Legend of the God

Chapter 11 Monk-Iron Fist

Ouyang Yu squinted at Mu Yunfei, just like her mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law. It was not until Mu Yunfei turned his head unnaturally that he said to Shen Yan:

"Swallow, don't introduce me!"

After Shen Yan told Mu Yunfei about saving her in detail, Ouyang Yu loved Mu Yunfei even more and laughed:

"Okay, what a heroic teenager! You don't have to be so foreign. You can also call me Uncle Ouyang! Come to me and sit down!" So Ouyang Yu took the two into the innermost office of the two floors.

Ouyangyu's office is not big, but the layout is exquisite and antique, which is very compatible with this Dingtai antique! There are two large bookshelves behind a retro desk, and there are also many books on it! When the two sat down, the waiter in the hall had made tea for Mu Yunfei and Shen Yan.

After chatting for a while, Ouyang Yu smiled at Shen Yan and asked:

"Swallow, do you want to find some treasures when you come to me today?"

"Look at what you said, how can I do Taobao? Tomorrow is my mother's birthday! So I want to choose a more beautiful and special gift for her, so I asked Yunfei to accompany me to have a look! But I really didn't know that this was also opened by Uncle Ouyang!"

"Ha ha, I didn't drive here, and I can't afford it! My business is in BJ City. This Dingtai antique business is the ancestral business of our Ouyang family, but the business is a little bleak during this period, so my family arranged for me to manage it for the time being!"

"Oh, you came back in time! If you go to my mother's birthday party tomorrow, my old man must be very happy!"

"Okay, I will definitely surprise them! But Swallow, are you still blaming your father? After so many years, you don't have to blame him so much. Maybe he didn't mean it!"

Mu Yunfei found that Shen Yan seemed to be at odds with her father before, so he asked:

"Sister Shen, who are you and your father?"

"Well, it's not a good thing that the old man did. I hate him so much!"

Mu Yunfei said that it must have done something wrong to her mother for a while, so she has always hated her father in her heart. Such things often happen in society!

Looking at Mu Yunfei who looked like this, Ouyang Yu laughed and said in Mu Yunfei's puzzled eyes:

"Yunfei, you must think that Yanzi's father did something wrong to her mother! Haha, it's not that bad. My Shenqi brother is not a big-hearted radish. On the contrary, he is a good husband and a good father. As for why the swallow still blames her father now, it is because of a steamed bun!"

"A steamed bun?" Mu Yunfei said in surprise.

"Not bad, a steamed bun! That is, ten years ago, Shen Qi was just a small street vendor, making a couple snack stall. Making steamed buns, steamed dumplings, wontons, etc. The snacks made by the couple are definitely the best snacks I have ever eaten!

I remember it was probably the summer ten years ago, and it was almost evening. Not long after my sister-in-law returned to the shop after school, I also went to their place, because I just received a project that day. I was excited to find Shen Qi to work together, which is more than setting up a stall! When he was about to close the stall, a five-year-old boy came and said he wanted to buy a steamed bun..."

At this time, Shen Yan stood up and interrupted Ouyang Yu's words and said angrily:

"I will tell you, Uncle Ouyang, I have never forgotten what happened that day! My old man sold a steamed bun to his little brother. Who would have thought that the little brother happily took a few steps with the steamed bread? The old man suddenly rushed up, grabbed the steamed bread in his little brother's hand, threw it on the ground, and stepped on a few feet fiercely! Then he said something to the little brother. I think the little brother must be very sad that day! Yunfei, tell me, is it embarrassing for me to have such a father? I'm sad not for my father, but for that little brother. I haven't seen him since then!"

Mu Yunfei did not answer Shen Yan's words. He lowered his head as if he was recalling something, and then said in a serious face:

"Actually, that little brother was neither sad nor sad. On the contrary, he was particularly happy! Your father grabbed the little brother's steamed bread and stepped on the ground a few feet on the ground and said to the little brother, 'Little brother, this steamed bread is gone and spoiled, so it can't be eaten. You, come back tomorrow, and I'll leave you a big steamed bun, okay? The little brother replied, 'Well, thank you, uncle!' So Sister Shen, you don't have to blame your father, because your father is not only a good father and a good husband, but also a responsible person! You must be curious about how I know? Because I'm that little brother!"

After Mu Yunfei finished speaking, he suddenly laughed and even burst into tears. While rubbing his smiling stomach, he said:

"I thought it was a bloody case caused by a steamed bun! Laughing me to death! So it's because of me! Haha!"

Looking at Mu Yunfei's appearance, Shen Yan raised her right hand and stretched out to Mu Yunfei's left arm. It seemed that she wanted to use her must-kill skill "two fingers pinching", and said fiercely in her mouth:

"Well, Yunfei, it turned out that the little brother was you. Why didn't you tell me earlier? It made me sad for you for ten years! If you dare to laugh, it may really be a bloody case caused by steamed bread!"

"How do I know you are the uncle's daughter! Ah, stop it, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts!"

Ouyang Yu looked at the two little people in the midst of laughter and fighting, and sighed in his heart that fate was really wonderful! I don't know whether Brother Qingyun is alive or dead. It's been almost 15 years, and there has been no news for 15 years, alas~

"Ouyang Uncle, Ouyang Uncle?"

Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I suddenly lost my mind. In the way, if you want any gift, you can go out with Xiaoyu to choose. Today, uncle will make the decision for you and give you a 50% discount! But Yunfei stayed, and I have something to tell him!"

"Okay, that can save a sum of money, hehe!"

Watching Shen Yan go out with the waiter, Mu Yunfei listened to Ouyang Yu say:

"There is no outsider now, Yunfei, tell me, have you tempered?"

"Well, so are you, Uncle Ouyang. I just saw you outside for the first time, and I seemed to feel it! But it was only for a moment, but why didn't you feel any airflow later?

"That's because I deliberately made a real breath! Yunfei, I think you are so young and now the first step in refining gas. It seems that you must have been practicing since you were a child, right?

"No, I've only practiced for four months!"

Ouyang Yu suddenly jumped up like a cat with its tail stepped on. Before Mu Yunfei could see his movements clearly, Ouyang Yu came to him, grasped his shoulders tightly with both hands, and shouted in disbelief:

"What? It's only four months, how can it be?"

Looking at Mu Yunfei's hoarse and grinning and painful expression, Ouyang Yu also realized his gaffe and quickly loosened his hands. He turned around and sat down in the original empty seat of Shen Yan. After thinking for a moment, he said:

"Then who is your master?"

"This, this, Uncle Ouyang, I can't say!"

Originally, Mu Yunfei wanted to say it, but the two masters told them when they left that they should not mention them in front of anyone before actually entering the mountain gate. Looking at Mu Yunfei, who hesitated at this moment, Ouyang Yu's heart also made it clear that maybe some outsiders don't want to publicize it, so it's not difficult for Mu Yunfei to say with a smile:

"Yunfei, maybe your master doesn't want ordinary people to know! It doesn't matter! By the way, Yunfei, I have a book here. Take it back and figure it out. At least for you now, you can learn some self-defense!"

After saying that, he stood up and came to the two rows of bookshelves, took out a set of "Four Library Books" and opened the box. There was only one thin booklet lying in it. The pages of this booklet were slightly yellowed, and it must have been a certain number of years! Ouyang Yu took it out and handed it over to Mu Yunfei's hand.

Mu Yunfei flipped through the title of the book Iron Fist at will. Although it is an ancient book, it is still written in official books, and it should barely be understandable! Judging from the title of the book, it is a secret of martial arts! This is what Mu Yunfei dreamed of, and it is a real ancient martial art! Looking excitedly at Ouyang Yu and didn't know what to say, he couldn't hold back for a long time, and finally two words popped up in his mouth:

"Thank you!"

"Haha, you're welcome. Everyone is predestined. Besides, this book did not belong to me. It was modified by a friend of mine based on the inspiration of the Buddha's cultivation of Vajra Fumoquan, which is very practical! It can not only learn to prevent itself, but also speed up the concentration of true qi in the body! While the swallow is picking a gift, I'll explain it to you by the way!"

Through Ouyang Yu's explanation and simple demonstration, Mu Yunfei quickly mastered the essentials and tricks of Iron Fist. Next, he just need to practice more after going back! Iron fist, an ancient martial art, is an attack move that uses true qi on fists, elbows, knees and feet. It is divided into 36 moves and is famous for being strong and powerful. Its essentials are six words "far fists and feet, near elbows and knees", which means that what is a certain distance from people is the attack of fists and feet, and behind it is attacked with elbows and knees.

As time passed, Shen Yan also picked out the gift and returned to Ouyang Yu's office. The three chatted for a moment. After meeting at tomorrow's birthday, Ouyang Yu kept sending them to the gate and whispered to Mu Yunfei:

"Yunfei, Wu Jiachangyun, 'Fist a thousand times, the body is natural!' Remember! Remember!"

"Well, I wrote it down! Then Uncle Ouyang, let's say goodbye first. See you tomorrow!"