Cold and charming school grass spoils the good girl

Chapter 112: School Festival.

"Can I?"

Ye Yichen came to me in a gray hooded cardigan and approached me step by step with his long-lost smile. Before he was completely close, I could feel the heat in his body.

"Presue Yi Chen." Di Lan greeted Ye Yichen in a hurry after seeing him. It seems that no matter how the world changes, it can't change Ye Yichen's status as a male god in his heart.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" Ye Yichen smiled at Di Lan, and then stood in front of me, looking like asking for instructions, but in fact, he was testing my reaction to him.


After he sat down, his eyes always glanced at me from time to time, as if he were looking at a strange and strange creature. But I can't tell whether the purpose of his trip is friendly or hostile.

"Ps. Yi Chen, you also agree with my proposal, don't you?" Di Lan's eyes shined.

"Yes, I think it's feasible. Why should my school be so restrained? Everything you do will be praised."

He said, but his eyelids didn't even lift them up. It seemed to come out casually, and it seemed that he was mentioning something to me so that I could find it myself.

"Sister Luolin, let's do it. Anyway, there is no other activity to launch. It's like adding wings to have Yi Chen's senior cook for you.

I looked embarrassed, but I didn't know how to refuse Di Lan for a moment. Ye Yichen, who was beside him, also seemed to be neutral. He neither showed enthusiasm for this matter nor left indifferently. Just wait for me to make a decision.

"Let her decide for herself. Now she won't easily decide what I am directly involved in." Ye Yichen's words seemed to be deliberately told to me.

"What's wrong? Is it true that the rumors about you two in the school are true?

"Oh, are there any rumors in the school?" Ye Yichen raised his eyebrows and seemed to be interested in this matter.

"Well, I went out to run the location of the club before, but I was not at school. When I came back, I heard..."

I lowered my hand and pinched Di Lan's thigh under the table, telling her to stop and stop talking.

Di Lan's facial features were also entangled at the moment when his hands were ruthlessly pinched down. Then he looked at Ye Yichen again and closed his mouth knowingly and did not respond to Ye Yichen's questions.

"Do you not want me to know? It's actually good news for you. It can not only consolidate your position in the student union, but also attract more attention in this vice president's election. You know, for Minghui's election, popularity is more important than anything else."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Ye Yichen's words are thorny, and he can't wait to be known about me and Situ Lei.

"When Situ Lei revealed your relationship in public that day, I happened to be there, and how can I miss the matter between you and him? Aren't the three of us always tied together..." Ye Yichen took a sip of coffee and said indifferently.

He was there. He was actually there that day. I thought he would avoid things related to me from now on. At least he should avoid things about me in the student union. After all, it was a knife in his heart.

The heart suddenly felt like being attacked by a burst of gravel, without fatal pain, but it was densely swept by flying sand and walking stones. So, he saw everything, whether it was Situ Lei's words or the shocking photos publicly shown by Han Heya.

Suddenly, I don't want to think about it anymore. All the people around me know my past and see what I have always wanted to hide. Those things that even I hate and don't want to face...

He is right. The three of us have always been bound together. He can't let me be alone with Situ Lei, and Situ Lei has never forgive him for the year he took me and possessed me, and even all the scenes I spent alone with him after Minghui.

And now, he knows everything and sees everything, and a feeling of nausea suddenly surges into his throat...

"Sister Luolin, what's wrong?" Di Lan patted me on the shoulder and asked.

"No, it's nothing. Since you have decided, just follow Di Lan's idea. I have no problem..." With that, I pulled out of the coffee stand and was ready to leave.

"Why did you go back so soon? Is it really okay to hold a school festival with me?" He looked at me like an innocent child.

"It's up to you. Anyway, I don't take the school festival seriously."

"It's okay. Let's just do it as a business, and I'm also beginning to understand why you chose Situ. After all, my status is too different from that in your heart is too different. He knows you, understands you, and even knows everything about you. His light and enchanting smile passed the corners of his lips.

Di Lan looked at us blankly, and I knew these words, but she didn't understand.

But I know that the gap between me and Ye Yichen has been deeply covered again, and it is difficult to smooth it to the original transparent and bright...


The school festival gave the whole school a sense of joy, and people from other schools also began to keep entering and leaving Minghui, a mysterious place for them.

Except for the annual school festival and enrollment season, Minghui takes good care of people entering and leaving. Except for teachers and students in the school, no strangers are allowed to come and go. It is said that it can ensure that the school is clean and free from outside interference.

The school festival is a week earlier than Minghui's school anniversary. If they collide together, it is easy for both sides to become more busy because they don't care about it.

"Luolin, just put it on. At least you are the boss's wife."

Yuan Meng took a set of cute cat-eared maids and chased me around the classroom.

"I won't wear it even if I kill you. I'm just a kitchen chef who makes snacks. You have to wear it yourself!" While dodging Yuan Meng, I picked up what I could take and threw it at her.

"Then you are the boss's wife, and you should set an example!" Yuan Meng still doesn't give up.

"No, I won't be polite if you make trouble again. You know what the consequences will be if you hit this. Your clothes were rented by Di Lan from the cos store. If it's dirty, you can't get rid of it." With that, I picked up a small bag of flour on the table and made a move to throw.

"Do you think I, Marshal Yuan, am a vegetarian? Just be obedient!" Yuan Meng rushed like me. She expected that I would not throw it, so she wanted to take this opportunity to catch me first.

I saw Yuan Meng rushing at me and threw out the flour in my hand with the same instinctive reaction. But Yuan Meng was indeed an athlete. The reaction was really not covered. She suddenly flashed sideways and saw the bag passing by along the horizontal meat on her big face...



With the brisk cry, the bag broke, and Liu Ziyang, who had just stepped into the door of our coffee shop theme classroom, instantly turned into a fresh, white-faced man.

"Ah, Ziyang..."

When Yuan Meng saw this, he didn't care about the clothes in his hand. After a coquettish cry, he ran to Liu Ziyang, and then roughly rushed to the flour on his face and body.

"Xia Luolin, what are you doing!" Because there were only me and Yuan Meng in the room, it was obvious that the murderer was me. He couldn't wait to vent his unhappiness on me, but every word he said was like a white solid spray like a fire hydrant. It's funny to watch.

Yuan Meng and I were laughing, and Situ Lei slowly poked out his head from behind Liu Ziyang. I saw that he immediately restrained his smile and cleaned up the classroom that had just been disturbed by Yuan Meng and me.

"A Lei, you..." Liu Ziyang turned his head, took a breath of white air on Situ Lei's face, and then was choked by the flour in his mouth and coughed.

Situ Lei fanned the white fog he spewed out with his hand, and his face twitched at the corner of the iceberg and almost saw Liu Ziyang's appearance and couldn't help laughing.

Yuan Meng took Liu Ziyang out to wash his face, and then changed his clothes and came back to return to the original human-like little Yang doll.

The cafe here is almost ready with their help. Just because I don't want to see Liu Ziyang's aggressive face, I sent Yuan Meng to take him out to play on a whim. Anyway, the school festival is also a rare lively.

But I didn't expect that the reluctant Liu Ziyang would invite me to walk with them. Although I didn't want to be a light bulb with them, Situ Lei pushed me away without saying a word. Yuan Meng smiled and then took Liu Ziyang's arm and followed me up.

The school festival here is indeed the same as Minghui's school celebration. The usually quiet and spacious school is now full of students from other schools, men, women, old and young. There are even a few students who look like primary school or junior high school students.

On the way, I heard from Situ Lei that Minghui's school festival seems to be a free garden party. Many games and activities created by the class are free to play, and some highly technical clubs will develop some new games for many people to try and give some suggestions that need to be improved.

So, no matter men, women, old and young, as long as they come to the school festival, they will come here to play. There are also small themed restaurants like the cafe I created. Although it is a fee, after all, it only earns a material fee. It does not charge much, and it is also delicious and emotional.

In recent years, many high schools or universities have begun to follow Minghui's seemingly ordinary but extremely attractive propaganda methods.

"Meng Meng, let's go and play that." Liu Ziyang pointed to a small swing not far away and said.

In fact, Liu Ziyang and Yuan Meng have been eating while making trouble along the way. They have been so tired that they have no physical strength to continue walking for a long time. There happened to be a swing in front of me, so I wanted to take a break there. It also completely ignores whether there are some children around the swing who are having fun.

And Situ Lei and I just looked around silently with their pace, and there was no loss of physical strength, but if I was not willing to be alone with him, I had to follow him again.

I thought they could be quiet for a while, but I didn't expect these two childish ghosts to decide who would sit on first with rock paper scissors. After all, this is the only swing.

"Meng Meng, you have to push me hard." Liu Ziyang sat on it proudly after winning the guessing boxing.

Yuan Mengben walked behind him with an unconvinced face and wanted to push him, but Liu Ziyang must swing face to face, saying that such a carelessness may still be able to kiss in the air. And he said that there was a squint expression on his face.

Helplessly, Yuan Meng had to push him face to face with Liu Ziyang absent-to-face.

Suddenly, Liu Ziyang released his hand holding the swing, then got up and half squatted on the swing, and pulled Yuan Meng on the small swing in an instant.

Yuan Meng first screamed in horror, and then raised her eyebrows.

Liu Ziyang stood on the swing holding the chain, while Yuan Meng sat down. The two looked at each other and couldn't close their mouths with a smile.

"Ziyang, work hard, a little higher..." Yuan Meng's cheerful laughter kept coming. The two electric bulbs of Situlei and I seemed to have become air, and we could only look at them silently.

At this time, Liu Ziyang loosened his hand and accidentally slipped down from the swing. But Yuan Meng didn't realize that the weight of the swing suddenly decreased at all. He still looked up to the sky and smiled and shouted 'higher and higher'.

Liu Ziyang fell to the ground with a happy face. Before he stood up, Yuan Meng's swing came back from the air. She sat up and kicked Liu Ziyang's tender little face...