Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

Blood Dawn 11th Five

Eleventh Five Cold Night

Griffin, who was riding, circled in the air for a moment. After confirming the position to land, he flapped his wings twice and landed on the corner of the plain with his master. However, the first thing that came into the eyes of France was the horizontal body, which made him frown:

"Is this the area, Garant?"

Griffin raised his head and hissed, as if he was dissatisfied with the suspicious tone of the owner. Fland smiled and patted its body:

"I'm just surprised and don't doubt your eyesight, my dear friend. But... it's really a little miserable here."

After careful identification, most of the bodies were dressed in Heland's military uniform, including several officer-like figures, and a small number of them were Hel Milan's knights.

"There seems to be a fierce breakout battle... But it's really surprising that the number of casualties is so disproportionate. Haier Milan has destroyed more than hundreds of enemies at the cost of more than a dozen knights. Only the rumored Lyon himself can create such a miracle, right? However, judging from the direction of the knights' march, it should continue to go deep into the hinterland... This is not like a breakout! Is that General Lyon ready to do his best?

Only a moment later, this judgment was rejected by him:

"If he really wants to do this, I'm afraid that he has already led the elite troops all the way, and he won't wait until the troops are besieged to the end of the road, and this kind of behavior is also quite Wu Wu's move. With his style, he won't be so crazy... That is to say, he deliberately went deep along the road is actually intentional. The appearance made? In this way... his main force should not follow him, but has already broke out from the other direction under his strategy of attacking east and west. So... is he ready to serve as bait for the breakout battle?

Griffin roared in a low voice, as if to agree with the master's inference.

"With this suicidal assault as a cover, the enemy is forced to shrink the encirclement under unknown circumstances and concentrate on him, and the main force can seize the opportunity to retreat safely... What a game full of deadly crises! However, I have to say that General Lyon did make the most correct choice. What a respectable commander... It's just a pity that I can't meet this commander."

Griffin hummed twice in a low voice, shaking his head, as if denying the master's guess. Farnde turned his eyes to a few corners around him in surprise:

"Do you mean that General Lyon is still alive, my dear friend? Is this your real intuition or your simple guess?

Griffin flapped his wings hard and fanned a strong wind, as if to show that "this is my sure judgment". Farnde breathed a sigh of relief:

"In that case, at least I won't be completely responsible for loyd's commission. Even if it's too late, I can make some explanations to him... After all, we have made an agreement, and loyd is also a trustworthy person, so it should be valuable for me to do so. So, where is the General Lyon?

Griffin turned his head and motioned to Frank to sit on himself. When the owner sat down, it quickly floated in the air, turned around two times and dived towards the other corner of the plain.

This seems to be another battlefield, and hundreds of corpses also lie down. However, the Heil Milan knights among them are obviously more, basically comparable to the Holland soldiers. Fland sighed:

"It seems that the knights of Haier Milan have been completely destroyed here. My previous judgment is not wrong. Lyon only brought small-scale troops as bait to disturb Heland's sight... It's just a pity that he can only do this extent? Presumably, if he can persist here, he has created the last miracle in his life... After all, no matter how tough he is, he can't compete with fate. Galant, where is the great general?

Griffin turned around and pointed her head to a corner. Fland strode over, and a figure standing alone on the battlefield immediately caught his eye:

"Is that him? It seems that..."

Thinking that the other party had stopped, Fland stopped sadly:

"I'm really sorry... I'm a step late. If I had met you earlier, maybe you wouldn't have sacrificed your life so young... But you have done a good job, and you must have a clear conscience, right?"

"I seem to hear someone talking..."

The body, which was supposed to be a corpse, suddenly trembled twice, and the knight turned his head laboriously and spit out powerless words:

Who is it? I'm sorry that I can't see anything anymore..."

"Is your Excellency General Lyon?"

"Yes... I'm Leon von Erian of Haier Milan... But it's ridiculous that the name is about to become eternal history... If you are a soldier of Heland, please come and make immortal achievements..."

"My name is Frande Rivicher."

"Ah... I've heard the name... Your Excellency is the great 'Riseloven'... I didn't expect to be extremely lucky to meet the legendary character before I die... I don't know why you came here?"

"I was entrusted by your friend. I wanted to come with you to protect your breakthrough, but... I'm really ashamed that I came late in the end."

"There is no need to be ashamed... All this is the will of fate, not your fault, nor is it the result that we can change... However, since you are our friends, I finally have someone to explain my last words... I don't know if you are willing to do me a favor?"

"Since I can't save your life, I will definitely make a last wish for you. No matter how difficult it is, just say it."

"Thank you very much... In fact, it's not that serious. I just want to ask you a small favor... Can you see the sword beside me? Although I can't see it anymore... but I always feel that she is by my side to support me..."

"I saw it. If I guess correctly, is this the legendary sword of wisdom 'Silver Queen'?

"It's a pity that I didn't exert her real power in the end... I'm really ashamed to be her holder. But if it were Xilu, my last wish would definitely be fulfilled..."

"Is it the energetic Miss Xilu?"

"So do you know her?"

"I not only know her, but also owe her a favor, and I have always felt that it is difficult to repay..."

"Really... That's really the best. Please hand over my sword to her. She will definitely understand everything... Then please tell her... Leon had a clear conscience for Haier Milan at the last minute of the battle, but his apology to her could not be repaid and peaceful until his death. He could only Ask for her forgiveness..."

"I will tell you the truth, but... Although I don't know what kind of past there is between you and Xilu, what's the point of conveying these words if the other party is a person who will not know how to forgive you after your death? For mortals, death is the last peace, and all honors and faults before life will dissipate invisibly. Why are you so obsessed with these?

"I'm definitely not obsessed... but I've been escaping, because of the mistakes I've made in the past that I've been escaping... escaping from Xilu, Fei Linwen, and everything... Now I finally don't have to escape anymore, but I can't apologize to her face to face... Am I What's wrong?"

"Maybe you have made a mistake from the beginning. Although it is useless to say this to you now, but... It's a pity that your courage in this regard is not as fearless as you are on the battlefield. If you know that you will have regrets before you die, you should achieve it while you are alive. My wish, if a person can really have an afterlife, I hope you can remember the advice below.

"Hahaha... If I had heard your advice as soon as possible, maybe I wouldn't be so embarrassed now... Lyon is indeed a fool who is only suitable for living on the battlefield. No matter how hard he tries to pursue love, it's just a waste of effort... It's really unwilling..."

"Don't worry about these things anymore, Mr. Lyon, leave the rest to me. What surprised me most was that your breathing and heartbeat had obviously stopped. Why did you support your body and explain these last wishes to me? What kind of obsession made you do this?

"Who knows... Maybe it's because I'm the 'miracle Lyon' in everyone's mouth... Maybe I've been waiting for your arrival..."

"So... you don't have to hold on any longer. Take a rest, Mr. Lyon. I will swear with my life to help you achieve your last wish.

"I'm really grateful... I can finally be liberated..."

Lyon's body has no breath of life, but there seems to be an inexplicable force flowing, supporting him to raise his head:

"Knight... can't lower his head until the last moment... Lyon did... Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

"Are you still obsessed with these illusory existences until the last moment... But as a knight, you are indeed worthy of all the glory that belongs to you. This kind of thing in future generations is just a momentary illusion for me, and it should be very meaningful to you, right?"

Leon did not reply and went to death with a satisfied smile. Fland sighed and bent down deeply:

"May your tired body and soul rest in peace from now on, Your Excellency Lyon... As a tribute to you, let me bury you here with my own hands. Maybe the Queen of your country will transport your body back to your country soon, but no matter where you are in the end, you will no longer be able to see the familiar face of your beloved. Compared with you, I am really much luckier. At least, I can still see her face often, and soon, I will be able to meet her and be together forever. Well... I'm not showing off to you, I'm just sorry for your choice, because you can obviously survive... Why did you make such a choice in the end? What does honor mean to you... Maybe I will never understand."


Xilu screamed and sat up from **, but responded to the silence in the room. Confirming that she had just had a bad nightmare, she stroked her chest and adjusted her breathing and manic heartbeat:

"How can I have that terrible nightmare... Is it because I'm under too much pressure these days? It's strange to say... Obviously, I've been very happy with Reuters these days. How can I not sleep well for this reason... It's really breathless!"

Feeling that she could no longer sleep in peace, Xilu got out of bed and put on her coat, opened the door and gently came to the deck of the warship. With the chill of the night wind, she couldn't help shivering:

"It's so cold... It's already summer, why is the night wind still like this..."

"Because it's in the air."

Loed's voice sounded in her ear, and a wide coat was then put on her, and the warmth was transmitted to her like waves.

"Be careful of the cold, Your Majesty, the night wind on the warship is still much colder than on the ground."

"Thank you... thank you, loyd. Why haven't you rested so late?

"I shared the night escort patrol work with Lena, and now it's my turn. Her Majesty's safety cannot be neglected..."

"I said... Can you not call me Her Majesty at this time? Isn't it better to call my name directly?

"You mean... call you Celicia?"

"Do you mean to make me angry?"

"I just want to play a joke with you, because you don't look well... Why did you come out to blow the wind so late?"

"It's because... I had a very bad nightmare."



Xi Lu exhaled softly and leaned against the guardrail on the side:

"I dreamed of Leon... Because I haven't seen him for a long time, I wanted to sit down and talk to him, but I don't know why, no matter what I do, I can never touch his hand... He is like a ghost without a body, just smiling at me without saying a word to me... Then I opened I began to cry, just like a child..."

"What about then?"

"Then... he never ignored me. I thought that as long as I cried like in the past, he would definitely find a way to comfort me, but no matter how hard I tried, he never came to me. When I was tired of crying and turned around, Lyon still stood there smiling at me as before... I found that it was really a strange smile that made me feel extremely strange!"

"You must be angry, right?"

"Of course! I have cried like this, but he will only stand aside and giggle! You must be laughing at me as a fool! But when I wanted to get angry, Lyon suddenly disappeared like air. Finally... I was awakened."

"It's really an unlucky dream..."

"Yes! Although I now understand that this is just a simple nightmare, I don't know why I can't calm down. It's like jumping out of my chest... Is this a terrible omen? That strange look of Lyon..."

"You must have thought too much, because you have been worried about the besieged Lyon, which caused this unnecessary trouble. Don't worry, nothing will happen to Lyon. After all, he is the rumored Lord Lyon.

"That's right... After all, Lyon, who is invincible in the world, how can he lose his life because of such a small thing... I'm really a fool to be restless because of a small nightmare."

"If it were me, I would definitely be in the same mood as you. If Leon knew that you cared so much about him, he would be so moved that he couldn't sleep, right?

"How is that possible! You idiot! He won't be so grateful to me for such a small thing, let alone sleep..."

"At least I will. Maybe I can still fight and suddenly appear in front of you..."

"Idiot! Don't tell me such a ridiculous joke!"

Xilu clenched her fist and tried to shake it, but finally stopped halfway:

"To be honest... If that's the case, I will be very happy. But... it's different."

"Is it different?"

"Well... is it Lyon or loyd? It's different for me. It is because these words are said by loyd that I feel more at ease..."

"Then why don't you go back to your room and have a rest? We are close to Haier Milan's team. Maybe we have to face the sudden battle and take good care of our physical strength.

"Although I think so... I can't sleep. I... Once I wake up from the night, I can't continue to sleep anyway. You can also help me find a way to relieve my boredom!"

"In that case... Do you want me to tell you a story?"

"I'm not a two- or three-year-old child!"

"What about singing a lullaby or something?"

"You really want to quarrel with me, don't you?"

"Hahaha... I'm really sorry, because I always unconsciously treat you as a child..."

"Ha? What do you mean..."

"Because... every time I hold the little you in my arms, I will feel this way."


Xilu was puzzled about his words, and her body suddenly became empty. After screaming, I found that I was picked up by loyd, and my heart, which had calmed down, jumped wildly again:

"Stupid...stupid! What are you doing! Put me down..."

"I don't know why... I don't want to let you down. If possible, I really want to hold you like this forever..."

"Stupid...stupid! Don't say such shy words... By the way, are you really loyd?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Because...because you think you are so strange! Even if the usual loyd would say a few words to me, it would not be as tender and trembling as today. What's wrong with you today?"

"Maybe... it's because of uneasiness?"


Maybe it's because of the upcoming battle? This time our opponent is the Kingdom of Heland... The Kingdom of Heland, which will make the undefeated Lord Lyon get into trouble, and how Silas's behavior will be is also full of disturbing. I suddenly feel scared when I think of this..."

"Really... Even you will be afraid of this, and no wonder I will have that kind of nightmare...but..."


"I'm really sorry..."


"I... I was picked up so easily by you... It's also strange that I've been called 'Xiao Xilu Xiao Xilu'... That is to say... Isn't that... the figure or something too bad?"

"Why did you say that?"

"Boys like girls with good stature...isn't it? Just like Lulu, like Shirley... At least not like me, right? So... Seeing that you are so close with them, although I feel very annoyed, I unconsciously become sad..."

"So...if you are a fool, you are many times more powerful than I don't know."

Loed kissed her gently on the forehead and then put her back on the deck:

"Xilu... Next, I have something to say to you. Although I also want to hide it all the time, but... I think you have more power to know all this. However, you have to promise me... No matter what you hear, don't react too excitedly, otherwise I would rather deceive you than tell you a little bit.

"What... is so mysterious! Why do you show such a terrible look?

Did's expression was a little too serious, and Xilu suddenly faintly sensed some unknown facts in her heart, and her body began to tremble involuntarily. Loyd hugged her shoulders tightly, and her face was more solemn than before:

"Please swear to me, Xilu, otherwise I can't tell you all the truth at ease."

"That...that... I see, I swear."

Loide took a few steps back to one side:

" should remember Lord Flander, right?"

"Fland? You didn't say that..."

"Yes... He's back and brought you news about Lyon."

Xilu's face lost its blood color at this moment, and the black shadow immediately surrounded her brain:

"Do you want to tell me... Leon..."

loyd did not answer, but turned his eyes to the other side of the deck. In the dark corner, Fland came to her with a slow pace:

"I haven't seen you for a long time, Miss Xilu. However, if it hadn't been for Mr. loyd's previous reminder, I wouldn't have been able to recognize your true identity for a while. It's really amazing water magic..."

"It's not too late to make up my polite greetings later. Please forgive my rudeness, Mr. Farnde, you should know what I care about most now! Please don't let my already fragile heart suffer any more..."

"I will obey you."

Fland untied the sword beside him and handed his hands to Xilu:

"Miss Xilu should recognize this sword, right?"

"Is this... Lyon's sword?"

"The Sword of Wisdom 'Queen of Silver', Your Excellency Lyon asked me to pass it on to you and asked me to tell you: 'Leon's order to be loyal to the kingdom fought until the last minute, and he has a clear conscience for Haile Milan, but his apology to you can't be repaid and peaceful until his death, and he can only ask for your forgiveness'... ..."

"That...that big fool!"

Xilu mourned sadly and collapsed on the deck. Loyd quickly came forward to help her up:

"Xilu! Cheer up..."

"Don't wake her up for the time being. It may be wrong to let her fall asleep. After all, I have had a similar experience, and such grief is not easy to bear.

Farnde squatted down beside loyd and patted him on the shoulder meaningfully:

"Isn't it easy to protect your beloved princess? At least, think about how to comfort her after she wakes up, and don't let her be disappointed with you.

"I understand. However, I didn't expect that Lord Lyon could not escape the teasing of fate... What a sad reality."

"I'm sorry, I'm still a step late. If you can arrive earlier..."

"I can't blame you. Since it is the will of the god of fate, you and I are helpless. However, for Haile Milan, this is an extraordinary loss, and maybe the whole kingdom will be shaken by it... After all, we have even collapsed the last pillar of hope..."

"It won't be as desperate as you said. After all, young people like him still exist."

Flander handed the 'sword of wisdom' to him:

Please pass it on to Miss Xilu. His Excellency Lyon said that he could not fully exert the power of the sword of wisdom, but if it was Miss Xilu, he would definitely be able to do it. Please give it to you if this last wish can be fulfilled.

"Even so... Does it mean anything to Xilu? No matter how much the power of the Sword of Wisdom is exerted, Lyon will not wake up again... For me, how Xilu faces the reality after awakening is more worrying than any difficulty, which may be the meaning of my existence as a guardian knight.