Legend of the God

Chapter 170 The Rebellion of the Yin Division - Condensed

When the sound fell, in the dark sky, the large dark clouds were like a ball of flour constantly rubbed by a pair of invisible hands. A moment later, a towering figure of nearly a hundred feet was formed!

Unfortunately, although this human body is tall and powerful, except for a pair of silvery eyes, everything else is just a virtual shadow condensed by dark clouds, without a proper momentum and deterrent!


Mu Yunfei only felt that the virtual shadow in front of him seemed to be very familiar and very kind. I couldn't help looking at it a few more times, but who would have thought that Mu Yunfei's eyes gradually became blurred. Obviously, the virtual shadow was in front of him, but in Mu Yunfei's eyes, it was far and close, and there was an uncontrollable desire in his heart to get close to the virtual shadow!

At this time, Mu Yunfei was like a walking corpse, as if everything around him had nothing to do with him, and even the bottom wheel, which was originally like dead water, suddenly turned. And a force from the water whirlpool of this bottom wheel is driving Mu Yunfei to fly involuntarily to the shadow.

"Second brother, are you all right?"

The sound of Turin suddenly came up in his ear, which made Mu Yunfei suddenly wake up, and the power supporting him also dissipated. Mu Yunfei, who was still in mid-air, sank violently and fell straight down. Fortunately, it's not too high, and Turin and Zhang Yao help each other, otherwise they have to fall and get hurt!

After standing up and patting the smoke on his body, Mu Yunfei thought that he had almost lost himself before and felt afraid for a while. Raise the holed sleeve of his left hand to wipe off the sweat on his forehead, and then looked at the silent shadow and muttered to himself:

"The virtual shadow alone can affect people nearby invisibly. This person's strength is really unfathomable!"

Looking at Mu Yunfei's nagging look, Turin shook his head and said to himself, is it so powerful? Then why didn't I feel anything?

"I remember you! Yes, it's you, it's you, you destroyed my soul back then! I want revenge, I want revenge!"

Zhu Qian roared. Whether it is the posture of the virtual shadow or this familiar voice, even if he sleeps for tens of millions of years, he will never forget it. This is the powerful existence that destroys his body with one move. Now that he can swallow up all the impermanent yuan gods, he is once again inserted by this man. How can he not make Zhu Qi angry?

At this time, the black flame around the body formed countless snake-like flames with Zhu Yu's emotional changes, especially the constantly twisting, triangular head is no different from a poisonous snake! These fire snakes seemed to have their own spirituality, and their heads aimed at the tall virtual shadow one after another.

"The flames are so cold!"

With Zhu's explosion, the wind and thunder over the black-blooded valley rose instantly. Zhu's two huge wings quickly fanned his two huge wings, and saw the fire snakes all over the sky rushing towards the virtual shadow one by one. Maybe he still felt that it was not safe enough. Zhu Wei opened his long beak and immediately added a black fire pillar.

Just as Mu Yunfei and others were waiting to see what the virtual shadow would do to break the cold flame of Zhu Wei, the overwhelming fire snake not only suddenly stopped, but also disappeared without a trace. Mu Yunfei and the other two couldn't help looking at each other. This is too awesome. They didn't see any move, and it was solved so easily!

Quiet! Everything seems very quiet! But the black-blooded valley, which only kept quiet for a moment, was broken by a burst of laughter.

"Ha ha, ha ha!"

" boss, is this Pluto stupid? His tricks were so easily broken that he even laughed out. Looking at Zhu Qi, who was still laughing wildly, Zhang Yao said puzzledly.

Since its appearance, it has not said a word, and the virtual shadow that has moved its body finally opened its mouth, and the bell-like voice buzzed in everyone's ears:

"You actually found out, worthy of being a disciple of reincarnation!"

"Humph, I was almost deceived by you. I guess this is just a wisp of regret left here, and it was left after destroying my body. Tens of millions of years have passed, and the power you have is very little, but it still ruined my good at the critical moment!"

It turned out that those fire snakes and black fire pillars were not broken by the virtual shadow, but after Zhu Qi launched a cold flame and eased his anger a lot, he found that the virtual shadow was just a remnant. Even if he did not attack, it would disappear. That's why he withdrew by himself, but made Mu Yunfei and the other two mistakenly think that this virtual shadow was extremely powerful! As for why this ray of regret condensed into a virtual shadow, he wanted Zhu Qi to lose his ability to judge because of anger, thus delaying his time to refine the impermanence yuan god!

Sure enough, as a wisp of dark clouds slowly faded away, the tall virtual shadow is constantly shrinking, but the volume of speech has not decreased at all:

"Zhu, if you hadn't devoured the fierce ghosts who treated the crime in private, I would not have punished you."

"What if you swallow it? Isn't it harmful to keep those fierce ghosts? I'm not like impermanence, even mortals! So what's wrong with me?"

It seemed that Zhu Qi would die without repentance, so the virtual shadow had to shake his head helplessly and said:

"Oh, before I disappear, I will pass on a sentence that my second brother often hangs on to you. Therefore, those who harm me should be kind, compassionate and angry. If we repay grievances, the enemy will not protect our sins, and we will retreat, and we will be damaged if it is difficult to do. Please remember!"

After listening to Xu Ying's words, Zhu Qi did not respond. Mu Yunfei took the lead in clamping. He was even more excited and secretly said that he spoke very well! For those who hurt me, I should have compassion and compassion. Even if I can't be compassionate, I can't hate others. If you repay grievances, then the other party will give greater revenge and cause greater sins. In that case, my own cultivation will also be degraded, difficult to make progress, and even my Taoism will be completely destroyed from now on! The person who can say these words must be a Taoist monk! If you have a chance to see him, you must ask for advice.

After seeing that the virtual shadow completely dissipated, Zhu Qian did not have time to pay attention to Mu Yunfei, but hurriedly took back the surviving fire crows that ate nearly one-third of the impermanent gen gods, and merged with the impermanent yuan gods.


After only one cup of tea, Zhu Qian has completed the fusion of the impermanence yuan god. It can be seen that his cultivation is strong, but it is not comparable to that of Mu Yunfei! However, the sound of phoenix singing is full of a great sense of loss.

Before the spiritual body was destroyed by that person and hurt the yuan god, under the ** of the reincarnation of the emperor, Zhu Qi, who had been on the same strength of the emperor, had already returned to the level of the emperor; if it hadn't been for that person, Zhu Qi would not have been tricked and wasted so much time in vain.

In fact, it is not difficult to reshape the real body of the rosefinch. It can be done with Zhu Wei's cultivation, but completing this cicada by himself will consume more than half of his essence, that is to say, it will be directly reduced from the cultivation of the Emperor of Heaven to the Yuanying period! In this way, don't say revenge for Ao Yu. Even if Mu Yunfei and others exist like ants in Zhu Yu's eyes, they can easily kill him! Therefore, Zhu Qi chose to ingest other people's gens and refine them into shortcuts, which attracted the punishment of this mysterious strong man.

Originally, it was only possible to obtain one-third of the impermanent genshen, and it was obviously impossible to reshape the true body of the rosefinch, but if one-third of the genshen can be swallowed and refined in a short time, it should not be a problem to condense the body of the soul. However, it was such a delay that the best time was missed, so at this moment, Zhu Qi's real umfine spirit is only one-third of that. If he still wants to condense into a spiritual body, he will still pay a quarter of his essence, so his strength can only be maintained in immortals at most.

He slept in Zhu Dan's body for nearly ten million years. Although Zhu Qi's damaged yuan spirit recovered, the resentment in his heart has never calmed down. Moreover, he, who lived in Zhu Dan's body, could only exert his immortal strength at most. Therefore, the desire to have his own body became stronger and stronger. Zhu Qi gritted his teeth. No matter how much his cultivation would be reduced, he still decided to condense the spiritual body first!

Although the three souls and seven souls are natural, they need to be supported by the essence. Without the essence, the soul will also be destroyed. The essence is formed by converging the aura in the space and compressing it. For example, a mortal has ten essences in his body at birth. If one essence represents ten years, that is to say, he will live 100 years without illness or accident. But by absorbing and extracting the aura of heaven and earth, a monk who has reached the condensation period will reach as many as 50, that is to say, he can extend his life by at least 400 years. Therefore, Jingyuan is an indispensable part of the soul.

And condensing the soul body with the essence can maintain the best fit with its genh, which is fundamentally different from the spirit body baptized by the yin pool in the city!


After shouting to the sky, I saw countless cyan streamers from Zhu Qifeng's forehead. If you look closely, you will find that these are not some kind of light, but cyan silk threads like silk.

At this moment, Zhang Yao suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed to Zhu Qi, who was wrapped in layers of green silk, and shouted:

"Big boss, Turin, look, Zhu Qi is going to condense again!"

Not long after, a huge ball wrapped in a black flame like a silkworm cocoon appeared in the air. Turin picked up the sky hammer and said:

"Second brother, I'll destroy this bird's egg now!"

"Torino, no! This is Jingyuan silk, and it is not ordinary Jingyuan silk. Look around it!"

Before Mu Yunfei expressed his opinion, Zhang Yao had stopped Turin's action. Mu Yunfei and Turin stared at the so-called Jingyuan silk, and saw that each of the round ball showing a thread-like essence was being madly sucked into the surrounding yin spirit. If Turin approached the ball at this moment, it might be attacked by the Jingyuan silk!


What is different from Zhu Dan appeared is that without thunder and lightning, the ball burst by itself, and those fine threads seemed to have completed their mission and instantly turned into gray dust.

But seeing the gloomy clouds, Mu Yunfei couldn't help lowering his head and rubbing his eyes. It turned out that he was just confused by these falling dust.

This is a young man with a slightly thin appearance, with a wide face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a bronze face with clear edges and corners, as if it were exquisitely carved stone carvings. It's just that the unique eagle hook nose makes it more cunning, but it is still a little heroic against the background of a black suit, which successfully condenses the spiritual body of the underworld!

Zhu Qi held Huofeng Zhu Dan with his left hand, and gently stroked her turtle's back with his right hand, staring at Mu Yunfei coldly. He didn't know what he was thinking. And Zhu Dan also woke up quickly. I thought that a brother and sister met and a tearful drama was about to appear. Unexpectedly, before the play started, Zhu Dan turned his head and spit out a few trembling words in his long beak:

"Five enough, brother, just now, is what the senior just said true? Did you really do something against the law of heaven?"

"Sister, sister, how can my brother be such a person? You are still very weak now. Take a rest and wait for what happened here. Can I explain it to you?

In order to take revenge, Zhu Qi can completely ignore any heavenly rules and precepts. But in the face of Zhu Dan, the underworld emperor Zhu Qi, who was not afraid of heaven and earth, was afraid. He was afraid that his sister, who had always been as evil, would not recognize him as his eldest brother after knowing what he had done in the past.

The reason why Zhu Qi really made up his mind and lost his own cultivation is not for his beloved sister! If he still stays in Zhu Dan's body, Zhu Dan's yuan spirit will be completely assimilated by him sooner or later.

Zhu Wei just raised his hand slightly. Zhu Dan seemed to be lifted up by an invisible air and flew away in the distance. It was not until nearly a hundred feet away that they stopped in the sky!

He used his fingers like steel pliers to straighten the pleat with some folds on his chest. Zhu Qian stepped forward and appeared on a rock ten feet away from Mu Yunfei's three people. After sitting cross-legged, he glanced at the three people with an extremely indifferent expression. He coughed gently and said faintly:

"I remember you abused me before, especially you!" Zhu Qi pointed to Mu Yunfei and continued to say:

"Today is the day my brother and sister get together, so I'm in a good mood. Now I'll give you two ways to choose: the first road, you cut off by yourself; the second way is to be loyal to my emperor Zhu Qi in the future and open up a piece of paradise that belongs to us in the underworld? Give you a column of incense time to consider, choose!"

After saying that, Zhu Qi closed his eyes and refreshed. It seemed that he couldn't avoid it, so Turin came to Mu Yunfei and asked quietly:

"Second brother, what should we do now?"

At this moment, Mu Yunfei, who frowned, was stretching his hand into his arms, but soon shrank back. He wrapped his chest with his left hand and rubbed his chin with his right hand. He secretly said in his heart, even if the three of them are at their peak, they may not be Zhu Yu's opponents. Do they really want to use it? No, it's not the right time, and.....

Just as Mu Yunfei was thinking silently, Zhang Yao also put his head over, looked left and right, and whispered:

" boss, I have an idea!"


"This idea is, it's just a fight!"

When Zhu Dan first appeared, Turin suddenly felt a feeling of love and guilt in his heart, but at that time, the ghost fairy was fighting fiercely with Zhu Dan, so he did not pay full attention to it. But until now, Zhu Yu, who has condensed into a spiritual body again, appeared, and Turin is even more entangled. In the face of this brother and sister, that kind of trouble for no reason lingered in his heart. At this time, he was also happy to hear Zhang Yao's words, exhaled a turbid breath, narrowed a pair of big eyes, and grinned:

"What a good idea! Anyway, horizontal and vertical is dead. Fight, fight!"

Mu Yunfei glanced at Zhu Qi, who was sitting cross-legged, and his face changed greatly. He condensed the slightly recovered aura in his fists in an instant. The red fist sword was like a dragon going to sea and went away fearlessly against Zhu Qi on the rock.


Seeing that the boxing sword was about to hit Zhu Qi, a green light flashed, and the air of two fists and swords were picked out and hit the mountain wall, causing a violent explosion.

When Zhang Yao and Turin didn't know what had happened, Zhu Qi, who was sitting on the rock, was wiping a long sword with blue light. Obviously, the blue light of the flying sword just now came from this three-foot sword.

After slowly standing up and swinging the long sword in his hand, Zhu Qi stared at Mu Yunfei, nodded slightly, and said in a slightly approving and regretful tone:

"You are very good! Although the cultivation is a little poor, the brain is smart enough! To tell you the truth, I really can't use too much power, which has just condensed into a spiritual body before. It's just a slowing measure to give you time to choose. Now my yuan god has completely fit into this new body.

To be honest, the three of you can be injured and die under impermanent attacks. Obviously, you are rare talents. Unfortunately, I saw and heard too many things that I shouldn't know today, so I'll give you the third way, and it's my emperor Zhu Qi personally sent you a ride.