Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

Heritage of the sages VIII

Five Eight Bloody Script

Carlo is a town located in the west of the royal city of Heil Milan. At the same time, it is also about a considerable distance from Reluk, the easternmost town of Hland. It can be said to be a hub connecting the trade between the two countries and a must for the negotiation of the alliance between the two countries. Based on the consideration as a strategic stronghold, Carlo adopted the overall stone architectural layout, which gives people a sense of depression from the barracks to private houses, and is regarded as the least artistic place in the Kingdom of Heil Milan that values art. In addition to the army, there are only merchants living here. Because most of the civilians are afraid of the threat of war, most of them have moved to cities in the east, so that the whole town often has no vitality to speak of.

However, just yesterday, Carlo suddenly became lively because Heland's envoy was granted permission from King Durand to "allow to meet" after explaining to Heil Milan that the previous fake messenger was not his own and made a corresponding guarantee, but the location was temporarily changed from the original royal city to Carlo for Therefore, the two countries also had to send corresponding troops to ensure that there is no accident. King Durand, the Second Priest of Rumir and Princess Selysia accompanied the guard to Carlo two days ago, while the Herland delegation arrived yesterday. When encountering this very meaningful alliance talks, it seemed that every stone of the house boiled up.

It's just that this kind of bustle is simply more annoying to Selysia than the scorching hell, so irritable that she is about to melt.

Since receiving the rumors that Prince Lutwin died in the assassination, Selysia has been surrounded by strong sadness and fear. Although she tried her best to hide it in front of others, anyone can see her mental fatigue these days. When she heard that the delegation of Hland made a request to accompany her, She felt that things might be a little bad; then when she learned that Prince Hilde was indeed accompanied by the mission, she suddenly felt a burst of despair... However, this could not change the fact that she had to face up to reality.

After the Hrand envoy arrived at Carlo, Selysia finally met her fiance whom she had never met... When she saw an obscene man who was over 30 years old and as fat as a wine barrel claimed to be Hilde, Selysia was about to fall into a crazy state. In fact, not only her, but also King Durand showed a look of regret. It is said that he also secretly lost his anger at his fellow Rumir...

Rorinforth and Ferrinwen, who have always been opposed to the marriage contract and can be trusted, have no colleagues. Rumir is just a neutral... Selysia is already helpless. The only thing she can do now seems to call Lutwin's name in her heart and pray to the gods for her death... The reason why she doesn't have the courage to commit suicide is that she dares not make a decision easily before confirming Lutwen's life and death.

In fact, King Durand is also deeply troubled by this. As a king who must bear the fate of the country, he is also a father who always cares about his daughter. If it hadn't been for the shocking changes that laid the shadow of the war, I'm afraid he would have cancelled the marriage contract without hesitation... at least put it on hold for the time being. As Rollinforth said, it would be a great insult for his daughter to become the concubine of such a prince. But now the alliance is extraordinary, so in the end he may have to choose to sacrifice... This sacrifice will not only destroy his daughter's life's happiness, but also make him fall into a guilt that can never be relieved... This is already a consequence that he can no longer consider at present.

But after only a dull day, Selysia began to wake up from her original state of chaos and felt ashamed of her absurd thoughts before. Since the day the college returned to Wangcheng, he has decided to stick to the Queen's road, and he wants to commit suicide just because of emotional setbacks, which is a little too cowardly... Since no one will clearly support himself now, he is the only one who can save his happiness and fate... In the days of the meeting If the fat man dares to mention marriage to himself, he will fight back without hesitation! If the fat man's head is as empty as his body, just make the choice to destroy the alliance!

Sericia held the magic scepter that symbolized her authority tightly in her hand, waiting for the moment to verify her courage, and this moment soon came.

The whole is Carlo of stone buildings. Even the large round tables in the conference hall are made of stone structures. As for the chairs, in order to take care of the rest needs of the guests, high-priced wood from Wangcheng is used. Architects and sculptors did their best to make every corner to the most exquisite level, so that the stone house also presents solemn and lively harmony in addition to its heavy weight. Now King Durand and Princess Selysia are sitting at the round table, making seemingly pleasant but annoying daily greetings with the Heland envoys sitting in the guest seat.

Since the fat Prince Hilde entered the conference hall, his eyes have not taken away from Selysia's youthful body. Compared with women of the same age, Selysia has the same beautiful face and a more symmetrical posture, and her beautiful appearance adds unforgettable elegance to her increasingly mature queen demeanor. Hilde marveled and coveted the charm of the fiancee, and his eyes gradually began to be filled with obscene desires...

It is worthy of being a playboy who adheres to the rumored belief that "a man should linger in the flowers with three wives and four concubines", and because of his status as the crown prince, he is even more evil... Selysia would initially look back at him as a confrontation, but soon ignored his rude behavior. , turned her eyes to the scenery outside the window... Even so, the other party's eyes still made her feel uncomfortable like invisible needles.

If you are really forced to marry such a person as a wife... No, it should be a concubine... I'm afraid that your life will live under the shadow of tragedy that cannot be described in any language, right? Instead of this, I would rather choose a monastery or simply be eaten by the magic dragon... No, this idea is really strange. It is not what I should do now to leave Lutwin and Haier Milan to make such a choice. What's more, the other party is just a greedy and beautiful guy, and he is not worthy of his own fear at all. Otherwise, after becoming a queen in the future, he will have to whiten those difficult military affairs?

Thinking of this, Selysia felt that it was necessary to show some courage to face the rude crown prince. So she turned her head to meet the other party's eyes and smiled:

"His Royal Highness Hilde came to China with the envoy this time, was he confused by the customs of our country? In that case, as the owner, we are really sorry to make your eyes so tired, but although there is nothing to be proud of in our country, there is no shortage of spring water for cleaning your eyes. If you want to use it, you can order it at will.

Hilde restrained his obscene smile and turned his head with some embarrassment:

"Let you laugh, Your Highness... I am really attracted by the scenery of your country, and I am enjoying the unique crown of your country and deeply intoxicated by its fragrance... Please forgive my rudeness. I am just thanking the gods for their selfless gifts to us as allies and praying for friends between the two countries. Friendship lasts forever.

You mean that you can exchange a flower for a ten-thousand-year friendship between the two countries? If so, I'm afraid this flower will be coveted by other countries, right? How are you going to protect it from wind and rain? And if you yourself will destroy the wind and rain of this flower, I'm afraid you can only let it stay in China to keep her delicate body, right?

The air around him suddenly became wonderful, and the eyes of everyone here seemed to show a heartfelt smile, especially the ministers of Haier Milan, who were full of praise for the princess's words and deeds... Hilde's face was even more embarrassed, and Selicia chased after her mercilessly:

"And... Today, our two countries are sitting here to exchange promises in order to agree on a long-term alliance and friendship in the future, but His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's eyes are lingering on a so-called flower. Where is your alliance reflected? Can you really protect this flower that can be seen everywhere in your back garden as you just said?

"Sericia! You should pay attention to your words. After all, the other party is the prince of the same country. Even if there is any mistake, you can't speak so rashly!"

Duland scolded his daughter in a harsh tone, but his eyes showed incomparable appreciation. Selysia stood up and saluted:

"Please forgive me for your rude words, but I can't participate in the political affairs of the country now. It's rude."

Hilde saw Selysia leave and snorted reluctantly. Durand glanced at him and began to secretly think about how to get his daughter out of the entanglement of this incompetent son-in-law, while looking back to the round table:

"The little girl's rudeness made everyone laugh. She only became so capricious without the necessary constraints. After all, her mother died early... I hope you don't blame her for this. As for His Highness Hilde, since you are the head of the mission and the prince of a country, you should know what etiquette is. At least I don't want my son-in-law to often make such rude actions.

After hearing the word " son-in-law", Hilde's stiff face eased a little and reluctantly squeezed out a smile:

"I'm really ashamed of my rudeness. I'm really just a little rude because I was attracted by the beauty of the princess... In this case, please let me get straight to the point. Since the two countries are allies, they should assume a common responsibility for advancing and retreating in the face of the current situation. Now, the greatest danger for us comes from the Kingdom of Sierras, so the purpose of our trip is also to frankly exchange views with your country on our subsequent response..."

"The civil strife in the Kingdom of Sierras can only be regarded as a rumor so far. I don't know your attitude towards this issue..."

"Although I can't be sure of the authenticity of this news, it's stupid to treat it as nonsense. In short, the reason why we took the liberty to visit again without the previous misunderstanding being completely clear is based on this disturbing fact. Doesn't His Majesty Durand have the necessary worries about this?

"Does His Highness Hilde want to discuss the military state here? However, this time I only brought entourage as alliance greetings, so if it's about that, it seems appropriate for us to choose another time and place.

"Just about this issue..."

Hilde wanted to say anything more, but seeing that Durand had stood up and showed his intention to go back to rest, he could only stand up silently and leave the conference hall with Herland's envoys. After their figures disappeared at the end of the corridor, Rumir approached the king with some worry:

"Isn't Your Majesty a little careless to do this? After all, as an alliance, even if Your Majesty is biased against His Royal Highness Hilde, we should not..."

"Prejudice? Your statement doesn't seem very accurate, Mr. Rumier. I don't have any prejudice against the crown prince, but I don't think he is qualified to sit with me to discuss anything. How can a person who only focus on my daughter on the occasion of the alliance meeting be able to afford the heavy responsibility of a kingdom? Isn't it too impruly to discuss questions about Silas with such a person?

"I have no objection to Your Majesty's words, but... After all, Your Majesty accompanied the princess here in person..."

"That's just out of a father's concern for his daughter, and I also want to see what kind of person my future son-in-law is... Now it seems that it's a simple idea to stick to the alliance, and it's worthwhile for me."

"Your Majesty means... to terminate the marriage contract?"

"At least I have to postpone the marriage contract... Out of a father's heart, how can I marry my daughter to that kind of guy! If I had known this, Prince Lutwin might have been the most suitable person..."

"Your Majesty! This is something that needs careful consideration..."

"I also want to see if Prince Hilde has that kind of temperament. If he destroys the alliance between the two countries because of his marriage to my daughter, what is the meaning of such an alliance for us? I'm afraid that even if it continues, it will become vulnerable. And as my second high priest, your eyes don't seem to be as sharp as Rollinforth. Didn't you see how many crises are lurking around us at this meeting?

"On this point..."

Rumil looked out of the window... No matter how you look at it, there were indeed more troops stationed outside, and whether it was a line or a march, it permeated inexplicable murderous intent... Rumir's face became solemn.

"Maybe you have found it but dare not say it clearly. The reason why I didn't let Rollinfss and others accompany me this time was that I was worried that such an accident would happen. And the fact proves that my mind has not yet declined... Although Hilde's guy doesn't expect him to make a difference, he is very talented in conspiracy and tricks. How dares to be prepared to force me to wait in advance... Rumir, I think you should also know what you should do now, right?

"Your Majesty means... Do you want me to take the princess out of here?"

"Yes, take Celicia back to China as soon as possible, and then be ready to replace her as the queen."

"So! Your Majesty is ready..."

"I must stay here, which is based on the needs of the alliance... at least now... But maybe my 30-year kingship is coming to an end... How can Durand Morris be fooled and coerced by that kid! But the reason why I have to stay is to witness with my own eyes what kind of motivation Hrand is playing with this means. Rumir, escort Selysia back to Haier Milan tonight... I will ask you and Rollinfors for everything about her in the future.

"Your Majesty! Please don't be so careless about your noble life! After all, Her Royal Highness is only a 16-year-old young man, and it is too heavy to deliver the whole Haier Milan to her! If we face the threat of two kingdoms at the same time, Her Royal Highness will not be able to bear it! So please..."

Rumil knelt down in front of Durand. Durand shook his head, and the king's stick in his hand hit the ground heavily:

"Do as I command! Rumir, after all, you are also a friend who has been with me for ten years... Please, the future of my daughter and Haile Milan... Maybe this is the last will I made to you today.

"Your Highness, Prince Hilde hopes to meet you."

The maid's notice made Selia frown, and the unhappiness of the day came to her heart again... This guy whose mind seemed to be full of strong possessiveness for her, and the gaze full of evil thoughts always made her unhappy, even inexplicable fear... rather than simple disgust.

After the meeting during the day, she wanted to have dinner with her father and discuss the refusal of marriage, but was told by the guards that the king and the accompanying ministers were busy with an important meeting and had to return to the room for lunch alone. When she went to her father in the afternoon, she was told that the king was arguing with the messengers of Herland. What a secret question... In short, I have been excluded. While this made her confused, she couldn't help but feel a little uneasy...

And this uneasiness is even stronger when it is found that the accompanying guards suddenly tighten their protection. Out of a princess... or the future queen, or maybe just a girl's slender nerves, she faintly felt that the storm was coming, which made her already tense nerves tremble again. Just as she was about to go out to look for her father again, there was a request from Prince Hilde to meet...

Well, although he is a guy who doesn't want to see him again at all, he may be able to get some information from his mouth... Selysia hid her magic scepter in the skirt and nodded to the maid. Soon, Hilde pushed the door open and entered the room.

Sure enough, she still has the same bloated figure and the same obscene eyes as just now, but now there is still some cunning and excitement in her eyes... Selysia suddenly had an ominous foreboding. As she quietly held the magic wand in her skirt, she reluctantly bowed to the other party:

"His Royal Highness came to my room at night. What on earth do you want to teach me?"

Hilde smiled evilly and sat down:

"Why can I come to the princess's room? Of course, it's for our marriage.

"About this matter... I don't think there's anything to talk about anymore, right? Or is it that what we said during the day is not clear enough?

Shild smiled "hey" and smiled, and the cunning color in his eyes was even stronger:

"Her Royal Highness is really a ruthless person! I admit that I am indeed not a qualified husband, but at least I will not prejudice you in one way or another. As I said during the day, no one can surpass your beauty and nobility in Herland! So I want to get your faith as strong as your beauty... So I'm going to get you today! Princess Selya!"

"You guy! Do you know what you are talking about?"

When she heard that the other party said such inappropriate words bluntly and shamelessly, Selysia was shocked. She held the magic wand in her hand, but the other party not only did not look afraid, but stood up laughing:

"Do you want to fight me with your trembling hand, Your Highness? Don't forget that although I am not a qualified husband, I am definitely a qualified magician above you! But I think you may have misunderstood. I don't want to possess your body, but to have your strength!"

"My power?!"

"That's right! Your strength! Your power as Princess Haier Milan, and the terrible but fascinating power hidden in you!"

"The power in me?"

If the previous reason is acceptable, what is the so-called "terrible and fascinating power in you"? If it's magic, it can only be regarded as a beginner's success, and it can't be called such an exaggerated evaluation at all, right?

It seemed that she could see her doubts, and Hilde showed strange laughter unscrupulously:

"Of course... you still won't understand this fact now! However, one day, your power will awaken and become the key to dominate the continent... That's why I want to get you! Her Royal Highness Princess Selysia, come with me! Dominate the continent of Kanafaris and the four kingdoms! The world needs a unified country and a great king, so that the shadow of long-standing war can be eliminated and real peace can be achieved!"

"Who wants to listen to your nonsense! With such an ugly mentality, even if it is unified, it is just a country full of darkness. It will not be blessed by God, let alone supported by the people! Put away your disgusting face and ugly heart! You are not qualified to say these words at all!"

"Hey... Are you still pretending to be a saint, Your Highness? Doesn't Haier Milan have the ambition to unify the mainland? Isn't the reason why Heland formed an alliance with you because both of us have the same purpose? In that case, why don't you come with me? Using your power to unify, dominate, reconcile the whole continent and history, and eliminate Silas, which has threatened us for hundreds of years, is our most noble ideal! You are the princess of Heil Milan and the future queen. Haven't you ever considered your country?

"I told you! I don't want to hear your nonsense! As a princess and future queen, I will never promise or do what you said! If you want to rely on strength to conquer the mainland, please do it yourself! But Haier Milan will resolutely stand against you!"

"In that case... What a pity, but I also thought that you would have such a reaction... So I had to play with a small trick. Your father should have become my prisoner..."

"What...did you do to your father?"

"This is forced by helplessness, Your Highness, for the alliance between the two countries... For the sake of future peace, you have to make a little sacrifice... His Majesty Durand seems to be very clear about this, so he has made the determination to sacrifice, but if you persuade him, maybe..."

"You despicable and shameless guy! Do you want to threaten me with my father?"

Sericia raised the magic wand in anger, but her wrist was caught by the other party in an instant... Although Hilde was fat, her movements were unexpectedly light... With the strength of his hand, Selysia's magic wand fell to the ground, and the severe pain in her wrist made her unable to help but feel pain. I moaned.

"Hey... The face distorted by pain is really indescribably lovely. It's really a beauty that can make people crazy... Whether it's your beauty or your strength... Hahahaha..."

"Gone go of me... you..."

Sericia struggled painfully, and she only felt that her wrists were about to be twisted... And Hilde not only did not let go of his right hand, but his left hand also swam unscrupulously on her body... Sericia's body trembled violently:

"No! Please stop..."

"Hahaha! How could I stop! Although I only wanted to gain your strength... but now I have changed my mind, because I heard that as long as a woman is subordinate to a man, her heart will become a vassal of the other party. Today I want to confirm it myself..."


Hilde's hand actually got into her clothes without hesitation... Celicia let out a panicked cry, and the attendants who were standing at the door seemed to have disappeared... Presumably all been controlled by his entourage! That is to say, I am now alone...

Seriya shouted the names of her father and friends in her heart, and her eyes gushed out with despair... She couldn't use magic. At this moment, she was a helpless stray kitten to be slaughtered... Seeing that her clothes were about to break into pieces in the other party's hands, a roar suddenly came from the door:

"Gun off Your Highness! You shameless ugly!"

Huh? Unexpectedly, there is a fish that leaks from the net?!"

Hilde turned his head in surprise... Then he was shrouded in a strange cloud.

"Is this... a sleeping cloud! The person who can cast this magic... Is it Rumir..."

Hypnotized by the sleeping cloud, Hilde did not immediately fall asleep, but only showed a trace of fatigue. This is because the other party is playing a sleeping magic that slows down the effect, but now there is no time to care about these problems. Rumir gestured to Selysia:

"Your Highness! Come with me!"

Sericia, who woke up from the huge impact, picked up the magic wand that fell to one side and ran out with Rumir:

"What's going on! Rumir! What happened..."

"There is no time to explain now! Get out of here with me now! The guard is already waiting for us, and we must return to the royal city immediately!"

"But, but what about the father? Hilde said father..."

"'Take the princess back to the royal city and immediately take over the queen', this is your majesty's order..."

"Do you mean... Father, he is really..."

"I'm afraid... he's going to make sacrifices..."

Rumir lowered his head sadly, and Selysia's face turned pale:

"How can that work! I want to save my father! Tell me where he is..."

Serisia was ready to go back to find Durand, but the power of the sleeping cloud began to diverg... She kept the posture of turning and lay in Rumir's arms...