Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

legacy of the sages 5

Five-two Alvin's challenge

There seems to be something fluffy jumping around on his forehead... loyd opened his sleepy eyes and found that it was a sparrow that got into the window and danced on his head curiously...

Recently, as soon as you see a sparrow, you will think of Xilu... Well, Xilu's words should be more appropriate to describe it as a parrot. Because they will keep jumping like this... People can't help but want to hold it in the palm of their hands...

Because it was rare to have a sweet dream, the nerves that he had been tightly bound were also relaxed. So even in the ordinary morning, it made him feel the tranquility of long separation...

The arm still seemed to be pressed by something and a little tired. loyd turned his face, and Lulu was spitting a sweet breath on his arm, and occasionally let out a delicate gasp... It seems that she is also dreaming, right? Although the arm has been sore and soft because of this...

It's really a goblin that can make the room full of fragrance...

It's as comfortable as being brushed by the spring breeze... Loed couldn't help stretching out her hand to gently stroke her long messy hair. Lulu trembled gently as if she had been electrocuted, and then let out a "hum":

"Loed...don' can't be there..."

What kind of weird dream is this? Loyd smiled bitterly. Lulu didn't notice at all and continued to whisper **'s dream words:

"Didn't you say that it doesn't work there... It doesn't work there... Anyway, it doesn't work... But... If you are gentle, you can be happy... Be gentle... Hmm..."

In Lulu's dream, it seems that she has become a light and lustful guy? Or... is that what she looks like in her heart? No matter which answer it is, it makes him extremely confused... Or is it better to wake her up?

As soon as she made such a decision, Lulu suddenly shouted "You soft guy" and then turned over and pressed the whole person over... Then the two heads "dong" bumped together...


Lulu touched the painful forehead and opened her eyes... After seeing the embarrassing scene in front of her, she also quickly blushed and sat up:

"Good morning...Good morning..."

"Good morning..."

Because his arms were still sore and weak... loyd reluctantly sat up after a while and couldn't help but be a little confused when he saw Lulu's twisted appearance:

"I'm really sorry..."

"Yes...yes! Doing such a thing... you have to be responsible! And you can't take responsibility easily!"

Lulu opened her round eyes and put on a cute face with "How are you responsible for others"... loyd's face turned pale:

"Did that case, I..."

"I lied to you!"

Lulu changed into a naughty face, then pushed the door and jumped down. At this moment, loyd seemed to see the image of Xilu and was unconsciously in a trance for a while...

"Hey! Come down and have a look! There are strange things!"

Lulu greeted loudly outside, and Loed came to his senses and jumped out of the carriage...

A table was placed near the carriage, with mirrors, towels and washbasins, and a plate of breakfast...

When did this appear? Loyd rubbed his eyes to confirm that this was not an illusion...

"There is still a letter!"

Dulu unfolded the letter with great interest:

"What's written on it...' Sister, don't forget to wash your face and don't forget to eat breakfast... That guy's share is free... 'Oh, Alvin's child is really..."

Take a closer look... Sure enough, both water and breakfast are pitiful... That is to say, it's completely the weight of Lulu alone. This is really a realistic situation...

"I can't help it... It seems that he saw what happened last night..."

"That kind of thing..."

Thinking of Lulu's** last night... loyd couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. Seeing his appearance, Lulu's face also blushed... But she still maintained her original calm tone:

"Don't think about that... We haven't done anything too much. Fortunately... I finally don't feel sorry for that child... Don't care, I don't eat much breakfast because I like to sleep... You don't have to eat these things politely."

"It doesn't matter... Because of my previous wandering experience, I have the habit of carrying food with me."

Loed touched his body for a while... and suddenly felt a little stunned. He took out a beautiful small box from his pocket and leaned over curiously:

"What is this?"

"Miss Fei Linwen said that this was the secret order given by the princess to Xilu... I forgot to give it to her because I went out directly the other day..."

"You... You are as cold as a dead person when you should be enthusiastic, and why are you so impulsive when you should be calm... I don't know if this is an important task!"

"Then... it should be handed over to her as soon as possible..."

"Why don't you open it first? If it's really an important task, we'll figure it out right away... But it's also a week to go back!"

"Isn't that inappropriate? This is the princess's secret order..."

"You are the guardian knight of Xilu! She will also tell you the contents after reading it! So you don't have to worry about this! I won't tell the secret!"

After a moment of regret and hesitation, loyd still put the box back in his pocket:

"I still can't do that... Without Xilu's request, I don't want to intervene in royal-related events..."

"So...what are you going to do?"

"Go back to Xilu immediately and give this box to her."

"Do you want to go back to college? But that's also a waste of effort. On the day we set out, I also went to see her first, but Xilu disappeared before you and I left the college. Probably, like us, where to travel for a distraction... It seems that the princess's secret order can only be put on hold. What a pity..."

"You should have told me that earlier!"

"You...what are you yelling about! Will you listen even if I told you at that time? And this is your fault at the beginning!"

Lulu fought back against Loyd's impulse with grievance, which made Loyd calm down quickly:

"I'm so sorry... I'm just a little impulsive..."

"Not some! It's very impulsive! And how many times a day do you have to apologize to me before you are satisfied? Stupid! Find your own way!"

Lulu no longer paid attention to loyd, but soaked her face in the basin and began to wash her face. Because of the anger in his heart, the water splashed out of the basin and soaked the table with spots. Loyd stepped back silently for a few steps, and after thinking for a moment, he took out the box again:

"I'm sorry... Xilu... Please forgive my rudeness..."

Open the box carefully... There is a letter in it. But as soon as I looked at the envelope, I knew that it was sealed by magic. Loyd turned around:

"Miss Lulu..."

Is it a letter sealed by magic? Sure enough, it's an important task... But in that case, I'm spying on the secrets of the royal family! So I can't..."

"Really... That's also something that can't be forced... I'm really sorry."

Loed took the letter back from the box:

"Although there is no whereabouts of Xilu for the time being... I still want to go back to the college as soon as possible. At least I should return this box to the princess and accept her punishment..."

"In that case... you may be beheaded!"

"That's just my self-employed..."

"Xilu may die!"

"She shouldn't be that kind of cowardly person..., right?"

"But I will! I... I'm the kind of person who is desperate when I think of doing something!"

Just like last night? Loyd's heart trembled... It seems that it's better to believe her words:

"So... what should I do?"

"Then let nature take its course. Anyway, Xilu has a sister serving the princess, so she will not be punished too severely... Moreover, if this is a private matter entrusted by the princess, there is no reason to punish her, right? Because this is a task that can be rejected! Just pretend that you refused!"

"What should I say... The way you came up with is really..."

"That's because I hate the royal family! I told you before! And... just like your guard Xilu's mood, I just want you to be safe and sound!"

"For people like there something like this..."

"One·point·no! People... don't often meet people they like! All right! We don't have time to discuss this matter slowly... Anyway, it's too late! At least, please help me finish all these things first!"

Lulu handed the breakfast plate to him, and loyd hesitated:

"This is your breakfast... I..."

"Didn't you eat at all last night? Then please eat them!"

See Lulu's forced look... If she refuses, will she throw the plate out again? Loyd swallowed the intention of decline with the breakfast on the plate, and then Lulu changed into a happy expression:

"If you can be so obedient every time... it's reassuring."

Although her heart is also fully surrounded by a warm current... However, Lulu's ever-changing personality of being a mother, a sister, a sister and even a lover makes loyd feel a little scared...

"Excuse me...Miss Lulu, how old are you?"

"Ha? How dare you ask such a question to the lady? What are you thinking about?"

"Sorry... I just... because I think your fickle personality is very difficult to understand..."

"Ah... Dare to judge me like this and ask me such a question... You are still the first!"

Lulu unconsciously took out the magic wand and held it horizontally in the palm of her hand. Her eyebrows were slightly raised, and her smile was indescribably strange... This should be what she looked like when she taught in the college, right? Loyd felt an inexplicable tremor.

"But since it's loyd... then I'll answer you a little bit. Do you know the age of water?


"This is the answer. Don't forget that I am a magician blessed by water. Just like the eternal age and rapidly changing shape of water... Add these together is my water witch Lulu Anli! You should keep it in mind!"

With a "bang" sound... A sudden water bomb exploded above Loide's head. Loyd flashed alertly to one side, but a fountain suddenly surged on the ground... Although he dodged again, he was still hit by a small water bomb... and then fell to the ground in confusion.

"That's it! Ah... It's really refreshing this morning... I can't help but want to take a good shower..."

Lulu just left Loyd and left... The passion of "give everything to you" last night and the obsession of "will die for you" just now disappeared in an instant... What a fickle personality like water! The charm of the water witch is really irresistible but unbearable...

"Hey! That knight!"

The sudden shouts woke him up from the state of contemplation...

That's what I would call him... Sure enough, it's Alvin. He seemed to have just rode around and was still out of breath when he jumped off the horse. However, this can't hide his dissatisfaction with loyd... And when he thought that he spent the night in the carriage with his sister last night, there was almost a flame on his head:

"You guy! What the hell is the origin! You must make it clear today!"

"My name is loyd, and I'm the knight of Miss Xilu."

So you are really not your sister's knight? But who is Xilu?

"Sail is the second daughter of the Marquis de Lafayette..."

"Ha! It turned out to be the daughter of the Lafard family! I've heard of their Feilinwen. As for an unfamous little girl like Xilu, you can only find a half-toned knight like you..."

With a "sw" swung, loyd's sword fell on him. However, because it was only a blow of the demonstration, Irwin was able to avoid it...

"What do you... want to do! Are you going to kill me? Do you know who I am?"

Alvin shouted with a pale face, but loyd did not change his face:

"You are Alvin, the son of Duke Elson."

"And I am the future Duke and Lord Faragave! How dare you, a commoner, show your weapon to me!"

"If you dare to insult Miss Xilu, even if it is His Majesty, I will show my sword to him!"

Alvin was scared by loyd's momentum and unconsciously took two steps back... Then he felt that his cowardly behavior was too shameful, so he pulled out his sword hard:

"That...that's good! Then let's fight! You escaped yesterday... You have nothing to say today!"

Although he showed no fear in his mouth, Alvin's hands were constantly shaking... Yesterday, he was warned by his sister that the other party was a strong man who could fight against ogres and Griffin alone. Just now he personally experienced his swordsmanship... It was not only his hands that trembled, but also his heart was about to jump out...

Of course, Loed saw that Alvin was just bluffing, but he had no intention of showing mercy, but raised his sword straightly:

"Accept your challenge. Before that, Mr. Alvin, please remember that I didn't fight because you insulted me, but because you insulted your master's reputation. Therefore, I will never show mercy to you. Please be prepared."

"But...Damn! The guy who talks wildly! How could I lose to a commoner like you... you!"

Alvin shouted "Oh, oh, ah" and so on, and rushed to Loyd with all his strength.

Ten minutes later, Alvin fell to the ground exhausted. His clothes have been cut to pieces, but his body has not been hurt...

Is this guy human or not? If he really wanted to kill me, I would have been cut into pieces like my clothes!

The essence of Loyde's swordsmanship scared Irwin and completely lost the courage to stand up and fight again. Loyd did not stop because of this. He came to Alvin and pointed his sword at the tip of his nose:

"If you still have the courage to insult my master just now, then stand up. The future Duke and Lord Irwin can't lower your noble head like this and shame the Elson family and your sister Lulu! Moreover, compared with Miss Xilu, who was insulted by you just now, you can't even reach her with one finger!"

Irwin hummed unwillingly, but he still didn't have the courage to stand up...

"If you admit defeat, please kneel down and apologize to my sword and ask for Miss Xilu's forgiveness. I can keep today's duel a secret."

"Who...who are you talking to...who will kneel down and apologize to a guy like you!"

Alvin roared, and then stood up hard to hold the sword in his hand:

"Don't look down on people too much! Me too... I also practice every day! I also practiced for the honor of the Elson family! Even if my sister always says to me, 'You are a coward who dares not sleep alone in the dark'... But... I am also a descendant of Elson with the blood of a glorious family! I won't be defeated by a civilian knight like you!"

"The blood of family honor... Such a thing may bring you courage, but it may not bring you the hope of victory. Mr. Alvin, please remember that you can't defeat anyone if you are bound by such thoughts in a confrontation. If you want to win and glory, you must learn to face your sword and your opponent's sword! Let your heart no longer be manipulated by those illusory nouns!"

"It's not illusory! I was born for that reality! And...and who wants to listen to you!"

Irwin rushed at Loide again... and then was knocked to the ground by him again, but this time he was like an enchanted. No matter how many times he was knocked down, he would get up again and continue to attack... It was not until he completely fainted to the ground because of fatigue that the one-sided duel subsided.

"The son of the Elson family... seems to have finally understood what courage is. Please remember that only in this way can you protect your sister... can you protect your glorious Elson family.

loyd took the basin from the table and walked towards the nearby river. After a while, he returned to Alvin with the basin and poured the water from the basin directly on Alvin's head. Alvin's body trembled a few times, and then opened his eyes with great effort. After a while, he realized what was going on in front of him. As he wiped the splash on his face, he looked at Loyd angrily:

"You guy... dare to dump dirty water on me..."

"This water is not dirty. The water of this river is the source of your life in the castle, so it is best to clean the dust on your face. How about Mr. Alvin, are you still determined to continue to compare with me?

"Humph... Anyway, I'm not your opponent... It's your freedom whatever you like... But please don't insult my reputation and my family... and my sister! Please stay away from her! Like yesterday... like that... It's so shameless!"

I thought loyd would beat himself again in anger... loyd sat down beside him:

"It seems like Miss Lulu very much?"

"Of course! My sister has been a person I have respected since I was a child! And she has always taken care of me!"

"For example, sleeping with you when it's dark?"

"That...that's indeed...but it's not..."

"But... you don't seem to be related by blood, do you? I heard that Miss Lulu is your father's adopted daughter?

"I don't care about that! As long as it's my sister! As long as it's my sister..."

"So you will always be a child, right? Miss Lulu is right. You have always been a coward who dares not sleep alone at dark..."

"What...what do you mean! Is it fun to insult others?

Alvin stood up... but was immediately grabbed by Loed's shoulder and sat on the ground:

"Wow! hurts..."

"When it comes to insulting others... It seems that you insulted me and Miss Xilu first, right? Etiquette must first exist from a standpoint of equival. The so-called honor, dignity and bloodline can't make up for the gap in strength. You should understand this now, right?

"What if you understand! And I also want to ask you! Since you are someone else's knight, why do you always pester your sister? Do you have any thoughts about your sister?"

"Are you really so worried that I will take Miss Lulu away?"


"And...what would you do if your sister and I loved each other?"

"I absolutely do that kind of thing..."

"It can't be allowed, right? Why? If I take Lulu away from you today, are you going to take it back with your own strength, or rely on the strength of the family to win a disgraceful victory?

"That...that kind of thing...I..."

"So do you understand what I mean? I... My heart already belongs to, and will always belong to that person... So I won't take Miss Lulu away from you, but... What Miss Lulu wants to see most is that you can grow up and become a person who can truly shoulder the glory of the Elson family... The reason why she left Farragover, one of them The reason may be that I hope you realize this when you are alone... You will only keep calling your sister, which is Miss Lulu's most disappointing result!"

"You guy...maybe what you said makes sense..."

Alvin hung his head regretfully:

"I also know such a thing... I also know the reason why my sister scolded me as a coward! But...but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't make myself stronger... So I became afraid... The more I was... The more afraid I was about losing my sister... The more I was afraid that my sister would leave me... However, I didn't become stronger because of this fear... I don't know what to do... ”

"It turns out that the Elson family is not only a coward, but also a fool. It's really disappointing..."

Loed sighed and stood up and was about to leave, and Alvin stood up in anger:

"Hey! What do you mean by that! It's too rude to say half of the words!"

"In your previous competition with me, you have understood the fact that you are not my opponent. Why did you attack me desperately, Mr. Alvin? If Miss Lulu could witness the scene just now, she might also appreciate you. What you need is not the powerful power to defeat any opponent, but the courage to retreat in the face of any opponent... It is necessary for a lord to protect his territory and people, and the people around him. After you understand this, you may not be so defeated in front of me..."

"Courage... like I was just now... Will my sister really be happy?"

"Then you can find the proof by yourself. But maybe she will also be angry about your behavior... out of a sister's concern."

"That's enough... I'm already very satisfied... loyd! Let's try again! Now I feel... I have something to learn from you!"

Huh? What is that?"

"You will draw a sword from me to protect Xilu's reputation... This is a kind of courage to guard! So I want to feel... feel it with my own body... What kind of power will such courage bring! Loed! Please tell me all this as a teacher!"

"I don't want to be a teacher... I'm just a civilian knight. In fact, I talked so much to you because of Miss Lulu's kindness to me. After I entered the college, Miss Lulu was the first person not to treat me as an aristocrat, and the first person to cry because she was worried about my safety... I will never forget her kindness to me, although I can't repay her ideal way... At least I can do something for you."

loyd raised his sword, and the two confronted each other again... Then Alvin was stunned again after experiencing the "power brought by the courage of protection" with his body under loyd's ruthless attack...

Half an hour later... When he saw Alvin's clothes ragged like a beggar, he was shocked when he was about to go out to look for them after taking a shower:

"Hey! What are you doing! What's wrong with Alvin?

The first reaction is that Alvin must have gone to duel with loyd and turned into this... True, loyd just smiled:

"Son Irwin compared with me to understand what courage he needed to find... Now he should have understood this truth. Because I didn't show mercy."

"You... didn't you bully him because I just hit you? I can't see that you are really childish! It's exactly the same as Alvin!"

"That's really your misunderstanding... We're really just a test..."

"Of course I know! You will know what he looks like! The clothes are broken like that, but there are no scars on the body. Only you can do it! And what courage did you just say, and what's going on?

"That's because Mr. Alvin wants to figure out why you always scold him as a coward and don't know how to protect you from being taken away by me... But now he has understood these truths. Although his way to grow up is still very long, sooner or later he will become your ideal person. "

"You... Do you really understand what I'm thinking... It's a pity that you don't become my knight... As for the protection that I won't be taken away by you... If you don't take it, I will follow you by myself..."

Seeing the servants standing aside with strange smiles, loyd uncomportably put down Alvin on his back. Lulu waved to the servants standing on both sides, who unconsciously picked up the unconscious Alvin and took him back to his room.

"Then you should also take a shower. After he wakes up, I will ask him what he has learned... Also, in return, I invite you to date me! This is an invitation from the Duke's daughter! The knight has no right to refuse!"

"A date?"

"It's not easy to come here. Of course, you should have a good date! The time is set for tomorrow. As for the location... Let's choose 'Lolita Sea' in the east! A day is the best time for a date, and you can also see the sea view at night! If you can meet a mermaid..."

Lulu made a decision regardless of loyd's reaction. Her eastern eyes sparkled with expectation, and she seemed to be completely immersed in the amorous feelings of dating.