Cold and charming school grass spoils the good girl

Chapter 86: People around

It seems that I haven't lost my temper with anyone for a long time. Outside, I can always hide my restlessness and uneasiness well.

Some people say that if you often lose your temper with a person, but you are still together, it means that you trust him from the bottom of your heart and believe that he will not leave you no matter what happens. Because of this, you have no scruples to show your true self, instead of using the calm face on the mask to him.

What about me now?

Once my attitude towards Ye Yichen was the same, but after knowing his attitude and his hidden and pretating attitude towards me, I don't trust him either. And now, back to the past, I began to trust him again and said something that I didn't want to mention in his words that he deliberately angered me.


"Auntie, she really..."

"Can't believe it, or do you think I'm lying to you? I also hope that what I just said to you is false, but there are some things that can escape its authenticity if you don't want to face it.

"So the death of my aunt is true. And you also hate him so much that you don't hesitate to accept me and stay with me, right?

"Oh, you can do whatever you want. If I didn't say anything before, forget all of them."

Maybe I regret being so impulsive just now that I let him know that it means nothing to him or me, and nothing can be changed. Sadness is still there, but people will never come back.

I don't want the relationship between me and him to become more and more complicated. If I just like the feeling of being with me simply because of revenge, I think I can still readily accept this relationship. But if I move my heart, or if it is mixed with more complicated feelings, I can't easily get out.

"I'm sorry..."

He suddenly hugged me and wrapped his arms around his chest. I can vaguely feel that my body is cold, even in this hot summer, whenever I mention the past, the blood in my body seems to be drained, cold and trembling.

But the heat from his body seems to melt me.

I followed his posture of hugging me, and my head fell weakly on his shoulder. Although his shoulders are not very broad, they will make people feel somewhat safe. It's just that I don't want to rely on others anymore.

I thought that the moment a person had endured things in his heart for so long would shed tears and pour out the countless grievances and uneasiness accumulated in his heart. However, my calmness began to scare myself.

is strong for too long, forgetting how weak it is, or tears have already flowed in two years, and will no longer be undulating by anyone or anything. Even if the scab wounds are lifted again, the pain has already been numb.

"Don't say such words that try to break my heart in the future. You and I are all people who want to have but can't get love. Suspicion, doubt, and all kinds of distrust can easily defeat us."

"Do you think I deliberately said those words to hurt you?" Ye Yichen held my arm tightly and looked at me.

"Isn't that right? Didn't you say that because you wanted me to pay more attention to you?"

"I do hope you pay more attention to me, but if I deny you, will you believe it? Just like I can't trust you completely, you don't believe me either, do you?"

"Yes, you are always dangerous to me. No matter what you say to me, I only reserve what I say to you. I looked like I could see through him.

Then why didn't you reject me as before? You're right. I'm dangerous. Sometimes I can't even fully believe in myself. When I see people talking, when I see people talking, I say ghosts, this is me. He smiled softly, which was a little far-fetched and even tired.

He leisurely admitted what I saw, the most real him, but is such a hypocritical person really Ye Yichen in his bones? Sunshine, charming, sometimes as simple as a child, and sometimes the city is deep like a spirit fox after many years. He can easily see through people's hearts, but it makes people around him unpredictable.

It makes people feel confused like a morning fog...

"So what are you saying to me now, including hugs and kisses? Are you still immersed in the pleasure of revenge on Situ Lei?

I have been hiding these words in my heart and avoiding them. It's not that I'm afraid of hearing the answers I don't want to hear. Instead, I hope he can gradually forget these childish and ridiculous revenge. Really let go of yourself.

"If I say it's false and everything I have done to you is still out of revenge, will you refuse me thousands of miles away again?" Ye Yichen asked coldly.



"Because you are the only person I can rely on now. No matter what your purpose is, I will not let go of any reliance I may hold."

I said it calmly. Obviously, it was emotionless. Obviously, if anyone listens to this sentence, it will only make people feel how cold-blooded and ruthless I am. But he was as excited as he heard the most sincere words of promise. I don't know how he understands the meaning of my words at this moment, but I have really changed into a person who can do anything as long as I can protect myself.

"I will always let you rely on me, even if we will always use each other..."

He is serious and determined in his eyes.

He is right. From the day we met, we can't escape the fate of mutual use but snuggle up to each other.


The exam came as scheduled, but I was dull in the summer vacation after the exam. It's just that the time on the Taiwan calendar reminds me that the exam is approaching, and I'm in danger of failing the exam if I don't hurry to review.

"luolin!!" Yuan Meng, like a run-off wild horse, rushed to me before he could take off his shoes after opening the door.

"You know, you know!!" She shook my hand excitedly and was full of excitement.

"What's wrong?"

"Hey, why are you so calm?" Yuan Meng looked at me so indifferently and dropped my hand disappointedly. I sat down on my ** without changing my clothes. I just felt that my soft bed instantly recessed a deep pit.

"Yes! I haven't told you yet!" Yuan Meng's mood rose again and he stood up again. And my bed was also liberated in an instant and slowly expanded back to its original appearance.

Although my ears are listening to her, according to the order of facial features, my eyes are always in front of me, so my eyes have never left the poor bed before hearing her words like Tang monk chanting scriptures.

"Do you know that we are going to Repulse Bay for this exam! Repulse Bay! Do you know what this means? The car, handsome man, beautiful scenery, food, all will be collected by me..."

Yuan Meng's first hair from the top of her head to her toes is filled with excitement. It's not surprising to look at her nymphomaniac. Looking back, I thought of going to Hong Kong for the exam, but I didn't feel anything. Maybe I would come back after the exam, and then I couldn't even touch a grain of sand on the beach of Repulse Bay, let alone the beautiful dreams she is having now.

"Xia Luolin!! What's that expression! Why are you not excited at all! We are going to the Repulse Bay in Hong Kong!" Yuan Meng woke up from her dream and looked at me unresponsively with dissatisfaction.

"Okay, I'll cooperate with you."

With that, I immediately looked like a nymphomaniac and said to Yuan Meng, "Wow, Mengmeng, Repulse Bay, I'm looking forward to yearning. Is it possible to meet any star when we are shopping?"

"Yes, yes, yes, that's a starry place. It's better to go to some luxury stores. In case that handsome man takes a fancy to me, I will immediately abandon Liu Ziyang and elope with Prince Charming!" Yuan Meng looked desperate.

"Well, good luck."

After I met her nymphomaniac, my attitude reversed to normal: "by the way, why do I have to go to Hong Kong for an exam?" This kind of split personality even began to admire myself.

"What's strange? We also went to Hangzhou for the exam when we were still in Minghan. In the summer, I will never forget the feeling of being roasted. But this time it's different. This time we went to Hong Kong, it's Hong Kong..." Yuan Meng once again entered his dream-like world.

"Okay, okay, I know."

I naturally ignored her and was still puzzled by the luxurious action of going out for an exam. And interrupt her next words that may be endless. I don't know how many times she has emphasized Hong Kong and Repulse Bay.

"Then when are we leaving?"

"Three days later."

Well, I thought I was going to stay in the dormitory until the first summer vacation of college was moldy. On the contrary, it seemed that I was going to be busy to death. Thinking about the trip to Hangzhou that year, it was simply unbearable to look back. I hope I won't be involved with anyone this time.

" Luo Lin, it's time for us to go." Yuan Meng said passionately.

But I was so stunned that I didn't hear what she said to me at all.

I haven't taken the exam for a long time, and the feeling of tension has long been forgotten. In the past two years in Austria, I just immersed myself in learning various dessert making techniques and developing some of my original snacks within my own ability. But after returning to China, it was never useful. I began to wonder whether life abandoned me or whether I forgot how to live.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?" Yuan Meng stretched out her hand and patted me on the head fiercely.

Yuan Meng's beat fully achieved her purpose, and my soul was hooked back by her magic palm.

"Miss Yuan, what are you going to do again?" I rubbed my head with residual pain and said.

"Of course..."

With that, she suddenly got up, grabbed my wheelchair and rushed to the door.

"Hey, where are we going?"

"Of course, we go to the supermarket first. The things on the plane are so expensive. Do you want to drink the northwest wind ten hours after boarding?"

In this way, before I could pull up my bag, Yuan Meng pushed me out of the door and walked to the supermarket.