ominous foreboding. That is based on the premise that the swordsman group was upgraded to the "Princess Second Guard"...

Until yesterday, the Valkyrie Swords' Corps has been an organization affiliated to the college, and all actions can maintain a considerable degree of freedom... However, once it becomes the princess's guard, I'm afraid that this freedom will be greatly affected... It will even disappear, right? What kind of serious situation will be encountered in the future? It is impossible for everyone to flock up under the order of Xilu or Keke as usual... Instead, it must be decided by the princess, and then it can only be implemented by the princess's order... This is not a huge gap that can be made up by the joy brought by the promotion of status! I'm afraid the future of the swordsmen may not be as bright as previously thought...

But what discouraged him was... It seemed that the companions did not notice the seriousness of the problem at all, and they slept in unrealistic fantasy. Kit may have the same idea as himself, right? But he is uninterested in other people's team... But there is nothing he can do. After all, he is not a native...

In this way... The swordsman group, which had been in a straight line, lurked with uneasy elements for various reasons. When this uneasiness may break out and seriously affect our morale and even our future... Ferdinand is full of irreparable melancholy.

Turning around... Although free trading is a fixed program of the college, it does not seem easier than yesterday from the perspective of security. Although it has undergone strict inspection... No one can guarantee that there will be suspicious people among those businessmen. The swordsman regiment cannot cause unnecessary reputation loss due to negligence the day after obtaining the title! Ferdinand knew the burden of responsibility on his shoulders, so he tried to suppress his inner doubts, cheered up with everyone, and looked at every suspicious corner vigilantly.

The grass slope about one kilometer away from the gate of the college is beyond the critical point for the guards to patrol. Since noon, sporadic figures have appeared here... Soon after, a total of seven horse riders gathered here. They are all in a dark cloak, so they can't see their appearance and gender at all, but there is a strong sense of uneasiness from their appearance alone...

After a while of silence, the knight at the forefront turned around:

"Is your information reliable?" Is that thing really stored in the holy moonlight?

"There should be no problem. And... there is no better place than here."

"The treasure house of the college... must also be sealed by high magic. Rumor has it that Baymont is not a simple character... The magic boundary he set should not be casually detectable... However, as long as 'this' is true... Then even the legendary Rovard is alive, it is impossible to easily stop me..."

"Please rest assured that this is a magic weapon personally identified by the 'adult'. Although it can only maintain its effectiveness once, it is enough to remove any powerful magic boundary in front of you."

"Can it only be maintained once... What a cautious style. I don't doubt its power... It's just that I was born with this suspicious temper. After all, I just owe 'the adult' a favor and want to repay it, not his subordinates... So I need to confirm the facts I want to know here... According to our agreement, as long as I can get 'that kind of thing', you will fulfill our promise, right?"

"Please rest assured that even for a person like you who has only been hired once, 'that adult' will never lose his trust. As long as you get 'that thing' and hand it over to us, everything in your past will disappear, and the rest will be handled by our fleet.

"The have finished it?"

"Although it is only in the preliminary stage... it already has enough deterrent power. No matter who... can't resist the huge power of the fleet.

"Really... That's really disturbing... But it has nothing to do with me. All I care about is 'that thing'... Well, everything will go according to plan."

"Well... good luck. We will meet you at the appointed time.

"Let's be happy... I hope you can be as lucky as me."

The knight rode his horse in the direction of the college and soon disappeared in front of him. The remaining six people stood still for a moment and did not immediately turn around.

"Leave this matter to him... Is there really no problem?"

"That's because no one is more suitable than him... at least for now. Although that guy is a dangerous person who will point his sword at us at any time... but we don't have to worry about this problem now. And... the 'adult' has already been fully prepared and will not give him any chance."

"Just... just for a stone slab, do we really need to use our fleet as a backup?"

"Because it is not an ordinary stone, but an artifact that condenses the legendary magic. Even the 'adult' attaches so much importance to the departure of the fleet is not a big deal.

"Since that's the case... wouldn't it be more direct to send a fleet to raze the magic academy?"

"That will only destroy our whole plan. The previous action was destroyed by a group of inexplicable children, which shows that there are not only simple student magicians in the college... So the current action needs to be more cautious. After all, we are not drinking in the player's house, but shouldering a sacred mission. We can't lose any more until we achieve a great goal. Wrong, so don't take it lightly!"

"I see... Then let's start to act according to the plan. I hope that guy can come back triumphantly..."

"He has to return without victory... Otherwise, even we can't guarantee the result... Anyway, let's pray for that guy..."

In this way, the daytime program ended safely... And it's not only nothing, it's simply boring... Both the guards and the swordsmen' regiment are bored and weak all over...

However, it is because of such boredom that people can breathe a little relief. If they get busy for some reason... it means that the college has encountered unnecessary trouble, right? For them, this is more annoying than the emptiness of having nothing to do... So I have to sigh " long live boredom" in my heart...

Only Ferdinand did not show the same ease as everyone else. After completing the daytime patrol task, he gathered everyone to a corner of the square. Although the companions were unknown, they couldn't help but be nervous when they saw his uneasy face:

"What's wrong with you, Ferdinand? It seems that you have always been this face today? What the hell happened?"

"Don't talk about me... Don't you always have this expression? I don't think I can guess what's thinking in each other's hearts without my explanation!"

"That's right..."

The faces of the companions all dimmed:

"It's because of the matter of Xilu and loyd... To be honest... Although loyd is just a civilian... we are partners after all! The royal family is so unfair!"

"Do you really think so? You are all nobles! And haven't they all been promoted?"

Fednen put on an incredible look and stood up anly in Sek, who had fought side by side in the monastery:

"You really know how to pretend! Don't think we don't know what you're thinking! But please don't do such hypocritical behavior in front of us!"

"That's right! That time, loyd resisted the terrible warrior on his own! Without him, we would not have achieved today's glory! It's true that we are nobles, but it doesn't mean that there is such a hatred between us and loyd, right?

Rezo is one of the lower nobles who ascended his position with this glory and has a good impression on loyd, so he should also refute Ferdinand with cek. And his words resonated. Everyone nodded "um-huh" together, and Ferdinand laughed instead:

"What about me...that's what I mean, and I'm a person who likes to pretend. But to be honest, I was really surprised! Because I always thought you wouldn't care about this problem! To be honest... Didn't several of us laugh at Mr. Lulu when he brought loyd to the classroom on the first day?

"Then please stop mentioning this kind of past! Now we are just glad that he can be our companion! Let alone say how he has helped us... Just in terms of strength, how many of us can be his opponents? This is worthy of our trust!"

"You guys... are really realistic guys!"

Although the nobles are all groups that attach importance to the so-called dignity and honor and are almost face-saving... Occasionally, there will be these special guys! Ferdinand's originally melancholy heart was a little relieved by everyone's attitude, but he still did not completely relax:

"Actually... What I really want to talk to you about is not this... but our future!"

"Our future? What do you mean?

"Do you still need to ask! We have now become the second escort of the princess! Don't you think this title is not easy for us?

"You mean... this means that our future actions will be limited in one way or another, right? We just found this problem... But there's nothing we can do about it, right? This is already the official appointment of the royal family!"

"So... we will soon lose the freedom we used to be, and we must always be responsible for the royal order! That's probably a pretty bad problem for us, right? Let's assume... I'm just assuming... There is something dangerous outside this time... If the princess doesn't allow it, can we just wait stupidly?"

"I said... the princess is not so unhuman, is she?"

"So I'm just assuming! But what if it becomes a reality?"

So everyone responded with a silence... A clear answer has been hinted in the silence. Ferdinand sat down with a chagrin face:

"I'm worried about this problem..."

"So do you have any feasible solutions? Shouldn't... Do you want us to give up the name of Princess Escort?"

"Of course not! This is an honor that we risked our lives! I'm just wondering... Is there any way for the princess to grant us considerable freedom of movement while appointing us as an escort?"

"Although it's a good idea... we haven't heard of such a precedent by the royal family!"

"Then find a way to let the princess set this precedent!"

"Then you can think of a feasible way to try it!"

Fednam couldn't help but be speechless... Of course, everyone was also discouraged.

"Anyway... it seems that there is no way out for a while. Don't care. I just want to complain with you... So that's all for today, but the inspection at night still has to cheer up. No one knows if there will be suspicious people we haven't found in those people during the day. I don't want anything to go wrong on the last day of the college celebration to affect our reputation.

Although Ferdinand reminded so solemnly... but everyone's spirit was still a little relaxed. Of course, it's not just them, but even the princess's guard showed a slack look because they were about to complete the task...

The showroom in the northeast corner of the college, the so-called treasure house, is the forbidden area of the college. The high magic objects in it are closely protected by the magic boundary set up by the college principal. No one can easily access it except himself or with his permission. There are also rumors that what is displayed in it are just some replicas. The real magic objects are hidden in unknown places by the college president, and the so-called magic boundary is just a special device to trap thieves... In short, no one will know the truth except to try it in person.

Because they were quite tired throughout the day, everyone returned to the room early, and the guards and the swordsmen began to relax after two patrols, not to mention that the showroom itself has a strong protective boundary... So no one cares at all. So when the mysterious man covered with a cloak appeared at its door, he was not noticed by anyone...

"Because of the superstition of the power of the magical boundary... What a group of innocent young people. Although the magic here can be felt just by standing at the door... Baymont is really as good as rumored. However... no matter how powerful it is... it can't become a legend... What a pity..."

After the mysterious man stretched out his finger and sang a spell, a small white ball of light slowly flew out of his fingertips. When the light ball arrived at the gate, a huge five-pointed star array flashed out and blocked its way. A second later, the small light ball disappeared without a trace.

"Is it a 'dimensional'... It can decompose any legendary guardian magic that exists in front of us... Baymont can set such a powerful boundary, it seems that my power alone can't fight against it... Now I can only hope that 'such a thing' can help... Although this will definitely help I attract the enemy, but as long as one blow works..."

The mysterious man took off an old ring engraved with a small line of ancient words from the middle finger of his left hand. Although the ring has been eroded and lost its color, its inscription seems to shine with a strange luster. The mysterious man continued to recite spells, and the ring in his palm rose into the air and began to shine dark blue.

"Please... The legendary broken magic ring 'dark blue pupil'... Let your ancient power be divided between here and the legendary boundary!"

The ring hit the five-pointed array at that moment, and then stopped as if it was embedded in the center. A small photosphere flew out of the mysterious man's fingertips again. This time, the small photosphere directly penetrated the five-pointed array, and then the boundary began to crack like glass. After a moment, There was a loud noise, which was torn apart like an explosion.

The loud explosion shocked the swordsmen who were patrolling lazily not far away. They were surprised at the same time after identifying the direction of the sound. No one believed that anyone would approach and destroy the magic boundary there, so they hurried over after being surprised for a long time. On the other hand, the princess's guard did not hesitate because they did not know what kind of place it was, so they rushed to the scene faster than them.

The mysterious man did not escape. He held an ancient stone slab in his hand and seemed to have done well. Next to him stood Griffin, and the powerful momentum made none of the people on the scene dare to act rashly. The mysterious man let out the laughter of the winner, and then threw off his cloak:

"Please tell the president of Baymont College that the treasure of the holy moonlight, the great ancient heritage 'original slate', has been received by me, Fland Rivichel!"

"What are you kidding!"

Fednam roared and then noticed the other party's long silver hair dancing in the wind in the moonlight... This changed his face:

"Are you a 'ancient ancestors'?"

"I don't know what you call and define us, but such a noun is really not a fallacy. Our ancient race may have withdrawn from the pages of history, but we do exist. If possible, please call us 'Riselopen'.

The crowd then happened for a while**. Whether it is "ancient ancestors" or "Riselopen", it refers to the mysterious and ancient race recorded in history books. Both men and women, each of them has a legendary handsome appearance and long silver hair. More importantly, they master the legendary ancient magic that is above the four-element magic and are good at controlling powerful mythical beasts. These points alone are enough to make magicians full of fear. However, their real figure has never appeared on this continent. Today, the ancient ancestors named Fland suddenly fell from the sky, making everyone present feel the pressure caused by fear.

Aren't you going to stop me? This is a wise judgment, and I don't want to have any conflict with you. I just borrowed the treasures of your college to achieve one of my ideals. Please be sure to express your gratitude and apologies to the President of the College for me. If there is a chance in the future, I will come to greet him in person.

"Do you want to escape!"

Seeing that Fland had already ridden Griffin, Ferdinand finally reacted and used magic, but the "whirlwind" came to Fland and suddenly disappeared as if it had been absorbed. Ferdinand's face suddenly turned pale:

"Is it... the 'empty' equivalent to the 'dimensional'?"

The legendary "Brenshud" Celine once devoured 200 pursuers in an instant with this magic... Its power is that you can sweat coldly just imagine it, but now it will actually appear in front of you...

"It turns out that there are magicians who can understand the ancient heritage... Although this is just the 'empty' that I have lowered my strength to the minimum, it is enough to devour you. Are you ready to continue to try?"

Fednan unconsciously took a step back...

Seeing that the people present were already soft, Fland smiled. In the moonlight, his appearance was full of the definition of handsomeness like a legend. If it weren't for the enemy... No, even if it's the enemy, there will be countless girls crazy about his appearance...

"Then I will leave. It's a pity that I couldn't compare with the rumored head of the college today, but the boundary he set alone convinced me. Well, everyone, I hope we will not be in a hostile position when we meet again in the future. In addition, please allow me to advise that if you want to catch up, you will be blocked by the fleet... Please cherish your life."

Fland kicked a mount, Griffin gave a sharp hiss and flapped his wings. The wind rolled up made the people present embarrassed. By the time they could finally open their eyes, Griffin's figure had disappeared into the night sky.