Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

Blood Dawn Eleventh-Four

The Glory of the Eleventh Fourth Haybion

The door rang gently, and Leon raised his head from meditation and pressed his temple twice to recover his tired spirit a little:

"Who is it?"

"I'm Alvin, Your Excellency Lyon."

"Please come in."

Alvin pushed the door "disrespectfully" and entered, and his eyes were immediately attracted by the bottle in front of Lyon:

"Your Excellency Lyon! Have you been drinking?"

"Is this something worth your surprise?"

"That's just because I've never seen you drink... and drink so much!"

"It's not much. I just drank three bottles. If it weren't for refreshing, I wouldn't want to drink like this..."

"With all due respect, the saying 'drinking so much wine to refresh yourself' is really unprecedented! The current situation is in danger. Please keep a clear mind, otherwise..."

"It is because of the critical situation that I have to use this method. Because when I drink, I will feel cold all over, and if I drink too much, I will have a headache before I get drunk, so there is no more effective way to refresh myself than drinking. Otherwise, what you are seeing now should be my drunk and ugly. Well, since you mentioned the situation, let's report the current situation.

"That's why I came here."

Alvin was silent for a moment, as if he had organized the right lines temporarily, and then he made up his mind to say "um":

"It is close to the critical point of collapse, and morale has fallen to the freezing point. I'm worried... I'm afraid I don't have much time to support it."

"Is it really in such a bad situation?"

"I can only say that there have been no traitors or deserters so far, which is the greatest miracle. If it weren't for your Excellency, maybe we would have been completely destroyed a few weeks ago.

"Really... What an unpleasant situation."

Lyon leans heavily on the back of the chair:

"But as early as the beginning of the war, I had predicted such a scene, but I didn't expect it to come so soon."

"You mean, from the day we began to go deep into Heland, you have expected such a result today?"

"After all, if you want to destroy a country, you can't rely on an army. Therefore, after receiving my country's order to march to the hinterland, I knew that my fate was doomed. Although Lyon has always been called invincible, he is not a god after all... So he received this punishment. It's also a matter of course."

"Since this is the case, you should care to explain everything to your country at the beginning and refuse to go deep alone!"

"Because you are too young, you have such a simple idea, right?"


"Do you know what the name 'Lyon' represents for Haile Milan?"

"This point... is not too much to say that it should represent 'hope' and 'victory'! Now that the generals such as Lawitz and Lannold have passed away, your Excellency is the last and most important pillar of Heil Milan..."

"There should be a lot of people who share the same ideas as you in your own country, right? Although it is very ridiculous to brag about myself so much, this is my greatest sadness as Lyon himself. When I keep winning on the battlefield, it is equivalent to digging an invisible trap for myself, and finally enough to devour myself..."

Lyon picked up his glass and took a sip, and then coughed violently for a while, and most of the wine he had just drunk was sprayed out. This seems to prove that Lyon did not drink much because of his uncooked alcohol, which made Alvin feel a little relieved.

"That's it... Constantly winning and digging your own graves. It turned out that you just wanted to support morale through victory. However, with the continuous arrival of victory, the goal slowly became 'destroying Heland', and in the end it became the situation it is today, but you can't blame the big ones in your country. Gentlemen, because they need this continuous victory too much as an encouragement to the people, and only Lyon can achieve their wishes... This is really unspeakable irony!"

"Do you mean... from the beginning of our battle with Heland, is it just as a means to boost national morale?"

"Because for Haile Milan, the real enemy is Sierras. If you want to stand undefeated under the overwhelming attack of Silas, the key rule is to continue to win on the horizon, so that even if you lose troops under the siege of Silas, it is enough to make up for morale. Therefore, even if we know that we are alone and finally seek our own death, our ministers will still make the same decision..."

"That is to say, we are as pawns... No, did we exist as victims from the beginning?"

"To put it nicely, it should be the so-called 'pillar'. Alvin, you and I are both so-called 'pillars'! Will you feel honored by this?"

"What are you kidding!"

Irwin's hand fell heavily on the table:

"I... came to war to defend our kingdom! It's for the kingdom, family, and your own glory... No! These are just excuses. To put it bluntly, I came to fight in order to survive and protect the important people around me! But now I know that we have been so-called 'abandoned children' from the beginning, how can we feel honored for this!"

"The ** of young people is really enviable... Dare to be so unscrupulous in front of the commander. If I am as young as you, maybe I will find a way to get rid of this fate at the beginning of the war, right?

"Please forgive my rudeness... But Mr. Lyon, you don't seem to have jumped out of the 'young' range, have you?"

"If it is at age, it is true, but internally, I have already crossed this gap. At least, I won't slap the table in front of the officer as fearlessly as you do. Now Lyon only knows how to obey the order of the kingdom and strive for a trace of hope for the kingdom, that's all.

Lyon poured another cup, and as usual, there was another burst of cough. It seemed that he did not rely solely on alcohol to refresh himself, but on bursts of coughs to boost his will:

"But I don't regret the choice I made. After all, what I have done here is an indispensable thing for them, such as 'morality' for the battle of Haier Milan and Silas. Finally, we persisted until this moment, and Haier Milan was not defeated by the offensive of Sierras. This alone is enough for me to go down in history.

"Your Excellency Lyon... Do you already have the consciousness of death in battle?"

"It's not only now. Since the beginning of the battle, I have had the awareness of death in battle, but I have never met an opponent who is enough to take my life. I don't know who can establish this meritorious service this time? Being able to take down Lyon's head is really enough to boast to future generations!"

"In this case, you should consider a feasible strategy of retreat! With your wisdom of winning every battle, can't you think of a feasible way?

So do you think it is still possible for us to retreat in the current situation? However, I have been thinking about this problem these days, and I have also thought of the only way to preserve our team's encirclement. As for the candidate for the commander, it's up to you.

"What about you?"

"Of course, as bait... No, it should be said that it is more appropriate to be a palace, right?"

"What are you kidding! Breaking out in this situation has no significance for the existence of the palace army! As you said before, it's just a bait!"

"Then let's call it a bait. That's what I decided. Now that you have understood this path, let me explain the combat strategy..."

"Please forgive me for not accepting your order!"


"Is it heroic or stupid for you to put yourself to death and protect this team from the beginning? Please don't forget what the name Lyon means to your country, as you said before! Now if the name disappears in this war, what kind of blow will Haier Milan suffer? If our morale collapses as a result, then our efforts all the time will..."

"The situation is different. If it was the beginning of the war, perhaps the name Lyon still has such influence on the country, but now for Hel Milan, Lyon is equivalent to an ordinary general. So what you worry about won't happen, just do what I say..."

"Even so, I can't accept this order! Please allow me..."

"If you continue to stick to your opinion, I can only deal with you according to the military law. And you have to understand that this will also implict your family, doesn't it matter to you?

"Your Excellency Lyon! Isn't that too much for you?"

"Do you still not understand what military law means?"


Alvin clenched his teeth and punched the table with hatred:

"I understand! Please give me an order!"

"It's good to have such momentum. Even if you are really breaking through and retreating, don't forget this feeling. Only by moving forward bravely like an attack can you win."

Lyon spread out the map and drew an arc centered on the location of its own army:

"The enemy's encirclement network should be like this, right? Sure enough, it is an iron wall-like encirclement, and there is no gap that can be easily broken through. It seems that our breakout is full of risky gambling. But maybe this is the last time in my life... Alvin, I hope you can remember that what you have learned from me in this war does not belong to the principles of combat. Whether it is in the non-commissioned officer college or the tactics textbook, there is no way to find it, but war is the same thing. Everything is impossible. It is by following this principle that I can inadvertently decide the victory with the enemy, otherwise, even if I can win, it will cause a lot of damage to my own army. It is by following this principle that I can inadvertently create the so-called 'miracle' and be regarded as the so-called 'hope' by my country. If you are ready to continue along the military road in the future, please keep my words firmly in mind. Maybe this is my last advice to you.

"Your Excellency Lyon...!"

"Listen to me! The task you shoulder is not easy, Alvin. After all, we are under the elite troops of the kingdom, the elite of the Knights of Fenrill and the Knights of Umir, including a considerable number of Hayabusa Knights. Whether they can safely bring this force out of the encirclement and join the team is related to the fate of Haier Milan. In other words, it doesn't matter if you die in battle, as long as you can take this army out safely... Do you understand this truth?

"I understand that even if you are crushed to bones, you will not hesitate..."

"There is no need to have the idea of being shredded. It is also a worrying question of what will happen if you kill the fate of the troops. I'm not simply threatening you. After all, it takes perfect preparation and awareness to devote yourself to the battlefield, which is the common sense of war. In a word, do your best to complete this almost invincible breakout battle!"

"Do you even think there is no chance of winning? Then don't we have the need to break through at all?

"What nonsense, I just said that there was almost no chance of winning, and I didn't say that there was no chance of winning at all. In such an encirclement formation, the probability that an ordinary general can break through is only one tenth, but I can increase the probability to three tenths. Can you rest assured when I say that?"

"To be honest... I still can't feel at ease. Three-tenths of the probability is no different from one-tenth, right? Is this breakout really so desperate?

"Are you desperate? Don't you understand by looking at the map yourself? To be honest, I'm not the kind of person who will show weakness to the enemy, let alone show an unconfident expression in front of my own people. However, even so, I can't compete with the established fate, so you don't have to expect me to say to you confidently now. Whether you can get out of danger safely in this breakout battle, you have to give full play to your wisdom.


"After all, you are a student and adjutant of Lyon! I don't want this name to cause you unnecessary trouble, but in any case, it can't fail our seamless strategy that day... Am I right?"

"I'm just puzzled by your words... Since there are only three tenths of the chance, it is that the plan to break through is seamless... Should I say that your mind is not like this at all?"

"Is it so magical? I don't think so myself. And I just said that the probability of breaking through is three tenths, and I don't say that my strategic success rate is three tenths. Therefore, before raising questions or complaining to the other party, please carefully consider the intention in the other party's words and don't put yourself in a passive position at any time.

"I understand... It should be said that I not only understand, but also relieved."


"Before this extremely dangerous breakout, I'm still in the mood to play such a joke with me. I'm afraid it can only be explained that you have made up, right? Why do I always hang my heart in mid-air?"

A clear smile appeared on Lyon's face, and then stood up and patted each other on the shoulder:

"In this case, there is no worry about handing over the task to you. However, please remember that even if we are already full of confidence in this, it does not mean that the situation will change, and the encirclement of Heland will not be relaxed as a result, and you will still face the same powerful enemy.

"I know this very well. After all, I am also a person who cherishes my life, so based on my absolute trust in you, I just need to do what you say..."

"Based on my... absolute trust?"

"I'm afraid this is not just my personal opinion. The whole army should have this consensus. If it had been another army, morale would have been low and collapsed in this situation. Everyone must still believe that you can bring miracles to them, so they are desperately sticking to their posts..."

"Speaking of which, I don't think it's worth boasting."


"In that way, I really became a sinful murderer, not only sending the enemy, but also sending my troops to death. This so-called 'trust' brings trembling results. Alvin, I hope you won't become a person like me in the future. Even if the soldiers collapse because of their disappointment with you, it is much more reasonable than they willingly sacrifice their lives for you. That kind of thing is really worthless to us..."

"I'm worried that being heard by the soldiers will affect their morale. Although your words are reasonable, it is more appropriate to be cautious..."

"Demorale can't be improved by a few words."

"But I often fall into the freezing point because of such a sentence."

"You're right. It seems that I'm not as deep as a young man like you."

Although his face was full of smiles, the sadness in his eyes was also unconcealed. Alvin only felt a slight feeling in his heart and lowered his head and dared not say anything more. Lyon read his thoughts and patted his shoulder twice again:

"Don't care, and don't lose your righteousness because of my few words. After all, what I said is just the advice I can give you based on my personal experience. As for how much you can understand and how much you can do, it's up to you. It's a pity that maybe I can't see you grow up in the future... But at least my ideal will continue by you, and I have no regrets about this alone."

"Your Excellency Lyon, at least think about yourself. Isn't it more reasonable to rely on others to continue your hope than to achieve it yourself?

"I really hope that I can realize my ideals as you said, but there are some things that can never return after losing it. I'm really glad that you don't have that experience... Therefore, one of my ideals has not been realized for a long time, and the rest is left to you. Let the young people come and realize it for me.

"The sadness that once lost, you can't return...?"

"It's such a simple truth, but I also pray that you will never understand. Alvin, if you can break through this time, please tell Her Majesty: Lyon will follow Haier Milan's order and fight until the last moment.

"I will obey your order, but I also hope this is just your unnecessary concern."

"In addition... please also pass on this sentence to Miss Xilu."

"Xilu? Are you talking about Miss Xilu of the LaFard family?

"Otherwise, who else can afford this name?"

"What a surprise! Do you mean to say to Miss Xilu..."

"This is my personal secret. Please don't tell anyone."

"Of course I understand, but I really didn't expect you to..."

"It's not surprising that you fall in love with the same person as others, is it? However, you don't have to care about this kind of problem. Let's plan how to get out of this terrible encirclement safely. Now please remember every step I said, which is not only related to the survival of the army, but also about your life... So leave everything to me!"

"What a bad weather!"

The commander of the cavalry brigade of the Heland encirclement army looked at the night sky and complained loudly:

"It seems that it is going to rain! The night without the moon is disturbing..."

"Is the general upset about the weather? This is the first time I have seen you look like this. But there is no need to worry like this, right?"

The adjutant handed him a glass of wine as comfort:

"The enemy is currently at the end of the road. Even Lyon, which is rumored to be undefeated, is also a resourceful move to go deep alone. Haier Milan is really eager to win. I think it won't take a few days to completely defeat the enemy. Your Excellency the general should find a way to seize this merit!"

"That's right, our cavalry brigade is standing still here, just waiting for such an opportunity to enjoy the success after the defeat of both the friendly army and the Haier Milan army... Hahaha! Although it is not an open and aboveboard strategy, there is no reason to war, and no matter how you do it, it is not an excessive move. For me, who can win the final glory is really worth caring about..."

"It has nothing to do with the so-called righteousness, this is a real strategy. If justice can bring us honor, perhaps even the existence value of us soldiers will disappear, and war can't be talked about. It's enough for the general to think about how to bring victory for himself and for us, and after such a long time of rest, the soldiers have already been full of fighting spirit, and it's time for them to break out.

"Hmm! Then set the time for the attack tomorrow, defeat the enemy's remnants in one breath and take down Lyon's head!"

"However, please don't take it lightly. Although the enemy has reached the verge of collapse, after all, it is also the elite of the Kingdom of Haier Milan, and the frontal assault does not seem to be an absolutely feasible way..."

Huh? Do we also need to consider this unnecessary problem to deal with the extremely exhausted remnant army? Although China has always been in the shadow of defeat, the strength of the Pure White Rose Knights has not been greatly affected. Are you afraid that you can't defeat them with this army?

"If the war was just a matter of numbers, then our country would have swept the territory of Haier Milan and will not be defeated for a while. According to the war report, the enemy has not had any rebels or deserters so far. Isn't this a very terrible thing? If you take a rash offensive, you may be caught by the enemy. Please think about it.

"Well... It doesn't make sense for you to say so, so, just in case, let's plan again before going to war..."

As the commander had just worried, the rain suddenly fell and turned into a rainstorm after a while. The unprepared soldiers were in a hurry to find shelter from the rain, and the barracks was in chaos for a while. The commander ordered the adjutant to stabilize the army while sighing loudly:

"I just wanted to build meritorious deeds, but this kind of weather is really not suitable for action! If this torrential rain lasts all night, maybe our army will also suffer unnecessary losses... Is it possible that the gods are also assisting Haier Milan?"

"In contrast, I'm more worried about whether the enemy will take advantage of this weather to launch a night attack. Your Excellency the general should be careful and prepared."

Night attack? Do you think the enemy will have such courage in this weather?

"If it is Lyon who once commanded the local lord's coalition army to have destroyed 12,000 elites of our country, this possibility cannot be ruled out."

"Well... As you said, it seems that we have to guard against it! And although this weather is difficult for the enemy to take action, it is the same result for our army. Go command and order the soldiers to strengthen their vigilance!"

"I understand..."

The adjutant just took two steps and suddenly turned around as if he were alert:

"General... Maybe I'm too nervous or timid... Don't you think the air tonight is a little strange?"

"Tonight's air?"

"I hope I'm a mediocre person, but... I always feel like something unexpected is going to happen. Anyway... it's too quiet tonight."

"What do you mean it's too quiet tonight..."

Before the words fell, the camp suddenly sounded with shouts and horseshoes, and countless shadows fell from the sky and burst into the center of the camp. The last thing the commander saw was a silver light drawn to his neck.