Cold and charming school grass spoils the good girl

Chapter 40: Escape

A month later, my mother was discharged from the hospital, although she still didn't wake up. Ye Yichen no longer comes every day as before, but comes every once in a while.

"I'm moving."

Moving? Where are you going to live well? Auntie, it's not suitable to toss around like this now. Ye Yichen was surprised by my sudden decision.

"Let's live in another place. There are too many people who know my home address, and Dad still has a job. We won't go too far."

I looked up at the sky. It was blue and vast. Last year's life had passed like a dream and there was nothing left. Now I should wake up and live my life again. Like this blue sky and white clouds, as long as my heart is free, it is the same everywhere for me.

"Do you have to move?" Ye Yichen asked.

"In fact, it's nothing, it's just the environment here. Everything this week has left too many shadows that I want to see and don't want to see. I want to go to a new place instead of staying here to relive my old dreams." I looked at him and smiled.

"Are you relieved?"

"I can't talk about those words as if I haven't heard them. Those things are also irrelevant to me. It's just that some strangers hold the signs of their relatives close to me, but there is no emotion in it. They are my family who have never abandoned me for 18 years. Now my decision is to let him go and let me go.

I looked at my busy father in the window, and the place with them was my home.

"Wait for me for a month, I'll go with you."

"You, come with me?" His words scared me so that I almost bit my tongue.

"Are you so surprised? I'll go with you after the exam. You can go anywhere you want."

He stood up and grabbed my wheelchair and pushed me all over the yard: "I will take you to run to the ends of the earth." Under the sun, his face laughs like a silly child.

"Stop, don't make trouble with you."

I patted his arm and told him to stop. I have to admit that many emotions of Ye Yichen will infect me. He can make me very happy and kick him in an instant.

At this time, his father was laughing through the window and watching us playing outside. In his heart, Ye Yichen was a person worthy of his daughter. But what I want is a person's freedom.


"What? Are you moving?" Yuan Meng opened her mouth as if she was going to eat me in one bite.

"I'm going to move instead of jumping into the sea. Can you pay attention to your image? The little tongue has been seen." I asked Yuan Meng to go to the milk tea shop and didn't say anything except that I was moving.

"Why, just because of Situ Lei and Ye Yichen, did you make such a big sacrifice? Does your father really agree with you to be so fooling around?

The more Yuan Meng said, the more excited he became. In the end, I even felt that there was a roaring lion sitting in front of me. She was shaking the fluffy mane and said to me, 'I want to eat meat.'

"Miss, can you calm down? I'm not going to another planet and I won't come back. I promise I won't go too far. At most, I'm just leaving this old Beijing." I gently touched her 'hair' to comfort her.

Yuan Meng suddenly held my hand and looked at me extremely seriously: "You must come back and tell me where you are going. Don't break MSN, you know!"

"I know, I haven't decided where to go. Ye Yichen said he would go with me, so I'll discuss it with my father after he finishes the exam."

"Why did he go with you? You two have a clear relationship?"

"It's just a good friend. It doesn't need to be clear."

"You regard him as a good friend, but he may not treat you the same. You, as the person concerned, should know better than me, what his purpose is to be so close to you. You know I don't like him, so don't expect to hear anything good from me. Yuan Meng kept talking while eating.

"I really want to go alone, but you know that my father won't agree. It's enough for me to relax the policy. If my mother is awake, she must tie me at home with a small rope."

"Yes, your mother has always been a great figure, and ordinary people can't deal with it."

Yuan Meng nodded repeatedly. In fact, she was quite afraid of my mother. Every time they look at each other, the way they look at each other is that aliens look at ET. No matter how they look at it, they don't match.

"Does anyone else know about what you are going to leave? What are your plans for in the future? Even if you don't know where to go now, have you thought about how to live after going out?

"No one knows except you. Let's go step by step. I know that my current behavior is an extremely capricious performance, but I can't control myself. I have to go to a place to be quiet, even if I only go out for a month. Let your head wake up."

I admit that what Yuan Meng said is a very substantial problem. It's not that I haven't thought about it, but I just want to go my own way. Even if there is almost no way forward for me now.

"What happened so that you can't wait to escape? It's not just that your aunt had an accident. According to your personality, you can't do something so recklessly."

"Maybe I'm in the rebellious period." I said vaguely, but I just felt that those things were too dirty. I didn't want to mention them again and think about them.

I had a rare leisurely afternoon, and I haven't come out to play like this for a long time.

There are too many things accumulated in my heart during this period, and even sitting quietly in my mind is not a moment of leisure. It seems that it is used to rotating fast and thinking about those noisy things all day long.

And I am the same. I have always been used to waiting quietly, as if as long as I simply wait for good luck, I will take the initiative to come to me. But I don't know how much I missed in this unconscious waiting.

I hope my decision this time will not be a failure on the white paper of life. Just like when I was in Hangzhou, I wanted to take the initiative to confess my heart to him, but I got a deeper scar.


" Luo Lin, I'll take you to Hangzhou." Ye Yichen said.

"Why did you go there?" I didn't leave a good impression of Hangzhou, except for the days when he took me to play, but my heart was not visiting the scenery at that time.

"I told you, I know that very well. My family was originally in Hangzhou, but later I moved here because of some things. After that, I can arrange you better. Don't worry about your father."

"Is your home in Hangzhou?" Dad came over and put down the water cup and joined our topic.

"Well, there is a tea house over there that is not too big. Business will be relatively good during the peak tourist season. If Luolin and I go, we can also help if we have nothing to do. He told me exactly like a little daughter-in-law who was going through the door.

"Remember to bring me some tea when you come back."

Dad and Ye Yichen chatted vigorously and completely ignored that I was the one who really wanted to go out.

"Cough..." I coughed and reminded them to respect my opinion.

"Can you go to Hangzhou with me?" Ye Yichen turned around and asked me.

In fact, I was aimless. I didn't think about what to do after going out. Now that he has arranged it, why don't I do it?

Ye Yichen immediately smiled happily when she saw that I agreed. Looking at him, she sometimes felt very guilty. She felt as if she was using him to take me away from here, taking advantage of his waywardness to me, and using him to avoid those people I can't forget but don't want to see.

In a blink of an eye, his exam was over. The volunteer was also filled in by a university in Hangzhou, and we were busy packing.

"Mom, I'm going to venture into the world. You have to wake up early. I will take care of myself. I won't let you worry about me when you sleep." I kissed my mother's face and continued to clean up my pile of rags that I couldn't clean up.

"Dad, did you see the purple nightdress I wore last summer?"

"I don't know. Find it yourself..." Dad and I rummaged and wandered around the room, but we couldn't find what we needed. As my mother said, no one could find anything to put things alone.

We turned the house in a mess, and all kinds of noise came one after another. My mother's hand seemed to be ** in the noise. Even if she didn't wake up now, I think she knew everything we said and did, but her eyelids were so heavy that we couldn't lift them, but none of us I didn't find her subtle ** just now.


At noon, Ye Yichen came to a high-end community. I stopped in front of a small building.

"Yi Chen, why are you here? Come in quickly." A woman in a light burgundy sweater enthusiastically invited Ye Yichen into the room.

"No, is it here?" Ye Yichen asked.

"Ran went out early in the morning. If there is anything, I will call the girl to come back now."

This woman wears long wavy hair and exquisite and capable makeup on her face. Her words and expressions reveal her love for Ye Yichen,

"Don't bother, I'm here to pick up the repair. Auntie, is it convenient for you to give it to me? Ye Yichen said politely.

"What's the inconvenience? Come in and sit for a while. What's wrong with always standing at the door? Are you still outside with me?" This woman still maintains this unfading enthusiasm.

Faced with such a clean and sunny teenager, his smile was as pure as a lotus. In the face of his peers, he can be lively like a child, and occasionally make people feel that he is so stupid and bubbling, but he can perfectly put away his childishness in front of his elders, making people fascinated by him like a gentleman.

The woman quickly took Laxiu down from upstairs and handed it to Ye Yichen's hand.

"You see, it's rare for you to come to my house and stay with me. When I come back, I will definitely teach her a good lesson. You often come for a walk if you have nothing to do."

This person is still polite and sometimes makes people feel that she is a little flattering Ye Yichen.

"I will definitely come to support you on your birthday. By the way, please give this to her when you come back." With that, Ye Yichen walked out of this high-end community surrounded by mountains and rivers with La Xiu in his arms.

At the same time, I also quietly came to Minghan. I wanted to finally go in and take a look at the sculpture called Mermaid Tears. Now I reflect what Situ Lei said to me at that time. It turned out that the real meaning was here, but no one would think in this direction at that time. That sculpture was my mother.

Maybe he wanted to find an opportunity to tell me, but he finally chose to hide it. I looked at this high-walled school, which contained 17 years of memory that I had not experienced.

What is locked is my mother who I and I have never met. At least she has been holding me in that statue, and at least I can feel that she loves me.

When I got home, I saw the luggage that had already been packed. I really didn't know what was packed with two suitcases. At this moment, I had no impression of what was inside.

Ye Yichen still came to my house very punctually to pick me up. It seemed that I had never been late since I met him. Until the moment I left home, I hesitated why I left my home. Obviously, I didn't miss anything.

I said goodbye to my mother softly and hugged my father and was unwilling to let go. But this is my own decision. It took me nearly two months to strengthen this belief, and now I can't regret or look back. I can't stick to them all my life.

"Call me when you get there. Remember to come back immediately when your mother wakes up, or she will know that it's easy to kill me if I let you go." Dad naged abnormally.

"Well, uncle, don't worry, I'll take good care of her." Ye Yichen saw that I was a little chok and comforted my father for me.

"Let's go. I won't be able to catch the plane later."

After getting on the car, I watched my father gradually move away but still wave to me. Before I went far away, my thoughts came to my heart.

But I didn't cry this time. I forgot the last time I cried, and how fierce I cried at that time, but now I know how useless tears are. It is not a material used by Haiwu Pharmaceutical, nor is it the magic that will turn into pearls after a drop of light drops.

It's just salty**, containing all your wounds and pains.