Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

The Return of the Knight Eight

The garden of eight and six

"Sure enough, I still can't break the contract with Xilu... Please forgive me, Your Majesty, I think this is the most correct choice in my life."

Loux's answer to the queen roared in Xilu's head. Although it is just a few simple words, so simple that as long as you have the function of language, it can easily come out of anyone's mouth, but it comes from loyd!

It was loyd who said it to the queen and herself!

is not a joke! It's not to please yourself! But it was said to the noble king of a country!

This guy loyd...

There seemed to be a blazing heat wave on her little head. Xilu hummed and buried her face in the palm of her hand.

"What's wrong, Xilu?"

I was patted on the shoulder, and Xilu jumped up "wow":

"Who... So it's you, loyd! Are you going to scare me to death?"

"I just think you are not feeling well... Is there anything on your mind?"

"What else can I do..."

Just now, I cried and made a noise with joy for a while, and only felt indescribable fatigue, so at the suggestion of the Queen, I came to the garden to relax with loyd. Now they are standing in front of the rose garden. Somehow, when she saw the clouds blooming in the flower garden, her heart became even more upset:

"Loed... These are roses, aren't they?"

"Yes, and there are all kinds of roses. It's worthy of being the garden of the royal city. Her Majesty is really very attentive."

" a symbol of love, right?"

"Yes, roses of all kinds have their own definitions, but they are all connected with love. They seem to be destined to be inseparable from the word love from the day of birth."

"If... I mean... if I want you to choose one here for me, what color would you choose?"

"Well... that's not so easy to make a choice. Because no matter what color it is, it is very beautiful..."

"Really... I thought you could always make decisions so easily."

"Why do you think so?"

"Because...just now..."

Xilu sucked her nose and said gently:

"Why did you make such a decision? A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity... All the efforts made in the past have become futile. Maybe you will never be able to restore the knighthood! Your life will come to an end under the status of a civilian knight. Is such a decision really appropriate?

Loed raised his head and smiled:

"Actually, I don't know if it's appropriate to do that, because after all, I worked hard for my previous goal. In fact, when Her Majesty first asked this question, my first reaction was that 'I finally achieved my lifelong wish', and I even felt that it was the most pleasant moment to live until now..."

"In that case, why don't you tell the Queen what you really think? You must want to make such a choice, right?"

"Real thoughts? Did you cry at that time? So I can't do that."

"Is it... because I cried that you decided?"

Dearing a heavy blow from reality, Xilu lowered her head in frustration:

"So that's the reason... because I cried..."

"Miss Xilu's tears are more precious than the highest-priced pearl... Is that right?"

"Don't...don't say such inexplicable stupid words! Stupid!"

As if trying to hide the embarrassment, Xilu waved her fist and hit him in the chest with a bang.

"That's it... If I make such a choice, no one will call me stupid again, and no one will hit me like this, right? At the thought of this, I feel very lonely, as if a big hole has been dug in my heart..."

"Really...what a shameless statement, when I'm a fool..."

Xilu turned her head awkwardly, but her heart was full of the smell of honey.

"Is it me, the real fool? Because I actually gave up the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity... But in the same way, there is only one Xilu in the world, so this is also my once-in-a-lifetime choice. Even if I no longer have the title of the past, I am also a knight now, but I can't find a new Xilu... unless she is herself."

" your it really more important than your family name? For nobles, fame is better than everything..."

"I'm not an aristocrat, so there is no need to abide by the laws of the aristocracy. Shouldn't this be irresponsible?"

"That's right... But I also want you to become an aristocrat, that way..."

"Would you like me to become an aristocrat? Why do you have such an idea?"

"Ah! That is to say! Because that... Because after all, you are also from an aristocratic family!"

In fact, what she really wants to say is "because then you can propose a marriage contract to my family with the same name", but how can this embarrassing confession make a girl say it... In fact, if loyd is really willing to propose a marriage contract, he will probably give up Lafard's family name. I will also accept everything...

Xilu tried her best not to let her hot head fall into a muddle, and tried to find a seemingly reasonable excuse. Loyd seemed to see through her mind at a glance and said "ah" as if he understood:

"That's right. If I become a nobleman, I don't have to worry about some things, right?"

"Is there something wrong?"

Is it... a marriage proposal?

Xilu's heart jumped up... She put her hands on her chest expectantly.

"How to put it... For example, when you visit, you don't have to worry about being put in prison by the Marquis Rams."

"What...what is this!"

The fire of expectation was sore that only the faint smoke was left, and Xilu waved her fist regretfully:

"I hate you the most! Stupid!"

"It's really bad... I'm hated by Xilu. This is an unprecedented crisis. By the way, just now Xilu asked what kind of rose I would choose to give you? So..."

loyd stretched out his hand to the flowering and carefully picked a crimson rose and delivered it to her:

"I think this is the most suitable. I don't know if Xilu likes it or not?"

" it this color?"

"Because it's 'I want to be with you forever'... right?"

The heart of knowingly asked was excited by the expected answer, and then turned into dissatisfaction:

"What does the last one mean?"

"Is it because you can't be sure of your heart yet...?"

What does "this time's' mean? You're trying to make me angry on purpose, right?"

"Maybe there is really such an intention... I don't know why, when I see you angry, you will feel very relieved that Xilu has always been by my side. When I was riding Griffin to fight against the enemy, I was actually very worried about being hit by gunfire, but when I hugged your body and watched you face the enemy's attack head-on without fear, I suddenly felt that 'I don't have to worry about anything'. So... in fact, it's not just that I'm guarding you, and you've been guarding me."

"Yes...that's it..."

Anger has been replaced by a little sweetness... Her heart is like spring weather, constantly changing all kinds of symptoms:

"Actually... I was also very scared just now. When the enemy's gunfire and bows brushed past me, I was worried about whether I would be hit in the next second? Then I'm doomed to die, right? But after I found that no matter how I shook, I would not fall down, I suddenly understood that 'Loide had been hugging me like this'. So it seems that I keep absorbing the courage to stand up and the luck of avoiding gunfire from your hands... Even if I am really hit, I must die in your arms with a smile, right? Loyd... It's really the will of the goddess to meet you!"

Xilu was no longer coy and threw herself into his arms generously:

"Sure enough... loyd's heartbeat was so intense, was it because of my words?"

"Yes, this heart beats for you. Before I met you, it was just a decoration in a puppet body. But now it is surrounded by hot blood and has its own will.

"Really... Although I won't be happy with your flattering words, since you are grateful to the master... I should also give you some rewards, otherwise people will laugh at me for being a stingy..."

Xilu tiptoed her toes and sent her lips up... After feeling the hot temperature of the other party, she obediently closed her eyes.

If loyd had made another choice just now... Now this scene can only become a mirage, right? If you want to hug him or accept his kiss, it will only become a dream of the past...

Fortunately... loyd chose me.

Between the family and me, he chose me...

So... I can't respond to his feelings for me.

"Oh, oh... I really caught up with the best scene. What a happy afternoon."

The consciousness that became blurred by the kiss was forcibly pulled back by a cheerful smile. The two quickly separated and then adjusted their breathing awkwardly. After confirming that it was Fei Linwen, the beating heart calmed down a little:


"Has my little Xilu finally found her own port? There is nothing happier than this for my sister. I always had such a premonition before coming to the garden for a walk. It seems that my intuition is still very reliable..."

"! I didn't find my own port... It's this guy! He insisted on coming up to me..."

Xilu shook her head and tried her best to defend, and Fei Linwen couldn't help covering her mouth:

"Although you are an excellent magician, you have never been able to become a qualified actor. Your every move can't be hidden from my sister's eyes. What should I say... Being honest with your heart is the prerequisite for the most ideal reward for your feelings... Is that right, Mr. ROId?"


"Don't follow me! What 'maybe'! You can only bully people!"

Xilu kicked him and pulled him behind her:

"Why did my sister come here?"

"Just said, because I had a premonition of something interesting going on in the garden, so I came to have a look."

"It's a lie! Looking at my sister's appearance, I know that she has been premeditated... After all, my sister is not a soothsayer!"

"It's true!"

Fe Linwen suddenly took out a crystal ball from her side, which stunned Xilu.

"In fact, recently I have begun to be infatuated with crystal ball divination, because of physical reasons... My condition can't get better, and I often feel that fate is really a wonderful existence, so through the mysterious color of this crystal ball, pry into the unpredictable trajectory of fate can also prove the fun that I have always existed. . How about Mr. loyd? Would you like me to help you divine and see the future of you and Xiao Xilu?

"That's not necessary. I don't seem to have a natural sense of trust in fate. But isn't it too strange for Miss Fei Linwen to work part-time as a sorcerer?

"Oh... Sure enough, you also have such an idea. In fact, you are not the first to say such an opinion to me, but once you encounter something you like, you often feel that you can't stop... And my body also seems to die suddenly due to illness at any time, so I leave something to make yourself Fun memories are also taken for granted, right?

"No! My sister won't suddenly leave me! Don't say such terrible words!"

Xilu showed a panicked expression and hugged Fei Linwen:

"My sister will live as long as I can. Isn't this the oath we made before? My sister can't just leave me! That's too cunning!"

"Although I don't want to break this oath, I don't have the judgment of fate... Now that you have a knight worthy of your trust, I can also rest assured..."

"Loed is loyd, and my sister is my sister. Either way, I don't want to lose... I absolutely don't want that!"

"Oh, oh... I cry all the time. You are really... It seems that you haven't grown up except for your figure. It's really nerve-wracking..."

Felinwen stroked her sister's long hair, and the kindness on her face restored her to the appearance of the rumored "saint". However, once she remembered the shocking fight she had had had with her sister in private for Leon, loyd unconsciously emerged a little sadness. Fei Linwen also seemed to vaguely perceive the disturbing eyes from loyd and pushed away her sister's body with some embarrassment:

"Well, in short, I will continue to work hard to live according to our previous vows, but you also have to change this temper. You can't cry when you cry. If you promise to your sister, you will also feel happy."

"Answer... I promise..."

Xilu wiped away her tears and reluctantly pretended to be a smiling face:

"As long as my sister can live a strong life, I will never shed tears in front of my sister. It's a deal!"

"What a child who likes to make unreasonable demands... Reminds me of when you were five years old, you spent the whole night in my room because you wanted to compete with me for a beautiful makeup box."

"My sister didn't give it to me in the end, did she? Speaking of which, it's also scary for my sister to be awkward. In any case, she refused to give in easily. In the end, I didn't understand why you, who had always loved me, would be so impathetic at that time..."

"Because everyone has what they love and want to protect, I became so paranoid at that time... This is really a nostalgic past. However, if that happens today, I won't give in."

"But I may not go too much... Because I love my sister the most, I will give in to you for this reason."

"That's really an indescribable feeling... Is it thanks? But I'm not that pathetic..."

"Not pitiful! Just because of my love for my sister!"

"Love? So the person you love deeply is your sister... So are you willing to marry your sister in the future?"

"No... it's not that kind of love! Sister can't bully people so much!"

"Oh, oh... did I bully my sister? It's really too bad... Ha ha, but I haven't been so happy for a long time. After all, I can't joke on Her Majesty, so I feel very lonely... Speaking of it, I will feel the mystery of fate. You and Her Majesty are so similar in all aspects, but you have enviable freedom and love. , and she carries a kingdom on her thin shoulders... What a sad reality.

Speaking of this, Her Majesty wants me to be her sideline!"

"I also heard her say that this is really the glory of our sisters, but I didn't expect you to refuse... Xilu is Xilu, and I can only evaluate it like this, right? But you still make me proud. You are my sister. You will be the queen's best friend.

"I'm not that great... Compared with my sister, I will always be so small..."

"You will always grow up, and you will also become an excellent wife and an excellent mother, just like our mother... When I think of such a future, I will feel indescribably jealous if I can't enjoy love. Isn't it strange to say this? After all, I love you the most..."

Fe Linwen lowered her head and kissed her sister's forehead, and then motioned her to stand aside:

"It's time to get into business... Mr. loyd, please come forward. I have Her Majesty's will to convey to you."

"Her Majesty's will?"

Loed took two steps and was ready to kneel down. Ferrinwen shook her head:

"You just need to stand and listen, Mr. loyd, because this is just a private message to you. Your Majesty is also deeply sorry that you can't restore your official knighthood. However, your achievements for Haier Milan are beyond doubt and erasure, so your Majesty has decided to compensate you in additional ways.

"Additional compensation means..."

"Have you heard that General Lawitz died in the defense war in Weiland? Since he has no children who can inherit the territory, His Majesty has decided to give you the territory 'Aagvilo'. If you accept this appointment, the will of the new lord will be issued immediately, and you will become Baron Roed, the new lord of 'Aagvilo'. Do you have any objection to this?"

"The new lord of Yagvilo..."

"That's great! Loyd!"

Xilu responded for him first, staring at the other party's face full of expectation, which made loyd feel extremely embarrassed and silent.

"After all, if there is no heir, the territory can only be recovered or abandoned, which may be a rather unnecessary loss for the kingdom, and I'm afraid there is no more suitable person than you now. More importantly, after you became the lord, there was no barrier between you and us because of your identity... You should understand what I mean, right?

"Yes...yes! Loyd!"

Xilu's face was full of inexplicable blush... Her eyes seemed to shine because of some unknown expectations, and this brilliance exuded a deterrent that did not allow him to disobey or even think...

Of course, he understood Xilu's intention. In fact, he also had the same idea as her.

The successor of the lord of Agvilo can not only calm the anger of Xilu because she did not get any reward, but also will not alienate each other because of the oath with Xilu. More importantly...

Once you have the status of a lord, you can associate with peers of noble origin on an equal footing, right? Especially with the Marquis Rams... If you want to propose a marriage contract with Xilu to him, it should also be accepted. Fei Linwen and Xilu also have such an intention, so they are so eager to hope that they can accept it, right?


A certain obsession that had been deeply suppressed in my heart suddenly emerged from a strange corner... Then came a strange sound:

Unacceptable...absolutely unacceptable!

If you accept it... you will definitely regret it in the future!

It's not only myself... but also hurt Xilu!

So refuse! It's not that I can't find a reasonable reason to refuse! Xilu will definitely be disappointed, but she will definitely understand me...

Reject it! Loyd grandall!

Loide bent down and saluted:

"Although I am still a civilian knight, I am so loved by Her Majesty... I am willing to accept this appointment."

At the moment of his words, he couldn't help but be surprised by his incongibility. But soon, he understood the reason...

Sure enough, it's because I can't let go of Xilu...

It's not because of the oath, but because I don't want to let go of Xilu herself.

Because I love her.

So it was once just an empty dream. When it can finally become a reality, I will desperately want to catch it.

That's all.

Maybe... Xilu is the god of hope that I have been pursuing.

My obsession that can't be completely erased will be healed by her until it is completely eliminated, right?

For me, this may really be the result I have been pursuing...

Of course, Xilu did not read such a complicated idea from his expression. For her, loyd's decision had made her furious:

"Then loyd! Go to your territory right away! The people also need a new lord to comfort them, and we should also see our new home..."

Wait... I just said "our new home"?

Suddenly found that she was a little unscrupulous because of excessive excitement. Xilu turned around in confusion and fantasized about what loyd would look like. However, the more he fantasized, the more his heartbeat intensified, and in the end, his whole body was boiling... However, loyd did not walk to his side, more or less It made her a little unbearable loss.

"Miss Fei Linwen, do you need to take office immediately?"

"It's best if you can go to work immediately. Of course, you can also postpone it for a few days and say goodbye to your friends. However, Mr. loyd, I must remind you of one thing... In the current war situation, the lord not only has the responsibility to govern the territory, but also has the obligation to send troops to war. Every territory is no exception. Of course, you can also choose to replace it with armament funds like your father. In short, you can't neglect this. "

"I understand... Even if I don't serve as the lord, I can't escape the responsibility of war. After all, Haier Milan is still in an uncertain predicament, just like today's sudden warship, which will destroy our walls at any time..."

"As long as you understand, please let me thank you on behalf of Her Majesty. In addition, my sister has also entrusted it to you. In this chaotic war, please protect her safety... This is also my sister's once-in-a-lifetime wish. My little Xilu, let me share a little more luck from you.

Fe Linwen held her sister tightly in her arms again:

"I also gave loyd to you, Xiao Xilu, do your wisdom and strength to help him become a great lord, of course, for your future... I look forward to the day when you will be truly happy. If that day can be in the holy temple, I will definitely send you the deepest blessings with the high priest.

"Sister... Thank you for everything you said to me and did for me today. I'm so lucky to be your sister."

The undisguised happiness made Fei Linwen faintly show an injured expression... She just hugged her sister tighter.