Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

Brenshud in the palm of hand

The Overture of the Third Breaking of Ten

"Although it's a great honor to meet you in such a place, it's really rude, Queen Selysia, but we barbarians don't understand such a complicated hospitality. Please don't be surprised."

On the warship of the Sierras army, King Gustav saluted Selysia, who was lured. Although he is despised as the king of barbarians, the monarch is still the monarch after all, and his etiquette is the same as that of other countries. And Selysia just looked pale and didn't say a word.

After escaping from the royal city of Haier Milan, she was escorted to the warship by the responding Seras soldiers, and her beloved Lutvin also completely turned into a piece of dirt that could no longer move freely - after all, she was just a magic doll from the beginning. Soon after that, Selysia finally woke up from the frenzy...

However, it's too late.

The mistake has been cast, and he has been completely taken hostage. It's a fool to escape from a warship flying high in the sky. What else can you do besides accepting reality?

Moreover, as long as Rollinfors is here, even if the queen disappears, Heil Milan will definitely think of a strategy to avoid turmoil.

Maybe... like treating his father, he set up a new king after his disappearance and cut off Silas's attempt?

You must do this with a temper like Rollinforth, right? In fact, this is also the only way. This is the first thing that comes to my mind after waking up... However, I'm afraid it's not so easy to implement, right? It's not easy to find a suitable heir to the throne in a hurry...

At the most tense moment of the war, the overall collapse caused by the disappearance of the queen... Such a result is unimaginable. To be precise, I'm afraid it's not just the collapse, but the country will be subjugated...

If everyone can make a decision, Haier Milan will never fall into a bitter battle because of this... However, perhaps this is his own wishful thinking. Sierras tried his best to abduct himself in order to save the war situation and conquer Haier Milan in one fell swoop, right?

Although I had always felt that Silas's arbitrary sasive tactics were simply showing off force or wasting troops, and I had deep doubts about Gustav, I didn't expect such amazing tactics to suddenly emerge...

If you want to capture the thief and capture the king first, isn't it more appropriate to use it directly at the beginning of the war? Did you come up with this method after a series of defeats? Although the other party is a country known as a barbarian, after all, it is impossible for a strong man who has experienced years of war to make such a simple mistake...

The only explanation is... Gustav treated the war completely in the mood of a game from the beginning.

So it began to invade the border without issuing any declaration of war.

So in the case of winning streak all the way, many surprise battles with no chance of winning were launched.

Everything is just a game directed by Gustav himself!

Seras or Haier Milan, the soldiers and civilians of the two countries, including himself, are just chess pieces in his hand!

Even... he himself is his own pawn!

Although I don't know why it turned out like this... but it's really unforgivable!

However, I can't do anything now...

If you can't stand on the ground with your feet, you will lose the ability to act and think... Now you can't do anything but wait.

Waiting for the balance of the war.

or waiting for death.

In a word, no matter what conditions Silas puts forward, he can't agree to it.

As a great king, he calmly accepted the sentence of fate.

Father Durand must also be in this mood to welcome his final ending!

Sericia, who made up her mind, was no longer confused and panicked, but waited for the expected result at ease. However, two days later, he did not wait for the news he was worried about, but for the king of Silas.

Although he doesn't know what the king of barbarians will say to himself and what to do, no matter what he says and does, he will not kneel down to the tall and strong body.

With the determination to die, Selysia did not hesitate to face Gustav's deterrence full of wildness. However, to her surprise, the legendary king, who was so cruel that he even used blood as wine, did not look as ferocious as she imagined, and did not even feel a trace of murderousness. His tall and strong figure could not hide the emanating from him, which was often regarded as the etiquette that the Sierras had never had. , which surprised Selicia and calmed down a little, and then she boldly raised her head...

At the moment when she looked at the other party's face, Selysia's heart suddenly trembled, and an inexplicable impulse hit her heart in an instant.

Although he is middle-aged, Gustav has a handsome appearance that is not inferior to young people. More importantly... the appearance is similar to Lu Tevin's.

This is a matter of course... After all, Lutwin is his nephew.

However, I would have that fantasy because of this... Selysia lowered her head again with shame. Gustav didn't seem to notice her small movements and returned to his throne after saluteing her:

"Although the meeting of the kings of the two countries should be in the auditorium of the royal city, we have no choice in this era of war, so we can only wrong the queen to live in such a place full of smoke and dust. And warships flying in the air should bring some chills, right? I don't know if the Queen can sleep peacefully at night?

"Bless you, even before I came here, I spent every night in such a chill, so my physical condition will not bother you. Your Excellency didn't bring me here for daily greetings, did you? Being outspoken is the virtue of your country. I hope we can abide by this habit and not do unnecessary concealment.

"That's the best. I also hate the temper that takes too much to pester something, so I will only feel indescribable disgust and irritability when talking with Hilde, and I have to look at those operas and dances that can calm people down. In contrast, the Queen can make me feel more Rare peace..."

"However, those who annoy you have become your allies, and I, the one who can reassure you, is your enemy. Don't you think this is a wonderful irony?"

What does the so-called ally mean? What right do you have to talk about allies with such a stupid person who has the false reputation of strong soldiers in the mainland but retreated thousands of miles without winning a win after the war? I have always been a narrow-minded person who value interests, and I have never treated stupid people who can't make me feel at ease as allies. So even if Hilde sent me many letters to ask for help, I did not send a single soldier. The strong live in the world, and the weak can only become the dust under their feet, which is really the truth of the world.

"Your words are really inexplicable, and I can't help but wonder whether what I know is yesterday's dream. In fact, isn't it at your country's wills will decisively send troops to declare war when our country is in a bitter war due to your attack? Is this what you call the truth?

"That's just because I feel that it's boring to simply play against the Queen, just like the two sides of war chess. The final result must be that one side wins and submits to the other, and such a result is too boring for me, so I want to pull Hland into the chess game. Originally, I thought that the pure white rose knights, which are famous in the mainland, were enough to add a touch to this rival chess game, but the result made me start to blame myself for my simplicity. If you could predict such a result as soon as possible, it would be better to form an alliance with your country to deal with those false people at the beginning. Do you also have such an idea, Your Excellency?

"I'm really sorry that our country has never had such an idea. After all, Haier Milan doesn't have to have thousands of years of history, and a rare peace a hundred years later..."

"That's why your country insists on cherishing this rare peace? Hahahaha, although this is indeed a wonderful reason, it is also enough to cause the decline of a kingdom, Your Majesty. As long as the mainland is not unified by one country, interests will drive us to constantly arouse all kinds of desires, and finally turn into a flame that is enough to devour the mainland and bury everything in it. If you want to demand a balance, you can only make yourself stronger and have the power to deter other countries and achieve the purpose of peace. However, your country seems to be keen on enjoying the charm of art, but forgets this important law of survival. This is the worst mistake of your country..."

"I don't need a tyrant who invaded our country to tell me these truths. The so-called use of strength to maintain balance is just an excuse for self-deprecating. In fact, how many people have the ambition to invade other countries after the power is liberated? That's the principle that your country has pursued for thousands of years, isn't it?

"As the Queen said, everything our country has done is based on such a simple law, otherwise it would not have been called by the mainland countries as barbarians. What is taken for granted in my eyes will become unimaginable for your country, and it is not difficult to imagine the result. I can only express my deep regret for this..."

"Then please stop such meaningless preaching, and you have come thousands of miles to the warship where I am imprisoned. I don't think you just want to say these useless words to me, do you? Since you and I are all willing to speak frankly, please explain your intention!"

"What a pleasure!"

Gustaf stood up from the throne, waved to all the attendants around him to retreat, and then slowly walked to the side of the ship:

"What do you think I brought you here by this means?"

"Isn't it threatening our country as a hostage? In that case, the war situation in your country can be reversed again. Is that the intention?

"That's not the case. If I were a hostage, I wouldn't do it in that way... Although it is just a magic doll, it also gives it a human will, but it seems to be copied too completely, so that the doll has unnecessary feelings for you like a real Lutwin... What a superfluous move, obviously only It turns into dust at dawn, but it seems to want to live in a human way. 'Mlo' is really a strange thing..."

"You are not allowed to mention that name!"

In the face of Selysia's angry protest, Gustav did not look back:

"Why not? Is it rude for me to call him by his name?

"Don't you think it's a great irony to say the word nephew from your mouth? Your hands are covered with the blood of your nephew's family. Even if you don't feel guilty, you are not qualified to say those words so rashly, right?

"It's worthy of His Royal Highness Selysia, who fell in love with Lutwin. It's really ruthless to speak. I have never seen a woman like yours, and today is really eye-opening. However, your joke is a little excessive. Have my hands ever been stained with the blood of Brother Wang's family? It was not me who killed their family, but the nobles who were keen on war. It was their blade that slaughtered Brother Wang's family, and my accession to the throne was just a necessary end after their game.

"Isn't it too brazen to say that a mastermind who has personally dominated all the performances can shift the responsibility to others so carelessly?"

"Speaking of brazenness, I don't need to refute it, but the Queen may not be able to make this comment. Knowing that the other party is just a doll, he threw himself into his arms without hesitation, regardless of hurting the person he trusted the most. Such almost crazy persistence also surprised me. No wonder the doll will forget his identity and be so affectionate to you. I'm afraid that no man can resist your enthusiasm, right?"

Sericia "hum" and turned her head to hide her feverish face with shame and regret:

"You don't want to take me as a hostage, what do you mean?"

"It is quite naive to take the king as a hostage, especially if there is an outstanding figure like Rollinforth in your country, there is no available space. The experience of King Durand has illustrated this, and I will not make the same mistake again. In fact, although the queen has disappeared, there has been no obvious ** in your country, and the army stationed in Weiland has not stopped attacking, which is enough to prove all the efforts of Rollinforth. In such a situation, the significance of Her Majesty as a hostage may be negligible. I just feel sorry. How happy it would be if a figure like Rollinforth could become my opponent as a king..."

"I'm really disappointed. Although some people in my country doubt whether the High Priest has the ambition to become a king, in fact, he is just doing everything for the kingdom, so I'm afraid your wish will never be realized."

"I understand this very well, otherwise you would not have talked with me here as an equal as a queen today. The reason why the Queen is invited to come here is to make her a witness.


"Witness of history, witness the footsteps of the mainland... that's all."

Gustaf paused for a moment, as if he was sighing softly:

"1,500 years ago, those stupid ancestors did stupid things, which made Silas suffer a fatal blow and has been depressed since then. They can only move to the northern continent, accompanied by mountains and ice and snow, and have no chance to see the beautiful scenery of the Luna Mountains and Lake Libita... All this is because of their The narrow-minded heart has made our descendants suffer endless troubles..."

1,500 years ago? Are you talking about..."

"Yes, the first generation of Brenshud, the great female magician Celine Ruth, has been recognized by you until today, but it is still regarded as a taboo name by our country. Our ancestors casually hurt her because they made that mistake and did not realize the meaning of her great power. It finally brought a disaster to Silas..."

"I have heard of this history. It is said that the royal city of Sierras was half destroyed because of her magic..."

"That's why the name has always been regarded as a taboo by us. However, after all, it is just a very narrow view. Brund's existence is definitely not to shake the power of the mainland, but a weight to maintain the balance of the continent. Once this weight is destroyed, the balance of history will be completely tilted... Silas has been in decline since then, and then 600 years ago, the great knight Charilos waved the sword of loyalty named after him, guarding his master, Grand Duke Orson, who defeated Silas's army and established the kingdom of Hland. , and Gutlund and Haier Milan followed closely, and the glory of Sierras was gone..."

"Is your intention to restore the glory of Sierras before launching this war?"

"Exactly, this is one of my wishes, and among the countries, the first thing I have to deal with is not your country, but Hrand... I want Prince Hilde to take the judgment of the return of history on behalf of his ancestors. Moreover, it is really sad to lead a country with such an incompetent person..."

"You don't seem to be qualified to criticize each other, do you? After all, you also have an alliance..."

"I have already said that there is no need to talk about any covenant with such an incompetent person who can't make me feel at ease. However, the incompetent prince seems to have to do something to me expect recently... If he can do it to my satisfaction, maybe I will temporarily stop the original plan. Your Excellency, I might as well tell you that there seems to be an army in your country that is attacking Herland's own country and has been winning a series of battles, but such a victory will not last long, and may soon be destroyed under the design of the incompetent prince... It's a pity that the young Lyon Man is a century-old genius, and I sincerely hope that he will not die in the sudden chaos..."

Sericia's face suddenly turned pale:

"Your Excellency Lyon..."

"Everything was planned by Hilde himself, so it's useless for you to tell me more. However, if this genius is unfortunately killed, everything is because of the wrong decision of your king's room. I am very surprised why the Queen agreed to approve his offensive order? Don't you really know what the inevitable variables and luck in the battle are? If you want to destroy a kingdom, you can't do it by calculating on the table..."

"But... this opinion is indeed the result of everyone's unanimous conclusion... Even the high priest Rollinforth..."

"Errors are always inevitable. As long as we are human beings, it is impossible to calculate everything to the most accurate level, and you don't have to blame yourself for it, just like you once buried the two generals Lavits and Lannold with that simple will. I also hope that the genius can survive this upcoming disaster, because I also look forward to being one of them..."

"How could this happen..."

"Put away your sadness, Your Majesty. War is such a simple problem that people will always die. Even as kings, we are not sure whether we can see tomorrow's sun. In fact, if Mr. Lyon dies, your army on the Western Front will completely collapse. At that time, you may change your mind to seek a truce and alliance with me..."

"What a simple idea, how could I do that! If that becomes a reality, my kingdom and I will also choose to fight to the end until the final victory, or Haier Milan will become a historical relic, but it will never be a bubble for me to seek an alliance with your country!"

"It's easy to be dominated by emotions. Are you going to repeat the mistake of easily throwing yourself into the doll's arms before?"

"Please don't say such ridiculous lines! And I always don't understand why, since you are an enemy, why you say these words to me, not like threatening or persuading me, but more like giving advice or guiding me? Is this what hostile people should do?

"Your Majesty... I suddenly want to ask you some questions, you might as well try to give me answers. The first question is, why did I suddenly make that kind of wrong decision in the initial victory situation, which gave my country room to counterattack and even drove my army back to Weilan City? Do you think I'm really a barbarian who doesn't understand war?


"Another question is, why can Lutvin survive and run to your kingdom and hand over the design of the warship to you?"

"Is this what you arranged? Is that Lutvin also 'Mlo'?

"That's the real Prince Lutwin, but I deliberately handed over his design to him."

"Why did you do this? Why did you deliberately give us enough strength to compete with you when you have an advantage? The purpose of this is..."

"All this is just a game, a game directed by myself. Every step is deliberately done by me. No matter what the outcome is, it is in my calculation."

Sure enough, this is the answer! This man who regards war and human life as a game!

Sericia gritted her teeth, and the paleness on her face was gradually replaced by the flame of anger:

"What does such a game bring you, King Gustav! Of course, you don't care about the sacrifice of Haier Milan. Is the sacrifice of Silas equal to air? You wantonly play with the fate of the two countries and shake the balance of the mainland, but it doesn't seem to be to seek victory or the unification of the mainland. Are you just enjoying the fun of destruction and sacrifice?

"That's right, because I'm a barbarian!"

Gustaf made a loud laugh, and the hiss of a falcon shook Selysia's ears:

"I'm arbitrarily playing with the fate of Silas. I want to let those guys who forced me to kill Brother Wang, forcibly push me to the throne and provoke this war to taste blood and death! After those guys taste enough pleasure, I will accompany them to bury Silas, and it's up to you to witness all this, Queen Selysia!"

"It's incredible... You didn't even think about letting Silas win this war from the beginning?"

"That's exactly."

"Is all this out of your revenge?"

"It can be said."

"What does the so-called 'reproducing the glory of Sierras' mean? Does it mean Heland..."

"There is no need to explain this to you, Your Majesty. In fact, I understand that the question you are most puzzled about is why you were chosen as a witness to history. Am I right?

"Another point is, what does this have to do with the Celine you mentioned earlier? What does the so-called Brunsud mean to you?

"That's because you are the Brenshud of this era! To be precise, it is one of Brunswick! Therefore, witnessing all this with your eyes, perhaps with the help of your awakening power to correct the completely tilted balance, is the most meaningful thing in my eyes!"

Gustaf laughed wildly again, but the blood on Selysia's face was completely erased...