Legend of the God

Chapter 340 Forbidden Sea - Did I travel through?

The gill king who reappeared is not a beautiful form, but still the first appearance that Mu Yunfei saw, but now the distance is very close, and it looks a lot!

"Kill them!"

Today's gill king is not the original gill king. To be precise, she has no soul, as if she is a puppet controlled by Yu Lingzi, or more precisely a magic weapon.

"Break the sky!"

Before the gill king launched an attack, the black sword light in Mu Yunfei's hand had already taken the lead in cutting it. Looking at the gill king being split into two and drifting away in an instant, Mu Yunfei's eyes condensed and secretly said that it was a vision!

"Fantasy Sea, Kai!"

As Yu Lingzi's words fell, the body of the gill king put his hands into the sand in front of him, and the whole island suddenly began to shake and continue to sink into the sea. Countless fog on the surrounding sea is also rising, and a faint fragrance suddenly permeates Mu Yunfei and others.

This taste... is not good! Mu Yunfei made a decision and shouted to Gong Yingchang and others:

"There is something wrong with those thick fogs, hold your breath, be careful of the illusion, and leave separately! Hurry up!"

The sinking of the island is not terrible for Mu Yunfei. What is terrible is the illusion. Once it falls into the illusion, it is equivalent to entering the world controlled by Yu Lingzi, which is very bad! Moreover, Yu Lingzi's main goal is Gong Yingchang's five people, and Mu Yunfei is not related to them. Only by letting them leave can they attract Yu Lingzi's attention!

Gong Yingchang and others didn't know the little Jiujiu in Mu Yunfei's heart. They thought that they cared about them, but they did not hesitate to escape in all directions, and Mu Yunfei also immediately hid his body. At the moment, he had run hundreds of miles away from the sea, but he did not fly far. He suddenly found that it was not the only one. The place of the island is foggy, which is where you are, all hazy.

"Am I still in the fantasy sea of the king of gills? Huh?" Mu Yunfei suddenly felt a faint breath from the farthest distance from the bottom of the sea. This breath is different from the common spiritual fluctuations. In fact, it is more like the kind of intimacy and familiarity between old friends who have not seen each other for many years, which makes Mu Yunfei feel more and more surprised.

No matter whether he is in the fantasy sea of the king of gills or not, Mu Yunfei is even more interested in this breath. Following the faint breath, he moved forward again, but he clearly felt that this breath was in front of him, but every time he arrived, it completely disappeared. But when he stopped, the breath reappeared, as if guiding him forward.

In this way, Mu Yunfei has been drifting on the sea for nearly two days, relying on his powerful soul power to explore thousands of miles of sea, but still nothing has been found. This breath seems to be playing hide-and-seek with him. Finally, Mu Yunfei simply sank to the bottom of the sea to search. It's strange to say that there are no creatures in the sea, even a small fish can't be seen, and the whole sea seems to be dead.

This environment is like being locked in a small dark room, quiet and terrible! Mu Yunfei quickly gave up the practice of rushing. He floated on the surface of Shanghai and found a reef to sit quietly. He was thinking about what to do next. This must be a magic sea. That can't be wrong, and the silence of the sea also made him conclude that he was indeed trapped in the fantasy sea of the king of gills, but that How can the breath appear in this fantasy sea? What on earth is it and makes you feel so kind? But why can't I feel its position now?

These questions made him a little anxious! But after sitting for several days, I always couldn't think of a better way. Just when Mu Yunfei was very depressed, the familiar breath appeared again, and it was in the deep sea not far from where he was, and it seemed to call him.

Since he couldn't think of a way to leave this sea, Mu Yunfei decided to go and see what was hidden in the depths of the ocean, and what some nihilistic calls came from to guide him here. At present, Mu Yun flew away from the sea and dived into the depths of the ocean.

There is still a dead silence in the dark sea. Mu Yunfei followed the erra sound and quickly came to the bottom of the sea. The divine power stopped the squeezing of the dark sea. The soil on the bottom of the sea was relatively soft. Mu Yunfei gently on it, and the soul power was quickly released. Several explorations finally found a square boulder about ten feet high, and there was an open dark door at the bottom of the boulder!

"How can there be a door on the undersea rock?" Mu Yunfei slowly approached curiously. After several times around the huge stone, he was sure that there was nothing wrong. Then he held the door frame and looked inside. It was dark inside. The naked eye could not see what was inside and where it led to. What shocked Mu Yunfei was that his soul power could not extend into the door.

The edge of this door is extremely neat, as if it were manually chiseled. This is the bottom of the sea. Who will do this in the depths of the sea? Why is it purely enough to eat? Mu Yunfei secretly slandered, but retreated a few steps, only to find that even without divine power, the surrounding seawater could not be poured into the mysterious door.

This door is so weird! Mu Yunfei suppressed his curiosity and turned around without any nostalgia. It's better not to touch this mysterious and unknown thing.

But just as he was about to leave, the voice that had been calling for him before came out of the mysterious door again. In fact, it's called, but it's not really calling his name. It's just a feeling.

Isn't it not included? Mu Yunfei was a little hesitant! After several ideological struggles, Mu Yunfei finally felt that he had entered. No matter how dangerous it was, at least he was the king of heaven. There were not many people who could defeat him in the fairyland!

Be careful to make the ten-thousand-year-old ship, Mu Yunfei waved his hand and arranged a five-e elements defense array next to the huge stone gate, which can not only block the surrounding sea water, but also prevent others from sealing the entrance. After all, this is Yu Lingzi's territory!

After doing everything, Mu Yunfei entered the dark and deep door.

The door was dark and rumbling, and he couldn't see his fingers. Because he couldn't use his soul power, Mu Yunfei didn't know where to go. He could only move forward in the dark and didn't know how long he had walked. Suddenly, he stepped on the air and fell suddenly. His eyes were also bright and he saw the sky.

"This!" Mu Yunfei was shocked by the sound of the wind blowing in his ear and his falling body. He clearly walked into the door, and from the huge stone, the internal space would not be much. How could he appear here and be in the sky?

Calm down, Mu Yunfei ran the divine power in his body. Fortunately, the divine power had no effect at all. After stabilizing the falling body, he began to look at the world in front of him.

Although he doesn't know where he is, Mu Yunfei can be sure that this is definitely not a fantasy sea. At present, he urges the soul power to spread to the distance, but this unknown world seems to have no edge!

"What the hell is this place?" Mu Yunfei was so surprised that he couldn't help swearing. Finally, he had to drop the cloud and come to the ground. After stamping his feet, Mu Yunfei felt that the ground below was extremely soft and elastic, and the weeds around him were tall and curved black.

"Why is the ground so soft and so strong? These weeds and trees also grow strangely and have never seen them before! Did I travel through time?"

After muttering to himself, Mu Yunfei looked at the ground again. The clear ground made him feel familiar. Suddenly, he was shocked. He quickly rose up again and looked at the ground under his feet. Sure enough, what kind of ground was it? He was actually a giant lying flat. Just stood by himself. The place is the chest of the people.

The giant's height is quite horrible. At Mu Yunfei's current height, he can't see the giant's toes and chin. This person's whole body**, with muscles all over his body, just like a continuous mountain range, and the long and curly black chest hair is the weed trees that Mu Yunfei thought before!

"Is it mine? There are such giants in the world!" Mu Yunfei just wanted to leave as soon as possible at this time. He couldn't imagine whether he could resist if the giant retaliated for his rude behavior.

But where can I go now? After a little sett down, Mu Yunfei was bold and carefully flew to the giant's head. He wanted to see what the giant looked like.

"Is he a corpse?" Seeing that the giant did not open his eyes and did not make any movement, Mu Yunfei finally relieved half of his heart, but he could not be sure for a while, so he gently landed on the giant's nose and tried it. Unexpectedly, he found that the giant had no breath. It seemed that it was really a corpse! After wiping his cold sweat, Mu Yunfei turned around and sat down and said to himself:

"Sure enough, it's a corpse..." Before the word "body" of the body was said, he only felt a powerful airflow sweeping from his back, and there was no resistance. Mu Yunfei's whole body was blown into the air by this airflow.

"Oh, sneeze!" The thunderous sneeze sounded in Mu Yunfei's ear, and his feet, which finally stood firmly, almost fell from the air.

Live! This giant is alive!

"What kind of person disturbed the great Titan's nap!" The giant slowly got up and then stood up with great difficulty. His position was just below Mu Yunfei, and his fluffy hair was almost close to the soles of Mu Yunfei's shoes!

Seeing that the giant who claimed to be Titan did not find himself, Mu Yunfei was also much calm, but when he was so scared by the giant, he was also a little angry. One of his seven gods, of course, that was his previous life, but he couldn't lose face, right? Clearing the throat, the divine force stimulated the sound, and said in a low voice:

"Titan, you know your guilt!"

This sudden sound from all directions made Titan immediately find out where Mu Yunfei was. The dullness just now was gone. He stretched out his right hand like thunder and grabbed Mu Yunfei in the palm of his hand, and then his raised left hand suddenly slapped Mu Yunfei with a stunned face...