Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

One of the five heritage of the sages

The Witch of Five Water

Lulu's home is much farther than Xulu's Raspud territory. It took five days for the carriage to vaguely see the castle mansion in the distance after leaving the college. Lulu stretched out with a sigh of relief. This is an indecent act that is quite inconsistent with her temperament, but she has no scruples:

"I thought I would keep going like this... I didn't expect to get home soon. Loyd, this is my adoptive father's territory, Faragave.

Loed did not answer...

He has maintained this dull look for five days, and everything is at the mercy of Lulu. In order to arouse his mind, Lulu used all kinds of methods, from the simplest pick-up, to asking a private topic, or inviting him to relax together halfway, and even deliberately sending himself to his arms... In short, the reasonable methods that could be figured out have been used once, and Loyde seemed to have become a real puppet, even a I haven't said a word...

Lulu finally raised a white flag to him... Her self-confidence was completely destroyed, and she even began to regret not bringing this guy here. Although it is said to help him relax... As a result, the one who needs to relax the most becomes himself...

Why did I fall in love with this guy?

Lulu asked herself this more than once. After careful consideration, her answer is:

I don't know why I fell in love with him at all. In short, I fell in love with him and fell in love with him without considering the result...

Is this the answer?

Lulu Anli! You are just a water witch with her head full of water!

Your proud appearance and posture, your enthusiasm enough to melt the iceberg, were destroyed by this man named loyd!

Loed is not a human at all... He is a demon! He completely imprisoned my soul with the power of the devil!

I didn't expect... I really can't compare with that little girl! That little girl named Xilu! She can make this demon so fascinated! Just one misunderstanding made him feel like he was going to die!

How can I admit this fact!

I bet on Lulu's reputation... I also want to beat that kid!

The heart of the water witch is burning with fire...

In fact, she is more likely to fall into paranoia and extreme situations than Xilu. And this change is often without principle or reason. In a word, she is now firmly dominated by this extreme mood... In this mood, loyd is no longer a living person, but a prey that hunters must get...

"Since I'm almost home, I have to change a decent dress... You can't peek. I'll be angry."

Although she said so... she had no intention of covering herself at all. After tightening the curtain, she boldly took off her travel coat and carefully looked for the right clothes in the suitcase...

The body wearing only thin underwear shows the attractive charm of youth, and it seems to be the effect of water magic. Her skin is as soft as a ripe fruit... What's more, in the process of rummaging through clothes, she also deliberately makes some large-scale movements from time to time to make herself the most proud. The part is fully displayed in front of loyd...

As long as he is a normal man, he will jump on it desperately because he is crazy when he sees this scene, right? Lulu is waiting for such a result... Of course, if the other party really dares to do this, he still has to give a certain punishment... However, a few minutes later, not to mention crazy, loyd even kept his breathing smoothly before, and his eyes were completely chaotic...

Are you dead? Bastard!

Lulu bit her teeth out of disappointment and anger... She was unwilling to fail and continued to make bold efforts:

"This kind of underwear seems to be a little tight... It's all strangled here... Can't you take a look at it for me?"

Loide's face is close to his chest... Lulu closed her eyes because of nervousness and shyness.

However... as before, loyd did not have any reaction...

Lulu began to be a little scared... Isn't this guy really dead? She trembled and put her hand under the other party's nose. After making sure that the other party still had normal breathing, she put on the selected clothes with disappointment:

"I said you... Is such a reaction reassuring or helpless? If it's someone else, this will make me feel at ease... but if it were you... it makes me very uncomfortable..."

No matter whether loyd is silent or not, Lulu took his hand:

"Crop it down. It's coming soon. Let me introduce you to the situation of 'Ferragave' first."

loyd finally reacted... He obediently followed Lulu out of the carriage and greeted them with an idyllic landscape.

"'Ferragave' is a territory that can be listed in the top five in Heil Milan! There are 1,000 households and an army of 1,800 soldiers here, which is quite a prosperous place. And the products here are quite rich. Can you see the farmland and orchard in front of you? You can find any food you want there! This is not comparable to the 'Rasput' territory of the Xilu family!"

When talking about Xilu's name, Lulu will deliberately increase the volume... loyd will also produce some reactions slightly, but this reaction will soon be suppressed by the original silence.

"Do you see the castle in front of you? That's my home. My adoptive father is Duke Lancelot Elson, the lord here, but my adoptive parents have lived in the royal city for a long time, so only my brother Alvin should be at home, but he is a naughty child. If it makes you angry, don't care... Ah, I don't think you will be there. That's it. By the way, I didn't follow their surname... Because I don't want to be the successor lord of 'Faragafer', and I ran out to be a teacher because I hate this kind of aristocratic life... That way, I can contact all kinds of students will make my heart young and free.

Just in the distance, the majestic posture of the castle can still be clearly reflected in the eyes... Sure enough, it is worthy of Haier Milan's top five famous doors! But for loyd... this momentum is not as attractive as the simple style of Xilu's mansion. So he doesn't feel anything about it...

"To the north of the territory is the Luna Mountains... By the way, the Luna Mountains are really taller than expected. It seems that she can be seen everywhere in Haier Milan. Also, walking east for about a day is 'Lolita Sea'! It is said that there are fish that can realize any wish! When can I take you there? Anyway... I hope you feel better as soon as possible, and I will feel at ease..."

"It bothers you..."

It seemed that her chatter had an effect. loyd finally answered casually. Although Lulu sighed, she still smiled happily:

"So you are really still alive... If you are alive, talk to me more. I almost drove me crazy in the past five days... So please think of others. Well, let's go. We'll be home in ten minutes..."

Lulu stretched out her hand to the other party, and Loyde subconsciously put her hand in her arm, and then Lulu leaned her body up... Although he still made people feel cold and hard, she finally began to speak, and Lulu also slightly relaxed.

"Welcome back! Miss Lulu!"

As usual, it is an aristocratic welcome ceremony. The difference is that the number of servants is double that of the last time, almost standing from the gate of the castle to the gate of the mansion. No wonder that the number of servants needed for such a huge mansion in the city will also rise in a geometric proportion... The excessively luxurious residence makes loyd somewhat disgusted, perhaps because of the preconceived style of Xilu's mansion...

Lulu leaned against loyd and passed through the welcoming crowd... When she saw the eldest lady so affectionately snuggled up to a guy in a simple knight's uniform that didn't look like a regular knight, the servants all opened their eyes wide to show surprise and inexplicable expressions... This made Lulu more proud... ...As for loyd, because he is completely absent-minded, he doesn't care about other people's eyes...

If the Duke sees this scene... Maybe he will be so angry that he orders loyd to behead him on the spot? Fortunately, the Duke and the Duchess were really not at home as Lulu said... But they were still popular. At the gate of the mansion, there stood a pale, about thirteen or fourteen-year-old teenager... Probably Lulu's brother Alvin.

Although he was stared at unkindly, loyd seemed to salute carelessly. Alvin was furious:

"Who are you! Why are you standing with my noble sister!"

"In Lower loyd, he is the guardian knight of Miss Xilu..."

Because the answer was a little unclear, Alvin felt that he was ignoring himself and was about to jump up:

"What Xilu! What a guardian knight! What the hell are you!"

Lulu changed into a joke smile:

"You heard it wrong, little Aiwen. What he said was 'Little Lulu's guardian knight', which means me!"

"Little...Little Lulu! That's what you call my sister! Come on..."

"Converce a little, Alvin!"

Lulu raised her eyebrows and interrupted Alvin's roar:

"If it's rare to see your sister, won't you salute well? During my absence from my father and mother, you seem to be becoming more and more rude!"

Alvin's face turned red, and then bent down unnaturally:

"Lulu...Sister Lulu...Welcome back..."

"Nice to meet you, little Elvin. Although I just came back to stay for two days, I have to take care of you."

"That...of course! As long as my sister is willing to come back, I can do whatever I want!"

He showed a different style in front of Lulu... Alvin may have a rather serious tendency to fall in love with his sister, so he is angry with loyd, who is so intimate with his sister. Lulu may also understand this truth, so she calls him without hesitation:

"Then, please prepare dinner and room for us. In order to go home, we haven't had a good rest for these five days. Why is this place so far away?"

Alvin blushed again... but this time it doesn't seem to be because of shame...

"Well... there's nothing we can do... So... the room... my sister and I..."

"Ah... that won't work, because you have grown up."

"Why...why is it like this!"

"For you, you have grown up!"

Lulu responded to his anxiety with dissatisfaction:

"You are already 14 years old! It's too outrageous to sleep with my sister again! You are also a man! And he is still the future lord of Faragafer! Don't let people laugh at you as a coward who dares not sleep alone in the dark!"

"That...that's it! That doesn't matter at all! I just... I just want to be with my sister..."

"What do you want to do with me? Do you want to do that kind of thing with me?

"! Sister, don't make fun of me like this!"

Alvin explained desperately with a red face, revealing a grimace back to him:

"Ah... Then don't talk about anything! I don't like guys who are sloppy! Go in and get ready now!"

Obviously, Lulu is only an adopted daughter, and Alvin is an orthodox child, but her status is almost completely opposite... It's funny to see Alvin's obedient appearance to her sister... But Lulu didn't care about his appearance, but enthusiastically pulled loyd to go into the house. Alvin, who had been trembling, finally couldn't help shouting:

"That knight! Wait a minute!"

Lulu turned around in surprise and couldn't help frowning again when she saw Alvin's angry face:

"What do you want to do? It's really rude to see you like this..."

"It's rude, and there's no need to care about this civilian! It's just that his behavior makes me very unpleasant!"

"Don't you like it? He doesn't seem to have done anything, right?

"He has already done it! Did something unforgivable! This humble civilian... actually did something shameless! I absolutely can't forgive such behavior!"

Lulu finally understood... Alvin misunderstood his relationship with loyd, right? Because he was too serious to fall in love with his sister, he had unnecessary anger at loyd's behavior of "steering my sister away from me"... Of course, he also deliberately used such a misunderstanding to make fun of him just now... However, when she saw his angry appearance, Lulu felt more interesting:

"That's really amazing! What kind of brave move is a person who dares not spend the night alone? My sister is looking forward to your performance!"

Stimulated by this kind of sarcastic and inspirational lines, Alvin's face bloomed with an inexplicable red light:

"! That knight! I'm going to propose a duel to you!"


It's a completely unexpected request! Lulu opened her eyes wide in surprise:

"What are you thinking about? Have you ever practiced swordsmanship or magic?

"Don't...don't look under me! Sister! During your absence... I practice every day!"

"Ha? In that case, I would like to see your results... But if you think about it, loyd can fight against Griffin, ogre and other masters alone!"

"Who...who will be afraid!"

Alvin's forehead was sweating... but he still challenged Loed:

"How about it! That knight! If you really want to take your sister away from me, use your strength to prove everything! If you don't dare to fight, just get out of your sister!"

loyd was silent for a moment and nodded. Alvin thought he had agreed to the duel and couldn't help but be nervous... However, loyd let go of his revealing hand and walked out of the door...

"Hight! What do you mean? Are you looking down on me!"

Alvin roared in a loud and insulted voice, and Lulu couldn't help but look injured, but loyd didn't even look back:

"I'm Miss Xilu's knight... I won't take your sister away."

Alvin cast a doubtful look at Lulu... Lulu shook her head angrily:

"Let's be happy! You unintentional puppet!"

I shouldn't have brought this guy back... I lost such a big face! Even if it's a lie... won't you take care of my mood?

Lulu turned around and ran into the room, and the floor seemed to break at any time in her footsteps. After a moment of sterling, Alvin hurriedly followed in.

Because he parked the carriage outside the gate of the castle... loyd leaned on the side of the carriage and prepared to spend the night, and then said goodbye to Lulu the next day... In fact, he didn't understand why he followed Lulu here. After coming here, an unknown worry suddenly appeared in his heart...

and Lulu came here... What on earth is it for?

I had been in a chaotic state before, so I didn't remember what Lulu said or did at all, and I completely obeyed her like a puppet... Then she took me to the carriage and drove for five days to this strange place...

After entering the gate of the castle, he met an inexplicable teenager who challenged him... Because the other party proposed, "If you want to take away your sister, fight with me or get out of here", and he had never thought about Lulu, so he naturally chose to leave... So Lulu said, "Unintentionally. The puppet...

Indeed... I am indeed an unintentional puppet... In the past, it is still...

Anyway... I can't be with Xilu anymore... Xilu already has Leon by her side... The legendary knight will protect her better than me... They have a marriage contract...

Although I have been reminding myself like this... Xilu's figure has never been erased from my heart...

I've been out for five days... Will Xilu feel lonely when she stays alone in the room? Will you cry there? Will you call me a fool every day? Will you start hunger strike again to hurt yourself? But... it shouldn't be like that! With Leon and Fileen... I don't seem to have to worry about this... And I'm not qualified to worry about it...

It's just... my heart is like a big hole... Incompared pain and emptiness...

I'm an idiot!'re right...

Loide raised his head... The starry sky under the countryside is brighter than the night sky of the college, and the Milky Way through the sky stares at him silently like the familiar face...

Xilu... Can't I really stay with you anymore... So-called vows... Is it such a fragile existence...

There seems to be something rubbing his cheek... loyd turned away... It turned out to be a horse...

Like the previous rapid establishment of friendship with "Wind Dragon" and "Amber", Loed made new friends in these five days... Because he saw that his friends were so lonely, Ma'er came up enthusiastically... Loed stroked his neck, and there seemed to be a trace of emotion in his eyes...

"You... are really good. Have you made new friends so soon?"

Loed raised his head... Lulu stood in front of him with a large plate of food. However, she still seemed to be very angry and got into the carriage without waiting for him to reply:

"It's up to you if you want to freeze to death or starve to death, but I'm very angry now. If you want to apologize, come in. I'll just wait for you for a minute."

loyd did not reply, and after staying for a while, he still went in.

Anger appeared on her exposed face... Her eyes also glowed red, not knowing whether it was because of anger or sadness:

"It seems that you still know how to cherish your life... I thought you would lie outside silently like just now. If you freeze to death in such a place, I really can't explain it to Xilu."

"In that case... I'm really sorry..."

"You didn't mean to be angry just now, and I didn't look down on my brother, did you? Of course I understand what you are thinking, but even if you lie, can't you take care of other people's feelings? Moreover, a self-righteous guy like my brother, I won't care if you teach him a lesson..."

"Maybe... I'm really not very good at lying..."

"That's not the reason! Sometimes lying won't arouse others' disgust... Of course, it's useless to tell you these now... You'd better sit down and eat something first. At least, I sent it to you so hard, you can't refuse casually.

Royd sat down silently, took the plate in Lulu's hand, and then casually sent the knife and fork to his mouth...

"Hey! There is nothing on your fork! Do you really want to make me angry on purpose?"

Lulu took back the plate in his hand, then threw it out of the door, and then closed the door tightly. The flame of anger finally began to boil in her eyes...

"You should have had enough! It has been like this for five days! What do you think I brought you here for? What do you think I'm angry with you here? When you see someone being hit, you will kindly bring him back and do that to him... Do you think I, Lulu Anli, am such a casual person! I... Although I have the will of water, even if I meet a wandering puppy, I will help it... But I will not open my heart to anyone!"


"Don't keep such a boring silence there! Raise your head! Loyd grandall! Xilu's guardian knight! If you think you are still qualified to keep this name, just look up at me! No knight will hang his arrogant head after being injured! Let me see what the definition of the so-called knight is!"


Loed still had no response, but he raised his head slightly...

"Please remember! Loed! Raising your head is just a very simple action, but the other party may feel your deepest affection because of your simple action, which is the law of survival on which the bond between us depends! However, the foundation for this law to be established and maintained lies first of all in your trust in her and the resulting courage! I don't believe in the effect of the so-called Luna Mountains oath, but I witnessed the oath you made in front of the statue of Roward! That's my trust in you! Where is your trust in Xilu?"

Trust and courage...and the fetters established thereby...

There were dew words in loyd's head, and his heart stung slightly...

My trust in Xilu... Where the hell is it...

When I left the room... I saw her eyes... Her eyes were full of fear and sadness...

But... I didn't trust her... I just adhered to my so-called belief... The impulse brought by that meaningless belief formed a wrong judgment...

In the uninterrupted impact of this strong emotion, loyd's expression changed subtly... And Lulu, who captured this change, appeared with a sad look and held his head in his arms:

"Loed... I never thought that I would say so many words to a person like today... Because my heart will only present empty peace like the water I belong to... If it weren't for your existence... I wouldn't feel such great vitality in the definition of water... matter who your heart will belong to...please listen to the rhythm in my heart..."

Lulu took a deep breath, and then made up her mind to crush loyd to the ground. After her lips caught the target, she did not hesitate to launch a warm and almost crazy impact...

In Lulu's frantic kiss, loyd clearly felt the violent heartbeat from her chest and the hot warmth from her skin. If the usual Lulu is as empty as a mirror as she just said, it has also set off a storm at this moment...

The power of the witch of water surged, and Loid lost her ability to control herself like fallen leaves in the rapids, and even her consciousness began to blur... Lulu seemed to be ready to give everything. She did not stop kissing, but stretched out her hands behind her back to try to untie her coat... Even her At the critical point where she was about to lose her remaining reason, a drop of cold ** oozed out of loyd's face, and then gently touched the nerves on her cheek...

The reason that was about to collapse was pulled back, and Lulu raised her head and wiped away his tears with apology:

"I'm sorry... But it may bother you... Lend me your hand today. I haven't had a good rest for days..."

Loed really only belongs to Xilu... At least for now, I can't completely replace her existence... But... I'm a person who will look forward to the future...

The carriage seemed to have been kicked heavily by someone, and then there was the sound of distant footsteps... Lulu just smiled carelessly, and then put her head on loyd's arm...

Lulu... Although I can't do anything now... Although I can't transfer my feelings towards Xilu to you... Thank you for everything you have done for me... I haven't had a good rest for a long time...

Feeling the fragrance from Lulu, it seems that loyd feels the tranquility of the night for the first time in these days.