Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

The Return of the Knight Eight

The road of eight nine flowers

After Rams and loyd came out of the room, Xilu, who was sitting in the living room with her mother, stood up and saluted them with a skirt waist:

" Good afternoon, Father, loyd."

Surprise and doubt swam quickly through their faces at the same time...

What's wrong with Xilu?

Not to mention her almost never-seen etiquette greetings... What's wrong with her dress?

Xilu changed into the white dress commonly used by female nobles at ballroom dances, and her light blonde hair was also tied into a long ponytail. The original energetic parrot seemed to become a gentle paradise bird in a blink of an eye...



"You don't have to be so serious at home, do you?"

Hearing the surprise in her father's tone, Xilu's face was full of unnatural lines, and Sophia, who sat aside, smiled softly:

"No matter how I persuade this child, he insisted that I dress up for her, saying that he wanted to seriously learn the demeanor of an aristocratic woman. Although I think this child's aristocratic etiquette is quite mature, she always thinks that she has not done enough in some aspects..."

"Mother! Didn't we agree not to tell our father about this!"

Xilu turned around in panic and complained to her mother. Sophia picked up the teacup and put on an apologetic look:

Is that right? I'm so sorry that my mother forgot our agreement when she was happy..."

"Your mother must have done it on purpose!"

Looking at her uncontrollably flowing in a hurry, it made loyd feel relieved:

"Sure enough, it's still the original Xilu... At that moment, I thought Xilu had a twin sister, and it's ridiculous to think so..."

"So, please sit down. Is it the first time for us to sit together and eat together? Mr. loyd, today is our guest and the lord of our same column. Please don't be limited to those daily etiquette. I was really surprised to hear Xilu say that you returned to those servants seriously.

"It's really a shame to say, but I'm a little used to this style... It makes you laugh."

After a majestic "um" sound, Rams sat down in his seat, and loyd also sat down beside her following the color of Xilu. The servants brought up the tea in response to Sophia's applause. Xilu suddenly stood up again, took the cup from the servant's hand and put it in front of her father, and then held the teapot:

"Father, please let me pour tea for you."


Rams cast a surprised look at Sophia, as if to suspect, "Is this really our Xilu?" After getting his wife's affirmative smile, he straightened his body slightly:

"Xilu, you don't have to do this kind of thing yourself, just give it to the people."

"Because it is a father, it is necessary to do this."

Xilu poured a cup for Rams, and the fragrance of tea spread from the mouth of the cup to the surroundings like a spring breath.

"I don't know if the tea I poured is suitable for my father?"

"Xilu... This is the first time you have poured tea for me since you were born, right?"

"If you think about it... it's true. In the past, it was my sister's turn to pour tea, so I don't know what kind of posture is the most perfect. What does my father think?

Rams was silent for a moment and nodded slightly:


"Really...really? The first time I poured tea..."

"Even if you can't reach one-tenth of those servants, your intention to pour tea for your father is enough to make you perfect. What's more, your technique itself is made by Fei Linwen herself, how can it disappoint? Xilu, my father likes to tell the truth. Are you ready to reconcile with me?

"Yes, father, I'm really sorry for everything in the past, but Xilu can finally summon up the courage to do this."

"So... did you give my father a kiss before I drink this cup of tea?"

Xilu bent down generously and left a deep kiss on her father's forehead. Sophia's eyes couldn't help shining. She seemed to cover her mouth in order not to let her cry. Rams also kissed Xilu's forehead with satisfaction:

"If before my death, a noble priest asked me about the most touching memorial in my life, I would definitely tell him what happened today. I always thought that I could not easily reach a settlement with you, so I have been looking for a reasonable way, but I didn't expect that my efforts would be in vain... ...Can you tell your father what made you make such a decision today?"

Silo sat down beside loyd and took the other party's hand with a happy face:

"That's because of loyd, father."


"Although I'm a little ashamed... I just eavesdropped on your conversation."

So that's it... The door lock I just heard is not just an illusion.

Loide was a little embarrassed and tried to pull her hand back from Xilu's hand, but Xilu seemed to hold her beloved toy tightly:

"So I also thought about it... Loyd wants to become a great lord, and I need to stand by his side to help him achieve it. So like loyd, I must try to become a better woman before he becomes my husband... So I must summon up the courage to face the belief that has been suppressed by me. First of all, I want to apologize to my father. In the past, I have brought you endless troubles because of selfishness, which is really right. I can't afford..."

Xilu's smile was as warm as the sunshine in early summer, but tears dripped uncontrollably:

"I'm sorry... Father, Mother... I've always wanted to say this to you, but I didn't say it until today. I'm really sorry..."

Sofia wiped the slightly spilled tears silently, and Rams coughed gently:

"Xilu... That's enough. Since it's a happy thing, don't shed tears easily. As parents, we have never meant to blame you for this. You will only let your mother affect her body because of tears. Put away your tears.

Loed took out a silk scarf from her and wiped away her tears, and Rams showed his admiration:

"You are well prepared for such small details. As a knight, you are also a very attentive person."

"You are flattered... If you retire from the position of knight, maybe I can become Miss Xilu's qualified housekeeper. It's just a pity that the previous method envisaged for the reconciliation between you and Xilu seems to have turned into nothing.

"Even if it's just that kind of intention, I'm already very happy. It's because you care about me so much that I can make such a decision to reconcile with my father, so... I also want to thank you, loyd."

"All this comes from your own efforts, Miss Xilu, I haven't actually done much for you, but what you have done today is a memory worth cherishing for me. To be honest, when I saw you just now, I thought it was a wonderful illusion standing in front of me... But After all, you are Xilu. And..."


"I'm very satisfied to let you say 'before he became my husband'."

Xilu "hummed" in a low voice and unconsciously leaned her head next to him... Rams coughed again:

"Is it a little rude in front of the old man? That's all for young people's warmth. You still have enough time to talk in the future. Before that, we should have lunch together. If Ferrine can also sit here, maybe..."

"That child... can't stand such a long journey, just let her have a good rest in Wangcheng. The queen can't live without her... Just like Xilu can't live without her sister. You two children of the same age even have similar tempers, but you are much luckier than the Queen. At least you have a knight who will always be with you.

"Speaking of which... I don't know Her Majesty and Prince Lutwin... She must also feel very lonely, right? When I met the Queen, she said that she envied me very much. Now think about it, she didn't lie, so it's the most appropriate way to keep my sister with her. It's just... I'm really worried about my sister's physical condition. She seems to be addicted to crystal ball divination recently, and always mentions topics such as death..."

"Don't worry, Xilu, that child's personality is as strong as yours, but if she still focuses on divination, it means that she hasn't given up the idea of her life... Maybe her physical condition is not deteriorating, but gradually recovering, after all, the magician and The soothsayer is not the same concept, so I'm a little relieved..."

Although she said these comforting words, Sophia's expression still had unconcealed worries. As a mother, she is certainly the best aware of Fei Linwen's condition, but it is not appropriate to mention it on an occasion like today... Rams made a winked at the servant knowingly:

"In that case, let's start lunch time. Today is a happy and lucky day. We must devoutly express our gratitude to the gods. Xilu, let you preside over the prayer ceremony.

After lunch, Rams went to the training ground as usual, and Sophia had to go back to her room to take a nap because of her weakness. There were only two young people left in the living room in an instant...

Because he was somewhat curious about Xilu's changes, loyd stared at each other affectionately. Facing his fiery and enthusiastic eyes, Xilu suddenly beat faster:

"Lo...loyd...please don't look at me like that..."

As he spoke, he lowered his head... Sure enough, it didn't look like the usual Xilu.

If it were normal, she would definitely punch me while shouting "stupid"?

However, now Xilu is completely like a first-married bride... This is just a change that has happened in an hour.

A girl's heart is really as elusive as the deep sea... but she understands more or less the reason.

Because she wants me to be a "great lord"?

So in her heart, she must become a woman worthy of me.

But can I really do it so easily? Become the great lord of her ideal?

And... Xilu, who won't scold me as a fool and won't be rude to me, is also cute... but after all, it seems that something is missing... Some unspeakable regret is because she is used to the appearance of Xilu in the past, right?

However, it is not so simple to make Xilu change her mind. Since she has decided to go on the road of "Madam Lord", it is impossible to turn back easily, just like a blooming summer flower. Forcing to stop it will only bring unnecessary destruction. Therefore, although there is an unspeakable loss in my heart, I can't show it casually.

Xilu, who lowered her head, hadn't heard loyd's voice for a long time and didn't notice any special behavior. She raised her head doubtfully and became a little worried after capturing the other party's rapidly changing look:

"What's wrong with loyd? You don't look well. What's on your mind?"

", I don't have anything on my mind..."

"Don't lie to me! Your mind is written on your face! I must be thinking, 'It's so strange for me to become like this, right?

"Do you... really read minds?"

"How is that possible! It's just..."

"It's just...what?"

Xilu lowered her head again, and her hands kept stirring in front of her:

"It's just... I've been with you for a long time, so it's very easy to guess what you think! Anyway, what am I thinking now? Can you guess?

"Well... I really can't do it."

"What a disappointment..."

"Because a girl's heart is more elusive than the starry sky, I really can't guess..."

Loide shook her head in embarrassment, and Xilu laughed:

"Seeing that you are honest, I will accept your reason. In fact, I'm thinking, is it really appropriate to become what I am now? After all, I have always been the same as before. When I was happy, I would run out to ride a horse and hide in the room to sleep unhappily. After you come to me, I will often scold you and beat you... Although I always feel that I am too much, I feel very free and very happy, but ...All this is about to change, and it will be completely changed... Xilu in the past may only exist in memories."

"Yes... It's really a little unaccustomed, but... people always have to change... Is that right?"

"I... It's not for such a simple reason. After all, I'm ready to change for you. Although this feeling is like separating my body and soul, making me feel indescribable pain... I don't think it's a meaningless result."

Change for me...

Completely smash yourself in the past and then recast it...

What kind of painful price will it have to pay for the result? Maybe you will doubt the meaning of your existence, right?

But Xilu endured the pain in her heart and showed such a smile to me... No impurities, pure smile.

I used to think that she would not show any excessive gratitude or affection to people like me, but... she has now exploded unpreparably, and even after the outbreak, she is unwilling to resist the ensuing impact.


Leuder's heart sounded with a moving movement, and he was worried that he would shed tears because of it, so he exhaled hard to cover up the expression that might appear on his face:

"Xilu... I mean, what if I suddenly refuse to take over as the lord?"


"Just in case... what will you do?"

"Of course... I will probably beat you first? Because you actually made such a messy decision! But you must have your reason to do so. If I think your reason is acceptable, then of course I will... In short, I will always stand with you! Is that enough?"

"And...what if I can't be a great lord as you expect?"

"Well... there's nothing we can do about it! I can't force you to take the path I arranged... After all, the power of choice is still in your hands. That's really the case... At worst, I will become a not great lord's wife, which is nothing to be discouraged, right?

For all my assumptions, Xilu actually gently tolerated and did not lose her temper at all because of my nonsense as in the past... How on earth did she erase her past self from her memory?

If you just think of this, you will feel... Xilu is indeed a great girl!

If I fail her expectations... I will even lose my qualification as a human being, right?

Although I will not follow anyone's arrangement and follow the path they envision..., it is the only exception for Xilu.

I don't just want to protect her... She is the benefactor of my life.

Because she fell into meditation again, Xilu's face sank a little unhappily:

"What's wrong? Why don't you talk again? You don't seem to be as happy as I expected today... Do you have any antipathy to me? Because I have changed my appearance?"

"No...that's not the reason! I just want..."

"What are you thinking about?"

"It's a little ashamed to say... I want to see Xilu's room."


Without guessing that the other party would make such a request, Xilu couldn't help but be a little stunned, while Loed waited for her answer with anticipation...

If it were her in the past, she would definitely attack herself while shouting "Are you a pervert who want to see a woman's room?" But that kind of Xilu is the most real...

However, the ideal situation has not turned into reality. Xilu just blushed and nodded:

"Because I haven't lived here for a long time, maybe it's dirty... But I'd be happy to show you."

Sure enough, it still hasn't changed back to its original appearance... loyd sighed regretfully in his heart.

The room is in a sunny corner on the second floor, and Xilu's name is clearly visible on the polished silver sign.

"Next to my sister's room. Even the door lock is so clean that it seems that those subordinates are also very enthusiastic.

Xilu opened the door... The faint fragrance emanated from the room with her eyes.

"Sure enough... Even the Rafald family works meticulously."

Royde stretched out his finger and brushed it by the window. Sure enough, it was not contaminated with dust. The triumph of the winner appeared on Xilu's face:

"Of course, after all, it is a servant trained by my father. Let's not talk about that. What do you think of my room?

"A lot of dolls... are all your childhood companions, right?"

The whole room, whether it is **, the table or the ground, is full of various styles of dolls, making the whole room like the magic kingdom of our people, and the floating light of memory flows in Xilu's eyes:

"Hmm! It can be said that... Every doll is my childhood partner... I feel very happy when I see them, as if I am still just a little..."

Xilu picked up the tiger doll by the bed:

"My favorite is it, is it cute?"

"Your interests are really different... But this feeling is also very real, isn't it?"

"And the memories I left with my sister..."

Xilu touched by the bedside for a while and found a doll without a head:

"This was originally a very cute puppy... But my sister also fell in love with it and said, 'Give it to me, give it to me' and wanted to take it away. As a result, I broke its head in the competition... We cried for a long time together. But later I thought that in fact, it doesn't matter to give it to my sister... It's really funny to say, and it's really terrible when my sister becomes tough, so that I always have such a fear of her..."

If Xilu knew how crazy her sister had become to compete with her for Lyon, she might have a nervous breakdown, right? Fortunately, everything is still buried in an unknown memory... In short, you can't mention this past to her.

"Well...loyd, are all adults like this? Because I like something or someone, I will snatch it from others for one reason or another, and I won't worry about other people's feelings at all... I don't know why, when I think of this, I have doubts about my sister, although I believe that everything she does comes from my love..."

Lode's heart flashed with surprise and uneasiness... Did she actually know Fei Linwen's secret for a long time? However, she didn't notice this from her expression. Although she also believes that as long as Fei Linwen doesn't break this secret, she won't cause an impact, has Qianlu already gained insight into the truth... She just forced herself not to face the reality in order not to break her sister's stable relationship since she was a child?

In this way... it's hard to tell who is really terrible.

However... I still believe that Xilu doesn't know about this.

"Speaking of... and these things, I don't know if I can move again now..."

Xilu turned over the cabinet for a while, took out a small box, and then took out one small doll after another from the box. Everyone was wearing gorgeous dance clothes and was arranged on the ground, looking like a small dance scene. Xilu tried to recite a spell softly. After a moment, the dolls made a "kaka" sound and began to dance a little awkwardly.

"Is it 'Muro'?"

"Yes... The first gift my sister gave me, I thought they had lost their magic, but I didn't expect that they could still move."

The movements of the "Mlo" were a little dull, but they still moved like life, and then slowly expanded the distance between them, and finally surrounded the two in the center of the "dance floor". Xilu smiled sweetly and stretched out her hand to loyd:

"Sir, would you like to dance with me?"

"I'd love to."

Siro delivered her hand and waist to loyd's hand, and moved her footsteps slightly with the silent melody of the "Mlo":

"This is the second time I danced with you... The last time I was in college, I still remember the first time you put on an aristocratic dress, and it was also the first time I found out that you were so... It's really a child's mentality that I would be fascinated by you..."

"But I'm fascinated by you at all times. Whether you wear a noble dress or a civilian costume, Xilu is Xilu."

"I seem to be a fool who only cares about appearance... When did you start to care about me?"

"It's probably the first time I came to you... Maybe it was earlier."

"Is it in a dream?"

"Maybe... this is an almost unreal dream."

"Then... you can confirm whether this dream is true. I heard that the easiest way is..."

Xi Lu stepped on her high heels...

While the pain came unreservedly, loyd also felt a little peace in his heart.

Sure enough, Xilu is still Xilu. Even if she is trying to change herself, she will continue to reveal her former appearance in her subconscious.

This is the real Xilu, the person I want to hug.