Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

The Return of the Knight Eight

Eight-seven Raspud's family letter

"I haven't had such a peaceful morning for a long time. Sure enough, the morning of the college is the most relaxing."

Loed opened the window and let the sunlight shine into the room without hindrance.

It seems that she was pierced by the early morning eyes, and Xilu, who was sleeping, gently turned her sideways with a "um". After opening her sleepy eyes and seeing Loed's figure, she shrank her body into the quilt shyly, and then tried to show a warm smile:

"Good morning... Good morning, loyd."

"Good morning, Xilu. Sorry to wake you up. I just think today's weather is perfect for getting up early..."

"It doesn't matter... I also want to get up early. Speaking of which...did you not sleep well last night? Because you said that my sleeping position is terrible..."

"There is no such thing, but I haven't had such a comfortable rest for a long time. Sure enough, it is the most reassuring thing in the college. But you don't seem to have slept well and have been talking in your sleep all night. Is it because you are too tired these days?

"That...that's because..."


"I...How do I know!"

Xilu threw the pillow at him and then covered her head into the quilt.

It's because sleeping next to you makes me nervous... No... I'm very happy... But how can I say such words in front of you now! You really don't understand what girlish feelings are! Look at my appearance and you can guess it! I have to tell you everything in person... What kind of knight are you!

The whole person was covered in the quilt, and Loed was like an extra piece of cheese squirming like ** in front of him, which reminded him of the chicks he once raised, always rolling their fat bodies and playing in the nest...

A familiar warmth surged up from my heart:

"I'm really sorry, I seem to make you unhappy... Speaking of which, I'm really an unqualified knight who can only make you angry. Although I often make such vows to you, the result will always disappoint you. So, I'll go out and reflect first, when you need..."

"Wait...wait! I..."

Xilu got out of the quilt and sat up in a panic, only to find that loyd just stood by the bed and did not move, with a teasing smile... Knowing that she had been teased, she turned her back angrily:

"Hate... tease me early in the morning! This...this is also a knight..."

"In that case...what if it were in the capacity of a lord?"


"Have I accepted the Queen's appointment as the new lord of Agvilo? Although he is still your knight, he has surpassed you in his position, so..."

"Ah! That's...that means..."

Now the knight in front of him is no longer the former loyd, but the new lord of Yagvilo, Baron loyd! Before inheriting Raspud's territory, he will be under each other... This is a fact!

Because of the impact of the facts, Xilu panicked again... If you attack him as easily as before, it is equivalent to disrespectful behavior, right?

But... if he uses this status to make various demands on himself... this and that... can he only comply? This and that...

However, this is no longer an important issue! The problem is that almost overnight, the identity of the two was completely reversed. Not only can they no longer easily attack him, but they even have to carefully consider losing their temper... In this way, their so-called "master" is equivalent to becoming a simple decoration...

A burst of inexplicable sadness suddenly hit her heart, and Xilu turned around with a silent sigh:

"Really...I'm really sorry, loyd, I forgot that you are already the lord..."

"The sooner you forget such a thing, the better. Please try to forget it, Xilu."


"No matter what status I become, I hope it will always be as simple as your knight. You don't have to call me a lord, let alone bow your head to me because of this, and..."


"I feel quite unaccustomed to hearing you scold me as an idiot or stop being beaten by you. It was as if Xilu suddenly disappeared from me and replaced with a replica that looked exactly like her but was not her. I'm really not used to such changes..."

"That... that can't be done! How can I treat you..."

"So...what if it's as the lord's wife?"


"In the capacity of the lord's wife..."

" are an idiot! What a lord's wife, she said such embarrassing words in broad daylight... I never thought it would... become..."

"Listen to me, Xilu!"

Loed sat by the bed and took her hand. The sudden projection of firmness in her eyes made her chill all over... Xilu suppressed her beating heart and lowered her head:

"I... I'm listening! What on earth are you trying to say..."

"Now it's really a little imprudely for me to mention the name 'Madam', and I'm not qualified to make such unreasonable demands from you or to the Marquis of Rams, but... I can do it one day! As a knight, I swear to protect you forever, even at that time, Xilu..."

"Wait...wait! Suddenly tell me this... I don't know anything! Stupid! Unexpectedly, he proposed to me in broad daylight... I haven't thought of such a thing at all!"

"Yes...that's it..."

Looking at loyd's injured look, Xilu shook her head anxiously:

"! I mean...that...because you said it too suddenly! And... you didn't get the permission of your father and mother. It's too early for you to say this! least..."

"At least?"

"At least... first... comb my hair first! I'm going to get up! Stupid! Because you said these words, I'm not even in the mood for breakfast!"

"I'm really sorry..."

"Don't just apologize! If you have that time...give me..."

Xilu raised her face and closed her eyes:

"Give me a good morning... to have the gentleness that the knight should have... that..."

"Yes, Miss Xilu."

Loed lowered his head to kiss her lips:

"Well, please let me comb your hair, Miss Xilu."

Xilu had no intention of starting up, just closed her eyes and said "um":

"Once again..."

"Ah...yes, Miss Xilu."

loyd kissed again. Without waiting for him to raise her head, she suddenly put her hand around his neck, and then put force on her lips.

The concert of lips intersects, echoing lightly in the room with the breeze blowing in from the window.

As if confirming whether the existence in front of her has real vitality, Xi Lusi has no intention of ending it. Loyd's neck and shoulders were sore by her, but the sweetness from her lips melted the soreness into a spring of love and hit every corner of her body. His hand unconsciously held Xilu's shoulder, and Xilu fell on her back in accordance with his movements.

She was also so active or even excited last time, but it was entirely because of the influence of **. And this time, Xilu did not have any pretentiousness, but was completely psychologically prepared to welcome Loyde's offensive.

Have you made up your mind?

Although I don't understand why she has such courage... it seems that she can't refuse.

However... can you really do this?

We have really reached this point and won't regret each other?

loyd tried to maintain the remaining sobriety. After confirming that "at least it shouldn't be now", she tried to break free from his arms, but Xilu didn't know where the power came from... It should be courage. Her hands could not easily break free, and the fragrance emanating from her rapid breath was rapidly It eroses loyd's thinking ability...

Is that enough?

Loed couldn't help but come up with the idea of "it's better to give up here"...

You don't need to be embarrassed to let nature take its course, right?

But...why do I always feel a little uncomfortable? It seems to be stared at from behind...

"You two... It's not suitable in broad daylight."

Xilu, who was still like an octopus, quickly pushed loyd away and sat up. Seeing Lena standing in the corner of the room with a smile that "I saw the good show", she couldn't help blushing from ear to neck:

" can you accompany the barn wine girl in our room!"

There was a faint cry in the questioning... It seems that this is really a big face.

"Lena just sent something! Oh, you two are so enthusiastic that you can't even hear me pushing the door. I wanted to keep looking at it like this, but I saw that the two of them didn't even close the window, so I couldn't help reminding them..."

"No... don't worry about it! We didn't do anything bad! Just...just a good morning...good morning kiss!"

"Do you also need to untie your clothes?"

Xilu quickly untied half of her clothes and saw loyd sitting by the bed, and suddenly kicked him down:

"Yes... this guy is not good! Just gave him a small reward, and then... he got carried away! It's his fault!"

"Really... I always thought that Mr. loyd was so simple, and his private technique was also so sharp! But isn't it too boring for Miss Xilu alone? Mr. loyd, how about me? Lena is very experienced in this field..."

While speaking, Lena began to take off her clothes, and loyd hurried forward to stop her action:

"It's not what you said at all, Lena! Don't do such a strange thing here..."

"Ah! Mr. loyd blushed! I was so proficient just now that I couldn't see that I was a novice in this field at all! So Lena can't watch Miss Xilu monopolize you like this! Take a closer look at Mr. loyd, Lena's figure is better than Miss Xilu in all aspects..."

"Enough, bartender! Doing such a thing in other people's rooms in broad daylight... What kind of thing is this!"

Xilu threw the pillow on one side hard, and Lena dodged to one side:

"What's so strange about this? Lena also likes Mr. Loed! Just like Miss Xilu! So there's no need to avoid anything, right?

"Who...who likes him! I like to force others to be stupid like this..."

"Huh? Is everything I saw just an illusion? In fact, Miss Xilu doesn't like men, but girls. Is that the truth? Then let Lena be your 'good friend'!"

Before the two understood, Lena jumped up and crushed Xilu**:

"Lina also likes girls... especially like Miss Xilu... She is born with a face full of ** power and such smooth skin..."

Lena's tongue swam around her neck and drilled into her clothes with her right hand. Xilu resisted her movements desperately and shouted for help to Loid:

"loyd! Don't stand there! Pull this man away... Wow! There! It doesn't work there! Nor can it be there! Stop it, bartender...loyd!"

With crying screams, he finally came back to Loydra, who was in a state of illusion because of this beautiful scenery, and then he found an embarrassing reality:

Although he wanted to stop Lena's nonsense, at this moment, the two of them are glued together like two fast glue, and they can't easily separate them...

It's really the worst... No! It's the most dreamy scene! And this dreamy scene really happened in front of him at this moment and waved to him like a demon.

Thinking... is starting to become blank!

loyd's forehead was sweaty, but he could only stand aside and wait for the end of the farce. Lena didn't care about his reaction at all and seemed to be in a state of madness:

"Then... I'm going to take off your clothes!"

"Ah...ah, ah, ah--!"

Xulu's body began to burn, and the blood seemed to splash out of the pores of the skin. Obviously, she had turned from panic and shyness to fury...

If Lena continues to mess around like this, the whole room will be frozen because of Xilu's loss of control... In fact, Loid has felt that the air temperature around her began to drop, which is the precursor to the arrival of the ice storm.

No! Even if you do whatever you can, you have to separate them! Otherwise, Xilu will...

loyd is desperate prepared... but he has always been favored by miracles, or luck, and this time he has been patronized by the god of luck again.

Good morning! Two of you!"

The door of the room was knocked open, and a voice full of vitality floated in:

"How's your rest? What do you want for breakfast today... huh?"

There will be no one but Shirley, the owner who makes such a vibrant voice... At this moment, she is standing at the door stunned:

"What are you two... doing?"

"Ah ah ah--"

Six Lu screamed again, and then pushed the distracted Lena away:

"What... nothing has been done! It's this bartender... always... Anyway, you didn't see anything! If you say it to others, I will cut off your head!"

"Mr. loyd...what's going on? Shouldn't you explain it? I think you were very happy just now..."

In some aspects, Shirley and Xilu can be said to be very similar. For example, at this moment, both of them put on an angry face:

"Just...that's it! Why didn't you pull this barmaid away just now? You mean to see me bullied by her, don't you? Is this still a knight?

"Eat cute girls before breakfast... Sure enough, once a man becomes a nobleman like a lord, he will have this temper... You are no exception, right, Mr. loyd?"

"Wait... What do you mean by eating who, country girl?"

" the lovely maid's ** to the noble master, just like 'Whever you eat first, take a shower or eat me first'... It's the problem that the nobles have..."

"Yes... So that's it... I want to 'eat' us first..."

The common front was established so easily that the two focused their angry eyes on Loyd at the same time, which made him suddenly feel, "Am I going to be melted into ashes like this?" But Lena, who had been pretending to be stupid, shouted "ah":

"Has Mr. loyd become a nobleman?"

"Don't you know?"

Xilu tilted her eyes and straightened up proudly, as if she was the real lord:

"After all, he has made so many achievements for Haier Milan. Isn't it strange to be promoted to a noble? This is Her Majesty's personal appointment. He is now Baron loyd, the new lord of Agville!"

"Really...really, Mr. loyd?"

"It's true... I'm going to go to Agvilo soon. I'm going to stay and say goodbye to everyone these days.


Lena jumped up like a traveler suddenly found a treasure and grabbed his hand:

"So can Lena also go with you? Is that okay? No problem, right? Won't you refuse?"

"Wait a minute! What are you going to do with?"

What a cheeky woman! Xilu stared with displeasure, but Lena was not a fuel-efficient lamp, but also in color:

"What's so strange about this! Since Mr. loyd has become a nobleman, his mansion must need a guard, right?

" right. But..."

"That's right! Of course, the guard needs a captain. I'm the most suitable candidate! Right, Mr. loyd? You promised to arrange a job for me here! Lena doesn't like to eat other people's meals for nothing!"

"This...this is..."

A sophistry made Dexilu have nothing to say for a moment, and Shirley also seized the opportunity to suddenly jump into the team:

"Then I will follow! Mr. Loide must also need a maid, right? No one is more suitable for this job than me! Even if I want to be the head maid, I am qualified! Right, Mr. loyd, Miss Xilu?"

"But... even if you ask me... But then again, does it matter if there is a maid? We don't need to spend that unnecessary expenses!"

I vaguely felt that "big things are not good". Xilu tried her best to encourage loyd to deny their request, but the other party seemed to be lost in thought and frowned. Shirley took two steps forward and came to Xilu's ear:

"This is also for you, Miss Xilu."

"For...for me?"

"We have agreed to form an alliance to deal with those sneaky wild cats together before winning or losing! Now that our common enemy is still attacking, shall we put down our presense first?

"When did we have that kind of agreement? But you have a point..."

Think carefully... Lena and Lulu, a bright and dark enemy, are their opponents who are difficult to deal with alone, and they will look for all kinds of opportunities to try to "compli" with Loyde in front of them. If they succeed, it will be difficult to be ashamed... Now the only one who can unite with themselves is There is only Shirley, although she will fight with her sooner or later...

With loyd's complete ignorance, the strange battle plan was decided by Xilu and Shirley:

"It makes sense... So let's hire her, Loed? Anyway, for the nobles, no matter how economical they are, these are inevitable expenses... But why do I still have some ominous foreboding... as if someone has been staring at us?"

"Yes... Because Miss Lulu hasn't appeared yet. Only her presence can be regarded as a complete story.

"I'm very worried! I'm right here!"

Lulu's voice sounded unexpectedly outside the door... Xilu stared at Shirley fiercely:

"Your mouth is simply a gift from the devil!"

"Ah... Xilu's room is very lively today. Everyone seems to be here. Speaking of Miss Xilu, your outfit today is really very popular... Are you playing any blushing game with Loyd?

"No!'s a good thing done by the bartess!"

" that so? So you don't like the opposite sex but like the same sex? Then I'll accept loyd..."

"You are a teacher, Lulu! Please don't do such a disturbing thing! By the way, what are you doing in my room?"

"Well... Didn't Loed become the new lord of Yagvilo? I also want to go there to find a job... Is that okay?"

"There is a problem! Your job should be in the college..."

"The dean has agreed to my application!"

A roll of documents in Lulu's hand unfolds in front of Xilu:

"I have agreed to my three-month vacation! In these three months... I'm Loed's housekeeper! Please take good care of me, Your Highness loyd!"

The familiar signature of the dean of the document made Xilu gritt her teeth for a long time... She turned her angry eyes to loyd:

"Don't just stand there and pretend to be stupid! Tell me what you want!"

"I think it's very lively for everyone to live together... And can we save money in this way? After all, in times of war, money problems also need to be well planned..."

"So it's the most appropriate to find us! Lena doesn't need a salary as long as she can eat delicious food! Both of you have the same answer, right?

Lulu and Shirley nodded their heads together, and Xilu, who was alone, sat down regretfully:

"It's up to you! But if you dare to mess..."

"By the way, Lena, did you just say that you came to us for something? What the hell is going on?

"Ah... I almost forgot to joke with Xilu! It's here to deliver the letter! A letter to Xilu!"

"A letter to me? It's strange that I have never heard from anyone..."

Xilu took the envelope from Lina's hand and took a look, and soon noticed the hexagonal pattern on the back of the envelope:

"It was sent by my father."

"Your father? Is it a letter from the Marquis of Rams?

"This pattern is my father's seal, and it can't be wrong. But... I always feel that it's not a good thing to receive the old man's letter!"

Opening the envelope and browsing it, Xilu's expression was even more suspicious:

"It's just that something important happened at home that made me go home immediately... Isn't it really strange to be mindless? So I hate that old man's letter. Even if it's a greeting, I won't treat my daughter as a matter at all.

"So what are you going to do, Xilu?"

"Although I don't know what happened, since I have received letters, I can only go back once. Loyd, just go back with me. The letter also mentioned you..."

"Marquis Rams also mentioned me?"

"Is it supposed to ask you to go back to discuss marriage? Unexpectedly, Miss Xilu ran away again! That's so despicable!"

"Say...what nonsense, country girl! How can it be a matter of marriage to write a letter? Because it's so simple, I'm worried about whether something big has happened at home... loyd, what about your decision?

"Since the Marquis Rams said so in his letter, I have no reason not to go, and Rasput and Agvilo are not far away. After the visit, I can stop by my territory. Well, Miss Lulu, I would like to ask you, Shirley and Lena to go to Agvilo first to investigate the situation there. After all, after I arrive at the territory, the first thing is to solve the readiness order issued by the royal family. Please help me prepare everything first.

Lulu raised her index finger and put on a playful smiling face:

"Although I feel a little lonely when you are separated from you for a period of time... but leave this matter to us. We will do everything before you arrive, so you don't have to worry about the territory. But... Don't take this opportunity to sneak away, Miss Xilu! If we get married after returning to the territory, we won't agree!"

Xi didn't raise her head. She didn't seem to be in the mood to fight with Lulu.

The more wonderful the weather is, the more likely it is to hide disturbing storms, which is true at all.