Cold and charming school grass spoils the good girl

Chapter 113: Stars are the key to the truth

The school festival is noisy and the crowd is noisy.

Minghui has been surrounded by long-lasting crowds for several days. From the first day to the third day today, although the number of people is gradually decreasing, I still feel breathless when I shuttle through the crowd.

"My name is Xia Luolin, one of the candidates for the vice president of the Student Union. Welcome to taste Madeleine's latest pastries and coffee."

This is the most I have said in the past three days. Originally, Di Lan came up with a bad idea for me to record and play 12 hours a day, but Yuan Meng said that it was too perfunctory. Anyway, there is still Ye Yichen in the kitchen. The most important thing is for me to appear outside to attract popularity.

So I stayed at the door of the classroom all day and mixed with Yuan Mengdi Lan, two wolves in maid skin. I am only responsible for moving their mouth, and they work much harder than me. They not only have to move their mouths, but sometimes they have to move their mouths to get a better and more obvious source of customers.

But Dilan's maid dress is obviously much more eye-catching than Yuan Meng's. After all, the difference between 'cucumber' and 'lean meat' can be seen by people with bright eyes.

Maybe there are too many beautiful things gathered here. Di Lan's petite maid costume and cute speech offensive have attracted many male customers. Although Yuan Meng is not as attractive as her, he at least tied Liu Ziyang to be loyal to him.

Ye Yichen undoubtedly lured most of Minghui's women to this. Thanks to these two people, the business of the Madeleine cafe is far better than other small shops in the school festival, but my shopkeeper has completely become a decoration. In addition to naming Ye Yichen to deliver food, the people who came and went were also naming Di Lan to be cute, completely ignoring my existence.

Therefore, Yuan Meng and I had to continue to do publicity at the door. Occasionally, when I was idle, I would look at Yuan Meng's smiling faces and her indignation when she failed to communicate with pedestrians. At that time, I would have the illusion that I had traveled, because she looked very much like the ancient Peony Garden, Tianxiang Tower and other places in the prosperous area of Kyoto to solicit business at the door, the old pimp.

Dance to them, the business of the coffee shop has become extremely good and popular. Because of this, the small classroom originally assigned to us as an activity room could not hold so many people, so the person in charge of the school festival reassigned our activity room to the spacious cafe where Minghui usually rests for students.

"Meng Meng, go and have a rest. I'll take your place for a while." Liu Ziyang came out of the cafe and said Yuan Meng, who had been vigorous and sticking to the door with me these days.

"It's okay. Anyway, it will be over in a while." Yuan Meng yawned and replied.

Madeleine cafe opens from 9 a.m. to 21:00 p.m. Because there are evening school festivals and night market-like tours, it is not easy to close the cafe too early.

And every time after closing, we prepare the ingredients for the next day and do basic cleaning. We have to come early the next morning to prepare and clean up before it can officially open.

I was used to this lifestyle when I was in Hangzhou, but Yuan Meng had been tired of to tossing with me for three consecutive days. After closing the store, she still wanted to walk with Liu Ziyang. After all, the annual school festival is very lively, so she naturally took all her rest time. .

I'm fine, because when there are many people, I have to go to the kitchen for busy desserts. After all, this election is my own business. I can't leave Ye Yichen alone there, and I'm lazy outside the door. Moreover, I can actually take a break while waiting for the cake to be in the oven. But Yuan Meng was different. She could only keep promoting at the door and didn't have time to rest for a while.

I looked at her tired face and persuaded her to have a rest with Liu Ziyang.

Yuan Meng was tired. Under the persuasion of me and Liu Ziyang, she went to the kitchen to rest. The kitchen is far from the front hall, so it is still quiet, and there is a lounge chair that can accompany her with the aroma of freshly baked desserts to promote her to have a good sleep.

After Yuan Meng left, Liu Ziyang was at the door like a wax statue. He couldn't figure out whether he was infected with the face habit of the tip of the iceberg after being with Situ Lei for too long, or was only so indifferent when facing me.

The life committee member stood at the door of the cafe and looked at the happy passers-by without saying a word, which always made people feel that they had made some mistake again. When they were stared at like this, they were eager to escape quickly.

I thought that Madeleine was afraid that no one would come during Yuan Meng's break.

"Xia Luolin, there is something I want to tell you." Liu Ziyang took the initiative to talk to me, and there was no feeling of anger in his tone.

"Well, you can say it."

We look ahead, only verbal communication and no eye contact.

"I saw the photos released by Han Heya when you gave a speech in the auditorium before."

"You didn't stand next to Situ Lei that day, and it's not surprising to see it."

Hearing Liu Ziyang's words, a trace of unhappiness flashed in his heart. I don't know why this matter is always mentioned again and again. Do these things about me really make them so unforgettable? Why doesn't anyone forget everything they saw that day? Whether it's Ye Yichen or Situ Lei, even Liu Ziyang is like this now.

"No, that's not what I want to say." Liu Ziyang's personality is like this. He can't hide anything. Because my words didn't get his ideas, he was a little anxious.

"What is that?"

"A Lei is investigating what happened to you in the past. I, I also saw that pendant." Liu Ziyang still looked ahead, but his words were a little hesitant and unspeakable.

Investigation? Does he want to pretend in front of anyone? I sneered.

"If you say so on weekdays, I will definitely not give up, but today I don't want to quarrel with you. I will tell you as a friend or an ordinary classmate that that thing was not done by A Lei. Please believe him." Liu Ziyang's words were serious.

Indeed, if I had judged Situ Lei like this, he would have roared at me. Yanghua, a veritable good friend, can't make Situlei suffer a little grievance in his ear, especially for me, who has always been targeted, rejected, and 'old acquaintance'.

"So, is your purpose to excuse him?"

"No, I'm telling the truth. He really didn't do that."

"Who is that? You let me believe it, but what can I believe? How long has it been? No matter how powerful his student union is, it is limited to Minghui's territory. Who knows who he is out of this school gate? Or did he find a few people to scapegoat him and then ask you to tell me?

My words are cold, because since that day, it seems that everyone has intentionally or unintentionally lifted my scar, and the person who created this scar with his own hands is always high-sounding. Not only does he not have the courage to admit it, but also finds excuses to cover it up for himself.

"Xia Luolin, why is he so unbearable in your heart? What medicine did Ye Yichen give you so that you would rather believe his hypocrisy than A Lei?" After all, Liu Ziyang still couldn't help his emotions. His tone was much too high, but he was still trying his best to control it.

"Because he destroyed what I have and tried his best to cherish the happiness I want to keep..."


"It's me who gave the starfish pendant to Han Heya." After Liu Ziyang paused for a long time, these words slowly blurted out.

I suddenly turned around and pulled his clothes hard. My eyes were about to overflow with surprise and unbelievable, and I couldn't wait to pour out of the humiliation.

Whether what he said is true or not, whether he wants to fight the crime for Situ Lei, or is it true as he said. All I thought about at this moment was pulling him down. I wanted to see what the expression of the person in front of me was when he said this, whether he was hypocritical or frank.

Liu Ziyang closed his eyes, as if he did not dare to face me or everything he saw in front of him. No matter how I pulled him, he was still straight, with a faint guilt on his expression, and he couldn't look directly at me.

"Liu Ziyang, say what you just said again. Don't think you can exonet Situlei in this way." I said viciously.

"You don't have to ask any more. I gave the starfish pendant to Han Heya by myself, because I hate you for hurting A Lei so much. But I don't know what she wants to do with that pendant. She just told me that she would take it back to you and don't torture him by A Lei's side.

Liu Ziyang said and gently bit his lips. I don't know if I regret or realized my stupidity at that time. And after he saw those photos and knew what had happened to me in the past, he suddenly realized that this basin of smelly water unconsciously fell on Situ Lei's head, and it was also done by himself.

"Why do you make me believe this!"

"You should remember the time when you suffered those things. Even if you don't remember, there are watermarks of time under those photos. At that time, A Lei was unconscious in the hospital due to a car accident. How could he tell people to do those things?"

Hearing this, I slowly loosened the hand that pulled Liu Ziyang's skirt. It's not that his words won my trust so easily, but that he was right. That time and the time I know in Situ Lei's coma in the car accident coincided with each other. If it hadn't been for Liu Ziyang's words, who would have been meticulous enough to superimpose the time and sequence of the two things.

Everyone in and out of the cafe looked at me and Liu Ziyang in strange sunshine. From chatting to a faint smell of gunpowder, it ended with my sudden irritability and calmness again.

"I'm sorry, I don't know because my negligence made you misunderstand A Lei so deeply and hurt you so seriously. I didn't think you could forgive me, but at least please forgive A Lei, who is the most likely person to do something to hurt you.

With that, Liu Ziyang came to me, bowed to me at a 90-degree angle, and said to me seriously and sincerely, sorry, sorry...


I stretched out my hand tremblingly, hesitating to reach out to him, forgive him, and accept the stupid things he did because of his impulse and anger.

"Come on, someone fainted!"

Just as my hand stopped in the air and hesitated, the cafe suddenly became noisy, the cries of many men and women mixed together, and the sound of broken bowls kept coming.

I was busy getting in, and Liu Ziyang followed me. I saw that the harmonious cafe just now has been in a mess. Many people gathered around something tightly, and then made bursts of whispers, and there were faint moans accompanied by noises...