Legend of the God

Chapter 339 Forbidden Sea - Unexpected

In the early morning, the sky was still dark, and the countless torches set up lit up the whole coast!

Standing in front of Mu Yunfei and others is a sacrificial platform about two feet high, with a total length of more than 40 feet. The upper part is a huge relief wall belt, which is connected by three stone slabs. Judging from the weathering degree of these reliefs, it seems that it has been some years old. The inlaid content engraved on it is all about the history of the birth of the gills.

The first relief describes that the gills are born in eggs, that is, hatched from the eggs. As for what kind of egg relief it is, there is no detailed in detail. This image of the gill man is not the ugly image of the gill man today, but the beautiful girl seen in the illusion of Mu Yunfei and others!

The second pair tells the origin of the gill people. After the birth of the first gill man, it felt lonely, so it separated its body and created the second gill man, but the image has been greatly reduced. Then the second gill man also did the same, two, three, four, until the birth of the whole gill people, but That appearance also became extremely ugly in the process of division, which made it look like a gill man today. And the gill king is the honorific title of the gill people for the first gill man!

The third is the picture of the gills being slaughtered by extremely ferocious sea monsters. They kept resisting, but there was nothing they could do. They were about to be destroyed. A beam of light fell from the sky to this vast sea. There was a vague figure on the clouds. This figure was actually very similar to the appearance of the gill king. , and the gills got the ability of illusions in this beam of light, and the killed gills turned into tentacles and trapped all the enemies. They did not kill the prisoners, but built this altar. In their hearts, it was the gill king who saved the clan. They needed sacrifices to the gill king, thus I hope to resurrect the powerful gill king!

"It seems that the gill king does exist, but this image and what I see are exactly two people!" Mu Yunfei glanced at hundreds of gills around him and said secretly.

Above this altar, there is a round altar in the north and south, more than ten feet long from east to west. Originally, there was nothing to see in the altar, but Mu Yunfei couldn't help taking a look at it, because this altar was so strange that there was a huge lid!

There is a column corridor around the altar. The altar is built by relying on the cliff of the island, so the end of the corridor is a dark hole, and I don't know what's in it.

"Our clan sincerely pray to God... Please give it back to our king... Our gills will die to protect the phantom sea... God Mingjian!" In front of the altar, the gill priest kowtowed to heaven and worshipped, and kept saying words in his mouth. Obviously, this was the first step of sacrifice.

"Your excellency, I thought I would take another one away, but I didn't expect to bring us all this time. Looking at this situation, it seems that this sacrifice made by the gills is the last one! My lord, what should we do next? Gong Yingchang's lips moved slightly and transmitted the sound to Mu Yunfei, and the light in his eyes flashed away!

After Mu Yunfei's divine power successfully lifted the gill bones, he also helped Gong Yingchang and others and took out a large number of recovery elixir. Although the two days were shorter, Gong Yingchang's five people also recovered some, at least one or twenty of their skills in their heyday. They were all demon gods (crossing the disaster period). Yes, so don't underestimate this 20% of the power, which is enough to protect yourself under the hands of the gills.

The reason why Gong Yingchang is so respectful to Mu Yunfei is not only that Mu Yunfei broke free from the shackles of the gills, but the key is that Mu Yunfei's divine power is all black. Gong Yingchang mistakenly thinks that Mu Yunfei is also a demon monk, and it is all black, which is a sign of Moro (the Mahayana) magic. Mu Yunfei didn't explain much. He didn't care about the identity of the demon practitioners or immortals at all. Anyway, his purpose was just to leave here as soon as possible and go to the true immortal continent to find the hidden gods. As for helping Gong Yingchang and others, it's just to make it easier for them to go to the True Fairy Continent in the future!

"Wait a minute and see what these gills are doing!"

After responding to Gong Yingchang, Mu Yunfei looked at the gill priest again. At this moment, the gill priest has stopped jumping, straightened his chest and stood high. Although the gills are about the same, if you look carefully, there is still a difference. For example, this gill priest, whose feet are not like those who have just landed ashore. The legs transformed by the gills look extremely stable on the ground. There are four gills under the cheek, and most gills are just three gills.

Mu Yunfei suddenly thought of the "Gill King" he saw that day. He was indeed very similar to the gills, but compared with so many gills, the person who claimed to be the "Gill King" did not have real gills. If there were, it was just five faint shallow marks! Looking at the altar, looking at the gills around, and again at the gill priest who seemed to be trying to hide his excitement, Mu Yunfei couldn't help frowning.

"Gong Yingchang, don't act rashly, relax and listen to my arrangement..."

"People! The exciting moment is coming. When the sun rises from the sea level and the first ray of sunshine appears, the ceremony of sacrificing the king of our gills will also officially begin! If we can succeed this time, the great gill king, the daughter of Neptune, will return to this sea, and the queen will lead us to cast a new legend of gills!" The gill priest waved his cane and shouted at hundreds of gills.

"H Long live the Queen, Long Live the Queen!" The gills interpreted what it was called a hundred echoes, and the coast completely boiled.

seemed to respond to the cheers of the gills. In the east, a white fish belly was exposed along the horizontal line. The morning wind suddenly became abrupt and swept over the blue-black sea with a piece of white waves, advancing layer by layer from far to near, and finally turned into waves hitting the gray beach. The dawn bloomed like flowers. The sky The sky and the sea were shrouded in light, and the dark sea began to turn white! Finally, the scarlet sun jumped out of the sea. For a moment, the golden light burst out, the glow overflowed, and the sea rolled up a ten-high golden blood wave.

The ceremony officially begins! All the gills have been looking forward to this sentence, but after a long time, when the sun continued to rise, there was still no movement of the gill priest. All the gills stopped shouting and quietly looked at the gill priest.

The gill priest did not react at all except to keep pinching the walking stick in his hand that had never left him. It seemed that he was still waiting for something.

The sun kept climbing up with the altar and finally fell on the altar and the gill priest. The gill priest moved and raised the cane in his hand. Its walking stick was very special, explaining that it was a skeleton, which was the skeleton of the gill man. When the cane was raised to the top of the head of the gill priest, two scarlet lights flashed in the empty eyes of the skull on the skeleton, instantly integrating with the sun.

"Get up!" With the violence of the gill priest, the lid on the altar floated by itself without warning. Countless black lights and shadows shot out of the altar. When everyone had not reacted, the black light and shadows had trapped all the gills except the gills priest, including being escorted. Six people from Mu Yunfei.

"Receed!" The gill priest waved his cane again, and the light and shadow quickly dragged everyone into the altar. When the huge lid slammed on the altar, the gill priest shouted again:


"Haha, haha! King of gills, king of gills, stupid gills, how do you know that the skeleton of the gill king has long been in my hands! With so many demon souls of the gills of the god period, plus six demon practitioners in the disaster period, it is difficult to become immortal weapons this time! Haha!" The gill priest laughed crazily, smiling and laughing that the original image of the gill man was constantly changing, and finally turned into an old man in a white robe. At first glance, he had some fairy bones, half-white hair, thick eyebrows, square face, long beards, bright eyes, but at this moment, his face was full of violence and gloomy.

"What kind of person, come out!" The old man in white robe changed his face, stopped laughing and turned his head to look at a rock on the shore.

Since it has been found, there is no need for the hidden person to dodge and walk out slowly. There are six people, such as Mu Yunfei and Gong Yingchang. Previously, Mu Yunfei only vaguely felt something wrong with the gill priest, so he used the method of stealing the sky and changing the day, quietly covered the breath of six people with divine power, and then changed into six people with a Ruyi sign, while the ontology was hidden on the side. So it's just a happy signature to be included in that altar!

Gong Yingchang took a step forward, with a resentful face, pointed to the old man in white robe and cursed:

"The Kunlun School in the East China Sea, the first jade spirit of Ciyan Peak! It turned out to be you fucking. No wonder our ship will enter the fantasy sea. It turns out that it's all your fault! Aren't you afraid that you will be blamed?"

Yu Lingzi did not deny his identity, or he disdained to deny it. He smiled indifferently and said:

"Are you afraid? Gong Yingchang, do you think the deal between Emperor Luo and the master can be put on the table? Ha ha, and don't forget that Yaochi was the first person to be sent to pick up Ying Er and so on. Unfortunately, she couldn't wait for your boat and returned without success! What's ridiculous is that the leader sent me Ci Yanfeng to investigate this matter. Maybe you don't know that more than ten thousand years ago, I was lucky enough to pass by this sea and meet her!" Yu Lingzi looked down at the skeleton of the cane, but continued:

"She is so beautiful... Soon we fell in love! At that time, he was only the head of an ordinary disciple of the law enforcement hall. I don't know how to know this. The relationship between shemales was a taboo in the fairyland. He actually threatened me and asked me to help him improve his status in the law enforcement hall. I had no choice but to agree. In this way, he kept using me as a dog. It was not until she was killed by that guy with the 'Jiuyou collarbone nail' that I regained my freedom, but I knew that with her strength, how could 'Jiuyou collarbone nail' get her? That's because she was afraid of continuing to implicate me, so... Although she is no longer there, with her skeleton, the whole magic sea is under my control, and the fairy stones and people on your ship are in the magic sea. Do I still need to investigate? I'm afraid you don't have to say the result, you understand!"

took a deep breath, and Yu Lingzi shook his head. The frustration and pain he had shown before immediately disappeared, and he changed into an indifferent look.

Hateful people must have sad suffering, but Mu Yunfei will not be confused by Yu Lingzi's performance. Perhaps when the gill king died, he will be sad because of it. But after so many years, with the skeleton of the gill king and control the whole fantasy sea, Yu Lingzi has only selfish desire in his heart. If he really treat the gills Wang felt guilty and would bury the bones of the gill king, instead of being driven at will! If he still remembers the kindness of the gill king, he will not use the gills to refine fairy weapons!

"You!" Gong Yingchang won't think so much. Now he is almost pissed off by Yu Lingzi. Of course, he understands that Yu Lingzi must repay Kunlun's teaching, saying that there was no ship sailing from the magic continent to the East China Sea at that time. In this way, it was like online shopping. Yu Luodi is a seller. This thing must have been sent, and Kun Lun, the buyer, has never received it, so of course, the responsibility lies with Gong Yingchang, the logistics, and this logistics has suddenly disappeared, and it has been more than 200 years since it disappeared, so the charge of smuggling goods and absconding has been condemned!

"Well, now that you know my secret, don't leave here!" Yu Lingzi said, raised the skeleton of the gill king in his hand and shouted:

"King of gills, now!"