Legend of the God

Chapter 345 Forbidden Sea - Continuation of Life

The gill king has a human name, which was given to her by Yu Lingzi in those years, called "Fish"!

In the past, every time Yu Lingzi called her fish, her heart was sweet, but now, there is only the heartbreaking pain!

"Yu Lingzi, do you remember what you promised me back then? Why do you treat my people like this? The gill king's face was full of frost, and there was a trace of guilt in addition to the cold killing in her eyes. She was ashamed of her clan. If she hadn't fallen in love with the man in front of her, it would not have led to the demise of the gills. She would not forgive herself, let alone Yu Lingzi.

"Fish, listen to my explanation! I haven't forgotten my promise to you back then. There's a reason why I did this!" The shock and shock in Yu Lingzi's previous heart had calmed down, and his face returned to his former calmness. As he walked to the gill king, he said bitterly:

"After you lost your life for me, I couldn't retreat at Ciyan Peak and read almost all the collections of the Kunlun School. Finally, more than 200 years ago, I found a way to bring you back to life! It is recorded in the collection that there is a kind of moon wolf on the southern grassland of the forbidden continent. When they sacrifice their clan, it is the moment when the Sirius King comes! The Sirius King is a demon immortal created by the life of a clan! And you fish, you are the king of the gills, and the gills are divided by your body, so as long as you lose all the lives of the gills back to you, you will definitely appear in front of me again, because I don't want to lose you!" Looking at the gill king's relaxed look, Yu Lingzi continued:

"Yes, although this method is a little cruel to the gills, as long as it can bring you back to life, even if I carry a lifelong scolding, you will hate me for the rest of your life!"

"Of course, I won't do anything uncertain. After all, the gills are gills. They are not the moon wolves, so I looked through all the collections again and finally found a safer way. That method is called 'soul refining'! As long as you cast all the lives and souls of the gills into a peerless magic soldier, and then integrate the magic soldier with your bones and remnants, you can really come back to life!"

Seeing that the gill king's original frosty face finally softened, Yu Lingzi stopped, looked up at the sky and sighed, suddenly turned his head, stared at Mu Yunfei, who still kept a faint smile, kept touching the little white rabbit in his arms, gritted his teeth and said with hatred:

"However, it was about to succeed, but I didn't expect that the fairy weapon was taken away by this person! Yuer, for you and for our future, now only with the strength of us can we take back the fairy weapons that let you see the sun again!"

"Your fairy weapon? When did my magic weapon Ruyi sign become your fairy weapon? Mu Yunfei suddenly restrained his smile and waved on the little white rabbit's body. The little white rabbit immediately turned into a streamer and rushed into his eyebrows!

Yu Lingzi did not know that it was not his so-called magic weapon that survived the fairy weapon, but the "Ruyi sign" that was previously detained in the ancient tripod instead of Mu Yunfei and others. "Ruyi sign" is not what Yu Lingzi thought of before. Although it has become a fairy weapon, it already has an owner, and this master's The breath is by the sea, so it comes all the way!

If you saw the magic weapon being smashed by the sky before, Yu Lingzi's heart had fallen to the bottom, and then the fairy weapon became, which made him experience great sadness and joy again. At this time, when he knew that such a powerful top-quality fairy weapon was actually Mu Yunfei's, his heart seemed to be fragile. The glass was ruthlessly smashed. His eyes bulged, covered with terrible blood, and randomly grabbed the long half-white hair. At this moment, Yu Lingzi completely collapsed!

He is crazy!

"Impossible, impossible, this is absolutely impossible! You lied to me, right? How can the top-quality fairy weapon that I used countless efforts to refine be your magic weapon? Yes, you must lie to me, it must be! Haha, fairy weapon, I have a fairy weapon that can prevent the leakage of fairy power and vitality. I'm going back to Kunlun. Yes, I want to go back. I'll go back now. I want to get back everything I deserve!"

Yu Lingzi grabbed a dry branch and shouted hysterically for a while, then he was in a trance and stumbled up into the air.

Without the gill king to lift the ban on the gill island, Yu Lingzi will never get out. Looking at the gill king with a constantly changing face and the glue of love and hate in his eyes, Mu Yunfei knew that although Yu Lingzi betrayed the gill king, the love of the gill king for Yu Lingzi has not decreased at all, which reminds him of people. The understanding and love of love in the world is an indescribable feeling! When you have it, you are the happiest person in the world, and when you lose it and turn your back on it, the world will collapse!

Seeing that the gill king was about to speak, Mu Yunfei waved his hand repeatedly and sighed:

"King of the gills, I can see that you still can't let go of him. Since you can't let him go, why is it difficult for yourself! The big mistake is that it is difficult to come back, so let him go!"

The gill king can see that in fact, Mu Yunfei does not want to let Yu Lingzi go, because what he has done is really outrageous, and the hateful thing is that he does not know how to repent!

That's true. Mu Yunfei's words are not only persuading the king of the gills, but also looking for an excuse for him to let Yu Lingzi go. Although Yu Lingzi seems crazy now, it is difficult to guarantee that he will not recover one day, and Yu Lingzi after recovery may be more cruel and crazy than now!

The gill king had to smile gratefully at Mu Yunfei and wave his arm. Yu Lingzi, who was still flying randomly in the air, disappeared over the gill island in the blink of an eye. It was thought that he had already out of this fantasy sea.

"Yunfei, can I call you that?" After seeing Mu Yunfei nodding, Wang continued to say:

"It's almost time! I should have done it, but I didn't have the courage to face it! Although I hate him very much and know that his previous words are lying to me, and what he did was just for himself, after all, he is still the man I love deeply! Maybe it's what you human beings call love and hatred! How I wished that I was not a siren. Even when I broke myself, I wanted to be reincarnated and accompany him... But now, I don't want to be reincarnated anymore. Before I completely disappear, the only thing I can do is to atone for my beloved and hate man! Yunfei, promise me that if he is your enemy in the future, please let him go once, just once, okay?"

"Okay, I promise you!" Although he didn't know how the gill king wanted to atone for Yu Lingzi, Mu Yunfei finally nodded and agreed to such an infatuated sea monster.

"Thank you!" The gill king apologized behind Mu Yunfei and turned into the sea. His legs quickly turned into fish tails and gently patted the waves. The faint halo covering her whole body began to spread around. At this moment, the gill king was like a beautiful white lotus flower.

The sky gradually became dim, and the sea breeze became stronger and stronger. After a while, there was a light rain in the sky.

"Ah!" With the heartbreaking roar of the gill king, the three golden scales on her forehead peeled off in an instant, and blood kept gushing out of the wound. With the rain constantly falling into the sea, the sea under her had become blood red.

The three golden scales are like three colorful butterflies, dancing in the air. Under the support of the white halo, they gently fall on the sea that has been stained with blood. When these three golden scales touched the sea water mixed with the blood of the gill king, it immediately began to expand, and soon three golden giants held by one person appeared.

The gill king raised his hand with difficulty and gently patted the Dome from left to right. However, he turned his head and looked at Mu Yunfei on the shore with a smile, but this smile made Mu Yunfei feel great sadness, and his heart couldn't help tightened!

The gill king turned around again and looked up to the southeast, where is the East China Sea of the True Immortal Continent, where her lover...

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, which is simply described as a rainstorm. The beach has been smashed into a dense pit by the rain, and even Mu Yunfei has to use divine power to isolate this big raindrops.

"Your Excellency, what is this gill king doing?" Gong Yingchang stepped forward a few steps and asked softly.

"Although I'm not very clear, the gill king has left! And among those three giant eggs, life is being nurtured! Her life still continues..." Mu Yunfei did not look back, but muttered, holding back tears, and his hazy eyes quietly looked at the three squirming giants, where there was another continuation of life of the gill king!

The origin of the gill family is not the one Mu Yunfei saw on the relief before. The gill king is not hatched in any egg, but the sea in front of her naturally gave birth to her, so she is the daughter of the real sea!

When the gill king was born, there were nine gold scales on her forehead. These nine gold scales contained all her life and strength. When she was lonely, she used three of the gold scales to create the first generation of gills, and soon she slept under this sea! Ten thousand years ago, because of the slaughter of the gills by practitioners in the four continents, the gill king woke up, and her appearance was like engraved on the relief, trying to turn the tide! Before long, the heavenly punishment came. In order to protect the gills, the gills king completely protected this sea area, which is also the origin of the magic sea, but the price is to lose three golden scales again! She could have slept again to restore her life and strength, but at that time she met Yu Lingzi!

And this time, the gill king used the last power of his life to create the gills again, and also created a new protector for this sea that gave birth to her life!

"Kho!" One of the huge eggs cracked, and a cute little head poked out from the middle. Through the beautiful face that could not stop shaking, it could be seen that she was so curious about everything.

"Cock, click!" The remaining two also cracked one after another. The three almost long little guys looked at each other, and finally hugged each other. They didn't know what to say, and looked very happy. However, when they saw the gill king who closed his eyes and almost became almost bloody gills all over their bodies, they suddenly circled the gill king. I cried and cried.

Looking at the increasingly illusory body of the gill king, one of the guys found that Mu Yunfei and Gong Yingchang on the shore quickly swam over, maintained a certain distance, and waved his little hands to Mu Yunfei.


Mu Yunfei can feel anxious and sad from this immature and unskilled voice. He also wants to save the king of the gills, but the king of the gills has died and is really dead. The last trace of her own soul has also been injected into this sea that once bred her...