Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

Exotic mercenary six two

6-2 goblins

Haier Milan quietly fell into a national preparedness situation, and Xilu and others, who knew nothing about it, arrived at Reluk, the eastern border town of Heland, after a half-month journey. For some reason, Reluk does not seem to have fallen into a state of strict alert because of the shadow of the war, so he continues to play the role of trade transit with Heil Milan. The infiltration plan formulated by Xilu and others along the way was basically soaked after being easily released by the guards, which made them greatly relieved, and at the same time inevitably wondered about such a lax garrison...

Like Carlo on the western border of Hermil Milan, Reluk also adopts a stone architectural layout, but in terms of art, it is greatly reduced. Looking at the whole town, it is almost a piece of stone. If it is not more or less carved into the proper shape of the building, it is almost a whole quarry. Loyd and Shirley didn't care at all, and Xilu and Lulu, who lived in the art city, were stunned by this strange scene and then complained... So when looking for a hotel, loyd had to work hard to find a seemingly superior building.

After that, two rooms were set up. When assigning the room, there was an unnecessary dispute... That's all because Xilu insisted on living in a room with loyd:

"Is that what it looks like in the college! Loyd is the one responsible for taking care of me! Of course you have to live with me..."

"It's true..."

loyd's silly answer immediately attracted the anger of the other two women. Shirley couldn't help but step on him:

"That's because there is an extra small room in Miss Xilu's room! There is no such benefit in hostels now! And there is only one bed! Even if it's a double bed! Are you going to sleep with Miss Xilu?"

"It's true..."

This time it's Xilu's turn to trample on his wall grass behavior:

"You are an idiot! Still a weed in the wind! Who on earth is your master? Although you can't sleep on **... but you can sleep on the floor! Anyway, I will be very unhappy if you are not there!"

"It's true..."

Loide, who kept repeating the same sentence, endured the pain from his feet and reluctantly coped with the crisis in front of him, so Lulu came forward as if she couldn't stand it:

"Isn't that too pitiful? I want you to sleep on the floor! Don't you think of you as a stray puppy? Anyway, you are also a knight... So you are still the most suitable for me, I... but I don't care if you sleep beside me at all..."

"How can that work! Miss Lulu is a teacher! Such behavior will have a very bad impact on students! Mr. loyd! The most suitable one should be me! As civilians, aren't we the most common language? So everything works well..."

What does 'well-cooperation' mean? How can a guy who can say such shameless words be a good person! And no matter what you say! Anyway, no! Loed! Don't just repeat something there! Hurry up and make a decision... Hey! Where's the person!"

Between the quarrel between the three ladies, Loyde disappeared...

"That guy ran away! It's unforgivable! How dare you ignore the owner's will! Is this still a knight?"

After gritting her teeth and complaining, Xilu chased her out without hesitation. Shirley also shouted "Don't want to swallow alone" and followed, leaving Lulu alone... When she saw the suitcases piled up in front of her, she couldn't help complaining:

"Did you leave the most troublesome thing to me? Nowadays, young people really don't know what etiquette is!"

After hiding in the dark at the door of the hostel, loyd, who had confirmed that the two girls had disappeared at the corner of the street one after the time, did not hesitate to come out and walk in the other direction of the street. Like the chaotic scene just now, there has been a fixed program that has been staged almost every day for half a month. Even if they rest in the carriage, the two girls will quarrel or even use force for who can lean against him. Although she was dissuaded by Lulu every time, Lulu had actually been competing with them quietly... loyd trembled a little when she thought of these scenes.

"I'm afraid you don't know what methods women will use to rob the same lover, right?"

Now Fei Linwen's words make him really feel the immersive truth. Just for some small things, the three ladies often argue... Just imagine how fierce Fei Linwen once competed for Lyon with her sister, she will feel extremely fear... If she is the kind of person who is not dedicated, maybe...

Will I die?

And... we seem to have completely forgotten the purpose of coming to Hland... Are we here to collect the necessary information? Collecting information about the crown prince of Heland... In fact, is it just to collect information about the Kingdom of Heland? However, from the day they embarked on the journey, they seemed to have left this matter behind, but unreasonably regarded this action as a tour, making a mess at will.

Is it really the wrong choice to let the other two women follow? But looking back on the situation at that time, I really couldn't refuse their request...

However, if you don't want to refuse their request in the first place... you should be sentenced to death immediately, right? On the other hand, if you dare to refuse, you will be sentenced to death immediately, and you will be sentenced to death without any trial or any defense... I just don't understand why I have to make such a choice? No matter how you look at it... I'm just a knight of Xilu, just following Xilu's order. Why did it suddenly become like this? When did I become fat in the eyes of three raptors?

Think about it from another perspective... In fact, is all the reason for yourself? Because I am indecisive and have never clearly expressed my true intentions, it has caused endless misunderstandings... The so-called "I am not qualified for that" has always been just deceiving myself, right? Last time at the seaside of Loriley, she seemed to have made up her mind, and she did kiss Xilu, but now that I think about it, it's completely my own "contancy" move, right? And she didn't say a clear intention; the night with Lulu was completely forced by Lulu; as for Shirley... she didn't start at all, why did she treat herself with the same mentality as Xilu?

There was a court trial drama in loyd's heart. Of course, the defendant was himself, and before he could defend himself, the beheading judgment naturally came down...

No! That kind of ridiculous thing can't happen! Anyway, you must clarify your true intentions and let them understand! As for whether they can understand or accept it, it's another matter...

loyd wandered around the street distractedly. His body seemed to be simply driven by his legs and seemed aimless, so that after walking for half an hour, he didn't even pay attention to what kind of goods he had passed by the open-air shops until he passed by a pub, a sweet voice. It dragged him down:

"Hey! That little brother! Don't you come in for a drink!"

Loed looked up in surprise and saw a long-haired girl wearing a common waitress in front of the pub greeting him enthusiastically:

Although the weather is not very hot, you can still have a drink to relax! Don't you want to come together?"

Loy looked at the pub... Business does not seem to be very lively, so the waiters have to take the initiative to invite guests. The life and work of ordinary people are always so difficult. And the girl's youthful face and vigorous vitality made him unconsciously remind him of Shirley, who was also full of energy every day... loyd smiled slightly and walked over to her greeting:

"Is there any wine suitable for such a weather?"

"Although we are just an ordinary country pub, we can't find advanced liquor suitable for aristocratic tastes, there will also be a service that can satisfy guests!"

The girl grabbed his arm generously and then leaned over... The unprepared loyd withdrew her hand in surprise after vaguely touching the other party's plump chest:

"Excuse me..."

"What's wrong? Don't you like this? What a strange guest! The guests who come here all like us to do this!"

The girl was not shy at all and repeated the action just now:

"And...if you want to eat me in addition to drinking... as long as you can negotiate a reasonable price, I can also agree!"

Loed stayed in place for a while... and then couldn't help scratching his head:

"Is this... really a pub?"

"The guest is really not a local! As long as people who live here will not be as surprised as you when it comes to this 'sea cat pavilion'! But you seem to be a good man! Don't you have such experience?"


"Then do you want me to teach you? As long as the price is reasonable, it won't disappoint you!"

"It's better not to... After all, I just want to drink."

"It's really boring! Such a cold guest really doesn't have the interest of accompanying drinks! And it will affect my tip income! Guests should go to the big pub over there to enjoy it!"

The girl with an enthusiastic face actually let go of her hand with a boring face because of her integrity, and then prepared to greet other passers-by... Loyde, who was surprised by the huge gap at this moment, was stunned for a moment and apologized with understanding:

"I'm sorry... because I'm a knight, so..."

Is it a knight? That's nothing new. Look, that one is also a knight!"

loyd followed her gesture and looked into the tavern... Sure enough, a middle-aged man in knight's armor was drinking and flirting with a girl in an almost unobstructed loose uniform... This scene made him a little ashamed. The girl looked disapproving:

"It's not just ordinary civilians who come here to drink, but also often knights or lower-level officers! Although they are usually serious and instructive, they are no different from ordinary old pers! So don't tell me whether you are a knight or not, and I won't look at you differently because of your identity!"


Loed felt speechless. After saling, she was ready to leave, but the girl rushed up again:

"Don't be so ruthless! After talking to you so much, my throat is a little thirsty! Please buy me a drink! Shouldn't knights be particularly gentle to women?"

"Although it's not that it's not possible... but this place makes me not used to it..."

"Then change to another place! There is no rule that it must be here! We can consider working in the right place as long as the guests need it!"

Loed trembled as if he had been burned by the fire:

"The so-called thing...that's not what I mean..."

"I know I know! Oh, what a lovely guy! I blushed when I said it! Ah ha... By the way, you are really not a local, are you? What should I call it?"

Loide reported his name, and the girl wrapped his arm for the third time:

"Just call me Lena! Mr. loyd!"


"Yes! We all don't have our own names! So if you don't want to call me Lena, you can call me by other names. So, where are you going to buy me for a drink? Do you want me to recommend a suitable place for you? It should be suitable for a less rich knight like you.

loyd followed Lena to find a decent-looking pub. After confirming that there was no abnormal atmosphere, his heart calmed down a little. However, Lena did not want to calm down at all, but sat directly next to him, then took his hand and pressed it on her waist. Loide tried to take her hand back as if she had been bitten by a poisonous snake, and Lena unhappily scratched his arm with her long nails:

"Please cooperate! I'm working too! It's not easy to earn tips!"

"In that case... I can give you the tip directly..."

"That won't work! I'm not a wanderer begging for alms from you! Maybe you can't accept my service, but I'm also dignified!"

While speaking, Lena grabbed his hand and slid towards her thigh... Touching the soft skin of the other party, Loed felt that his heart was about to explode, and his face involuntarily began to twist...

Whether it was hugging Xilu or the day he was forcibly pushed down by Lulu, he finally touched the woman's skin, but at that time he didn't feel much except for a little tension... However, today, Lena's few simple actions made him almost uncontrollable. The desire that is about to explode... Is this the talent that people like Lena train to survive? This is the same definition as some of your own talents...

But is there any practical significance in thinking about these now? If Lena continues like this, I'm afraid it will turn into an uncontrollable situation. And in case of being met by Xilu, even if it is only known by her, it will turn into unpredictable consequences... loyd pulled his hand back hard and then quietly drank the wine in front of him. Lena couldn't help but look surprised:

"You are really incredible... You have already understood so well, it's better not to always pretend! Things like this are as ordinary for us as your battlefield life. There is no need to refuse people thousands of miles away!"

"I'm not pretending... but I didn't do such a thing with you in the first place. If you think I have wasted your time or hurt your dignity, you can leave at any time.

Loide's expression suddenly became serious. After being stunned for a moment, Lena held her cheek with her right hand and laughed in a low voice with her head side:

"So what are you doing here, Lord Knight? Is it to come here to find out some information?"

Loed showed a surprised look. After confirming that no one around him had any abnormal reactions, he lowered his voice:

"What did you just... say?"

"Is it incredible because I can see your intention? Or... what you are thinking now is: you must not let this woman live?"

"About the latter... I'm not that kind of person, but I'm really a little surprised..."

"This is not a difficult problem to explain. When I touched your hand, I knew that such a smooth skin could not come from a soldier on the battlefield, and from your response to women's etiquette and my behavior, I can see that you should have come from or served nobles. Knight. Such a knight dressed as a civilian and came to such a stone-filled place. If it weren't for intelligence, it wouldn't be for sightseeing, right?

"You... are really right. I also don't think there is a need to hide anything in front of you..."

Lina's half-closed eyes showed a trace of cunning:

"Why is it so easy for you to confess? Aren't you worried that I will inform the guards as soon as I go out? As you know, spies can be beheaded directly without trial!"

"Of course I know all this, but I'm not worried that you will do that. If you were that kind of person, you wouldn't have refused my tip just now. And..."

"And what?"

"If you really do this... I won't let you open your mouth before you leave the gate."

"Do you want to kill me? Didn't you say you're not that kind of person?"

"Because I believe in my intuition, I don't have to worry about the possibility of a decision like this, so I won't care no matter how many times I say it."

Lena laughed softly again:

"Really... You guys are really annoying when you are serious! However, if you want to ask for information, no one is more suitable than me! That's what you think, right? Because I can always get in touch with people of any identity, and of course I know more than anyone else..."

"On this point..."

Loed became a little embarrassed, and Lena poured a glass of wine carelessly:

"Why did you suddenly become so shy! You say that I don't care, because that's what I do! Like just now, if guests touch their thighs, they can earn a few silver coins, reveal their breasts, and get some information, which is completely easy. On the contrary, your serious appearance makes me feel very unaccustomed! I... also like to talk directly with people! It's just like I'm working with people. I like it when it's simple and neat!"


"Ouch? Why don't you talk? Although you look cute when you are silent, I still don't like this feeling! If you want to get something useful out of my mouth, you have to show a little sincerity! Sincerity!"

"Does sincerity mean money?"

"How much can you give me? How much is the information in my mouth worth? It's still time for you to calculate and then make a decision.

"So...what do you really mean?"

"I... don't mean anything else..."

Lena's eyes thin into a half-moon, and seemed to shoot a scorching flame from her eyes... She grabbed loyd's hand and pressed it on her chest, then put her head to the side of his ear to breathe:

"Stay with me all night... that's all."


"I also have an intuition... You are the one worthy of this deal."

Lena invaded Loed's face with a youthful and fragrant breath, which confused his hard-won heart again... This girl seems to be born with this magic, which can make people lose their judgment in an instant... But it is difficult to think that this is a survival talent forced by life after all. Don't make people feel sad...

However, why do you always care about those irrelevant issues at critical moments? Now her hand is firmly pressed on her chest... It's an unprecedented crisis! And look at her appearance and you can know that it's not a joke... Do you really want to exchange it for the information he needs at the cost of staying with her all night? The question is whether the information from her mouth is of practical value? But even if it's valuable information... I'm sorry for Xilu...

"Is it the default not to speak? Don't be so nervous... I was like you the first time... And you actually let me get back the feeling at that time... This is really strange... I have to thank you..."

Lena gasped gently... Then she bit loyd's earlobe. Loyd's nerves trembled violently under the sweep of her tongue... However, the drinkers in the whole tavern seemed to have been used to this scene, and no one looked at them at all... In other words, under such a momentum, even if Lena pushed him down here, no one would ask? Loyd only felt a cold sweat all over his body...

Just as the bomb was about to explode, the table in front of them suddenly flew up...

"Oh no!"

Led immediately understood what was going on in front of him... This was a more serious situation than the bomb that was about to explode in front of him! It should be said that it is more terrible than any disaster! I was obsessed with Lena, but I forgot that Xilu and Shirley were also chasing me all over the street...

Lina also seemed to be stunned by the strange scene in front of her. She quickly left Loed and wanted to run out of the door, but was mercilessly knocked unconscious by Shirley, who was waiting at the door, with a pan. Then, Xilu, whose face was indescribable in words, raised her magic wand and made a gesture of "leave immediately" to the drinkers...

Frightened by Xilu's momentum, the pub became empty in an instant. The two girls immediately turned their goal to loyd, and they marched towards the goal without saying a word...

"Wait...wait! That's not the case! You completely misunderstood!"

Lloyd stood up in vain to explain, but was hit in the chest by the pan thrown by Shirley, and Xilu jumped high... Then her foot hit the target accurately.

"Quickly stop! You really misunderstood--"

The pub was instantly overwhelmed by the crackling sound of tables and chairs and the roar of the girl. loyd's defense and screams were just a small interlude in the chaotic chorus... The unstructured concerto lasted for ten minutes to completely calm down.