Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

One of the six exotic mercenaries

The determination of the Queen of Six

Sericia came to the holy moonlight again, the day after her accession to the throne, and the speed of action was unexpected. In fact, the ministers who had been worried about whether she would be qualified for the position of king put down their hearts on the day she ascended to the throne. It seems that it was a change overnight, and Selysia's enthusiasm for national politics simply stunned them.

After the coronation ceremony, Selysia immediately held a military meeting. Although she was extremely inexperienced in dealing with war, with her natural judgment and determination, she formulated the first combat defense plan of Haier Milan in the complicated opinions of the generals, which made him heroic General Wilsam couldn't help shouting long live on the spot. Then, she pointed the trip to the Magic Academy, and as for the reason, she did not disclose it to anyone except a few trusted ministers.

Because it is a sudden visit without warning, almost none of the teachers and students who are busy with their schoolwork know. Baymont, who was feeding parrots in the office, was also shocked by the sudden opening. It was not until he saw Celicia's familiar face and the strange queen's crown on her head that he smiled:

"It's an amazing fact that it's time to change your name to Her Majesty."

"If you are not used to it, you can call my name directly in such a private occasion, Lord Baymont."

Selysia sat down on the chair at her desk, and Baymont stopped in surprise:

"Are you calling me? Her Majesty?"

"Yes, Secretary Belmont."

"Excuse my rudeness, why add the name 'Qing'? If it is well remembered, the old man is no longer subordinate to the royal family.

"Please forgive me for my arbitrariness. The current situation in Haier Milan, even if you live alone in the college, you should be able to understand the most thoroughly. Now I need everything that can help me support Haier Milan through this terrible disaster. Your Excellency, no matter what the reason is, please let your strength become a light that reassures me!"

"Even if you say so..."

The college president opened the curtains and sat down on his chair:

"As long as the sun will give grace to the college, the holy moonlight will not intervene in the decision-making of the royal family for any reason or way. This is an iron rule that has been established since the Royal College for many years. I think you also know it, Your Majesty."

"Even iron rules are formulated by people. I believe that people can change the definition of any iron rule, just like even the smallest human can defeat the magic dragon that has existed since ancient times and was once desperate. Sir Bemont, now that you have made the first effort to destroy the iron rule, you can also make a second one!"

"Do you mean that the first effort I made to let the Holy College also absorb students from other countries?"

"That's right. If I remember correctly, among the rules set by the president of Rowad College for the Holy College, there is the one that does not absorb students from other countries."

"Let you laugh, maybe it's just to earn more money for retirement..."

"What else have you earned besides enough funds? I wonder if you allow me to make a so-called bill for you to list the 'income' you have earned over the years?

"Your Majesty's behavior really makes the old man feel speechless..."

"Then please answer with your actions. I wonder if I will still disgust you by calling you 'Mr. Baymont' now?"

"If Your Majesty insists on doing this... old age is also helpless."

Sericia smiled with satisfaction, but Baymont's eyes became sharp:

"However... before the real motivation of His Majesty is clear, the old man only accepted the name of His Majesty and did not intend to accept the corresponding position. Your Majesty suddenly came here without any warning today. Shouldn't you just want to give this title to the old man?

"Of course, if it's just such a title, I'm afraid Baymont won't let me enter your door. The reason why I came here secretly this time is that I don't want others to know that I need help. Sir Baymont, I need to use the help of the college, no, it should be said that with the power of the magicians in the college!"

"With the power of the magicians of the college?"

"And both teachers and students, as long as I can meet the requirements, I need to help... To put it bluntly, it can also be regarded as recruitment!"

"You mean to involve the teachers and students of the college in the preparation of the war..."

"Yes. Maybe it's completely difficult for me to do this, but I hope... Or it can also be said that I have given this order as the Queen, and please be sure to cooperate with me.

"War conscript order... I'm afraid such a decision is too serious, Your Majesty? Do you want the whole magic academy to be involved in the whirlpool of war?

Baymont's eyes changed from sharp to cold:

"As you know, the students in the college are the future pillars of the kingdom. They are all seedlings at the youngest age, but do you want them to leave the embrace of the sun at this moment and accompany the smoke and war full of suffocating fear? It seems that you are not the only one you want to implict... The old man can never agree with this. Please forgive me.

Facing the prey-like eyes of the college principal, Selysia went back without fear:

"Does the president say that because he is bearing the young body of the future of the country, can he stay out even under the threat of war?"

"That's what old means, let young people get involved in the whirlpool of war... Even if you don't have to step into the battlefield in person, it is a disgrace and disaster for the kingdom! What a sad reality it will be that these young buds have not yet enjoyed the beauty of life and the sacredness of love and have to suffer the spiritual torture caused by war! Young people should have the country and laws of their lives. Your Majesty can't trample on their lives and dignity at will for the reasons of war!"

"So, do you think it is a reasonable rule to let adults step into the whirlpool of war? Is the life and dignity of adults not as valuable as those young people? Please understand first that it is not that we take the initiative to provoke the war, but those countries are coveting our so-called life and dignity! If we lose the war, can those young people also enjoy the gifts you mentioned? Please don't forget that I am also a 16-year-old girl who has just lost her father! I also want to enjoy the beauty of life and the sacredness of love as you said! But Haier Milan is our motherland, and I can't make any difference to anyone just because of age!"

Baymont is speechless, and Selysia's change also surprised him... Her Royal Highness, who once went to her office to seek countermeasures just because of the marriage contract, is now exuding something that she dares not look up to. Majesty... Baymont couldn't help sighing at the ruthlessness of reality.

"Of course, Sir Baymont, as a respect for you, I will promise never to send these young people to the battlefield easily, and I can also allow you to stay in the college at unnecessary moments. In fact, the reason why I need your help is mainly for this reason... You will understand after reading it."

Sericia unfolded the drawings she brought in front of Baymont. Baymont looked through it carefully and showed a sudden realization:

"It turns out that Your Majesty's intention is to build warships..."

"Yes, although we already have this detailed design reference, we have no experience in construction, and even the magic research institute can't solve the problem of 'wind energy' as a driving force for navigation. So I can only seek the strength of the college to solve this problem. I wonder if such an explanation can reassure the college president?

"If that's all... then maybe I was really rude just now, but I don't know if your majesty's promise not to send these young people to the battlefield can last?"

"The promise I can make is that I will never send the men among them to the battlefield under unnecessary circumstances. I can swear to God about this."

"In non-essential circumstances..."

Baymont turned his eyes out of the window... After class, the students were showing their youthful vitality in the square, because the future of freedom that was about to be annihilated by reality, which made him sigh helplessly:

"So... what are you going to do with those non-national students? Out of the law of war, should they return to China immediately?"

I have thought about this issue for a long time, but my final decision is not to allow them to return to China. They must stay in the college until the end of the war.

"Are you going to take them hostage?"

"Everyone may make such a judgment. At first, I also had the idea that taking them as hostages can at least force those countries to have scruples... But after all, that's just a naive idea. It's impossible for a country's wheels to turn because of the lives of a few young people. It will only increase their hatred for me, but... no matter how much they resent me, I will bear it without hesitation. I just want to protect their lives now..."

"Is it because once they return to China, it is difficult to escape being forced to step into the battlefield? Because after all, they are all nobles with the fate of the country..."

"At that time, the original friends may meet on the battlefield. I'm afraid this is a pain that no one can bear. As you said, they are enjoying the most free life and love, so Bemont, I hope you can understand my thoughts..."

"I understand, Your Majesty... I will assist your plan to the best of my ability. It's just that... the college may have to temporarily stop schoolwork..."

"In order to deal with the cruel reality, there is nothing I can do... Because of the trouble caused by my waywardness to the college, I will do my best to compensate in the future... Please forgive me for facing the threat of two kingdoms at the same time, and I have no choice but to do now."

"I can understand this. After all, Your Majesty's 16-year-old shoulder is still too young. I want you to take on the fate of a country at such a young age... Since it comes to the issue of building warships, how is Her Majesty the Queen going to solve the cost of war? From this scale, I'm afraid it can't be easily solved..."

"Starting with me, I have reduced my salary, and I have exchanged everything that can be changed. In any case, I must raise enough military expenses in a short time. Only by starting with me can we drive all the citizens of Haier Milan. As for the college, I hope the director can explain the reason to the teachers and students involved in the battleship research..."

"I understand this, and under your example, I believe that no one will complain about it. The problems of the college will be dealt with properly. It is enough for you to do what you should do in Wangcheng.

"I'm afraid I'm not that relaxed. Next, I have arranged a schedule to go around the world... I'm really a poor queen, and I will be forced to become a tool to boost national morale... This is also a fate that I can't escape."

"That's why I don't want to be involved in politics... If Your Majesty hadn't shown such an attitude today, I'm afraid I would never have had any relationship with the royal family in my lifetime. After all, Her Majesty has the significance of Her Majesty's existence. Maximizing the value of this existence in national politics is the direction you must work for in the future. All the subjects of Haier Milan are looking forward to your beautiful posture..."

"Although what you said is the truth... it's really confusing..."

"In addition... please allow me to ask a question... What is the reason for your huge change? Princess Licia came to discuss with me because she was confused. It seemed that it was last night..."

"This...maybe it's because of the Queen's existence..."

Sericia's face was covered with clouds, and Baymont nodded:

"It seems that the prince did not seem to have an accident... Then Her Majesty will have stronger confidence in her weak body."

"Let you laugh... In fact, this design drawing was given to me by Lutwin. In the future, he will stand in a direction that I can't see and silently support me... So my efforts are also dedicated to him.

"This is the best. The efforts for love are the most fascinating... After all, young people should give their body and mind for this, so that they will not be ashamed of their youth... Hahaha..."

"Thank you for your advice. Your words can often make me realize what I have to do... Here I would like to ask you one more thing. I want to use your crystal ball to explore my friends... Xilu hasn't heard from me for half a month, and I'm really worried about their safety..."<< /P>

The arrival of Queen Selysia did not arouse anyone except the director of the college, but the sudden arrival of the guards made the students who had just finished their break and entered the classroom nervous. The officer leading the team was Rogge, the captain of Selia's bedroom guard. He ordered the guards to stay away, and then entered the teaching tower alone, ignoring the obstruction of the teachers and the surprise of the students, and showing the documents in his hand:

"This is Her Majesty's will, please listen to it!"

Since the coronation of the queen was yesterday, and everyone in the college had not had time to receive the notice, so the second group of "Queen" caused a burst of surprise from the students, but they also quickly guessed that the queen was Princess Selysia. Although they did not understand why she changed her identity in a blink of an eye, it was quickly quiet. Come down.

Roger read the Queen's order loudly, because his voice was extremely loud, so that the classroom next door could hear it clearly. When it was learned from the edict that the Queen forced teachers and students of the Department of Wind and Fire to join the Magic Research Institute, and students from other departments must wait for recruitment at any time in the college, and non-national students were not allowed to leave the college at will, the students broke out in a loud noise. Rogge seemed to turn a deaf ear and continued to rush to the upper level to read it. In the original classroom, teachers can no longer suppress the students**.

Although Selysia had a reverging influence between them, the sudden forced edict as the queen still shocked them. On the one hand, they doubted whether it was the Queen's intention, and on the other hand, they doubted whether there were other intentions behind the edict. Such ** was quickly echoed. Soon, the whole teaching tower seemed to begin to shake, and the teachers rushed to the president's office to try to ask...

"That is to say... the study is going to stop?"

Kick, who had nothing to do with me, scratched his head and then turned his eyes to Ferdinand at the next table:

"Are you the wind system? So what research institute are you going to? I really don't know whether to congratulate you or sympathize with you. Your Majesty seems to be thinking about something strange?

"I don't know... but it doesn't seem to be worthy of congratulations. In addition, isn't it very strange that the queen only summoned her country but did not ask students from other kingdoms to join the research institute?

"Is there anything strange about this? This doesn't mean that your queen is doing something that can only be done by her own country. What on earth made her do this? Maybe it's war..."


The discussion between the two spread to the ears of other students, and the atmosphere in the classroom suddenly broke out, and the students surrounded in panic:

"You just said... it's a war? Is Haier Milan ready to go to war?

Who will be the opponent? Is it Sierras? It shouldn't be Hland! It may also be Gutlund!"

"Because it is a war, only natives can participate in it. Is that what you mean?"

"What should I do if I am attacked by two countries? What if there are three sides of the enemy? Can Haier Milan support it?"

"That's why we were recruited to the research institute... In fact, you want us to become a reserve army, right?"

"That's really terrible! I don't want to go to war! Why should we be forcibly recruited!"

"I'm talking about you! Be quiet!"

Kick roared, and then punched the table in front of him, making the students around him close their mouths in horror. Kick glanced at them with dissatisfied eyes:

"I'm talking about you! They are all nobles of Haier Milan! Don't show that disgusting look! You always talk about honor and reputation, and you always quarrel and duel with others. Do you really shrink into sea cucumbers when there is a war? No, it's just that sea cucumbers dare to throw out the things in their stomachs! But you softened into mud as soon as you heard the word war! That's not right. At least the mud can become fertilizer in the field. You are simply..."

"It's almost enough! "Bear!"

Fednan interrupted him with some regret:

"Don't just say such sarcastic words! How can it be said that it is ordinary? After all, no one will like war! After all, nobles and war are not equal concepts. No one has stipulated that nobles must be desperate in the face of war! After all, there are a few people from the army family like you, so don't force people there!"

"Ha...even if you're right! It seems that I'm really a little difficult for people, but I just feel uncomfortable. After all, nobles have annoying self-esteem. I thought those words just now could make them more or less brave! Hello! You! To be honest, if there is a war, what are you going to do?

"Ask how to do something... How can we say it now! And after all, the war hasn't broken out yet, has it? It's also difficult for us to say what to do now!"

"That's it! The war hasn't broken out yet, right? And we are just guessing the possibility of war. What's the point of you making noise over there?"

"You are the one! Kik! Don't say it so easily! The Queen's order just asked you non-nationals to stay in the college! Didn't you notice that there was something wrong with this order?"

"Ah, I know! If war breaks out, we will be hostages, right?

Kick's words triggered another time**, and the students from Hrand and Gutlund all turned pale:

"Big...Kick! What you said..."

"What is 'Big Kike'? Huh? Isn't it good for you to say it's a big stupid bear?"

Kick put his arms around the neck of the unlucky student... So the student's screams sounded:

"Let go... Let go! Kik! I said something wrong, I'm sorry..."

"Hey! Remember, I like straightforward guys. I won't mind telling you directly in front of me, but if you play something in a roundabout way, be careful that I will beat you into meat sauce!"

Kick let go of his hand and sat down in the seat:

"That's it! What if the war really breaks out... There is no doubt that we become hostages, at least we can avoid our family from easily participating in the war... But if you think about it carefully, it's not useless. At least the family will not send troops easily and won't make us worry about their safety, and pay a fine at most. Military expenses... And we don't have to worry about becoming enemies on the battlefield. If we go back to China, we may be forced to go to the battlefield... That's the worst thing."

"You really have a point... Maybe Her Majesty made such a decision based on this consideration. Although it seems a little cruel, as long as it can achieve that kind of effectiveness..."

Although Ferdinand also agreed, the students' mood did not improve, and those from other countries still complained:

"Your queen is really too much! Whatever the reason, we should not be taken hostage! We came here as international students to learn your so-called magical civilization! It's too much to treat us like this! Although that Selysia usually behaves so noblely, it turns out that her mind is so vicious! I really misread her..."

With his rude words, the students of Haier Milan immediately jumped up in a rage:

"Shut up! What right do you have to talk to our great queen? If it weren't for your own wise decision, could you foreign people come here to learn from our great civilization? Look in the mirror before you speak rudely to the royal family! Don't let people laugh at you aliens for smelling stupid rotten from head to toe!"

"You guy! You want to insult us, right? Don't say such funny big words there! What a great civilization! What is your short history of 100 years worth boasting about compared with us! We came here to study just to sympathize with your poor self-esteem! And we have our own noble royal family. Is there any need to respect your queen? Just by that 16-year-old ignorant woman..."

The students of Haier Milan roared unbearably and rushed at each other. The classroom immediately became a mess. The girls screamed and hid. Ferdinand was anxious to dissuade them, but they were brought back by Cycla:

"You will be beaten for nothing if you go there. Don't join in this boring excitement. Anyway, this is not the first time. When they have enough, it will be all right. Now you'd better think about what you should do next. I just think it's a pity that the swordsmen' group will no longer exist... If the partner and the little girl are here, there may be someone to discuss... I haven't seen them for half a month..."

"There is nothing I can do. I can only wait for the next development of things, and as a native, I can only choose to obey orders. But you are really leisurely. You still seem to be so useless when you know you will become a hostage..."

"I can't think of a way. If it's useful if I'm nervous, I can tremble all over now, but I don't care about this meaningless thing. At least, your queen is not as bad as those guys say, and she still knows how to do something futile but touching."

Kick put his legs on the table and laughed loudly, while the fight in the classroom continued until Robek arrived ten minutes later that the situation calmed down.