Legend of the God

Chapter 117 Hanging Order - Human Face Poisonous Spider

"Yunfei, there is Poison Valley in front of you! You, alas~, forget it, it's useless to persuade you. Remember to be careful. If you can't, come out immediately, don't be stubborn!"

The Rat King flew out of his dream with Muyun and carried out the art of earth. About two hours later, the two appeared in the woods outside the Poison Valley. It's not that the Rat King doesn't want to take Mu Yunfei directly into the Poison Valley, but that he can't. In addition to poisons everywhere, there are also magic arrays to defend the sky and the ground in this poisonous valley, mainly to prevent the raid of the goblins! In fact, the dream as the habitat of the goblins is the same.

Mu Yunfei nodded slightly to the Rat King, which means don't worry! Then the cat jumped straight forward. With the growth of strength, Mu Yunfei has completely exerted the true essence of this day's speed and illusion. At this moment, it is no longer possible to track Mu Yunfei's movements and position with the naked eye. Only with the slightly swinging weeds can we roughly judge Mu Yunfei's general movement trajectory.

Originally, Mu Yunfei thought that if he wanted to enter the Poison Valley, several tough battles would inevitably be fought. However, to his surprise, so far after entering this poisonous valley, not to mention the appearance of poisonous beasts, even ordinary beasts have never seen them. This made Mu Yunfei's heart very puzzled. Is this really a poison valley? Although Mu Yunfei thought so, he knew that the Rat King could not be wrong.

After walking for a while, Mu Yunfei stopped in an open space scattered with countless rocks. After carefully looking at the rocks, he looked up at a towering mountain not far from here on the west side of the poisonous valley. Heart, isn't this so-called poisonous valley a very huge fire valley? Just as Mu Yun flew around the rocks and went to the volcano, about 30 huge red-black spiders stood in front of him blocking his way.

The eight long legs with circular lines are as thick as bamboo poles, slightly bent to support the huge body. When they move, their eight feet are spread out for nearly ten feet. Their hard shell is covered with red and black spots. Unlike ordinary spiders, they not only have a huge body, but also have a gorgeous human female. Subface, this is the "black spotted spider"! It is also called "human-faced poisonous spider"!

In the dream, Mu Yunfei made up for the main poisonous beasts in the Poison Valley under the patient description of the Rat King. This human-faced poisonous spider is one of the most difficult poisonous monsters. Although the strength of this human-faced poisonous spider is only in the middle of the spirit, which is equivalent to the monk in the early stage of Ningdan, which is a level worse than that of Mu Yunfei, who actually has the middle cultivation of Ningdan, it relies not only on the tough spider silk like the silver spider in the death swamp, but also the black spider silk with strong corrosive toxins and giants. Great stickiness.

If it is one-on-one, it is also very simple for Mu Yunfei to kill him with his flexible Tianmiko, sharp boxing sword and Qinglan armor. But at this moment, he has to face more than 30, which has to make Mu Yunfei cautious. Fortunately, there is no such number of poisonous spiders as Gophers, otherwise Mu Yunfei will only have a dead end. Mu Yunfei kept warning himself to stay calm and concentrate, raising his sight and hearing to the highest and most sensitive state.

The human-faced poisonous spider took the lead in launching the attack, and 30 black rays spewed out of their mouths and flew to the wooden clouds from different directions and angles. Mu Yunfei sometimes dodged left and right, and sometimes squatted down and jumped up, which was also regarded as avoiding these black lights.

However, before Mu Yunfei breathed a sigh of relief, he felt a heartache from his left hand back. He quickly raised his hand and saw a two-finger-wide blue and black wound on the back of his hand, and black blood was constantly flowing out. For this short moment, the whole left palm was black. And it continues to spread upward. It's poison! Mu Yunfei quickly closed the blood and big hole of the whole left arm. Although Mu Yunfei was equivalent to abolishing his left hand at this moment, he finally stopped the spread of the toxin.

As the blood dripped, Mu Yunfei found that he seemed to easily avoid those black lights before. In fact, the real goal was not himself, but their opponents. That is, the black light shot by one of the human-faced poisonous spiders passed through the position where Mu Yunfei stood and reached the mouth of the human-faced spider on the other side. When Mu Yunfei dodged, it had unconsciously woven into a huge cobweb.

After teaching the power of the spider silk, Mu Yunfei, who was trapped in the cobweb, did not dare to move a step. He just tried to force the poison on his left arm out, but how could the human-faced poisonous spider give him a chance? The second wave of black spider silk spewed out again.

The predation method of spiders is to trap the prey with its pre-woven cobwebs, and then kill it in the most confident way. Finally, you can slowly enjoy its food. Human-faced poisonous spiders have the same commonality. The first wave of attacks was to weave a web to restrict Mu Yunfei's action. Fortunately, Mu Yunfei did not move randomly, otherwise there was no need for the human-faced poisonous spider to attack again, and Mu Yunfei would also be killed by these more and more struggling poisonous threads.

The second wave of black spider silk is no longer slender, like sharp spears, and this time the target is Mu Yunfei. Looking at Mu Yunfei, who was moving and dying, a satisfying smile after enjoying the food appeared on the face of the human-faced poisonous spider, but soon the smile condensed in an instant. Because I saw that the "prey" of my hand disappeared in place!

Just as the human-faced poisonous spiders looked at each other, two people suddenly came to the land behind them. The young man was Mu Yunfei, and the old man beside him was actually the Rat King. It turned out that the Rat King knew that he had not persuaded Mu Yunfei, so he simply let him suffer a loss, so he had been secretly following Mu Yunfei in case of accidents. Therefore, when Mu Yunfei was in danger, the Rat King used the technique of the earth to save him in time.

stroking his unconscious left arm, Mu Yunfei took a look at the human-faced poisonous spiders that saw the rat queen's face retreating with fear, and asked the rat king in a low voice:

"Senior Rat King, I didn't expect these poisonous spider silk to be so powerful! What should I do now?"

The Rat King smiled and took out a black ruler from his slightly wide cuffs. Mu Yunfei looked at it and suddenly felt shocked and muttered to himself, isn't this the ruler with "green and poisonous" in Huanzhen's hand on Heming Mountain? No, although the appearance is ordinary, I remember that the ruler in Huanzhen's hand is engraved with a *, while the ruler in the hand of the Rat King is a blue dragon!

"Yunfei, use this! Remember the weakness of the human-faced poisonous spider in its vest!"

Temporarily put away the doubts in his heart. After taking the black ruler, Mu Yunfei waved it with one hand and went to the human face spider. Although I don't know what this black ruler is, from the perspective that it can easily cut off the poisonous wire, it must not be ordinary!

For a while, the death cry of the human-faced spiders echoed in the poison valley for a long time. Looking at Mu Yun's elegant pace and quick way of making moves, the Rat King narrowed his eyes and kept nodding his head with the moustache.

When Mu Yunfei inserted the black ruler in his hand into the back of the last human-faced spider, Poison Valley regained its previous silence. Mu Yunfei, with a little excitement on his face, turned around and found that the Rat King was thinking about something in place, so he went closer and said:

"Senior Rat King, what's wrong? Is there anything wrong?"

"Yunfei, originally there were no less than hundreds of big and small poisonous monsters in this poisonous valley, but now why only this human-faced spider appears, or at least nearly an hour has passed since entering the valley. Don't you think it's strange that no poisonous monsters have come to this fight?"

In fact, Mu Yunfei also realized that something was wrong when he entered the valley, but after all, he came for the first time, so he did not delve into it. Now when the Rat King mentions it again, he also feels incredible! After a while, both of them seemed to think of something, and their faces changed greatly, and they said at the same time:

"Let's go back to our dreams!"

is not in Poison Valley, so there is only one possibility that the poisonous monsters have launched a large-scale surprise attack on the dream goblins. However, just as the two were about to leave, they only heard a loud man's voice behind them:

"I said, old friend, we haven't seen each other for ten thousand years. Since you have come to my poisonous valley, there is no reason to leave as soon as you come! Stay a few more days so that I can enter into the landlord's friendship!"

The Rat King was suddenly stunned when he heard the sound, and Mu Yunfei turned around. The sound should come from a cave at the foot of the volcano. When he was neutral, he was surprised and said, "Is it a poisonous red clam! After thinking about it, he flew towards the cave with a hot mind. When the Rat King came to his senses, he found that it was too late for Mu Yunfei to stop this unwise move.


Mu Yunfei, who had just stepped into the mouth of the cave, only felt that a hot wave suddenly came out of the cave and had time to react. He only felt that his chest seemed to have been hit hard, and his body flew out unobediently.

Mu Yun, who was spewing blood in his mouth, flew high over the head of the incoming Rat King and fell heavily on the ground nearly ten feet away. Although it is protected by Qinglanjia, the strength of the poisonous red clam is far more than one level for Mu Yunfei. The whole person who suffered this blow can be imagined that he suffered was lucky not to die. His chest was already black, and a huge and faint claw print could be faintly seen in it.

At this time, Mu Yunfei had no time to erase the blood that was still oozing from the corners of his mouth. He barely supported himself with his intact right hand and stared straight at the hole.

What a big toad! Looking at a colorful poisonous clam slowly crawling out of the hole, Mu Yunfei couldn't help shouting in his heart.

And the poisonous red clam didn't even look at it. Mu Yunfei, who was easily released by his own slap, saw him jump gently, and the next moment he fell five feet away from the rat king. As he hummed, a flame-like gas shot out of his big nostrils, and then stretched out his big red tongue and licked it. A huge sunken scar on his forehead smiled at the Rat King:

"Old friend, do you remember this mark? It makes me remember you all the time!"