Legend of the God

Chapter 341 Forbidden Sea - Six Paths and Pangu Axe

Looking at the mountain-like palm patting himself like lightning, Mu Yunfei's first reaction was, it's over!

"Ah?" Titan's body trembled involuntarily. He was really scared, because his palm was only a little away from the small one in front of him, but he could not go further. At the beginning of his memory, there were only seven people in the world that he could not fight against, or only these seven people in the world were What he can't hurt!

And Mu Yunfei was also stunned at this moment. Why did he stop? Did this Titan's conscience find it? In Mu Yunfei's surprised eyes, Titan loosened his body, and then suddenly knelt down on his knees, and his huge head kept kowtolling at Mu Yunfei to the ground.

"Dong, Dong, Dong!" As Titan kept kowtodding, the earth began to tremble rhythmically. Mu Yunfei couldn't imagine that if he kowtowed like this, the world would not last long.

"Stop, stop!" As a last resort, Mu Yunfei could only stop him.

"Hung-hundred years of awakening, Titan has been guilty! Please take the Titan out!"

God? Does he know me? Mu Yunfei looked at Titan's runny nose and tears, and was also dumbfounded. What's going on? Who is this Titan?

Looking at Mu Yunfei with a puzzled face, Titan stretched out his hand again. Looking at the huge palm raised again, Mu Yunfei's heart suddenly tightened and his body couldn't help retreating, but suddenly found that Titan had just patted his head and couldn't help sighing relieved.

"God, I'm the Purple Axe Titan. Don't you remember me?"

"Remember, remember, how can I not remember? You are the Purple Axe! But how can I get you out of here?" Mu Yunfei's mouth is full of nonsense. How can he remember that there is such a number one person? However, looking at the huge body, it is better to pretend to know the irresistible power, so that the Titan will not be crazy. It is himself who suffers, and leaving here is the most important thing!

"It's easy to get out of here, God!"

Following the direction pointed by Titan's raised right arm, Mu Yunfei looked up and saw nothing! If you look carefully, there is still no! I can't help feeling a little annoyed! Just as he was about to speak, he only heard Titan say:

"This is a space parallel and connected to the immortal world in the five worlds, and the front, um, is there, where my body is locked by the six paths. As long as the gods let the six paths let me go, maybe we can leave the world with our strength!" Speaking of this, Titan stopped, looked at Mu Yunfei again, and then continued:

"Well, the god's body is relatively small. Maybe it's a long way. Sit on my shoulder and I'll take you there!"

Damn, this is not his body, so what is his body? Is it a giant bigger than this? Take it out, it's easy to say. Can I support him after taking it out? Mu Yunfei couldn't deny the words of Titan, but it still fell on Titan's shoulder.

What does it mean to stand on the shoulders of giants, you can stand higher and see farther! Mu Yunfei is like this at this moment, but although he stands higher, he can't see far and even has to close his eyes! Because the Titan seemed to be huge and clumsy, but once it moved, the speed was beyond the reach of wood clouds. He felt that the scenery on both sides quickly passed by. In addition to the roaring wind, it was the heavy breathing sound of Titan, and this high-speed march made his face and eyes have a trace of tingling. It can be imagined that At what speed is this Titan moving forward?

I don't know how long it took, maybe one day, maybe two days. Anyway, Mu Yunfei felt that his whole body was about to numb.

"God, we are here!"

Mu Yunfei opened his eyes and looked forward. Fortunately, there was no bigger giant. In front of him was a huge and seemingly dangerous mountain. The peak is smooth on both sides, with a depression on each side. In the middle is a cliff towering into the clouds from the sky, like a pillar. From a distance, it looks like a huge axe smashing into the ground. I seem to have seen this somewhere! Mu Yunfei felt more and more familiar with it, as if he had seen it more than once!

And the whole mountain is surrounded by thick iron chains, which can't help but remind Mu Yunfei of the soul-holding chains in Ma Ling's hand, which are almost exactly the same except for countless times magnification.

Flying from Titan's shoulder and coming to the bottom of the mountain, Mu Yunfei reached close to the mountain wall, and a message suddenly came to Mu Yunfei's mind like lightning.

There are not many messages, only three words, "Pangu Axe!"

"Pangu axe, purple axe Titan, it turns out that he is the weapon of Pangu, the head of the seven gods, that is, the legendary first magic weapon in ancient times that can open up heaven and earth! By the way, in the memory picture left by Xiaoling, isn't this axe used to transform the human world? No wonder it's so familiar!"

"Titan, I'm curious, how did you get locked here?" This really puzzled Mu Yunfei. According to what Linghuan said to him before, each of the seven gods has a unique spiritual treasure, just like Linghuan is Mu Yunfei's magic weapon, and Xiao Hu Tu is the magic weapon for the old beggar's trial, but why did Pangu lock the Titan here?

"Well, in fact, how can I say that the boss transformed the human world, I was also very excited, so I increased my strength a little while he released his power. Well, I really just increased a little strength, but I didn't expect that the spatial structure of the human world could not withstand my power. As a result, except for that Outside the planet called Earth, life on other planets was almost killed by me, so that was... By the way, don't you know all this!"

From Titan's hesitant narrative, Mu Yunfei finally learned that because Titan's self-made decision turned out to be a bad thing, he was punished by Pangu.

"What are those six paths?" Looking at Titan not answering himself, but looking at his eyes with endless doubts, Mu Yunfei only felt that his scalp was numb and quickly explained:

"You don't have to do this. I have been reincarnated for several generations, and I can't remember many things in the past clearly!"

"Reincarnation? You will be reincarn, how can this be!" In Titan's heart, the god is immortal. How can it be reincarnated? This is incredible.

Mu Yunfei had to tell Titan little by little from the news from Linghuan, the blind old man and the trial. It took a long time for Titan to understand this, but he knew that Pangu was no longer there. He shouted like crazy, although he was very unwilling to punish Pangu, and even remembered it. Hate, but as soon as he heard that Pangu was no longer there, there was no hatred in his heart, but only grief.

"Titan, why are you crying? You're going to cry to death, making me sleep! You were punished, and I said she was looking at you. In fact, isn't this punishment in disguise? A delicate sound came from the sky, and the thick chains that originally covered the Pangu axe couldn't help shaking. A beautiful shadow suddenly appeared in front of Mu Yunfei and Titan. Although she was not as huge as Titan, she was still half a body taller than Mu Yunfei.

"Six ways, what's wrong with me crying? Wow~ My boss is dead. Is it wrong for me to be sad? Wow~ Your boss is also dead, don't you know!" Titan cried and shouted at the woman named Liudao.

"My boss is dead? Is the boss also dead? This is absolutely impossible! Who did you hear that?" Liudao frowned, took a step forward, and pointed to Titan's stomach to question. Titan is really too tall, although he is sitting on the ground at this moment, and Liu Dao can only point to his stomach.

"It was Godless God who told me!" Titan pointed to Mu Yunfei.

No god? Only then did Liu Dao find Mu Yunfei. His eyes were staring, and a feminine consciousness immediately wrapped around Mu Yunfei. And Mu Yunfei doesn't avoid it. Anyway, he can't avoid it!

Although his appearance has changed, his body has the same power of reincarnation as the boss, which should not be wrong! Moreover, he still has the smell of little red! After exploring Mu Yunfei, he has confirmed what Titan said, but he still can't believe it. If Pangu and other six gods have fallen, it is not impossible. Even the chaotic mountain that supports the mixed heaven has been broken. What else is impossible! But her boss is not an ordinary person. That's reincarnation. The Holy Heavenly Reincarnation Emperor who controls the whole underworld. Only he can control other people's reincarnation. Who else can kill him?

Seeing that Liu Dao was a little disbelief, Mu Yunfei had to sigh:

"Of course, they were not killed. That was to support the mixed heavens and avoid the collapse of the five worlds, so they solved it by themselves. As for the soul, of course, it will not perish. Now they have returned to the chaotic space for cultivation! However, although their practice has played a role, if they can't build the chaotic mountain in 10,000 years at most, the five worlds will not be spared!"

After pondering for a long time, he looked up at the mountain transformed by Titan's body Pangu axe and muttered:

"It's only been 100 million years, how can it become like this! If we are all here, maybe the boss and the boss won't die!"

"It's useless to say this now. The key is how to get out of here?" Mu Yunfei saw that the atmosphere was a little heavy and quickly changed the topic.

"Go out? I can't get out of here! In those years, Pangu's two gods jointly created the world in the fairyland. Can they go out if they want to go out? Unless the two gods work together to break through the space here, it is possible to return to the fairyland. But now that they are gone, who can break this space?

The six words are like a heavy hammer hitting Mu Yunfei's heart.

"Why can't we go out? As long as the gods can exert the power of you and me, how can this space stop us!" Titan's words were like a strong needle injected into Mu Yunfei's body.

"That's true! However, Titan, are you willing to admit that there is no god? Don't forget that the current Godless God is just a small heavenly king. I'm afraid he can only exert a layer of your power. That's already good!" Although Liu Dao also nodded and agreed, he also asked a practical question that made it difficult for Titan and Mu Yunfei to choose and avoid...