Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

Brunsude in the palm of the hand of ten

Four out of 10 defeat

"Your Excellency, we have arrived. Please take a good look at this glorious battlefield."

Gustaf, standing on the side of the warship, pointed to the battlefield below and called Selysia:

"This is the city of Weiland, where your famous general Lawitz sticks to and died bravely. It is also the fortress that you and I are fighting for endlessly. It is really full of glory... Unfortunately, everything is just a virtual image in the mirror. No matter what the result, it can't change the fact of the war, nor can it save the soldiers of the two countries. Our lives are treasures that can't be exchanged for no matter how many praises and medals we give. And it is our king who directs all this, Your Majesty, is your heart full of yearning for that battlefield and full of respect for those soldiers?

Sericia trembled unconsciously in the cold wind in the air, but she just bit her lips and did not answer. Gustav seemed to "hum" disdainfully:

"Are you pitying their fate? Or are you praying for those who have died? Soldiers will tell the meaning of sacrifice and the glory after death before they set foot on the battlefield, but it is much more boring than living and enjoying every day. No one has seen the world after death, and perhaps it has never existed at all, and those humble lives are driven by this fantasy that even a sense of existence cannot be confirmed, and lost their lives under swords and artillery fire... It is us who took them all away, Your Majesty.

"It's true... It's our responsibility to shirk the disappearance of those innocent lives on the battlefield. However, like us, they should have been able to enjoy their happiness in peacetime. Who drives all this and makes them have to take up arms to fight against each other? Mr. Gustav, I don't remember making an order to be hostile to your country. Do you think you are not at fault?

"I will never deny everything I do, whether what I do is right or wrong. Indeed, this drama at the cost of appointment was directed and kicked off by me, but I will not feel sorry for it, because I am such an irrational barbarian. No matter how many lives are sacrificed for their own purposes, they will not be moved. However, it's ironic that the first person I was able to pour out my obsession without hesitation was you as an enemy, Your Majesty.

"Should I be honored, Mr. Gustav?"

"Of course, I don't have the right to make you bow your head to me. It is enough for you to bow to your soldiers who are sacrificing their lives to protect the honor of their kings and queens. Although I deeply admire their heroic behavior, this is also their last glory. Your Majesty, soon I will stage a crazy opera for you. Of course, the protagonists on the stage are those soldiers, and we are the spectators watching, but that scene will be unforgettable for you for the rest of your life.

"Do you mean... will your army defeat our country here?"

"Don't you believe it, Your Majesty?"

"Of course, you won't easily believe that you think you can rely on the troops that are at a disadvantage for how long you can last under the fierce attack of our army?"

"Indeed, if we rely on the defenders of Wuweilan alone, of course, it is impossible to defeat the Haier Milan troops multiple than our army. Therefore, in order to add some fun to this performance, I have specially prepared some small gifts. Would you also like to see them?

"A gift for this so-called performance?"

"The reason why I brought the Queen here is to show you the latest achievements of our country."

Gustaf nodded to the officer beside him, and the officer immediately ran to the command tower. Selysia stared at his back doubtfully:

"What on earth are you going to show me? Is it really a prop that surprises me to see you so confident?

"Maybe you will not only be surprised, but also afraid! Because it was originally a non-existent thing that belonged to the legend, but I turned the legend into reality. You will soon see what kind of legendary power it is. It is a more thrilling reality than the warship under my feet!"

"The power of legend..."

Selysia was worried about the term, and a sharp roar came to her ear along the wind, and the queen's face suddenly turned pale:

"This sound..."

"How on earth is it that can make such a bold roar? Your Majesty, please move your noble eyes behind you!"

Selysia turned around tremblingly. In her sight, a vague shadow was rapidly expanding her body... At first, she thought it was just a huge Griffin, but after seeing the appearance of the shadow clearly, the queen couldn't help exclaiming:

"Is this... the legendary 'dragon'?"

The monster known as the 'dragon' roared harshly and suddenly put its fierce head in front of her. Surprised by the sharp eyes and sharp teeth, Selysia fell to the ground. Gustav waved to Long Zhao to step aside, and then stretched out his hand to Selysia:

"I'm shocked, Your Majesty, but please rest assured that although it is fierce and rude, it will never hurt my distinguished guests."

Sericia adjusted her breathing, grabbed his hand awkwardly and stood up, but her face did not return to the previous blood color at all:

"How is that possible! Why is this kind of monster that only exists in the legend..."

"This is just one of them, and I specially ordered it to say hello to the Queen. In the warships behind me, a total of five are still on standby. Soon, I will make these six monsters land in Weilan City. Even your army can't resist it, right?

"How could... Why does Sierras have the legendary monster!"

"In fact, this is not a real dragon. Your Majesty might as well take a closer look."

Gustav gestured to the dragon, and then the ugly and terrible head stretched out again, but there was no intention to attack. Selysia summoned up the courage to look at it carefully for a moment before she realized its real ontology:

"Is this... a dragon-shaped stone ghost?"

"Yes, like 'Mlo', it was originally just an ordinary stone ghost, but under the influence of magic, it has become such a powerful existence."

"It's incredible... Silas, who has nothing to do with magic, can..."

"Since thousands of years ago, our country has been completely out of magic. Even if a great magician emerges, they will be ruthlessly punished or even executed as heresy, just like Celine... Until now, magic is still an incredible existence for our country, but I want to deal with your magic army. To resist, you must have knowledge in this area. Therefore, I made small use of your country's Glacro city..."

" it is. In addition to the holy moonlight, only the most elite magicians are gathered there. Your Excellency captured all the magicians there, didn't you?

"At the beginning of the war, I knew Lagna, and I must protect the city of Glacro and the magicians in it, because I know that those arrogant scholars will always be useful to me. Now their achievements are in front of me, and they have indeed opened my eyes. They can turn ordinary stone ghosts into monsters with the ability to think and even reproduce... I'm afraid no one can do such a power out of the great Haier Milan. If we are not in a hostile relationship, I must learn from this great crystallization of civilization. Lu Tewen's vision is indeed long-term, and he has worked hard for this five years ago..."

"Do you mean... the six dragons you have are all strengthened by stone ghosts?"

"That's right. Their essence is ordinary stone ghosts, but now they are no longer just so simple, because they have the ability to think no less than ordinary human beings, and may have the ability to speak in the future... More importantly, their weapons are not obvious compared with the legendary monsters. It's inferior, from ordinary sharp teeth and claws to flame magic. If I hadn't broken it here, you would never have imagined their true essence! And today I'm going to test whether their power can reach the legendary situation, so let's take this Weilan City as the first experiment. Your Excellency was just full of confidence in defeating our country, and soon you will see what reality is.

"Wait a minute! Your Excellency can't do that!"

Sericia stopped in front of him in horror:

"The indistinguvincible attack and that kind of terrible destructive power like dragons will not only be the city of Weiland, but also the defenders of your country will be affected and the whole army will be destroyed! Even if you are for victory, even if you don't pity Haier Milan, at least please consider the lives of your soldiers! If possible, I would like to order our army to stop attacking and take the initiative to retreat..."

"It's a pity that your order does not seem to have any effect, because since your army has not been in chaos because of your disappearance, it is enough to prove that they do not know all this. Maybe your order is just a ridiculous conspiracy in our country in their eyes. In fact, I have given you opportunities and proposals before, but you have rejected my kindness, given up the peace talks and truce and is ready to resist to the end, so I will no longer care about those details in order to win..."

"Do you really care about your own soldiers? They are your people, and you have the heart to do so..."

"It's to blame those guys who pushed me to the throne and indirectly pushed them to the battlefield! What I have done and the sacrifices of those soldiers are just to satisfy the bottomless selfish desires of those guys. Now I will fill those voids of selfish desires with countless corpses and blood, although those voids can never be filled... All this is caused by those guys! Hahaha..."

"You crazy! Please stop it!"

Sericia tried futilely and desperately to stop the madman's resolution, but then she was controlled by the attendants on one side, and Gustav nodded to the dragon beside her:

"It's time for you to appear. Use everything you to make this battlefield more beautiful! Take your companions and turn the indestructible Weiland City into a hell of blood and flames! Let all the creatures bend their knees and tremble in front of you!"

The dragon roared and spread its wings to fly to the warship behind him. A moment later, six shadows took off from the Silas warship and rushed to the fighting city of Willland below.

"Please! No--"

Celicia's wail resounded through the sky, but it could only be torn into lifeless fragments by the roar of the magic dragon.

Half an hour later, the battlefield was completely quiet.

Gustav's warship slowly landed on the plain near the battlefield, and everything in front of him made the soldiers around him shudder.

Under the masterpiece of the dragons, Weilan City has completely turned into burning ruins, and it can no longer see what it used to be. As for the soldiers on both sides of the war, they were either torn apart with only their heads and limbs left, or they were barbecued by the flames. The stench mixed with flames of the high temperature came towards them, and some soldiers couldn't help vomiting, forced to calm down and unable to hide their fear and incomparable sadness for their innocent dead compatriots.

Sericia didn't dare to look up to see this horrible scene, but squatted in the corner and cried. Gustav's expression with satisfaction and joy on his face is a little difficult to look:

"Why are you crying, Your Majesty? Killing and death are the inevitable result of war and the only law of war. Crying and mourning are just meaningless concealment. Or, in fact, you are also very angry at this moment? Because I destroyed Weilan City and the fighting soldiers inhumanely, even our compatriots encountered the disaster without exception? However, this is inevitable! This is also a matter of course! War is destruction and killing, and there has never been artistic. Even an artistic country like your country is equally miserable in the face of war! This is the sadness of our monarchs!"

"Since you know all this, why do you still do that! Since you know what mistakes we are making, why don't you correct and make up for them, and see your compatriots die innocently! Is everything just a digital game for you? Everything is just to satisfy your narrow heart..."

"How can you understand my heart, Queen Selysia!"

Gustav suddenly trembled and excited. He opened his eyes angrily and punched the guardrail beside him. The iron railing was knocked in two by him. The attendants next to him were all shocked, and Selysia couldn't help but show a doubtful expression:


"Queen Selysia, please have a look. This is what you said, the hands stained with the blood of my brother!"

Gusta spread his palm in front of her, which was indeed covered with blood - but this was the scar left by him hitting the guardrail just now:

"In these hands, they are not only stained with the Wang brothers, but also with the blood of our soldiers! However, please take a closer look at how these hands are different from ordinary hands? However, why do these ordinary hands have enough power to determine the fate of a kingdom? Why are these ordinary hands stained with blood that is difficult to clean? Can you hear the howling from these hands? You can also see the soul struggling on the palm of your hand, right? Gustav is such a pathetic and pitiful soul. His hands can't control his direction or decide his fate!"


"You have been asking why I know such a result and order the dragons to attack without hesitation. You must think that I am an inhuman and a tyrant who regards war as a game, right? War is indeed just a small game for me, but I am not the one who controls the chess pieces. I am just one of them! So I'm just following the will to manipulate our people! All I have done is simply to follow and execute! These are not the will of Gustav!"

"Do you want to shirk responsibility for these words! If someone manipulates your chess piece, who set up this dark chessboard? Whose will is driving this chess to take the first step? Even if you are just a chess piece like me, unlike me, you have the power to subvert the chessboard! Why didn't you think about it?"

"Do you think everything will end if you subvert this chessboard? The next chessboard has been ready for us, and we have no choice and resistance at all! But even if this is the reality, I still want to take revenge on the person who controls the chess pieces..."

"Revenge? Are you trying to tell me that what you have done today is your revenge?"

"This is just the beginning, not all of my revenge! Blood and corpses are the best gifts I give to those people, and I want them to know what my anger is! When they began to regret and began to be afraid to deal with me in the same way, it was when I went to the end with them... Hahahaha, this wish has always been wrapped around me like a lingering shadow, and my life turned for this..."

"Mr. Gustav... You are really a poor man. Dominated by the anger of hatred, you can't find the meaning of your survival... You are no different from a doll.

"It's extremely pleasant for me to often hear such real comments from you, Queen Selysia. It seems that my choice to be a witness will be the right decision of my life. That's all, I am already very satisfied."

Gustaf turned around and motioned an officer beside him to move forward:

"Find out the soldiers of the country, whether torn or burned, and transported back to China as a gift for those belligerent guys in the council!"

"Your Majesty! It's too much to do this! This insult to the dead will be opposed by ministers and citizens!"

"You don't need to ask this or dissuade me. Just follow my orders!"

"I can't obey! This kind of excessive behavior, down...uh!"

The officer just said the protest words, and he felt a sharp pain in his chest. Gustav's long sword penetrated his heart without mercy:

"Every time a corpse is added, it will increase the burden on the warship. Maybe the warship will sink because of your appearance. It's really disturbing... So! Is there anyone else who wants to lie on the warship and return home like him?

Gustav pulled out his bloody sword and glanced around. The chilling officers and soldiers shook their heads desperately to show obedience, and Gustav took back the sword with satisfaction:

"Then it's up to you! Finish this well, and I will give you a heavy reward after returning to China. Of course, you must survive under the knife of those angry nobles. Do it right away!"

The named officer answered tremblingly, and then ran out of Gustav's sight as if avoiding the devil. Selysia stared at his crazy behavior in a daze, and then involuntarily showed contempt:

"You are really a hopeless monarch, Mr. Gustav. Aren't you worried that your subordinates will rebel because of your behavior?

"If that's the case, I welcome it. As long as they can find a more suitable replacement than me, I am willing to give my head. However, the reason why they have been enduring my actions is that there is no suitable alternative... Those poor guys have already gone to hell with Brother Wang, hahaha... So no matter what kind of dissatisfaction and hatred they have in their hearts, I am still the only one who can bring them hope, not at all. Don't worry that your head will fall to the ground.

"Yes... It's understandable for you to think so. On the contrary, it's me who is really stupid to talk about those useless topics with such a monarch..."

"So, it's enough for you to close your mouth and open your eyes to see what's going on in front of you. Because I invited you to come, I just wanted you to open your eyes wide. And your fragrant mouth is left to your people and Lutwin.

"Do you want me to open my eyes to see those tragic scenes? The scorched fortress, the dead soldiers, I will only pray devoutly for all this. How can I open my eyes! And how much more do you have to create to be satisfied with such a miserable situation?

"As long as the war is not over, such a tragic situation will not be broken. Next, my purpose is naturally to lead a large army, including those monsters, to continue to advance towards the royal city of your country. I can swear to the goddess of war that this time, neither the holy moonlight nor Eudraxiu can escape the fate of turning into ashes... Of course, whether this is really the case depends on your choice, Queen Selysia.

"...what do you mean?"

"Do you want me to repeat what I mean for you?"

"Do you want me to announce the surrender on behalf of the kingdom?"

"No, no matter what the intentions of those guys in China are, I have no intention to occupy your country. This is just because I hate the artistic atmosphere of your country, and even an ordinary stone must be carved into a pattern. This kind of behavior will only make me completely disgusted. What I need is just an armistice agreement and an alliance agreement.

"Alliance Agreement... Is your country's target Heland?"

"You won't object to my goodwill in a country where you have a father-killing hatred, will you? If you can make a decision, you may be able to save the life of Mr. Lyon.

"Based on the interests of our country, your proposal should not have been rejected. However, as you said, I'm afraid that my verbal orders alone are not enough to save the war. Since neither our country nor the troops abroad have been affected by my disappearance, Rollinforth and others must have established a new acting king. I'm afraid my order will be regarded as a conspiracy in your country, right?

"This is a fact. Simply asking you to give an order will only be regarded as my prank. So, take the warship and the magic dragon to the royal city of your country, and then sit down and have a good talk with them?"

"Is this a decisive battle announcement? Although there is a magic dragon to help, if you want to fight a decisive battle with our country in the royal city..."

"I have no intention at all, otherwise I'm afraid that even if I can capture the royal city, I will die there, which is meaningless to me, who has always attached only attention to interests. As I said, I just need to sit down and talk to your country.

"If you can promise not to attack our troops and nationals on the way... including your magic dragon, I am willing to assist you according to your conditions."

"If possible, I am naturally willing to make such a commitment, but it seems that your army will not make the response we expect so simply. At that time, please be sure to forgive my rudeness. If I can exchange a weak sacrifice for greater benefits, I will not hesitate to do it.

"Since you have said this much, I have nothing to say... But I also want to ask you to pay attention to the fact that there has never been a weapon that can be invincible, just like the warships of your country... So in addition to praying for my people, I will also pray for you and your army. Ming's forgiveness..."

"It's up to you, Your Majesty. In a word, it's very rare for us to have peace talks with each other."

Sericia turned around helplessly and sadly. There was nothing she could do about the king who was inexplicably crazy. Except for piously praying for the kingdom, all her efforts seemed to be in vain. However, in such a tragic and terrible situation as today, she may never be able to break free.