Legend of the God

Chapter 116 Hanging Order - Dragon Ball

This is often the case in the world. It will not develop as you expected. Mu Yunfei ran all the way with Turin. When he was about to enter the woods less than five feet away, a huge net made of thousands of yellow rays instantly caged the two people from around.

What is thorough? Not only is there a land that knows these five elements, but also has the ability to travel thousands of miles a day! And for the application of the five elements of earth. Looking at the overwhelming Gopher army that launched an attack at any time, Mu Yunfei and the two were ready to let go at this time.

"Squeak! Squeak!"

This roar, which is a hundred times louder than that of ordinary mice, suddenly echoed over the swamp.

"Ha, for thousands of years, you two are the only human monks I have seen who dared to enter my gopher territory so blatantly. With this courage, I also deeply admire it!" As the slightly sharp voice fell, the gophers who were going to attack closed their mouths, put away their long shining teeth, and consciously retreated, and a passage appeared in the team. I saw a thin old man with fluffy hair and wrinkled faces hanging on his face, and his right hand kept stroding a pinch of short and sparse beard on his chin, and slowly walked towards Mu Yunfei and the two of them!

With the appearance of this seemingly harmless old man, Mu Yunfei felt unprecedented pressure and couldn't help saying in his heart, is this old man the king of the rats? Thinking of this, Mu Yunfei turned the gas swirl in the four life wheels to deal with this battle that was almost doomed to be lifeless no matter how you look at it.

When the Rat King gently waved his right hand down, the Gophers showed their sharp teeth again and recircled them. At this time, Turin, who had never made a sound, suddenly stood in front of Mu Yunfei, holding the ball born with him and engraved with the word Turin!

Although Turin still doesn't understand the use of this bead now, every time he holds the bead, there will be a vague sound in his mind, but he just can't hear it!

At this time, a strong cyan light burst out from the beads in Turin's hand. The cyan light was like the water lines produced by stones thrown into the calm lake, quickly spreading around Turin as the center.

The Gophers, who were originally fierce and ready to move, suddenly calmed down after touching the light and crawled on the ground like kings worshipping them! It's just that the object of this worship is not the shocked Rat King at this moment, but Turin!

When the light of the beads dissipated, Mu Yunfei, who was quick-eyed, steadily caught Turin, who seemed to faint after a war. After quickly checking it and there was nothing strange, Mu Yunfei was relieved.

After a long time, the Rat King finally came to his senses and roared again. The army of gophers retreated like a tide in an instant!

Is that the end! What's going on? Looking at Mu Yunfei's puzzled eyes, the Rat King said with uncontrollable excitement on his face:

"Come with me!"

Following the footsteps of the Rat King, Mu Yunfei hugged Turin, who was still unconscious, and entered the woods not far away. After walking for about an hour, after crossing a stream in the forest, the scenery in front of Mu Yunfei changed rapidly and had just shuttled through the gloomy woods under the night, and now it seems to be a gentle span, as if it has crossed the whole night.

Mu Yunfei looked at it and couldn't believe his eyes. He saw white clouds circulating in the apricot forest like running water, and flowers blooming on the land full of green vines, competing for beauty. Surprisingly, there are willows on the banks of the Yangtze River in this bitter cold place in the northwest... All this makes people feel like they are in a fairyland.

"I'm back, come out quickly!"

It is rare to have the opportunity to feel this quiet and peaceful Mu Yunfei, but it was broken by the sharp and harsh shout of the Rat King. Soon, three women and two men suddenly appeared in front of Mu Yunfei, as if they were already here. The woman is dignified and beautiful, and charming! The man is gentle, but he can't hide the powerful power hidden in his thin body. The five people shouted at the Rat King:

"Big brother!"

Big brother? Mu Yunfei only felt hot on his head, and the pores all over his body seemed to open in an instant. Sweat had flowed down his cheeks. He shouted in his heart, "Damn, I just wanted to go into this forest to hide from those damn mice. This is still someone's nest for a long time!

The Rat King looked at Mu Yunfei's awkward appearance at this moment, couldn't help smiling secretly, and then waved his hand. Several tables and chairs appeared on the open space with a bed. Mu Yunfei put Turin behind the ** at the signal of the Rat King and sat around the crowd.

In the next detailed description of Rat King, Mu Yunfei finally understood everything. In fact, this old man is not only the king of the gopher, but also a ten-thousand-year-old monster with demon yuan. His strength is not much stronger than those so-called fairy beasts. The three women and two men, namely Hualing, Liu Xu, Lanxian, Teng Le and Xinglin, are the most powerful existence of the goblins currently stranded in the human world.

There are so many poisonous dreams in the depths of the swamp. It is normal for such powerful goblins and monsters, so it is not worth surprising Mu Yunfei. What really shakes his heart is what the rat king said in his mouth, the round bead that appeared in Turin's hand! That round bead turned out to be the inheritance jewel of the Holy Green Dragon family!

Although the green dragon is one of the holy beasts, he was indeed a veritable demon emperor in ancient times! In the world, except for those ancient fierce beasts, no demon dares to touch the demon emperor's green dragon reverse scales, and touch them to death!

Mu Yunfei shook his confused head and wanted to throw away the terrible idea that Turin might be a descendant of the Qinglong clan. But from Turin's incredible "egg birth" to becoming a "golden killer" who died so many golden elixir masters, it seems to prove his extraordinary!

During the subsequent conversation, Mu Yunfei also raised his own questions. Since the goblins are also monsters, why didn't they join the demon family? The Rat King seemed disdainful of this issue, but only responded lightly in response that the so-called demon gate was just established after Qinglong's departure. What prestige is there and what qualification is the right to command the whole monster clan! But at the same time, the words of the Rat King also revealed that if Turin is really the one chosen by the heirloom of the Green Dragon clan, then he is qualified to lead the five worlds of demons!

What Mu Yunfei wants to know most about the poisonous dream is the poisonous red clam, but the answer he got was obviously beyond his expectation.

In this poisonous dream swamp, it is divided into two major forces. One is the goblin family, which is dominated by trees and vine monsters. They live in the east of the swamp and take this "dream" as their mansion! And another force is the poisonous monster led by Mu Yunfei's target this time. Living in the west of the swamp, in the "Poison Valley".

For ordinary people, there are too many ways to get in and out of this poisonous dream swamp, but for monks or monsters, there is only the entrance and exit when Mu Yunfei comes to Turin.

In ancient times, the poisonous beasts in the swamp often haunted the human world, resulting in the loss of life, and the kind goblins living in the swamp spontaneously organized to guard this only way out. In the following millions of years, the two forces carried out countless offensive and defensive wars.

At first, the goblins were not the opponents of poisonous monsters, and they had to pay a heavy price every time. It was not until the goblin or the poisonous monster joined the goblin camp that no one looked up to before it was able to win back the decline. Since then, people have had to reassess the gophers like an army.

With the issuance of the edict of the Immortal World, many monsters that have become demons have left here. Therefore, there has been no large-scale fight since then. Now that those have been dormant for a long time, the descendants of poisonous monsters have begun to feel restless again. In recent years, they have begun to constantly harass and tentatively attack "dreams". And the goblin family can only control the situation under the leadership of the Rat King.

The only way to treat both symptoms and root causes is to kill the poisonous red clam! So in front of the demons, who should be killed and how should they be killed? This poisonous red clam is an ancient beast, although its real strength is not as strong as that of the Rat King! However, under the rules of the human world, it can only exert the strength of the Yuanying period. With its inherent fire poison, the red clam can rarely become its opponent. Unless the opponent has a way to resist the fire poison, it will only be defeated. Fortunately, this poisonous red clam never leaves the "Poison Valley"!

After understanding everything, Mu Yunfei was silent. From the beginning, he got the elixir formula that could remove the poison of the forbidden spirit, to the task that seemed impossible to complete now. The gap in his heart was too huge. If it is true as the Rat King said, it is almost impossible to get the "poisonous fire beads". Will you give up? It is even more impossible for Mu Yunfei to accept it.

After taking a look at Turin lying on the stone bed and still sleeping, Mu Yunfei couldn't help touching the spirit on his left wrist and said to himself, if there is a try!

I don't know when Mu Yunfei had a trace of dependence on the tao��, which is not good or bad for him...