Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

The Return of the Knight Eight

Conditions of the 8th Marquis

The carriage stopped in front of the house. loyd got out of the car and stretched out his hand to Xilu, but there was no response. He looked in and saw that Xilu just leaned against the window in a daze.

" she not feeling well?"

"No... Suddenly I don't want to come back, and I don't want to see the old man. In short, I just hate this family..."

"I'm saying these capricious words again. Now that I've come back here, let's talk about it generously with my family. We have our own purpose, don't we? And aren't I also with you?"


Xilu hummed unhappily, but still obediently handed her hand to loyd:

"I'm talking ahead... When things are settled, I will never come back... Even if I have been living in the college or living in Agvilo in the future..."

"Excuse me...what's going on?"

"If you pretend to be stupid... I'm going to kick you! They have promised to live with your Agvilo, and you still..."

"I understand that it's just a joke with Miss Xilu, so please come down first."

Xilu was still a little reluctant to get out of the carriage, but obediently let loyd hold hands and walk to the mansion. The servants standing on both sides bent down together:

"Welcome back, Miss Xilu, welcome, Baron loyd."

The news of taking over the lord of Yagvelo spread to Raspud so quickly?

Loed couldn't help but feel an unconcealed surprise, but soon understood:

It was Fei Linwen who conveyed the news to her home first, right?

Isn't it too much for this sister to be so concerned about her future?

However, thinking of her deep guilt for her sister, she felt that it was not too much to do so...

Locus sighed helplessly, and then nodded back to the servants on both sides. The servants looked surprised, and Xilu also turned her head puzzledly:

"What are you doing? You don't have to do this to them!"

"I'm just used to it... I still don't have the lord's consciousness at all."

Led smiled apologetically, and Xilu didn't complain any more. The two stepped on the steps in front of the gate together, then tidied up their clothes and saluted Mrs. Sophia, who was waiting at the door:

"Mother, loyd and I are back."

"I'm really happy to see you back, my Xilu. I heard about your recent deeds, your efforts for Her Majesty and the achievements for Haier Milan make me extremely proud as a mother, and of course your father."

Mrs. Sophia hugged her daughter warmly. Feeling the warmth from her mother, Xilu's original irritable heart gradually calmed down:

"I'm sorry... Mother, it turns out that I don't want to come back to this house."

"I know that I can also understand your feelings, so I'm really happy that you can come back. My Xilu, no matter what kind of conventional opinion you have about us, we are always your parents, and we are welcome to come back to this house at any time.

Sofia kissed Xilu's forehead and let go of her hand hugging her daughter:

"Welcome you too, Baron loyd. It's really unexpected that in such a short time, you have grown from a civilian knight to a lord of one side. I deeply apologize for my past attitude towards you. Please don't blame my selfishness."

"I understand what your wife thinks. Whether then or now, everything you have done is for Miss Xilu, so you don't have to feel sorry for this. In fact... If it weren't for your encouragement, maybe I wouldn't have been able to do it like today."

"If you think so, I also want to express my great gratitude to you. It's better not to pay attention to the previous rude past. After all, I really don't have more feelings for my daughter's future than worry... Please come in. Both of you must be tired, but before that Mr. loyd, the Marquis of Rams wants to talk to you alone first. Please let me take you to his study.

"Huh? Does your father want to meet with loyd alone?

A look of vigilance and uneasiness appeared on Xilu's face, and Sophia smiled comfortingly:

"Don't worry, my Xilu. After all, Mr. loyd is now the lord of one side. Are you still worried about what your father will do to him? It's just that two people have to talk about some important things face to face. We don't have to interfere in men's affairs. You go back to your room to clean up first, and we have dinner together later.

What happens between men... things that two people must talk about face to face...

Do you really want to raise the issue of marriage?

Xilu's face suddenly became a little hot... She held back her restless heartbeat again and entered the room at her mother's request. Sophia saw her figure disappear at the end of the corridor, and then suddenly withdrew her smile:

"Mr. loyd, although you are the same lord as Rams, we will not simply regard you as a nobleman. Please don't mind that we regard ourselves as parents. I think Fei Linwen should have mentioned to you that Xilu once had a period that made her In the heartbreaking past, the child seemed to be strong, but in fact, he was just a sculpture surrounded by a glass shell and could no longer bear another blow. We can all see that her feelings for you are by no means simple and false, otherwise it is impossible to go on a hunger strike for you... So I hope you can understand our position and give us the right answer.

When this weak lady encounters serious problems, she always unconsciously shows this serious look that is not compatible with her physical condition. The last time she even used powerful magic that may worsen her condition... Presumably she was such an unsmiling lady when she was young. Right? However, there is no doubt about her deep feelings for her daughters.

If my mother is still alive...

Loed suddenly surged up with familiar warmth, which was the source of his mother's love. He bent down deeply towards Sophia:

"With your teaching, I will never do that kind of irresponsible behavior as you are worried."

"After all, whether you can do it is not guaranteed by your current promise, but I would like to believe in your sincerity for the time being. Please come with me, Mr. loyd. I hope Xilu's father can agree with your feelings as well as me.

The meaning... The Marquis of Rams doesn't seem to have completely agreed?

It seems that the road between Xilu and Xilu will not be as smooth as expected... Loed is secretly worried.

After two knocks on the door, there was a majestic response from Rams:

"Please come in."

loyd, who pushed the door and entered, saw the marquis wearing the common training uniform of high knights and carefully wiping his sword. He was slightly surprised by the appearance that he seemed to fight with people:

"Your Excellency Marquis..."

"Just in time, Baron loyd. Now that you have become a lord like me, I sincerely admire your meritorious deeds. Since you have been listed as an aristocrat with me, it should be no problem to do some aristocratic after-use programs before talking, right?

"The so-called Yuxing program is..."

"It's a duel, but you can rest assured that we don't need to fight life and death, just to make our conversation more harmonious. How about it? Would you like to compete with me?"

"According to the knight's principle, there is no reason not to agree. May I ask the place of the duel..."

"It's in this room, there is enough space for us to do our skills, so you don't have to worry about it. If you agree to my duel request, pull out the sword.

"In that case, I will obey."

Loed pulled out his sword and stood in front of the knight's duel salute, and Rams nodded with satisfaction:

"That's the momentum! Next, let me see if you look like a qualified nobleman in other aspects besides momentum!"

With a clatter, Rams raised his sword and cut at Loyd. Loyd easily hid aside and fell into the air. Rams quickly waved his sword and cut across the corners of his clothes. The air driven by the sword body crossed the corners of Loyd's clothes and cut broken lines on his clothes like a sharp blade.

Although he has entered middle age, his swordsmanship is still so superb that he greatly surprised Loide's expectations.

It is rumored that he dares to directly challenge the authority of the royal family, which makes King Durand's current owner, seem to be not just a character famous for his toughness. It should be said that his reputation is more or less based on his own strength. Loyd began to understand why while almost all the lords sent territories to defend their troops according to the queen's orders, Rams dared to ignore this will and only symbolically pay a certain amount of military funds. In other words, if the royal family dared to force him too much, perhaps he would have a positive attitude towards it. Confrontation...

If you want to convince this tough lord, I'm afraid you can't do it with just a few words... You must defeat him with your strength!

Loed, who was firmly determined, no longer gave in, but grabbed Rams's gap and began to attack.

In terms of swordsmanship, the strength of the two can be said to be comparable, and once they make the determination to defeat the other party at the same time, they will not show mercy to the other party at will.

In the not spacious office, the two launched a fierce attack and defense. However, this "fierce" competition is just a simple competition. Although every attack or defense of the two of them use all their strength, in fact, it is only a basic training move. It is not so much a duel as an ordinary battle. Swordsmanship guidance...

Even so, ROId's every blow was quite smooth and almost perfect, making his opponent unable to find a flaw to fight back. The appreciation in Rams's eyes was also even more intense. After resisting the opponent's round of attack, he took two steps back:

"This is the end."

After Roed withdrew his sword and adjusted his breathing, he found that his clothes had been cut through several holes. Rams stared at his surprised expression and smiled proudly:

"It seems that I'm not old yet and I haven't lost to a young man like you."

"No, in fact, the Marquis won. Your swordsmanship is as awesome as rumored."

"If we can believe the rumor, all the problems in the world can become simple, but in fact, we can't afford the burden of rumors at all. I don't know what kind of person Rams is in the rumor, which can't affect my affirmation of myself at all. If it weren't for the fact that I was old, it wouldn't be impossible to defeat you completely, but now I'm a little sorry..."

Rams raised his right hand and there was a clear gap in his sleeve:

"I just cut your clothes, but you can cut off my sleeves so flat. So we can only be regarded as a draw, but in two years, I'm afraid I can only admit defeat to you. Except for you, the only one who can make me admit this is the young man from a few years ago..."

A familiar name appeared in Lord's mind... But he didn't say it immediately. Rams put away his sword and then returned to his seat and motioned him to sit down:

"That young man's name is Lyon. You must have heard of this name, right?"

"Not only have you heard of it, but also met him once, and you can also be regarded as a friend."

"Really... It's no wonder that there are often no worrying grudges among young people. Since you know him, do you know the past between him and Xilu?

"Yes... Xilu and I are almost unable to face the reality."


Royde briefly told what happened after meeting Lyon on the "Rovard's Day" at the college, and Rams laughed:

"I said why Fei Linwen suddenly wrote back to tell us that Xilu was missing at that time, so we also spent a lot of time investigating... After all, young people always do some stupid things energetically, but other people can't easily face this fact, right? So, have you figured it out now?

loyd was silent for a moment and nodded slightly:

"At least, we can no longer be embarrassed about this. Xilu and Leon have finally reached a certain reconciliation.

"Really... That child has finally grown up. I have been worried that she will not be able to forget this past in her life... It is true that Xilu has loved Lyon wholeheartedly. It is true that Lyon is not like you... It should be said that he is even above you, which is also true.

"Another fact is that... Lyon is still the only one in his heart. I don't think there is a more sentimental fact."

"Well... So since Lyon's divorce, Xilu has completely changed. I was even worried about whether she would be short-sighted because of a momentary confusion, but fortunately she is still a clear-headed child. So after she ran away from home and lived in the college, I felt very relieved... Although my relationship with her may not change for a while. Loyd, now that Xilu can regain her lost feelings, I am really grateful to you for this.

"Your praise... However, I don't think there is really an insoluble gap between the Marquis and Xilu. After all, even Lyon can finally face it frankly. The conflict between you and her is just based on some unnecessary misunderstandings, I think..."

Is there a misunderstanding? That's also some helpless misunderstandings... It's really funny. I dare to challenge the authority of the royal family, but there is nothing I can do with this daughter. Is this a joke?

"I don't think this is a ridiculous joke, but you and Xilu still haven't found the right opportunity to break this wall. If you are willing to believe me, maybe I can come up with a feasible way..."


Rams's eyes flashed a glimmer of light:

"Well... Let's put this matter off first. I'm not asking you to come just because of this problem. Mr. loyd, although my wife and I used to oppose your relationship... Please understand that I am not willing to agree with this fact because you have become a lord, because I don't need to please a young man like you.

"I understand."

Loide straightened up, showing steel-like perseverance on his face:

"After all, you have the courage to despise the authority of the royal family. If it is just to find a comparable candidate for Xilu, I'm afraid I will also repent of marriage. Although it is very presumptuous, I am not qualified enough to say these words... But please ask the Marquis to make Miss Xilu Leave it to me!"

The door lock of the room seemed to click and quickly returned to calm. Loyd hesitated for a moment and took over the original topic again:

"Please give Miss Xilu to me!"

Rams clenched his hands in front of him and blocked the expression on his face:

"Did you say this to me seriously?"


"Did you say this to me as a knight or as a man? Are you going to tell me whether you will protect her for the rest of your life or love her for the rest of your life?

Loed suddenly hesitated... He accurately recognized the different weights of the two nouns, and the promise he made must fully bear the unavoidable responsibility...

That is to say... In fact, I have to make a lifelong commitment now, right?

However... can I make such a promise?

Some obsession hidden in his heart suddenly hit his heart again... And he also heard a warning from his heart again:

I can't agree!

For the sake of Xilu... I can't agree!

If you agree like this... Maybe you and Xilu will regret it!

However... If Xilu shows that kind of injured expression again... Can she and I bear it?

The fierce struggle in his heart made it impossible for loyd to make a decision easily. After thinking for a long time, he reluctantly raised his head:

"For the future... now I can only be a knight..."

"Is there any unspeakable reason, Mr. loyd? I can read what you think from your face, although I don't understand what that means... Anyway, it seems that I can't give you Xilu so easily.

Rams stood up and walked to the window, as if he wanted to find the shadow of the past through the window:

"At your age, I also mentioned the proposal to Sophia's father, and his answer to me was just what I told you today. At that time, I also didn't understand his intentions and even hated his behavior. However, when I became a father, I could understand his deep meaning. Loyd, knights and men are not always equal definitions. What Silu needs is not just a knight who can protect her, but a husband who can still smile at you before she dies. This is not something you can do just by making a vow of protection. You know this. Before, I didn't think you were the person I entrusted to my daughter.

"I understand what you mean...Marquis."

"If you can understand, do it well! You are not just a knight now, but an aristocrat who bears a territory. Of course, both nobles and civilians have their own ideals to protect. I agree with you on this, but is it enough to simply do this? Your people, as well as our Haier Milan, will become your inescapable duties. General Lavits is a great lord. You must not let his glorious Agvilo be ashamed of your negligence. It may be difficult for me to say so, but this is indeed a fact that you must face. Please keep my words in mind, Mr. loyd.

"Yes... I will keep your advice in mind."

"At that time, if you mention the little daughter's marriage to me again... No, even if you don't mention it, I will take the initiative to come to you... Hahaha! But not because you have become a great lord or aristocrat, but because you have become a man who really deserves her to rely on! Before that, please still treat Xilu as a knight. Although she is wayward and stubborn, I believe that she will be the right person to assist you and live up to her trust and love for you, loyd!"

The flame that once tended to go out in his heart burned again with Rams's encouragement... loyd stood up and raised his head:

"Please rest assured, Marquis!"

"Hmm! Very imposing answer, that's good! I also look forward to the day when you will no longer call me Marquis but my father... That's not too far away, is it? But I hope you remember the oath you made in front of me. If you do something that makes Xilu sad... Even if I use the power of Raspde, I will cut off your head!"

"I understand... If I break my vow one day, not to mention becoming a lord or a knight... I don't even deserve a man!"

"It's not that serious... Hahaha! But it's not a bad thing to have such ambition... Anyway, please continue with what happened just now. Is there any way to make me and Xilu..."

The two people who were making a "men's conversation" in the office did not notice Xilu, who had stood outside the door and eavesdropped. At this moment, she was sitting in the living room a little distracted.

When she heard loyd say to her father, "Please give me Xilu", her heart was so happy that it was about to explode.

My knight... No, my lover really made such a request to his father... It's really shameless! But... isn't this brazenness very cute? That loyd... used to be like a doll and didn't know what happiness and sadness were, but now he knows for me...

And... he tried to figure out a way to reconcile himself with his father... Although his father didn't let him say it, his heart was still slightly moved...

In fact, I really don't have to be like a passer-by with my father... I have long realized that my previous thoughts are just childish obsessions. There is no difference between my father's love for my sister and his feelings for me, but I have added some subjective assumptions for no reason...

So it's not that I haven't thought about reconciliation with my father... However, I have never been able to find such an opportunity, and once I meet my father, I can't help quarreling because of some sudden impulse...

It's really distressing! I don't want to have this kind of relationship with my father...

So when I heard loyd's idea, even if it can't be realized, I will inevitably be happy in my heart.

That loyd... If he hadn't loved me, he would never have done it!

But...isn't it too arbitrary? If you don't discuss it with my master, you can decide without permission. I'm a little complacent... You still have to find an opportunity to teach me a lesson!

Xilu continued to eavesdrop happily... When she heard her father throw a sentence, "I can't give you Xilu so easily", her heart quickly sank.

Sure enough, it's the same as expected... It seems that you can't get your father's permission at all!

Saying "you haven't understood this yet" is just a beautiful excuse!

It's simply because I don't like the origin of Loed's civilian knight!

loyd is really... It doesn't matter if you lie at this time!

However, after hearing her father's admonition, she quickly dispelled her misunderstanding of her father, and at the same time, a sudden heavyness hit her heart.

That's right... Loed is no longer just my knight, but the lord who shoulders the heavy responsibility of Agvilo, and is also a hero who has made great achievements for Haier Milan. If he treats him with the same attitude as before...

Although he said, "I feel quite uncomfortable to hear you scold me as an idiot or no longer be beaten by you", it's more of a joke between each other!

I can't scold him as a fool casually, and I can't take action against him at will... It's really lonely to think about it...

More importantly... I must be a better master to be worthy of this knight!

So I have to think about it carefully... How can I become an excellent master? How can I become a lord's wife worthy of him?

Xilu arched her legs, put her hands around her knees, and fell into deep thinking.