Legend of the God

Chapter 344 Forbidden Sea - Top Fairy

"Yu Lingzi must have locked your remnant soul on the skeleton, and it is because of your deep love for him that he can completely control your remains! King of the gills, is all this really worth it?

Mu Yunfei's words are still echoing in the ears of the gill king. It turned out that he had already died, and now the whole gill family has become the sacrifice of jade spirit to refine immortals! The reason why she seems to stand here so completely is that this is the magic power "fantasy sea realm" launched by her skeleton. Once the fantasy sea realm is lifted, the gill king will turn into the existence of the skeleton. The fact is so cruel and realistic.

But the gill king is still a little unacceptable. The man who once loved her deeply actually did such a cruel thing. This is ** naked betrayal and blasphemy of the mountain and sea oath!

"No, I can't let him do anything! Wrong, I committed it. Let me end everything!" Wang, the gill man, bit her lips tightly and made a decision, but such a decision made her whole body tremble.

"The gill king, only when the magic sea realm is lifted can it be returned to the gill island, but once the magic power is lifted, you..." Mu Yunfei is right. Once the gill sea realm is lifted, the gill king will no longer exist! It is no longer possible for her to solve her resentment with Yu Lingzi for ten thousand years. Just when the king of gills was also very discouraged, Mu Yunfei's tone turned sharply,

"However, I can maintain your current state for the time being, but when everything is over, you will fall into reincarnation! In the future, if it is a human, demon or something else, it will not be under your control!"

Mu Yunfei can say this, which is completely the result of communication with the six paths. The six heavenly spiritual treasures of the emperor of the Holy Heavenly Reincarnation Emperor are the basis for establishing the yin and Yang reincarnation emperor at the beginning, and the reason why the soul detention lock of the underworld can detain the three souls and seven souls is also because of the power given by the six paths, which is a small dish for locking the remnant soul of the gill king. Dish!

Of course, Mu Yunfei is only the existence of the heavenly king, and his divine power cannot maintain the performance of the heavenly treasure. If Mu Yunfei becomes a saint one day and has six ways, he can dominate the reincarnation of others at will! It can be said that as long as Mu Yunfei has an idea, it can decide whether a person's life or death!

In fact, after knowing this, Mu Yunfei's mind is no longer on the king and Yu Lingzi. His turbulent heart, which stepped into the Yinsi Mansion from the human world, is really calm at this moment. As long as he becomes a saint, as long as Shen Yan still has a wisp of soul, he can resurrect it through six ways!

"What should I do?"

"Happy God!" Mu Yunfei raised his left hand and gently shook it. In the shocked eyes of Gong Yingchang and the gill king, illusory chains appeared from his hand and shot at the gill king. These chains were black light, trapped the gill king like a rope from hell, and then instantly disappeared in the skin of the gill king. Medium!

"King of the gills, hurry up, you only have one hour!"


Gill Island, once the most glorious and prosperous holy island of the gill people, but now there is no gill man, only the ancient tripod that has torn off the altar and stands on the cold and depressed altar.

The surface of the originally cyan ancient tripod has now become red. Judging from its hot fog, the temperature in the ancient tripod has reached an unimaginable level.

Clear sky transient, dark clouds,

The thunder resounded through the sky!

The fairy weapon has arrived!

Unlike the innate magic weapon, the acquired man-made magic weapon needs to experience the baptism of the heavenly disaster, but the fairy weapon is different from the practitioner's heavenly disaster. They do not need to go through any three, six, and ninety-nine disasters. As long as they can resist a test of the heavenly disaster, they can be successfully promoted!

After entering the last trick to Gu Ding, Yu Lingzi shouted with a solemn face:


The lid of the ancient tripod suddenly opened, and a red light rushed straight to the sky from the ancient tripod! The red light reflected on the seemingly upright Guozi Fang's face, and Yu Lingzi smiled. As long as he could resist the disaster, the fairy weapon would be immediately! He has even seen the arrogant and invincible Kunlun leader bowing to him.

There are thousands of avenues, and if you understand them, you can become holy! However, magic weapons are not included. The magic weapons are divided into two categories: congenital and acquired. The congenital category is also known as "connate magic weapons". It has three layers of changes. It has the first layer of changes with self-attack and defense, that is, just like the top ten innate magic weapons in the human world!

The change of the second layer can exert some magical power. When the owner of the innate magic weapon can exert its second level of changes, the innate magic weapon will automatically be promoted to the "connate spiritual treasure", just like the "spirit mirror" in Duan Mupeng's hand can summon the ghost king or the ghost emperor of the underworld to "call the god".

And the third layer is called the spirit, which is more demanding. It requires the owner to communicate with the weapon soul before it, and communicates with the weapon soul, at least after the immortal emperor has divine knowledge. Of course, like Mu Yunfei has soul pressure beyond divine consciousness, although he is the heavenly king, he can also do it. The innate spiritual treasures that can be transformed are called "Tongtian spiritual treasures". They are not blades, but have the same body that can be cultivated, and the owner can put his split in it, which is equivalent to one more life!

The acquired magic weapon refers to the fairy weapon, and the attack and defense of the fairy weapon itself will never be worse than this congenital magic weapon, especially the top fairy weapon, even the congenital spiritual treasure may not be able to resist it! Judging from the "Jingxiao Jade Bottle" in the hand of Yu Lingzi, which is only a lower fairy weapon, it can be seen that it can resist all the attacks of the immortal emperor below!

The fairy weapon should not exist in this world, because its existence will only bring greater killing, and the fairy weapon disaster is to curb this kind of thing that should not exist! But once it becomes a fairy weapon, even if it is a lower fairy weapon, it is very powerful.

Of course, there are exceptions, such as the refinery in "Godless Secret". As long as the last step of soul melting is successful, it can enter the first-class innate magic weapon and the gun that breaks the sky. Today's wooden wolf is the best proof!

The book returns to the true story, and when the magic weapon with the red light rushed to the sky, the fairy weapon disaster was also brewing. Thunder and lightning poured down from the dark clouds like a storm, and the targets were all concentrated on the red light.

" resist, you must resist! Everything will depend on you in the future!" Looking at the red light being constantly hit by thunder and lightning, it was almost crumbling, as if it would be torn by the disaster the next moment. Yu Lingzi clenched his fist and prayed nervously.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the red light burst in an instant, and Yu Lingzi's heart seemed to be smashed by the day. After all, it seems that the red light finally failed to survive the disaster. Yu Lingzi fell to the ground and hammered the ground with hatred, and his face became more and more ferocious.

"Do you really want to live in this magical sea for the rest of your life? I'm really unwilling, I'm not willing! Ah~"

The whole gill island echoed with the angry and helpless roar of Yu Lingzi for a long time!

"No, this fairy weapon robbery has not dissipated. Is it..." After sitting for a moment, Yu Lingzi suddenly found that the fairy weapon robbery above his head had not dissipated, which means that the magic weapon had not been destroyed by the heavenly robbery, and the divine mind immediately surged out and explored high in the sky. But there is nothing except the faint smoke left at the burst of the red light!

"Kka!" A thick thunder and lightning suddenly shot at the gunpowder smoke. In Yu Lingzi's unbelievable eyes, the gunpowder smoke turned into a tripod. Yes, it was the same as the ancient tripod he had, although it looked smaller!

All the thunder and lightning shot into the tripod, and I saw a series of Fuwen floating up from the tripod, all concentrated at the mouth of the tripod, blocking the way out of the thunder and lightning! The tripod changed from red to blue, from blue to blue, and finally to blue and black. Fu Wen loomed and saw a white smoke coming out of the tripod, and the tripod trembled, as if a person had been urinating for a long time. After it was convenient, he trembled comfortably. How comfortable it was!

The dark clouds have dispersed, the fairy weapon has been robbed, and the fairy weapon has been completed!

And Yu Lingzi's heart that originally fell to the bottom of the valley keeps climbing again. It can be said that he is a little happy at this moment. The fairy weapon that can be transformed is a top fairy weapon! He knew the truth of Chi Zesheng's change very well. At present, he did not dare to delay at all and jumped up to the ancient tripod.

However, seeing that this top fairy artifact will become something in his bag, he didn't expect Yu Lingzi to grab it. This ancient tripod instantly turned into a bird, flapped its wings slightly, broke away from the jade spirit and flew to the gill island. Yu Lingzi followed and landed on the ground, but as soon as he approached the bird, the bird disappeared again and turned into a white rabbit. After looking at Yu Lingzi with red eyes, he turned around and jumped to the seaside.

"It is worthy of being a top-quality fairy weapon, which is so spiritual! Ha ha, let's see where you go!" The fairy weapon became, and Yu Lingzi was also in a good mood. Seeing that the fairy weapon actually played hide-and-seek with himself, he was even more happy and did not catch up. He went to the seaside slowly.

Gill Island is the starting and stopping point for the king of the gills to launch the "fantasy sea", so Yu Lingzi is not in a hurry. As long as this fairy weapon enters the gill Island, it will never run out of his palm, play "hide-and-and-seek" and cultivate the relationship between the two. Why not? However, when he leisurely strolled to the seaside, his face became worse and worse. The previous joy had long disappeared, because in addition to the little white rabbit, there were two people who he thought could not leave the "fantasy sea".

Yu Lingzi took a look at the little white rabbit lying comfortably in Mu Yunfei's arms and enjoying the touch, and shouted:

"How did you get out! Put it down!"

I spent more than 200 years collecting countless genius treasures, and worked hard to refine them into fairy weapons, but they became other people's wedding clothes. How could Yu Lingzi not be angry and then sacrificed a long sword. But just as he was about to kill the two people, the sweet voice that was almost forgotten in the depths of his memory came from behind him:

"Yu Lingzi, can you tell me why?"

Yu Lingzi stood still, like a plaster statue. He turned around with great difficulty, looked at the familiar face, swallowed his saliva with difficulty, and said inexplicably:

"Fish, how can it be you? Aren't you dead?"