Legend of the God

Chapter 171 Yin Si Rebellion - Dragon and Phoenix Fighting (up and down)

After saying that, Zhu Qian threw out the cyan sword in his hand, and the streamer flashed away. The sword had disappeared. There were three more ordinary and dark phoenixes in front of him. At this moment, they were all leading to their necks! A faint black flame can be seen in the open phoenix beak. Looking at the three pairs of phoenix eyes like bright stars in the dark night, the flames kept beating, which made people shudder.

The palm of Mu Yunfei's hand was already wet, and his heart was even more shocked. He scolded, damn it, the real mother, the entity, is actually a fucking entity.

"Kill them!"

After the ferocious and smiling Zhu Qi gave the first order, the three Mingfeng burst out a large number of blue and black flames all over their bodies and quickly became one piece.

Zhang Yao, as a judge, can still do countless things about the Yin Sifu and the underworld. Although it is the first time he has seen such a flame, he still guessed a little in his heart, so he turned his head and whispered to Mu Yunfei and Turin:

"Big boss, Turin, be careful. This must be Jiuyou Lihuo. It not only has the ability to devour souls, but also can transform into various forms, such as knives, swords and the previous fire snakes, but this is not powerful. What's really horrible is that this Jiuyouli Fire ignores any defense skills!"

In fact, even if Zhang Yao does not remind him, Mu Yunfei is very scrupulous about this strange flame. Because except for seeing the swaying flame, there is no heat at all, but Mu Yunfei really feels the terrible power contained in this blue-black flame.

This nine secluded fire does not actually belong to the category of yin fire. If it is really divided, it is roughly similar to the purgatory fire in the intermediate yin fire. As for why these nine alien fires are not included, it is because this flame was created by Emperor Zhu Qi. This is also the reason why Zhang Yao can make such a judgment.

When the three phoenixes floated at the same time, Mu Yunfei and Zhang Yao took a step back like a conditioned reflex and made defensive postures respectively. But Turin still stood still, as if he had turned a deaf ear to everything around him and didn't know what he was thinking at this crucial point of life and death.

Just as Mu Yunfei was about to go forward, he saw the three Mingfeng phoenixes that had floating in the sky roared, and three black flames spewed out of their mouths, falling on Mu Yunfei's heads like rain. Fortunately, Zhang Yao reacted quickly and took away from the attack range of the flame in Turin in a daze.

The three almost integrated Mingfeng saw that they were not hit, so they quickly separated and looked for their opponents.

After each recovery elixir, Mu Yunfei's domineering boxing sword burst out. The power of this boxing sword is really sharp, and it can turn into an arrow to attack Jiuyou Lihuo, which is one of many key points. However, the number of arrows is too large, which always makes people guard against it. When he used up the last recovery elixir, Mu Yunfei, who had no aura in his body, could not escape the bad luck of being hit. He was bombarded ten feet away and fell to the ground! Although it is not fatal, it has the pain of cutting flesh and bones.

Look at Zhang Yao again. It's a pity that he is the body of the soul, and it is even more taboo for these nine secluded fires. In order to avoid contact, he has to dodge left and right until he can't avoid it. Fortunately, Zhang Yao's pen in his hand is the magic weapon, which makes him handy. His moves are like clouds and flowing water, and it is difficult to find flaws. Mingfeng, who fought against it, also seemed to know this, so he seemed to be transforming into a thin flame flying knife, but in fact, he did it intentionally to find Zhang Yao's flaws!

Sure enough, when Mu Yun flew to the ground and Zhang Yao was distracted, three flame flying knives hit Zhang Yao directly. In fact, this is no different from the previous attack method, but between Zhang Yao's handwriting and the lightning stone to write again, a flame knife that followed him was close to the judge's pen and gasped along his arm!

At this time of crisis, Zhang Yao did not allow him to think. Despite the danger of the flame knife, he raised his left arm to resist, and the judge's pen in his right hand nodded to Mingfeng's forehead.

Blood was sprinkled all over the sky. Although Mingfeng was repelled, he was unharmed. Zhang Yao, who could stay in place, became a one-armed man who was about to fall!


The absent-minded Turin did not hear Zhang Yao's warning before. As a result, he was infected with this nine secluded fire. At this moment, he was lying on the ground in pain and rolling. Strangely, although the black flame on Turin's body seems to keep burning, its body and even clothing have not changed, but its painful expression is like being barbecued by a fire, as if countless ants are nibbling on the whole body.

"Third brother, don't!"


Maybe it's because Turin can't stand this pain anymore, so he chose to blow himself up! But when Mu Yunfei was overwhelmed by the sudden explosion of Turin and was extremely sad, a shocking dragon roar suddenly came from above his head.

It was a cyan dragon swimming in the clouds spit out of his own mouth. Although it was hidden in the clouds and fog, it could not see its whole picture, but from the huge dragon head, it was afraid it could not be dozens of feet.

This sudden change stunned everyone, and then different expressions appeared on everyone's faces. Just now, Mu Yunfei was heartbroken. After seeing this dragon, he was ecstatic! Although Mu Yunfei did not know this green dragon, the huge yin ring on the dragon's claw made Mu Yunfei conclude that this green dragon was none other than Turin's body.

And Zhang Yao, who held his broken arm, has been completely numb. From impermanence to the Pluto, and now there is still a green dragon. If someone tells him now that the Holy Heaven Reincarnation Emperor will appear the next moment, he will not be surprised!

However, Zhu Qi's expression seemed very strange, and his anger, resentment, unconvincedness, etc. kept appearing alternately on his face. After staring at Turin for a moment, he pointed to Turin and shouted:

"Ao Yu, it's you! Just in time, today I will use your soul to pay tribute to those dead phoenix people!"

Far away from the Black Blood Valley, there is a huge floating island. There are colorful butterflies flying everywhere, birds singing and fragrant flowers. Such a fairyland on earth actually comes from the underworld. I'm afraid no one will believe it!

A big bird suddenly fell from the air, landed steadily on a fast boulder, straightened its colorful feathers with its long beak, and circled high into the sky.

Over the center of the island is a huge, constantly rotating whirlpool, which makes people feel broad and profound! Under this whirlpool is a towering palace with a little blue light.

At this time, there are two people sitting opposite each other. Among them is a middle-aged man with a purple gold crown and a golden robe, and the other is a sloppy and casual old man. If you have to make a comparison between the two, it is really the difference between an emperor and a beggar!

But the beggar can drink with the emperor, and the end of this horrible beggar must be a lot! But what is puzzling is that the beggar who looks like an old man calls this middle-aged man his brother!

There is a smooth jade desktop between the two. This desktop is like a display screen, and everything in the Black Blood Valley is emerging at this moment. The middle-aged man waved his hand, and the picture was fixed on a dragon and a phoenix. The old man stroked his fingers on the empty wine glass. After it rotated around, he stretched out his thumb and said:

"Third brother, you really expected it like a god! As soon as this dragon and phoenix come out, I'm afraid there will be another good show in the five worlds!"

The middle-aged man did not show any expression because of the old man's praise and said lightly:

"Is everything like God? The fourth brother's words are bad! Aren't we gods? This is a good show, it's not the time to start yet! Moreover, we are unable to stop our current situation. By the way, fourth brother, you have been with me for a long time. Shouldn't you go back? The eldest brother is also about to help. A few days ago, I heard from my sixth brother that there seemed to be a small problem, and you know that I can't leave, so..."

"Occo, third brother, my body is next to the eldest brother. Can you not know? If you want to drive me away now, won't you feel sorry for your wine, stingy! I won't go!" The old man interrupted the middle-aged man impatiently and turned his head aside as if a child had a bad temper. Seeing the old man like this, the middle-aged man, who had a solemn face, couldn't help smiling at the corners of his mouth. He waved his right hand gently, and three wine jars appeared on the jade table and said helplessly:

"Yes, that's all I have left. Can't I give it all to you?"

"That's almost the same! Then I'll go!" It was the old man who forgot his mother when he had a child and just refused to leave. At this moment, he was afraid of being robbed. He held the three wine jars in his arms and walked out with saliva.

Seeing that the old man had walked to the door of the palace, the middle-aged man sat down with relief, but he was not relieved, and the old man suddenly turned back.

"Third brother, I almost forgot, what should I do?"

"You don't have to worry about that. I have my own arrangements!"

After the old man left, he sighed and said to himself with a wry smile:

"I will arrange it? Can I arrange him? Since the second brother made that mistake, who can control the direction of these five worlds? Forget it, let it go!"

Relying on the dragon body of the abnormal defense and the sun flame spewing from his mouth, Turin took the shocking blow of Zhu Yu, and the two shocking forces collided with each other, making a loud thunderous noise. For a while, the wilderness was full of the sound of phoenix roaring dragons.

Zhu Qi, who turned into a rosefinch, saw that Turin could actually emit a solar flame to resist the Jiuyou fire. With a low sound, the previous three Mingfeng flew to his side at the same time and flew towards Turin at the same time.

When Turin saw four identical phoenixes coming towards him, he quickly turned his huge body and pulled the dragon's tail fiercely. Hit it! But Turin couldn't help but be stunned. How could three phoenixes, plus Zhu Yu, break their bones with one move?

Thinking of this, Turin couldn't help looking again at theming phoenix that was hit by himself and falling. Suddenly, a heartbreaking pain came from the neck, and the aura in the body collided and stirred. The five internals turned and could not lift their breath, and the Qinglong itself was also relieved at this moment!

It turned out that Zhu Wei sacrificed the hard-earned Mingfeng sword in order to kill Turin, and he pierced Turin's neck with his feet like two sharp swords and drove Jiuyou Lihuo into his body.

Turin, who fell to the ground heavily, rolled several times and stopped, spitting blood and splashing on the ground in front of him. How could Zhu Qi let go of this Ao Yu's reincarnation and regain his human form? He raised his palm and was afraid of Turin.


After shaking several times, a blue figure finally fell to the ground.

"Second brother, second brother!"

It turned out that Mu Yunfei blocked Zhu Qi's fatal blow to Turin with his own body, but he himself has fallen to the ground at this moment and is not awake!

"Then let's die together!"

Zhu Yu said, shook his hand, and the cold Jiuyou fire flew to Muyun and Turin. Suddenly, the wind rolled up the dirt and sand on the ground and turned into a barrier to block the fire in front of Turin.

This is by no means an empty wind, but a strong wind from the recovered fire phoenix Zhu Dan. After hovering over Turin's head for a while, Zhu Dan flew to Zhu Qi's body and shouted:

"Brother, you can't kill him! He is mine..."

At this time, Zhu Dan only felt that the aura in his body was stagnant, and his floating body could not move, and he couldn't even say anything. He looked at this brother who had always loved him, but now he has become extremely strange.

"Brother can promise you anything, but let him go, no! You should know that I have been waiting for this day for thousands of years! Stay here!"

If Zhu Dan just wants the blood moon in the sky, Zhu Qi will not hesitate to take it off! But now he is dedicated to removing Ao Yu, how can he agree! But he knew that Zhu Dan would definitely maintain it, so he set a ban on Zhu Dan first.

And while Zhu Qi's brother and sister were talking, Turin picked up the unconscious Mu Yunfei, came to Zhang Yao, and said with a solemn face:

"Brother Zhang, before the second brother resumes his cultivation, he must protect the second brother well! And please give it to you after looking for the burden of your second sister-in-law!" Turin looked determined. Obviously, he had made a choice, that is, to sacrifice himself and protect Mu Yunfei!

Before Zhang Yao could say anything, Turin roared and saw his hands full of large and small wounds tightly grasping the Hantian hammer. After a few circles in place, he tried his best to throw it out. The target was Zhu Qi, the underworld!

"Ao Yu, with you now, do you also want to fight with me? You'd better tie your hands!"

Looking at Turin's childish and ridiculous attack, Zhu Yu sarcastically, didn't even raise his head, and arbitrarily threw out the right feather to accept the defense hammer. But who knew that Han Tianhammer did not grab it, but grabbed a big hand with blue veins, and the owner of this hand was no one else, but the scarred Turin. Zhu Qi was shocked and screamed badly, but it was too late.

Turin turned around and came behind him like a python, stretched out his right hand that had turned into a dragon's claws, locked Zhu Qi's right shoulder from behind and forward, and then flew straight up.

Zhu Qi knew in his heart that although Turin locked himself, he was never able to move himself. Instead, there is a strong suction in the sky pulling the two of them. Looking up, I saw a three-foot wide space crack hanging in the air, as if an open door was welcoming him. Zhu Qi thought to himself that the hammer just now was really strange. Could it be that it was the legendary key to space, the sky hammer?! It's really careless that I actually saw it blindly!

Yes, this space crack that produces a great suction force is quietly opened above Zhu Wei's head by the hidden Hantian hammer of Turin.

The most urgent thing is to find a way to break free from Turin as soon as possible, otherwise, once it is sucked into it, Zhu Qi, who only has the strength of immortals, will not return! Jiuyou Lihuo quickly rushed out of Zhu Yu's body again and involved Turin in it. Zhu Yu could only hope that the Jiuyou Lihuo would let Turin release the steel-like dragon claws at this moment.

However, Turin, which has put its life away, will not let Zhu Li succeed. Let Jiuyou Lihuo constantly erode his body and soul, but Turin didn't even hum. However, he was seriously injured, and his strength was almost exhausted. When Zhu Qi was about to break free from his dragon claws, Turin said:

"Swallow the sky, break!"


Zhu Wei only felt a tingling pain in his chest, and with a pure yang gas, he quickly rushed into his limbs. He couldn't help looking down. It was a knife with a shining cyan light with a trace of hot blood, coming out of his chest. The cold voice of Turin came to my ear:

"Zhu Yu, I don't know if it's Ao Yu as you said, but I don't deny that I am the Holy Qinglong family. Because you should know that the dragon has reverse scales, and if you touch it, you will die. The second brother is my reverse scale, and the person who hurts my second brother. Even if I give my life, I will definitely not let it go!"

It turned out that Turin used his last strength to hammer the sky into a heavenly knife and stabbed it from his back. Because Turin is a real body, there is a large amount of pure yang aura in the blood, which happens to enter Zhu Yu's body with the heavenly knife, thus causing a conflict between the two kinds of aura in his body. Turin does not expect to solve Zhuqi with such a knife. As long as Zhuqi can make Zhuqi unable to move in a short time, the goal has been achieved!

In this way, the two of them fell into the space crack that devoured everything at the same time as if they were strung together.

"Ao Yu, brother!"

The scene of the same end tens of millions of years ago was staged again in front of Zhu Dan. Zhu Dan, who could not speak, had to shout and cry in his heart. Both of them are the most important people in their lives, but they leave themselves again, and maybe this time they will be goodbye forever!

As a minute passed, Zhu Qi's ban on Zhu Dan was finally lifted by himself. After a sad cry, Zhu Dan fell to the ground, restrained his wings and turned into a beautiful woman in red.

Looking at the closed space crack, Zhu Dan, who had wet his clothes, kept trembling. Obviously, she is trying her best to suppress the grief in her heart.

After a long time, Zhu Dan, who had calmed down a little, looked again and sighed on his back:

"Alas, it's been tens of millions of years. Why can't we be together? Is it true that after the ordeal of thousands of generations of reincarnation, as the emperor said, can we get rid of our respective fates?