Cold and charming school grass spoils the good girl

Chapter 115: The Prologue of the Storm

After Situ Lei put down the phone, although his expression did not change significantly, he could also see a trace of tension between his eyebrows.

Then she called Ling Fei over and told her to send me back to the student union and try not to let me come out alone. Then he left here.

I asked Ling Fei what had happened and why Situ Lei suddenly became a little abnormal. He did not hesitate to call the most important discipline committee member to accompany me when the school festival was the busiest.

Ling Fei shook her head and expressed puzzlement, saying that Situ Lei just called her to come over, and handed over the school memorial inspection and supervision and stationing work to Liu Ziyang and the deputy of the discipline committee, only asked her to take good care of me and never let me go out alone.

I can't figure out what he means, but what's the difference between this and depriving me of my personal freedom?

"Ling Fei, you go back." After returning to the dormitory, I saw Ling Fei standing by the window and looking outside in a daze, so I told her to go back to rest early. I don't have to stay here all the time.

"It's okay. The president asked me to stay here with you. How can I go back like this?" Ling Fei smiled.

Half silent, after all, she and I only have a few faces of fate, let alone have nothing to talk about, so I have to spend half a night with big eyes. In the second half of the night, both of them seemed to sleep late at night because they were too tired, sometimes looking out of the window at the night sky, and sometimes like a dream of a few words that were inaudible to each other.

The next day, I got up early to go to Madeleine to prepare for the opening. Seeing that Ling Fei was still asleep, I didn't wake her up. Last night we both fell asleep unconsciously, so neither of us changed our clothes. It seems that she is not comfortable sleeping. Her eyebrows are slightly wrinkled together. As long as there is a slight sound, she will unconsciously turn over.

I tiptoed the door and went to Madeleine. When I was about to get to the cafe, I suddenly found that there were many people around the door. Although Madeleine's business was very good before, it did attract many lingering customers, but it was the first time I saw it in line at the door like this.

I was about to go there when my hands suddenly pulled me away.

" Luo Lin, don't go." Yuan Meng dragged me into the corridor, popped his head and looked around, making sure that no one found us before whispering to me.

"What's wrong?"

I looked at Yuan Meng's panicked face and knew that there must be something wrong with it.

"Madeleine can't go these days. Those people are waiting for you at the door." Yuan Meng whispered to me for fear of being heard by people outside or seen as hiding here.


"I heard from Ziyang that there was a man who fainted in Madeleine yesterday and then called the school doctor to carry him away."

"Well, that's the case. You were sleeping at that time, so I didn't wake you up. Didn't I tell you later?"

"You told me, and I just heard it at that time, but Liu Ziyang told me that the person had an abnormal reaction after drinking Madeleine's latte, and other people had the same symptoms and were sent to the hospital one after another last night."

Yuan Meng said, and her face was so nervous that she was about to suffocate.

"What? Did anyone else get food poisoning last night?

I can't believe what I've heard now. If a person has an adverse reaction, a latte allergy or a conflict due to eating something else, it's a little unreasonable for many people to say together.

Madeleine's food is all made by Ye Yichen and I. Both the ingredients and the production process are almost the same as those in Hangzhou store, and even the ingredients are more exquisite and meticulous than those in Hangzhou. How can a large number of people have adverse reactions collectively after eating?

I was thinking about it, and Yuan Meng pushed me up in a hurry.

"Let's get out of here quickly. If the people guarded there find that we are definitely not good, I can't beat them so much alone." Yuan Meng woke me up and pointed to the people squatting outside at the door of Madeleine.

"Are they all students who had adverse reactions last night?"

"No, one of the people who fell yesterday was the president of the Western Sword Society. At least most of the people waiting at the door were members of the Western Sword Society, and some may be admirers of the president and good friends of other poisoned classmates."

"Then why should I hide? I didn't let them get food poisoning."

As soon as the words fell, Yuan Meng covered my mouth with her hand and looked at me with an expression like 'Xia Luolin, is your brain blocked by cement?' And what appeared in her expression was that she was so angry that she couldn't give me two punches to wake me up immediately. At this time, she was still so leisurely and seemed to have nothing to do with her business.

"Okay, okay, let's go," she covered my mouth and muttered.

Yuan Meng saw that I compromised before he let go of my hand, then pushed me away quietly and told me not to come to Madeleine again during this period. These people will definitely stay here for a long time until the end of the school festival.

I vaguely agreed, and then was carefully withdrawn from the corridor by Yuan Meng and walked towards the path. The two of us are like a pair of thieves who have just stolen treasures, and we can only walk in the darkest corner of the road.

"Yuan Meng, when did you say that more people began to seek medical treatment from poisoning?" I suddenly thought of something and asked Yuan Meng.

"Yesterday evening."

So that's what Yuan Meng said before I realized that Situ Lei knew about the cafe and the food poisoning of those people one after another, so his face was so ugly that he did not hesitate to disturb the inspection team of the student union and transfer the discipline committee to watch me. I'm afraid it's to prevent these people from causing trouble to me.

Why don't you tell me directly? What's the use of blind protection? Do you also think that the latte in my store caused these things to happen?

My heart began to feel a little ups and downs, and my wild thoughts filled my mind with confusion.

A haze gradually appeared in the sky, as if a large group of thick dark clouds marched into the blue in front of them, covering the sky shining brightly.

With the arrival of dark clouds, a few raindrops also fell, which was too fast to catch people by surprise, and it was too late to find a place to shelter from the wind and rain.

Yuan Meng pushed me to a small stall nearby for people to play to shelter from the rain. Because the rain was too urgent, many people were unprepared. They were still playing in the school festival, but they also began to look for a place to live at the moment when the raindrops fell.

Several passers-by who ran in the rain looked at me and Yuan Meng a few times and stopped one after another. After competing to tell them, more and more people in front of this small stall began to gather. A small dark shadow gathered over, and Yuan Meng and I looked at each other and had the same ominous foreboding in my heart.

"You are the owner of Madeleine Cafe, right?" A girl squeezed from behind the crowd and looked at me with a high face.

As soon as I was about to answer, Yuan Meng reached out and pushed me back and blocked me with her body: "What's the matter?"

"Look at this, my guess is right. I have long heard that Xia Luolin had made a lot of noise in the auditorium at the beginning of the vice president's election, but we should have made gossip and laughed it. Today, it seems that the rumors are true."

The girl gave me a white look and turned her head aside without cutting.

"Vice President, we..."

Several people behind her were ready to rush over, but the girl waved her hand and controlled the large crowd behind her. It seemed that these were her members, and these people should also be Yuan Meng's words, the people of the Western Sword Society.

"As long as there are rumors, people who have a mouth can be the first to tell. Why is it not true?" I pushed Yuan Meng away and stopped my hand, slowly came out, and looked at the girl.

"Now I have witnessed with my own eyes that our president is really crazy to go to a store like yours. It's good now, but a good school festival has to pass the time in the hospital. She smiled contemptuously.

"If you come here for the person who fainted in Madeleine yesterday, then I tell you that there can be no problem with Madeleine, whether it is dessert or coffee, so food poisoning can't start here at all." My tone was conclusive, and there was no apology or concession, because I believed from the bottom of my heart that the cause of this matter had nothing to do with me, so I was so confident.

"Also, what did you witness, witness that I poisoned my food, or did you tamper with your president's meal? Moreover, we only met for the first time today. Have you been to Madeleine again? If not, what right do you have to judge it?

Every sentence points to the point. These people deliberately made trouble with one-sided words. If there was evidence, the student union would have sent someone to investigate. How could it be their turn to block me here to make trouble?

After hearing my words, the girl not only did not reflect on what happened, but also changed from a proud face to indignation, as if I had made a mistake but had no regret at all. She also forced her in front of so many people that she couldn't get off the stage.

She was speechless for a moment and looked at the people behind her with a wink.

"I was also present during the first round of the vice president's election. I can clearly see the photos released on the scene. People with such a dirty body are not suitable for cooking ingredients. Even if you are an acquired disability, who can guarantee that you will not be contaminated with other bacteria?"

"Yes, the disease comes from the mouth!"

"Even if the ingredients are clean, who knows what unclean things will be stained after passing your hands."

After seeing the vice president's wink, they knew that they didn't have to put up with it anymore, so they opened their mouths to shake out the things that I thought should have been over a long time ago, as well as some things that Chen Zhima's rotten mille could do with my car. Several people began to curse after nothing to say.

The noisy sound also attracted people who were stationed in Madeleine without knowing it. Those were friends or boyfriends and girlfriends of other hospitalized classmates. For a moment, they pointed all the finger at me.

The rain was getting bigger and bigger, the sound of raindrops falling on the ground, and the abuse of these irrational crowds kept coming. Some people casually picked up the things around them and began to smash me at the center of the crowd.

"Do you still have a king's law? Aren't you afraid of being ordered by the student union?" Yuan Meng finally ignored my silence and shouted after they did it.

"We also recognize the school opening order..."

"Get out!"

"Get out of here...!"

Yuan Meng also became the target of public criticism like me because she helped me. The crowd was chaotic. She took off her clothes and put them on me. While doing her best to cover the things they smashed, she pushed me away with her hands and scolded them.

A white light flashed in the sky, followed by a deafening thunder.

Yuan Meng mixed with one-to-ten curses, shouts, and the sticky touch of many things. I seemed to feel a tingling in my scalp. I don't know who was pulling my hair. The blanket was ripped off. Although I wore trousers, I still instinctively covered them with my hands.

Yuan Meng's arm was scratched by something. A drop of scarlet blood fell on my clothes with delicate flowers, and then it was diluted by the rain...

I lowered my head and closed my eyes. Even if I believe that these things don't blame me, I'm clean and innocent. But what else can I take to make them believe...