Legend of the God

Chapter 12 Demon King - Summer Life

Look at this W County, which is like a phoenix nirvana and reborn in the fire. Mu Yunfei sighed with emotion! This is the "summer life" arranged by Zhang Li for him!

After Shen Yan's mother's birthday party, Zhang Li took Mu Yunfei and Shen Yan to this W county together.

On May 12, 2008, an 8.0-magnitude earthquake occurred in W County, SC Province, which was the most affected earthquake since the founding of China. The directly severely affected area reached 100,000 square kilometers, killing more than 69,000 people, and direct economic losses of more than 800 billion yuan.

Entering the W county seat in the alpine canyon, the originally dilapidated city has hesitated to "change its face" in Sichuan opera, which can't help but make Mu Yunfei feel like he is in a dream. Here, not only the architecture stands, but also the confidence in China. Those buildings seem to represent the national flag and the hearts of hundreds of millions of people!

The original small city W has a population of less than 20,000, and the city basically has no overall plan! Now, high-standard hospitals, schools, gymnasiums and other places have been built. On rainy days, children don't have to wear a rain cloth and walk dozens of miles on the muddy and steep mountain road before they can go to temporary school.

While supporting all parties, the people in the disaster area are not waiting. They are self-reliable and building their own homes. Do your own strength, sweat, and do your own things by yourself. "With hands, feet and life, you can overcome great difficulties." Slogan like this can be seen everywhere in the county!

Mu Yunfei and the other three came to the center of the rebuilt W county, which was one of the main destinations of their trip. There are two iconic buildings, one is the earthquake memorial and the other is the earthquake memorial.

The Earthquake Memorial Museum records the rescue process from national leaders to soldiers and ordinary people, hundreds of millions of people in China, as well as the selfless assistance of international friends. Countless disaster-stricken objects are preserved. Mu Yunfei and the three of them felt deeply saddened by the heavy damage caused by the earthquake to their compatriots, but the deeds that emerged in the rescue brought them strong encouragement and emotion.

Out of the earthquake memorial hall, Mu Yunfei slowly circled around the towering monument and carefully looked at the relief scenes depicted on each side and a touching story about the earthquake. Shen Yan had already cried like a tearful person. This monument not only records the painful historical moment, but also promotes the indomitable spirit of the Chinese people. It is like a red candle, comforting those countless lives that have passed away and igniting good hopes for the living.

After a simple lunch, Zhang Li took Mu Yunfei and Shen Yan to the mountains in order to see the current life of the mountain people there.

The originally lush mountains revealed countless deep ravines due to the earthquake, which is frightening. The three walked for nearly two hours. Beautiful women like Zhang Li and Shen Yan couldn't stand it. Shen Yan, who couldn't walk, found a smooth rock and sat down and gasped for Mu Yunfei:

"Yunfei, why aren't you tired at all? Look at me and Sister Li, I'm dying!"

"Who told you and Mr. Zhang not to exercise at ordinary times! Haha, let's complain now!" Mu Yunfei said with a laugh.

"Hmm, stinky clouds fly, let you laugh at me!" Shen Yan picked up the pebble beside her and kept throwing it at Mu Yunfei. Mu Yunfei dodged and shouted:

"I dodge, I dodge, I dodged again!"

Zhang Li looked at the two noisy little guys and smiled and said to herself that she would never feel lonely with them. Suddenly, she looked at the crack in the rock behind the weeds flying behind Mu Yun and quickly shouted:

"Xiaofei, be careful..."

Before he finished shouting, Mu Yunfei fell directly in. Shen Yan, who was still laughing and throwing stones at Mu Yunfei, was suddenly stunned, and then shouted and rushed over. He lay on the ground and cried under the huge crack of the rock:

"Yunfei, where are you? You talk! You talk!"

The crack in the rock seemed to be very deep, and the echo could still be heard. Now Shen Yan became more anxious and shouted incoherently to Zhang Li:

"Sister Li, what's the matter! Yunfei won't, no, I killed him, it's not my fault, Sister Li, woo~!"

"You wait here. I'll go back to the city now and find some people!"

After saying that, Zhang Li quickly got up and was about to turn around and leave. Suddenly, she heard a scream, and then suddenly heard Mu Yunfei's voice coming from the crack in the rock.

"Mr. Zhang, Sister Shen, I'm fine!"

"Yunfei, are you all right! Did you hurt anything?" At this time, Shen Yan burst into tears and laughed, but Mu Yunfei's screams before, thought that he had fallen and were injured, so he quickly asked with concern.

"It's okay. There is a thick hay underneath, so it's not hurt, but it seems to be very high!"

"Then why did you scream just now?"

"Didn't I also be scared, that's why I shouted. Think of a way and let me out!"

After confirming that Mu Yunfei was fine, Zhang Li and Shen Yan were relieved at the same time, but how could Mu Yun fly out? Zhang Li still has many ways. Although there are few big trees in this barren mountain, the ground and small trees are covered with two-finger thick vines, which are quite strong. So the two started their hands. It took them three hours to see that the sun was about to set, so they made a ten-meter rattan rope, and then slowly put it into the crack in the rock.

"Okay! You guys pull it!" Mu Yunfei grabbed the rattan rope and tied it to his waist, gently pulled it down and shouted.

Zhang Li was in trouble with the rattan rope in her hand. How could she pull Mu Yunfei by the two of them? Even if you use the lever principle, you still need to find the fulcrum! At this time, she saw the big stone that Shen Yan had just sat on, so she wrapped the rattan rope, and then pulled it back, one left and one right. Looking at the rattan rope being pulled little by little, the two also retreated little like the direction of the rock crevice where Mu Yunfei was, only two meters away, looking at Mu Yunfei It could come out of this crack, but it suddenly changed. The rattan rope wrapped around the stone suddenly slipped out. Zhang Li and Shen Yan couldn't stop and suddenly retreated straight back.

"Oh, it hurts!"

"I'll rub it for you! Alas, I didn't expect that all three of us fell down. Now it's okay. It seems that we are going to die here!" Mu Yunfei rubbed Shen Yan's injured right leg and shook his head with a wry smile.

Zhang Li stood up, took out a flashlight from her backpack, looked under the dark rock crack, and then said:

"It is impossible to die old, and starvation is certain! However, you see, there seems to be a passage here, which may have been produced by the earthquake. Instead of waiting to die here, it's better to walk forward and maybe you can go out!"

"Okay, Mr. Zhang, you hit the flashlight. I'm carrying Sister Shen on my back. We're leaving now!"

In this way, the three of them groped through the uneven passage. After walking for a long time, Mu Yunfei saw Zhang Li suddenly stop and asked with some doubts:

"Why didn't Mr. Zhang leave?"

After Zhang Li raised her flashlight and took a photo of the mountain wall of the passage, she said excitedly:

"The original channel was caused by cracks caused by earthquakes, and I'm worried about whether we can go out! But look at the stone wall now, there are obviously artificially carved marks, indicating that there is a passage in the belly of the mountain, so you can definitely go out!"

"Oh, then we don't want to go!"

"Well, let's go!"

But before taking a few steps, Mu Yunfei stopped instead, and Shen Yan on his back asked:

"Yunfei, why did you stop? What's wrong?" Zhang Li looked at Mu Yunfei puzzledly and saw Mu Yunfei gently put Shen Yan down and put the index finger of his right hand on his mouth.


Since reaching the first step of refining gas, Mu Yunfei's ear power has also improved a lot. He faintly heard a sound, so he put his ear against the stone wall of the channel, listened, frowned and said:

"There is a sound in front of you, maybe people, maybe something else!"

"Ah!" After shouting, Shen Yan quickly covered her mouth, looked left and right, and her eyes turned around, and said in horror:

"Yunfei, isn't it a beast?"

"Wait here. I'll go to the front and have a look first!"

"Xiaofei, then be careful!"

Mu Yunfei took out a flashlight and walked forward. After walking nearly 100 meters, the sound became clearer and clearer, as if it was a human voice, so he accelerated his pace. After walking 50 meters, a little light appeared in front of him, and he was a little excited! The flashlight was extinguished, and the cat slowly moved its waist towards the bright light. What disappointed him was that it was not an exit, but a big cave. Opposite this big cave also has a hole that looks like where he is now. I don't know where it leads! And in this big cave lies countless strange-shaped bodies, with dark red blood and scattered internal organs scattered all over the stone land! It was the first time that Mu Yunfei saw such a bloody scene so real that he covered his mouth with his hands and couldn't help vomiting.

There were four people standing in the cave, three of whom were dressed as Taoist priests, and there was a bald monk in gray robes. One of the Taoist priests in green robes said:

"Brother Molin, I didn't expect that there were so many corpse-eating demons, and they were already in the spiritual period. It seems that there are more powerful guys in this demon cave!"

"Well, the level of the demon gate is strict, and the corpse-eating demon will not appear alone, so we must be careful next! And I always feel that this mountain is not that simple. Who, come out!"

The red-robed Taoist priest known as Molin looked at the hole where Mu Yunfei was hiding at this moment and said harshly.