Legend of the God

Chapter 162 Yin Division - Rashomon

It has been three hours, and the blood moon is also close to the western end! But the red cloud over the Black Blood Valley does not seem to disperse, and at this moment, it seems to have been ignited by the fire, becoming more and more red!

And under this red cloud, Xuanyin Valley is performing what may be the funniest thing since the birth of the underworld! Mu Yunfei, dressed in a cyan gown, kept throwing Zhang Yao at the fiery ghost, and then it was so fast that it was not visible to the naked eye. Before the fiery ghost launched an attack on Zhang Yao, he took it back, and then kept repeating the previous action.

How is this possible! Didn't the boss lose all his skills? Why is there so much strength that I don't even have room to resist? And this speed is too fast, isn't it? Zhang Yao, with these three questions in his mind, is "soaring" back and forth in Xuanyin Valley at this moment.

Don't say that Zhang Yao doesn't understand, and he is so inspired that he is puzzled. Even Mu Yunfei doesn't understand why! Normally, Mu Yunfei's seven life wheels are at a standstill, and it is impossible to have such an ability with the trace of mobilization of the meager aura in the veins.

But Mu Yunfei is not unfamiliar with this speed and power, which is exactly the same effect as when it was combined before. I'm afraid that the only thing that can be explained is the yuan god that still exists in Mu Yunfei's soul space. But today's yuan god is still recovering and sleeping because of the self-explosion, Mu Yunfei has no way to know.

And those fiery ghosts who were teased like this by Mu Yunfei finally got angry. From the vicinity of the ghost gate to the current position near the mouth of the valley, the three columns of fiery ghosts were almost taken around the whole Xuanyin Valley by Mu Yunfei!

An hour later, perhaps because of too much consumption, Mu Yunfei's physical strength seemed to be difficult to maintain this high-speed movement, so his body became slower and slower. Finally, he simply stopped less than five feet away from the fiery ghost and near the mountain wall. Of course, the fiery ghosts will not let go of such an opportunity. The three teams immediately advanced in the direction of Mu Yunfei.

Mu Yunfei, who seemed to be desperate, looked around and a smile appeared on the corners of his mouth with his head slightly lowered. He secretly shouted in his heart, almost done!

Zhang Yao, who was regarded as a ball, seemed to be numb to Mu Yunfei's behavior. When Mu Yunfei threw it out again, he had no idea, because from childhood to age, no matter what, he had always been convinced of Mu Yunfei!

At this moment, Mu Yunfei's face was half tired. He took a step forward and immediately disappeared in place. The next moment, he had brought Zhang Yao back from the sun fire shot by the first line of the fiery ghost, and stood sideways in front of the crack in the mountain wall not far from his original position. The fiery ghosts of the second and third lines were unknown, and two hot suns chased Mu Yunfei's figure at the same time.


The sound of a gas tank bursting from the crack spread all over the Xuanyin Valley, and the equally hot hellfire poured into the valley like a river. In fact, all this had been expected by Mu Yunfei. His previous move was to use Zhang Yao with fiery ghosts to release yang fire in the Xuanyin Valley, in order to reduce the yin spirit in the valley. When the delicate balance was completely broken, the hellfire passed through the crack smoothly and quickly spread into the valley without any obstruction.

"Second brother, go back!"

Turin, not far away, saw the overwhelming hellfire and shouted when it rushed to the wooden cloud closest to the crack at this time. And Mu Yunfei's face didn't care, and he was still so calm and calm. He snapped his fingers in a hurry, and a huge red flag immediately emerged from behind him.

This is the soul-eating flag that devoured and refined the soul fire of the fierce beast! However, the current soul-eating flag has evolved from twelve faces to nine sides after absorbing 30% of the soul fire. After the war with Zhu Qian, the nine soul-eating flags have been completely integrated. Unfortunately, although today's soul-eating flag has become a dual-attribute magic weapon for defense and attack, it has lost its role in devouring souls! Fortunately, it has another magical effect that has never been heard in the five worlds, that is, to strengthen and protect the soul space, which can effectively defend against the attack of the soul space by a level higher than itself! In order to commemorate the night, Mu Yunfei called it the "Night Flag"!

Although the night spirit flag no longer devours the soul and the existence of ghosts such as soul fire, the hellfire seems to be very afraid of it. At this moment, it dodged Mu Yunfei and Zhang Yao and went towards the nearly 1,000 fiery ghosts.

Perhaps because of the same fire, these fiery ghosts did not make any concessions from the spreading hellfire, but when more than a hundred fiery ghosts had not reacted and were swallowed up by the hellfire, the remaining fiery ghosts knew that the inconspicuous hellfire was so powerful.

In order to suppress the spread speed of hellfire, the fiery ghosts united one by one and kept releasing the yang fire, hoping to completely dispel the hellfire by using the method of yang and yin. Unexpectedly, the fire did not dissipate, but devoured all the yang fire they released.

The former Xuanyin Valley, the place where Guiluosha lived, is now shrouded in a sea of fire. To Mu Yunfei's surprise, after devouring the sun fire of the fiery ghost, the hellfire slowly transformed from its own blue and red to red. And the beating, the ubiquitous flame suddenly rose nearly 20 feet high. From a distance, these flames seemed to be closely connected to the red cloud above the head.

Seeing nowhere to escape, the only thing the fiery ghosts can do is to rush back to the door of fierce ghosts. However, it is difficult to come out and go back easily. Before the fiery ghost stepped into the ghost gate, the previous flame gates closed at the same time and slowly moved to the same place. And hellfire is like a full puppy, bulging its belly and slowly returning to the Hell Valley with its buttocks. In this way, the flames and fiery ghosts in the Xuanyin Valley disappeared in an instant!

In the Xuanyin Valley, which regained sight again, a five-foot-high and three-foot-wide lacquered gate stood in front of Mu Yunfei and the three people. The appearance seems majestic, but it is a little dilapidated and looks extremely desolate and gloomy. There are skeletons scattered on the steps outside the door. Some of them are still complete, and some of them can't tell whether they are human or beasts!

There are three cut heads hanging directly above its lintel. From left to right, there are men, women and children. Under the lintel is a closed black door. On the left are images of people, demons, demons, ghosts and other images depicted with white lines. Although they are of different races, they are all sitting together. What a quiet and peaceful !

and on the right is a picture of hell on earth depicted with a red line. The scenes of war, famine, killing and cooking of the same race are so vivid, and each face shows a painful expression of death and the final struggle.

" boss, look, there are still words there!"

Zhang Yao's eyes were still sharp, and he found that there were half of the stone tablets lying obliquely among the broken bones outside the gate, engraved with unknown ancient characters. Mu Yunfei, who saw the ancient text, had an occupational disease again. Regardless of the current occasion and whether it was dangerous or not, he went straight to the high steps, removed the broken bones, blew away the dust on the stone tablet, and studied it carefully.

How can this be? Is it possible that this so-called door of fierce ghosts is actually the legendary Rashomon who lives in gloomy and ghosts! Mu Yunfei was stunned at this moment and turned his trembling body and roared at Zhang Yao and Turin:

"It's Rashomon, run away!"

About this Luoshengmen, Mu Yunfei has heard Duan Mupeng's detailed introduction that it is the door to control life and death. It is one of the few spiritual treasures in the Yinsi Mansion. Not everyone knows who its owner is, but everyone who has seen Luoshengmen, whether it is human or ghosts, has long been scattered!

When Rashomon appears in the human world, he can deprive him of any life it wants, and can also return it! But if Rashomon appears in the underworld, then it will only be accompanied by real death!

What's more terrible is that as a spiritual treasure, Rashomon can kill all the spirits of life and death below the fairy level! Of course, to give full play to its real power, in addition to the maintenance of the yin spirit, it mainly depends on the strength of the user himself. If you have the strength of the Mahayana period, that is, the ghost practitioners of ghosts and fairies, you can give full play to its power 100%!

No matter who manipulates behind his back or what kind of strength that person has, the only way out in front of Mu Yunfei and others now is to escape! However, before Mu Yun flew down the steps, he only heard a creak, and the door of life and death had opened, and only a man's deep sigh floated out of the door. Mu Yunfei did not turn around, but stood still, and secretly shouted in his heart, isn't this sound made in the previous door and controlling the roar of those waves of fierce ghosts!?

"Kid, since you know my Rashomon, don't you know that you have to sacrifice with living things whenever it appears? So you and the one with the big knife stay!"