Legend of the God

Chapter 342 Taboo Sea - Is Lord here to save me?

While thinking about the previous six words, Mu Yunfei tried to get the huge axe that had been reduced to the size of one or two cars out of the ground. However, with the strength of Mu Yunfei Tianjun, this "Pangu axe" is still motionless.

"With this 'Pangu axe', can't you split the space here and go back to the outside world? Although Titan and Liudao both recognize me as the master, they are not little spirits after all. With my current strength, they can't even transform after recognizing the Lord! Not to mention driving them, the so-called "unwillingness" in the six mouths may be due to this situation. Although they are spiritual, they all have the strength of saints. The unique spiritual treasure is indeed the top existence among the magic weapons of the five worlds!" Mu Yunfei praised repeatedly and changed his method to mobilize the black magic power in his body and inject it into the axe. He tried to communicate with the Titan who returned to the Pangu axe, and perhaps he could pull out the axe.

"I said boss, why are you still standing? I can wait!" Titan's voice sounded in Mu Yunfei's mind.

Do I want to stand? I can't even lift your body. How can I split this space? Listening to Titan's response, Mu Yunfei couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.

"Ah! It's not my fault. This is the imperial method of the Pangu axe. According to the formula, you can pick up the axe, split the space here, and return to the outside world. After saying that, a paragraph of formula poured into Mu Yunfei's mind like a tide. Although there are still many hidden and difficult places to understand, Mu Yunfei is difficult to understand for a while, but with this formula, it should not be difficult to control the Pangu axe. The most exciting thing for Mu Yunfei is that he has tended to take the move of "breaking the sky", but he always feels that he lacks something, which is definitely not because of his understanding. It is a weapon. Although the spirit sword evolved from the chaotic heart sword, the sword is a sword, and there is absolutely no cutting power of knives and axes. Moreover, the "power to break the sky" was originally created according to Pangu Kaitian, and Mu Yunfei was more or less affected by the momentum of Pangu axe at that time! Now having a Pangu axe can make up for the shortcomings brought by the spiritual sword and truly exert the power of "breaking the sky" to chop everything!

After finally calming down, Mu Yunfei silently drove the huge axe in front of him according to the formula taught by Titan. Originally, the surface of the black Pangu axe emits a purple light. Under the imperial envoy of Mu Yunfei's formula, the huge axe like a car shrank again. Only the size of the grinding disc stopped changing. Mu Yunfei held the handle of the axe tightly, gave a violent sound, and pulled out the ground hard.

"It's so heavy!" When Pangu Axe was bought, Mu Yunfei was shocked. Unexpectedly, this seemingly inconspicuous black axe seemed to accommodate the whole world, so heavy that Mu Yunfei could hardly hold it. Lianlian used divine power to drive the formula, which stabilized the staggering body and not to fall to the ground.

"What is that?" Mu Yunfei saw that the crack left by the original Pangu axe on the ground also became smaller with the axe. When the axe was pulled out, a trace of lavender gas began to escape from the crack. The gas condenses and does not disperse. If it floats quietly in the air, it looks at Mu Yunfei like a curious baby.

" boss, what are you still doing? Sacr me out quickly!" Six voices sounded in his mind and urged Mu Yunfei repeatedly. Mu Yunfei didn't know what the gas was, but when he heard that Liudao was so anxious, he was not slow at the moment, and then sacrificed six locks.

As soon as the six locks came out, they suddenly turned into ten, ten into a hundred, and a hundred into thousands, surrounding the gas.

" boss, I thought that even if I tried my best with Titan, I might not be able to make this space, but with this grand spirit, it seems that it can be guaranteed!"

"6, does such a small mass of gas really have such a great effect? There used to be a purple aura in my body, which was much bigger than this!" Hearing such an excited voice, Mu Yunfei was a little puzzled.

"Idiot!" After cursing Mu Yunfei secretly, Liu Dao explained:

Do you know where the Seven Gods came from? Do you know how our seven heavenly treasures were born? Do you know where the chaotic ancestral gods come from? That was all formed by Hongmeng purple gas. At that time, the chaotic ancestral god was born when Hongmeng purple gas that integrated the whole chaotic space. After that, he created the Seven Gods and our unique spiritual treasures with his own body. Do you think the effect of Hongmeng purple gas is still small? Huh? Wait, do you think you had such a great spirit in your body before?

"Yes, but it's gone now!" Mu Yunfei shrugged his shoulders.

"It's gone? What do you mean it's gone!" The sharp voice of Liu Dao made Mu Yunfei dizzy and waved his hand repeatedly and said:

"Sister Liudao, I can hear what you are saying. Are you so excited? No, but it was fused by me. The power of the sun, moon and stars, plus a trace of gray aura, merged with this, the spirit of Hongmeng you mentioned, and became my black magic power now!"

"I said that you are endless. Six ways to absorb Hongmeng's aura, and the boss is ready! We only have one chance!" Listening to the endless ink between the two, Titan has urged impatiently...


A dead body that could not die fell from mid-air. Yu Lingzi didn't even look at it, but stared at Gong Yingchang in the distance and sneered:

"The fourth, Gong Yingchang, next is you!"

In Yu Lingzi, to be precise, in the fantasy sea of the dead gill king, Gong Yingchang and the five people fled for several days. After experiencing boundless panic and loneliness, the five people met miraculously, but Gong Yingchang knew that this was not a chance encounter, but Yu Lingzi's arrangement. He arranged the five people who fled to all sides at the same time. , meet at the same place and wait for his sudden arrival.

Without the slightest power of resistance, the four people under Gong Yingchang were like sweet potatoes that they were easily crushed and trampled by Yu Lingzi, but their bodies were abandoned in the vast sea.

"Immortal, you are actually a fairy! Yu Lingzi, I admit that I can't fight you as a fairy, but even if you kill me, so what? Unless you are ready to stay in this sea, once you leave, the immortal power and vitality in your body will continue to pass away. It's ridiculous. It seems that a person has found countless treasure holes, but in the end, he finds that once these treasures are taken out, they will turn into ashes, and you are. I'm really sad for you!" Gong Yingchang knew that he would die in the end, but even if he died, he had to say a few words about this culprit and treat it as some self-comfort before death!

But he never thought that Yu Lingzi smiled without anger:

"Ha, ha, ha! You are absolutely right! I did refine the immortal power in my body and become a fairy. That's not due to your ship's fairy stone! But you don't have to worry about leaving here. Do you think I'm really here just for a small fantasy sea? Well, let me tell you that I have been preparing for 200 years to cast a fairy weapon with all the souls of the gill family, a fairy weapon that can prevent my immortal power from passing away, and it is about to succeed!"

Looking at Gong Yingchang with a frighten face, Yu Lingzi felt that an unprecedented sense of satisfaction surged from the bottom of his heart. Sometimes happy things don't have to be shared with best friends. It seems more interesting, exciting and exciting to enjoy happiness with a dying enemy!

Just as Yu Lingzi "appreciated" Gong Yingchang's unwillingness and shock before his death, he only heard a dull thunder suddenly coming from the sky!

"Thunder? How can it be!" This is the fantasy sea created by the gill king. Although it is still in the fantasy sea, it is basically isolated from the outside world. How could there be thunder? Yu Lingzi was about to release his divine consciousness and only felt a very domineering fighting spirit rushing over. He saw a red light shooting star cutting through the sky, and the dark clouds in the sky were suddenly illuminated red. The whole sky seemed to be on fire. Yu Lingzi frowned. Who is so powerful? Is it the man who was with Gong Yingchang before?

The red light dragged its long tail and plunged into the sea about thousands of feet away from Yu Lingzi and Gong Yingchang, and then raised dozens of feet of huge waves and roared wildly. The domineering and violent breath appeared again. Yu Lingzi's heart moved and did not retreat. A long sword suddenly appeared in his right hand. A sword flower flew, shaking out against the huge waves, and the huge waves were all shattered under the sword.

It took a long time for the sea to calm down again. Yu Lingzi no longer cared about Gong Yingchang. He staggered up, stood in the air, and looked down.

What appeared in front of Yu Lingzi at this moment was a scene he had never seen before. In the churning sea, there was a huge fireball. Take a closer look, the fireball is not directly in the sea, but still has a long distance. The sea under the fireball is constantly evaporating, and the burning heat wave is surging out. Even if Yu Lingzi is a hundred feet high at this moment, he can still feel it.

Yu Lingzi did not dare to be careless and sacrificed Kunlun magic weapon "Clean Yu Bottle". The mouth of the bottle was facing down and all the flames on the surface of the fireball were collected. When the firelight faded, he saw a man lying on his side with red light lying on his side, and chains around him constantly hovering around him. The man held a huge dark axe in his hand. Yu Lingzi could feel that the man who couldn't see clearly, the chain, and the huge axe contained orders. His heart palpitations.

Just as Yu Lingzi was thinking, the man moved and slowly sat up. The chain and the huge axe suddenly disappeared. Obviously, he was put into his body. This man was none other than anyone else, but Mu Yunfei who broke the space and returned to the magic sea!

After looking around, Mu Yunfei breathed a sigh of relief, but when he saw himself** naked, he shouted repeatedly:

"Damn, it's naked again! Why is it like this every time! But fortunately, it's still complete!"

Gong Yingchang also saw the people clearly at this moment. It was a mess in his heart. In the past few days, he had always thought that Mu Yunfei had only used them to attract Yu Lingzi, but he didn't expect that at such a critical juncture, Mu Yunfei appeared. Although this way of appearance was relatively special, at least it was not. Gong Yingchang snot Tears shouted excitedly:

"Your excellency, is that you? Is your excellency here to save me?