Legend of the God

Chapter 163 The Orgy - impermanence

The long black hair at the waist keeps drifting with the wind in the valley, and almost **'s body is engraved with the same pattern as the Rashomon lin, but the bloodless and pale face has eyes that seem to see through everything.

The man standing in front of Mu Yunfei and the three is the owner of Rashomon.

It's just that this person's body gives Mu Yunfei a feeling. Some illusory is not solid enough, as if it may disappear at any time. After discovering the crack on the mountain wall, the shock on his face flashed away, but he could not escape Mu Yunfei's eyes.

At this moment, he came to Turin, who had stood next to Mu Yunfei, crossed the heavenly knife in his hand and said angrily:

"Take us as sacrifices? Then you can ask me first whether the heavenly knife in my hand will agree or not!"

As soon as the words fell, the soaring Turin took the lead in launching an attack, and a move of "sphopping Huashan" went down to the man with a thousand powers. The man actually had no intention of avoiding at all, allowing the heavenly knife to be cut above his head.

An incredible scene happened. Turin, who thought he had made a successful surprise, suddenly found that the heavenly knife actually split the man's body without resistance, and secretly shouted in his heart, "No, it's a remnant!" Out of the instinct of fighting, Turin quickly turned around and listened to all directions in case the man's sudden attack.


Turino and Mu Yunfei were double-clicked out by a huge force, and Turin fell to the ground and spit out blood. It seemed that the injury was not light! If it hadn't been for Mu Yunfei's timely action, he would have been cut open and thought it was the fist waved by the shadow, otherwise Turin would not have been so lucky!

The earth suddenly trembled for no reason and ignored the three people with horror. The man looked at the crack connecting the two valleys again, stunned and didn't know what he was thinking!

Compared with Turin, Mu Yunfei was only slightly shocked. At this moment, he quickly came to Turin's side and took out the few remaining recovery pills and stuffed them into Turin's mouth again. After seeing its recovery, he turned to Zhang Yao with a meditative face and asked softly:

"Zhang Yao, what kind of move is this? What level does this person belong to among the fierce ghosts?

I seem to have seen this man somewhere! But where on earth is it? By the way, in the copywriting recorded by Miso Wucheng... Ah, how can this be possible! Zhang Yao didn't hear anything Mu Yunfei saying to him at all, because he was stunned by the man's appearance at this moment!

"Zhang Yao, what's wrong?"

It was not until Mu Yunfei came to his side and pulled off his sleeves that Zhang Yao woke up. In response to Mu Yunfei's inquiry, he flashed and responded vaguely:

"He, that! No, it's nothing!"

After taking a deep breath, Zhang Yao's slightly trembling mind calmed down slightly. He raised his left hand, tapped his left eye with his middle finger, and looked at the man again. After a while, Zhang Yao breathed a sigh of relief and said in his heart, no, it's not him. Although this man looks like the impermanence of the copy picture, it is still different!

If there is really any difference, it is strength! Zhang Yao in the early stage of ghosts and immortals used the unique "yin-gathering eyes" of advanced ghosts and immortals, which can not only see through the general illusions, but also clearly understand the cultivation of young people with their own cultivation! And the man in front of him looks like the impermanence of the ghost Rasha, but it is just the peak of the early stage of the ghost fairy, which is equivalent to the combination period of the earth immortals!

As we all know, the five emperors of the fairy tomb in the underworld were created by the prototype of the Holy Heavenly Reincarnation Emperor, and the strength between the two is comparable. May I ask, how can the impermanence of the emperor be a little ghost fairy?

But Zhang Yao is still very afraid of the domineering man with extraordinary people in front of him. After all, he is one level higher than Turin in cultivation and strength! Originally, in theory, he had his own magic weapon, and Turin also had a congenital magic weapon hammer in his hand. If the two of them put together, they would not be defeated! Unexpectedly, Turin was hit hard by his move, and after all, there was an unlaunched Rashomon behind the man!

At this time, the still man fiddled with his long hair, stretched out his pale and withered right hand and grabbed the void on the ground. A five-finger sound and complete palm bone suddenly floated up. After the white bone was held by him, there was a "sneer" sound as if the object had been ignited, and the whole palm bone suddenly burst into a blue fog from the inside to the outside.

At this moment, Zhang Yao can no longer describe everything he has seen in words! Those seemingly ordinary blue and blue gases in the eyes of Mu Yunfei and Turin are a higher layer of aura produced by the compression of Yin Lingqi - "Xuanyin Reiki"!

Although Xuanyin aura is born from the yin aura, it is not used for cultivation, but a necessary condition for a profound ghost cultivation to launch a stronger attack. Of course, Zhang Yao, as a ghost fairy, also has the ability to compress this Xuanyin aura, but his Xuanyin aura is at most primary, blue and black. It is absolutely impossible to achieve this blue that represents the high-level Xuanyin aura, and it is even more impossible to be so casual! Zhang Yao's newly relieved heart hung in his throat again at this time. He couldn't help but doubt the previous speculation, is this man a ghost and impermanence?

The man brushed the palm bone in front of his chest like a feather fan, looked at Turin, who was on guard after taking the recovery elixir, and said disdainfully:

"Ant is an ant, and you dare to shout at me with this ability! Well, I have now changed my mind and decided to kill the three of you and turn them into a plaything like this palm bone! Because even a waste like you is not even qualified to sacrifice to Rashomon!"

"Shut up!"

"Three brothers don't want it!"

In the face of the man's naked insult and provocation, Turin could no longer suppress the anger in his heart. Despite the pain and Mu Yunfei's obstruction, he roared and rushed up to the man again.

Although Turin is furious, it has not affected his judgment because of his emotions since he entered the Yinsi Mansion and has experienced countless battles along the way. And his extraordinary demon baby will not only not let Turin lose his mind in anger, but even turn that anger into his own strength. Therefore, the speed of Turin rising in the sky is significantly faster than before.

"The heaven is clear and the earth is turbid, starting from the sky!"

He just suffered a lot of hidden losses from the man, so Turin restored the heavenly knife to its first form. At this time, the anti-sky hammer in his hand, which was nearly doubled, hit the man's head again.

When the man first saw such a hammer in Turin's hand, his face was a little surprised, but in a blink of an eye, he ignored the falling hammer, as if it was not him who would be hit! I haven't even raised my eyelids.


hiss! Mu Yunfei and Zhang Yao couldn't help but take a breath of cold air at the same time! That's what they don't want and don't want to see happen again. As before, the Hantian hammer passed directly through the man's body from top to bottom and hit him heavily on the steps where he was standing, while the man still kept a smile on his face!

Turin, who had just withdrawn the anti-sky hammer, had time to retreat. The palm bone with Xuanyin aura suddenly became as big as a fan and fanned his cheek.

Instinctively, Turin subconsciously raised the hammer in his hand to resist, but found that the man's right foot was kicking at him. At this moment, Turin only felt that a force so powerful that almost threatened his so-called "green dragon body" was approaching his chest, and he secretly shouted in his heart. What should I do? Spell it! Turin found that since he could not avoid it, he had to let go. Regardless of the serious injury or even the danger of his life, he quickly turned the Tianhammer in his hand and hit the man again.


Turin, which was kicked out, hit the hard mountain wall heavily! If the first situation was successfully attacked by its unreasonable attack because Turin was not prepared for this seemingly remnant man. So this time, Turin, which directly faced the man, was hit again, which was extremely strange in Mu Yunfei's eyes!

Holding the sky hammer taken from Turin in his hand, the man no longer had a smile in the first half, and his cold face was even paler, and he said angrily:

"Huh, don't measure yourself! This hall is impermanent. How can you be afraid of a small innate magic weapon in your world!"