Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

The legacy of the sages Seventh

Five-seven Charilos and Ennis

In order to practice his ideal of "being stronger in order to protect his sister", Alvin will go to the courtyard early every morning to practice swordsmanship. After that, he learns basic territorial governance and military command from the clerical officers and guard officers left in the castle during the day, and learns the basics of magic from the priest at night... Although However, this sudden change made him dizzy, but he also unexpectedly felt full.

Maybe loyd's training has had an excellent effect... Even when practicing swordsmanship in the morning, he will unconsciously recall loyd's movements in his mind and act as an imaginary enemy of his practice. However, this is no longer based on the childish idea that he will take away his sister, but is training himself by the standard of a mentor. Alvin proudly felt that he had grown into a mature man he had been looking forward to. At least, even if he forced him with a sword now, he would no longer be afraid of being alone late at night without his sister... Although this is still childish.

It's still the same itinerary today. Alvin came to the courtyard early and began to wave his sword, but before he waved it twice, he was disturbed by a strange sound of horseshoes. Thinking that there were guests visiting, Irwin hurried out... Then he was stunned by the scene in front of him:

The carriage is nothing else, it is the one used by Lulu... Now standing in front of him is loyd, who has been repaired by someone; then Lulu and a petite girl who came down from the car were scattered hair and ragged clothes; finally came down by a civilian with a big backpack but a confused face. Girl... The scene in front of her was really full of drama, and Alvin couldn't help laughing:

"What the hell is going on, Loed? Who are the two of them? Are you fighting?"

"It's a long story... Anyway, can you prepare a bathroom for them? I'll explain it to you later..."

Irwin gestured to the servants beside him. The servants saluted the three ladies and then led the way. The three ladies shook their bodies like manipulated puppets and followed them in. Alvin then raised his sword at loyd:

"So before that, let's compare with loyd? I've been working hard these days! So I also want to show you my results!"

Loed pondered for a while and pulled out his sword:

"That's good. I also want to relax before taking a bath, but I'm still the same as before and won't show mercy to your hands."

"That's it! Come here as rudely as last time! This is a real chivalry!"

Irwin raised his sword high and rushed towards loyd... Then he easily tripped to the ground.

An hour later, everyone who enjoyed breakfast in the living room recovered. Seeing a few more scars on her brother's body, Lulu couldn't help complaining, but Alvin turned her eyes to Xilu completely carelessly:

"So you are Miss Xilu! I'm sorry that I was rude to you in front of loyd, but I was severely beaten by him!"

Silo cast a doubtful look at loyd, loyd turned his head awkwardly, and Alvin continued his topic indifferently:

"That's because at first I mistakenly thought that loyd was my sister's knight, and I was not very polite to you, and then loyd beat me half to death to protect your reputation... Ah ha ha! Such a knight is really enviable! And it seems that you have a good relationship..."

"There's no such thing! Who will talk to this stupid knight... Don't talk nonsense!"

Sie's red-eared rebuttal stunned Alvin, but Shirley, who was sitting next to loyd, grabbed her heart's hand:

"That's right! Because I'm the only one in loyd's heart! It's great that Miss Xilu can understand..."

"What do you mean, stupid country girl! Get your hands off me!"

"There is no need to listen to this unreasonable request! If you are not convinced, you can do the same!"

"Who would make such a slutty move like you! Loed! Drive this man over there immediately!"

"Guardian master and guardian lady have the same responsibilities for knights! So I can also ask loyd to protect me!"

The two women stood up and stared angrily with their hands on their waists, posing a duel posture. Alvin was stunned for a while and smiled strangely at Loide:

"The knights living in the flowers are very hard! Now I understand why they looked like that when they came down just now..."

"It really makes you laugh... By the way, Miss Lulu, I haven't heard from you about 'Charilos'."

The noisy two quickly calmed down and sat next to him one left and one right. Lulu had been rolling her eyes at them before she put down her face:

"I thought you would be like this endlessly... After all, it's in someone else's home. At least please restrain yourself. Miss Shirley, you also have to pay attention to your identity. After all, you are still a civilian... If you mess around here, you will be beheaded!"

"Really...I'm really sorry!"

Although she apologized, there was no fear on Shirley's face, and she still clung to Loyde... Lulu sighed helplessly:

"It seems that it's a waste of effort to say anything to the people who recognize the dead buckle... I'll tell you what I know. About Charilos, the sword of loyalty... should be recorded in this book.

Lulu got up and went to the bookshelf next to it for a while, dug out a book whose cover was dilapidated and even the name was blurred, and then flipped through the page:

"This is a story I read a long time ago... But at that time, I didn't pay attention to it at all. I just thought the story was very interesting. Later, I didn't care about it anymore, and the book has become so shabby... Yes, right here, although the paper has also been broken, there are still some traces.

Lulu put the book stand on the table. The page of the book has been partially damaged, but the picture of the sword has been basically preserved, and both the shape of the sword and the ancient text on the sword are consistent with ROId's sword.

The words on the sword, as described in the book, should be 'loyalty'. Charilos is the first and only owner of the sword of loyalty so far, so his name has become synonymous with this sword. Regarding the story of Charilos, in my impression, he is a knight who lived more than 600 years ago, but he is regarded as a taboo figure. The only story he is recited by people is the part of his struggle with Sierras.

"Is it Sierras again... The previous Celine is also related to it, and it's really everywhere."

"After all, it was the most powerful kingdom on the mainland at that time... It is said that the Sword of Loyalty is one of the weapons cast by elves and has quite amazing resistance to magic. Previously, LOYD relied on its power to offset most of the power of the 'natural' outbreak to save our lives... I have to say loyalty The sword is the most suitable weapon for guardian knights. In those years, Charilos also fought with blood with the sword of loyalty and the Selas army until the whole army was destroyed. However, with his efforts, Grand Duke Olson's territory gained the opportunity to become independent because of the heavy losses of Silas, which is the predecessor of the current Kingdom of Hland. ."

"That is to say... Charilos can be said to be the founding hero of Hland! Why hasn't his name been recorded in history?

"I don't know. Politics is inherently foggy, and some things buried in the depths of history are often beyond our insight. In short, the Sword of Loyalty does reflect its name and is regarded as a knight symbol of noble glory. However, what makes me wonder is why it appeared in loyd's hands?

"Speaking of which, this is what my sister asked me to give to loyd..."

"Is it handed over by Miss Fei Linwen? That's even more incredible! Why does she have a sword of loyalty? But this may be fate, the sword of loyalty, the guardian knight, everything is like an established trajectory, which can't stop its wheels at all. Thinking of this, loyd and Xilu, I'm afraid the bond between you can't even be cut off by God!"

"Is that so..."

Sileen looked at Loide with tenderness, but Loyde focused her eyes on the broken book... This made her pouted, but Loide was not aware of it at all:

"When it comes to such a weapon, it seems that I am not the only one. The last time I fightd with the man named Ferlain in the monastery, he also had a broad-edged sword engraved with similar ancient words."

"It's true. The elves have cast a total of four similar swords."

Lulu turned over two pages of the book, and the page was indeed painted with a wide-edged sword similar to that of Ferrin in loyd's memory.

"This is the sword of courage 'Sommin', which has the magic that can generate infinite courage and energy at any time. As for Sommin, who was also a figure more than 600 years ago, but he was a fierce and violent warrior, so the sword of courage is regarded as an ominous magic sword."

"It's really amazingly similar..."

Thinking of the tragic scene of Feliin's massacre of the guard girl in an instant, Xilu was still angry.

"As for the third handle, history is a little longer..."

Lulu turned over a few pages and turned to the picture of the third sword. Except for the words on the sword, this sword is no obvious difference from Loyde's, but the sword body is lighter, some of which is similar to a female sword.

"This is the sword of wisdom 'Silver Queen', which is the sword of Jie Lufei, the elf patriarch known as the 'Silver Queen' a thousand years ago. It has the ability to destroy any magic defense wall. Jie Lufei relies on it to defeat the magic dragon 'grey coffin' and will forever be recorded in history."

"Is the magic dragon 'grey coffin'... That's a strange legend."

Xilu looked at the drawing carefully and felt a little familiar... After thinking about it for a while, she shouted out in surprise:

"This is... this is Lyon's sword!"

"Leon? Is that Mr. Lyon of the Yurian family?

"Yes! It won't be wrong! At that time, I was full of curiosity about his sword... It's definitely not wrong!"

"This is really fate... It seems that Lyon is destined to become your ally, loyd."

Maybe the speechman was unintentional, but both Loide and Xilu appeared injured expressions... Lulu quickly coughed and changed the topic:

"As for the fourth sword... I only know that it is called the Sword of Hope, but I haven't found any relevant records in any books, so I don't know. However... In fact, there is another weapon also from the hands of elves, but it is a magic wand, so it is not as famous as these four swords. Speaking of which, that's the gift I want to give you, Xilu.

"Hey? A gift for me? Magic wand?"

"Yes, I have been sleeping in Elson's mansion, one of the heiries of the elf clan, 'Enes'."

Alvin stood up in surprise:

"But sister!" Isn't Enis't your father going to use it as your dowry? Is this appropriate?"

"Since it's my dowry, I have the right to control it, don't I? Now that Xilu's magic wand is no longer there, isn't taking risks like this equivalent to dying? So I just lent it to Silly for the time being. If she can't exert the power of 'Enice', I will still take it back. Alvin, please prepare for it."

After hesitating for a moment, Alvin promised to walk towards the inner room. Xilu couldn't help turning her head to Lulu with curiosity:

"Dulu... Is it really appropriate for you to give me the dowry... and such a precious elf heritage?"

"I said, it's just because you need a magic wand now that I temporarily lend it to you. Moreover, since you can make such a decision to give the 'hot eye' to Farnde, I think you are qualified to have it. After all, that's not a decision that ordinary people can make. I think it can be called great.

"Don't make fun of me, Lulu... I'm not that great at all..."

"I'm not laughing at you, Xilu. In fact, I'm just worried about you. If it hadn't been for loyd protecting you, you wouldn't have known how many fatal dangers you have encountered. In fact, after you first entered school, I was the teacher who had the most headache because of you. So I hope you can reflect on it. It is heartbreaking to be hurt by any harm, whether it is yourself or others.

After being severely reprimanded by the teacher, Xilu lowered her head silently and found that the atmosphere suddenly became a little solemn. Shirley looked around in confusion for a moment, and then stood up:

"That... Miss Lulu, it's the first time I've come to such a splendid room... Can you show me around? And I also want to help do some chores... I'm a person who feels uncomfortable when I'm free."

"Well, since we are going to take a day off here and take guests around, it's also a courtesy, so Loed, are you familiar with this place? Xilu will be taken care of by you. Tomorrow we will go on an unpredictable road. It's better not to leave any regrets.

Xilu's body seemed to tremble. She lowered her head. Lulu smiled meaningfully at Loide and then turned away with Shirley. Locus unexplainedly turned his head to Xilu:

"Xilu... I'll take you everywhere, too? Miss Lulu's courtyard..."

"Nah...loyd...Don't afraid?"

"Are you afraid?"

Xilu grabbed loyd's hand... The tremor was truly transmitted from her.

"As Lulu said... We are about to move towards an unpredictable road forward... Although I had always wanted to respond to the princess's expectations... but now I suddenly feel trembling all over... I seem to be very scared... afraid of dying..."


"Do you know... In the ruins... At the moment when 'nature' broke out... I thought it was dead this time... But I felt very calm... Because I thought to myself that 'this is also be the inevitable result of everyone'... But when you stood in front of me... I suddenly got scared... I'm afraid you'll die like this... I won't be able to see you again..."


"So... at the thought of this... my whole body trembles... I can't stop... I'm not afraid of dying... I'm afraid..."

"I won't die, Xilu. As long as you still need me, I will never die."

Loed touched her head with a relaxed smile on her face:

"Moreover, I was almost dead before I met you. People who have died will not die again..."

"Don't say such terrible things! Stupid!"

Xi Lu raised her hand angrily and punched loyd, and then stood up:

"I'm going back to my room to have a rest... You can relax by yourself."

"Isn't it still early? Why don't we go together..."

"I said I wanted to rest! I'm very tired! Stupid!"

Xilu took two steps forward, stopped again, and then turned around awkwardly:

"Well... if you can... in an hour... please come to my room... I have something to tell you."

"I see, then in an hour...but..."

loyd was just about to ask something important, but Xilu had strode away from the living room. Seeing her shaking her body hard, loyd only felt indescribably strange. When he was about to get up and go to the courtyard to relax, Alvin returned to the living room with a box:

"Sister! I took 'Enice'... huh? Has everyone left?"

"Ah... Miss Lulu took Shirley to visit the mansion, and Xilu went to the room to rest... I'm also going to the courtyard to relax."

"That's it! Then please transfer this box to Miss Xilu, which is the treasure of the Elson family, 'Enice'. I'm not very familiar with magic, so I can't feel its power, but my sister said it was a very valuable elf heritage.

loyd opened the box, and an ancient magic wand lay in front of him. Compared with Xilu's original "burning eyes", this "Anes" looks quite ordinary. Except for an ancient text engraved on her body and a small oval blue crystal inlaid with a small oval blue crystal on the top, it is not much different from the magic wand you usually see. Maybe the elves advocate this kind of natural simplicity, and weapons such as the sword of loyalty are also in this style? Royd picked it up curiously... Then a shudder like an abyss came ruthlessly, and there seemed to be a steady stream of power to devouring the body and spirit on this ancient magic wand...

If you are not familiar with magic, you can feel such a powerful power. If it were Silu... loyd put the magic wand back into the box with some uneasiness:

"Speaking of which, Mr. Alvin, do you know the reason why it is called 'Enes'?"

"I only heard from my sister that Ennis is the creator of this magic wand, and the other sisters are not very clear. However, since my sister said it was suitable for Miss Xilu, it must have its value. Well, I have indeed given you 'Anice', and then I'm going to learn the knowledge of marching, but... the so-called 'two rabbits can't be a rabbit', Miss Xilu and Miss Shirley..."


"Ah ha ha... Don't put on such a terrible face, I'm just saying..."

Alvin flew out, and loyd sighed in frustration:

"Is it possible that no matter what I do, I will be misunderstood like this... It's really helpless."

An hour later, loyd knocked on the door of Xilu's rest room with a box containing "Anis", but the door opened automatically with a click. It seemed that Xilu was not locked. Loyd said "excuse" and went into the room and locked the door:

"Xilu, this is given to you by Miss Lulu..."

Xielu didn't seem to have much rest... She was wearing the purple dress she used to date, but she didn't wear the bow tie that Loid gave her... Hearing Loide's voice, Xilu suddenly turned gracefully and put on a bright smile:

How's it going? Does it look good, loyd?

"It's already very beautiful, Xilu... But why do you ask? This is the dress you wore on our first date, right? And do you take it with you when you travel?

"Because I always want to truly feel your heart again... and... even so... is it beautiful?"

Xilu pointed to the collar on her chest... Loyde stared at her behavior doubtfully until he found that her chest seemed loose because she did not wear a bow tie, and suddenly realized that she turned her head in a little confused way:

"This has nothing to do with that... Beautiful is beautiful."

"Isn't it perfunctory to me? I think it's ugly... Even if I do it..."

"Do it?"

Loide turned his head and saw Xilu's fingers pulling down hard with her neckline... He hurriedly grabbed the other party's hand:

"What are you doing! You are from the Marquis..."

When she said this, Xilu's face became even more unhappy:

"Don't you understand this... Then I'll ask directly! Lulu, Shirley and I... Which one is more attractive?

Seeing Xilu turning around in that posture again, loyd touched her head with some tears and laughter:

"This is nothing comparable..."

"That is to say... I'm not as good as Shirley or Lulu at all, right? Indeed...their figure is indeed..."

Xilu's voice began to tremble... Is it because of anger? Disappointed? Sadness? Or something else? In short, the precursors of this outbreak will cause extremely bad consequences... loyd couldn't help grabbing her shoulder:

"I said... Why do you always like to misunderstand me so much... Wow!"

Xilu's flying knee was on top of his stomach... loyd bent down and felt uncomfortable for a while.

"I like to misunderstand you... It's really like that! Anyway, Xilu is a narrow-minded and malicious lady who likes to treat other people's praise as irony and curses. She is unreasonable and wayward, and never takes her own problems as a problem! So you are satisfied!"

"Satisfaction or something... I didn't mean that at all! And what kind of fire are you doing? Didn't you have something to say to me when you asked me to come..."

Xilu, who was still bulging her cheeks, suddenly collapsed like a loose balloon... After looking out of the window for a while, she turned back with a dim look:

"I said... can we... come back safely this time to Herland?"

"How many times have you asked today?"

"You just need to answer my question..."

"To be honest... I don't know either."

Loide helped Xilu sit by the bed. When she was about to get up, Xilu pulled his sleeve hard... So he could only sit next to Xilu:

"However, if you don't believe that you can return safely, you will definitely not return safely. Like when I fought against those terrible enemies in the past... it should be no different from the current situation.

"That's right... But I've been shaking... I don't know why, but I just can't stop... Well, do you think it's too arbitrary for me to do this? Am I trying to respond to the princess's trust in me? You are also involved in this troublesome incident because of my waywardness, if you encounter any danger..."

"So... I fought against the enemy for her in response to Xilu's trust in me... Is this my arbitrary behavior?"

"That kind of thing..."

"So don't have such an idea. In fact, we don't just take risks for you to go to Heland. After all, we all know how to cherish life. We did it in response to our beliefs... And we have linked our beliefs with your beliefs, which is entirely out of our trust in you, so that you are worthy of what we do. So, if even you lose trust in yourself..."

"Do I... really have that value worthy of your trust? I just think... In your eyes, I am such a child who annoys you... So I work so hard to get any of my ideal response... However, at least now... I don't want to leave any regrets because of the unpredictable future."

"I don't want to leave any regrets... you mean..."

Silo took loyd's hand and stood up, and then came to the window with him:

"The last time we made an oath to the statue of Roward... but it was based on the oath of the guardian knight. Now I want to swear to you in the Luna Mountains... I, Xilu Ferrinwen Rafald... From today on, the knight Loed, who will always belong to me..."

Before the vow was finished, loyd suddenly hugged her tightly. Xilu buried her face in his arms in surprise:

"What are you doing! I'm taking a sacred vow..."

"Don't make such an oath, Xilu. If I also have the regret that I don't want to stay, it is that I won't make such an oath to the Luna Mountains..."

"Why...? Why don't you want to swear to me? Don't you like me?"

"No! It's because of me... that's why I can't do this! The only thing I can promise you... is that I will protect you until I die!"

Loide's toughness surprised Xilu... After a long time, she sighed gently:

"I understand... Although I can't understand why you did this... I believe what you just said. However, these words just now... If you can say it to the Luna Mountains, I will..."

"I don't believe in the legend of the Luna Mountains... And in my heart, you are more sacred than the Luna Mountains."

"Really... You are extremely contemptuous of God... But I don't care."

The Holy Luna's appointment that he once had finally betrayed himself ruthlessly... What's worth believing in such an agreement? In contrast, loyd's oath to herself was more worthy of being kept... Xilu then buried her head deeper.