Legend of the God

Chapter 164 The Rebellion of the Yin Division - The Body of Reality

Do you want to be a strong man in the underworld? Find impermanence, let him devour your soul, and you will be united with the strong!

Are you tired of endless reincarnation? Looking for impermanence, he can let your soul fly away in an instant and end the pain of reincarnation!

Do you have a deep hatred but can't repay it? Find impermanence and offer your lovely soul. He will help you achieve everything!

If you want to destroy the whole underworld, then you can't look for impermanence anymore! Because he was subdued by the Holy Heavenly Reincarnation Emperor...

This is the legend about the impermanence of Ghost Rasha that was widely spread in the underworld thousands of years ago!

With Turin in his arms, he returned to Zhang Yao beside Mu Yunfei and couldn't help smiling bitterly:

"Oh, my God, we are actually fighting with Gui Luosha. It seems that we are really going to become 'strong' soon!"

"Well, it's too late to be afraid now! Give it all to me..."

Wuchang looked at Zhang Yao's helpless appearance in a judge's uniform, but before he finished his words, a big fist had hit his left cheek, and his body also lost his center of gravity in an instant under the huge impact, and he couldn't help leaning to the right and turned out. This impermanence also reacted quickly. Knowing that the person who attacked him must have a trick, he didn't even think about it, so he threw the Hantian hammer in his hand at the figure, and then turned around with two feet staggered, and stood firm after exiting five or six steps.

And it was no one who hit him, but Mu Yunfei, who lost all his skills but had more power and speed than the Yuanying monk!

Cuming his cheek, Wuchang looked at Mu Yunfei, who hit him and had returned to his original position, and said puzzledly:

"How did you do it! Who the hell are you?"

In fact, in terms of speed, Mu Yunfei is not a scorpion, let alone touching evil. There is still a certain gap with impermanence. Fortunately, he used his ethereal steps to cover up his mobile route. The mistake of impermanence is that he never expected that Mu Yunfei could hit him, because he used a self-created "virtual body", which is a new ghost skill he launched through Rashomon, which can make impermanence convert between virtual and real. That is to say, Turin's previous split was only the state of impermanence. But now he was hit by Mu Yunfei. How could he not be shocked!

At this time, the black pupils were no longer seen in Mu Yunfei's eyes, and the whole eyes showed a gray color, just like the endless void that was chilling! The cold face was even more murderous, waved the recaptured Hantian hammer, and said in a low voice that answered the question:

"At the time of union, the third brother once said, 'Those who insult my brother will be killed; those who hurt my brother will be killed; those who kill my brother will be killed'! Today, you not only humiliate my brother and hurt my brother, but also want to kill my brother. Whether you are impermanent or ghost Rasha, I, Mu Yunfei, will kill him!"

Mu Yunfei's whole body actually raised an invisible momentum! This momentum contains the courage to kill the Buddha, kill the god, and vow to break the impermanence of corpses for the sake of the brother's unprecedented righteousness! This kind of detached hegemony is as described in Journey to the West written by the "Great God" Wu Chengen, "The golden monkey rises up, and Yuyu clarifies thousands of miles"!

Anyone who has such a domineering person means that he has strong strength and spiritual power. Such people are one of them! Especially in the face of difficult adversity, domineering can make them adhere to their beliefs and not be afraid of strong enemies. Throughout all the battles before Mu Yunfei, only because of this belief supporting him can he be defeated again and again!

Maybe when he heard Mu Yunfei's words, or was infected by the momentum emitted by Mu Yunfei, Zhang Yao's whole body suddenly became dry and hot, and the feeling of boiling blood arised spontaneously!

Turin, who was lying flat, also woke up and tried to support his scarred body, but he fell back weakly before he sat up straight. At this moment, Turin only felt a pair of powerful hands to help him steadily, and Mu Yunfei's voice came to his ear:

"Third brother! Are you all right? Don't move yet and recover! Let's leave the next thing to the second brother!"

After putting the Hantian hammer into Turin's hand and gently patting it on the back of his hand, Mu Yunfei slowly turned around and looked straight at Wuchang like a sword.

"Obviously, this person has suffered any injuries before, and even the operation of Reiki is extremely difficult. Why can he have such a shocking momentum and strong power?" At this moment, the depths of his impermanent heart seem to be like a stormy wave, because it is not the first time he has felt such a sense of oppression that makes his heart palpitations!

It seemed that because of the silent battle between the two, the black-blooded earth under their feet trembled again. This time, it was obviously much stronger than the first time. The gravel on the mountains around Xuanyin Valley fell into the valley one after another!

Wuchang couldn't help but turn his head and look at the crack leading to the Valley of Hell again. He couldn't help cursing. Time is running out. What the fuck do you want to do with those old adult things? It seems that if you want to leave before the ghost gate is closed, you can only launch the Rasho Gate to eradicate these three troubles that block me, otherwise it will be really a big trouble!

The impermanence in his heart ignored the fast-moving Mu Yunfei at this moment, but took a quick step forward, bent down to pick up the broken stone tablet that was about to be engraved with the words of Rashomon, and threw it into the open Rashomon!

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

Mu Yunfei, who was running to the impermanence, listened to three consecutive familiar roars and couldn't help stopping, with an excited face! At this moment, there is nothing else in Mu Yunfei's eyes, but the cost of recovery is going step by step.

"Is it really you? Great, you know what? I thought you had already"

After years of getting along, there has been an inexplicable and unexplained relationship between Mu Yunfei and Yu, although the real dialogue between one person and one demon was only the time when Luofu Mountain was seized by Yang Jian. In the ten years in the cave of the underworld, Mu Yunfei has not only practiced skills, but also learned a lot of sword moves, but he still has a special preference for iron fists. It has to be said that his way of fighting has been deeply influenced by the intimate and is mainly close combat. And in the spiritual Huan, he silently accompanied Mu Yunfei's side every day, and also learned what human beings are from Mu Yunfei's joys and sorrows, and realized what real feelings are.

However, just as Mu Yun flew fast to the front, the body of Mu Yunfei suddenly twisted, and Mu Yunfei's face changed greatly and secretly shouted, "It's not good! He hurried back, but after all, the distance was too close, and a blue light was close to his left front chest.

"Big Boss!"

"Second brother!"

Seeing Mu Yunfei rolling nearly three feet away before stopping after being hit, a smile finally appeared on Wuchang's face, but when Mu Yunfei stood up tremblingly and pressed the blood hole on his left shoulder with his right hand, Wuchang couldn't help shaking his head and sighing:

"It's a pity that you escaped!"

If you are a real ghost, if you want to kill Mu Yunfei, it can be said that it is a matter of minutes and seconds. Why is there such trouble! And the so-called "impermanence" in front of us is actually just a wisp of impermanence in those years.

Ten million years ago, in order to devour more fierce ghosts that could bring him strength, Wuchang established this fierce ghost gate. In order to make the Gate of the Ghosts more stable and easier to control, Wuchang implanted the innate spiritual treasure Rashomon and a wisp of his own divine thoughts into it.

After Wuchang was subdued by the Holy Heaven Reincarnation Emperor and brought back to the reincarnation mansion, the door of fierce ghosts was controlled by this wisp of divine thoughts through Rashomon. Perhaps even the impermanent Buddha never thought that his wisp of divine thoughts would use his connection with Rashomon to continue to strengthen himself, and finally he had the ability to devour his soul to strengthen himself. After thousands of years of dormant, it became today's "ghost immortal impermanence".

However, due to the establishment of the Yin Sifu, many laws and regulations on the two worlds of yin and Yang have been established. At the same time, the introduction of the souls of the dead has become more and more detailed, and the division of labor has become clearer and clearer. In addition, the Duanmu family of the ghosts in the human world has gradually reduced the number of fierce ghosts accepted by the Gate.

If there are not enough fierce ghosts to devour, this ghost immortality cultivation cannot be improved again, so every thousand years, ghost immortals will open the door of fierce ghosts and try their way to leave. But every time under the strong lineup sent by the Yin Division, it ended in failure. Now that the Yinsi Mansion is in chaos, the ghosts and immortals know that the real time has come, so they opened the door of fierce ghosts again ten years in advance.

However, the ghost immortal impermanence who wanted to build a piece of his own world in the Yinsi Mansion never thought that he would meet Mu Yunfei, who was overpower but was against him. He not only delayed his departure, but also was defeated by Mu Yunfei's proud virtual body, which made him have to choose. Launch Rashomon!

What Mu Yunfei saw is just one of Rashomon's abilities, a phantom!

This illusion is different from illusion, not just imagination. Rashomon will create an illusion according to the person or thing in the heart of the attacker, and this illusion can not only be fake, but also have the attack power of ghosts and immortals. No one in the middle can be spared. If it hadn't been for the sudden distortion of the image, Mu Yunfei would have been stabbed to death by the impermanent "xuan yin zhi" of ghosts and immortals. .

Although I don't understand why the phantom failed at the last moment, Mu Yunfei was hit hard after all. Of course, Guixian Wuchang will not give up this good opportunity. His withered hands stretched out, and as the palms turned up, the broken bones scattered in front of the gate all floated up and quickly flew to Mu Yunfei, listening to the ghost immortal impermanence. Say it loudly:

"Bone prison, empty spiritual space!"

In less than a moment, a wall made of countless dead bones covered the wooden clouds, and the immortals suddenly disappeared in place at this moment...