Cold and charming school grass spoils the good girl

Chapter 116: Rainy night, dyed heartbeat

The rain gradually decreased, and a drop of rain fell like a needle. The splash hit my legs that I didn't feel, soaking my clothes and trousers little by little.

I began to regret arguing with them, not because of what I have encountered now, but because it is meaningless and should not waste my limited strength in such a useless dispute. What's more, we should not drag Yuan Meng in and cover up this disorderly and rampant curse and storm for me.

What justice is free in people's hearts, and innocence has its own judgment. At this moment, it is just a pile of mud, washed down by the rain, and the dirty things will never be clean. Once the dark stain is imprinted on the body, it is destined to last forever.

I am relieved that the raindrops falling at such a moment no longer have any hope, nor do I want these rootless water to wash away the mud and unbearable on my body.

Suddenly, the noise around became smaller and smaller, and finally it was silent as if isolated from the world. I thought it was my own fault, thinking that the sound of the torrential rain finally dispelled these noisy abuses.

I finally saw a figure appearing in front of me with my head, and the feet of my trousers wet by the rain were still dripping. I couldn't hear the sound of breathing and noise, and only the sound of rain falling was still ringing in my ears.

"Who gave you the right to make trouble here before it was figured out."

Situ Lei's voice is like a frozen angular ice meteorite, falling from the sky and falling straight into the deepest part of the crowd. It will not cause an electric and stone-like explosion. It will only slowly release its own energy after the quiet fall to freeze and destroy all...

When I thought that the world could finally return me a trace of tranquility after his appearance, a wooden ladle for scooping water flew from nowhere and hit me on the head accurately. I only heard a 'buzz' in my ear. Although it was not painful, the sudden impact still seemed to be a little dizzy, and I had been drenched in the rain for a long time, and my body was already weak.

"Who threw it!" Yuan Meng picked up the wooden ladle that was still spinning on the ground and refused to stop and threw it back, because she didn't know who threw it over it. Her anger value had also accumulated to the extreme, so she picked up the things on the ground and smashed it into the people around.

They, who had been quiet, rioted again under Yuan Meng's counterattack, and the endless scolding sounded again.

The silver needle-like drizzle, the pale sky, and the rolling thunder sometimes ringing in my ears all make me feel that my body wants to explode and it is unbearable.

After this scene was repeated again, he took off the thin dress that Yuan Meng put on me and threw it to Yuan Meng, signaling her to take good care of herself. He picked up the blanket that fell on the ground and put it back on my lap, and gently picked me up after putting his belt on my head.

"Yuan Meng, let's go." His voice is still as cold as freshly frosted ice.

As soon as Yuan Meng saw Situ Lei talking, he quickly opened the clothes in his hand and put it on his head. After a few words of unhappiness, he followed Situ Lei's pace.

"Don't bring a wheelchair." Situ Lei turned his head, looked at the group of people who made trouble contemptuously with the corners of his eyes, and then fell on Yuan Meng, who was pushing a wheelchair and preparing to leave with him.

"How..." Yuan Meng couldn't understand.

"What has been touched by dirty hands has no value..."

After saying that, Situ Lei looked at me who was soft and powerless to snuggle up to him in his arms. A trace of heartache and compassion flashed in his pupils, but I stubbornly turned his head, closed his eyes and dodged.

The people around were speechless, but they did not dare to be too presumptuous in front of the president, and Situ Lei stopped me in his arms. If they continue to throw things and attack at this time, there is no doubt that those 'murder weapons' will hit Situ Lei's back without hurt me at all.

Situ Lei took me all the way back to the dormitory of the student union. Ling Fei saw me come back and quickly greeted me, and then couldn't help apologizing to Situ Lei, who let me suffer these things alone because of his sleep and dereliction of duty.

"It's not her fault. I don't know what's going on. I went out by myself because I didn't want to disturb her rest." I'm afraid that Situ Lei will blame Ling Fei for a while and quickly explain.

"You said you took the responsibility clean."

Situ Lei looked at me, then put me by the bedside, went to the bathroom and took a thick towel to wipe my long hair that was dripping.

"I'll do it myself." I got a towel from him.

He gently pulled the corners of his mouth, sat aside without saying anything, and then waved his hand to signal Ling Fei and Yuan Meng to leave without staying here. He also told Ling Fei that the incident of collective food poisoning in the cafe must be thoroughly investigated in the fastest way, and no one can let go.

"President, in fact, all the ingredients that should be checked have been checked. Madeleine's ingredients have always been co-organized by their own people, and it is impossible for outsiders to intervene, and these materials are also sufficient for purchase in the school, and are by no means private transactions. Unless..." Ling Fei opened the door and wanted to go out, but suddenly thought of something. She stopped at the door and said but stopped talking.

"Unless what?"

"Unless, unless the producer himself has not done a good job in basic health and safety monitoring, or there is something wrong with the ingredients..." Ling Fei's voice is getting smaller and smaller, and it is not like the discipline committee member who usually says something vigorously.

Situ Lei frowned, and Ling Fei closed her mouth and didn't go on.

But Yuan Meng was a little impatient. She pulled off the towel on her head and fell to the ground and shouted to Ling Fei, "You are a discipline committee member. Even if others say that they have no evidence to say this, how can you do this!"

Yuan Meng has always been very afraid of Ling Fei, because she and Di Lan are not both fuel-efficient lamps. If they have nothing to do and cause a big disaster, they also have to be punished lightly. But now I complain about her so loudly, which makes me feel even more uneasy.

"Yuan Meng, I won't talk nonsense if there is no basis. If you really have this strength, go and help Liu Ziyang find out this matter. What's the use of shouting to me here?"

Hearing Yuan Meng so boldly rushing straight at her in front of her, Ling Fei also became angry. She can be soft like a soft girl because of her failure at work, and she can also tolerate all Situ Lei's temper or cold eyes on him, but Yuan Meng can't treat her like this.

But this time Yuan Meng has no intention of retreating. No matter if Ling Fei is already on the verge of being angry, she would rather go up to the wind and fight with her to the end.

"I have a lot of strength, but I can protect my friends from harm, and I can stand up for her when someone wrongs her, even if it's just a brute force. What about you? Just say with your mouth, what can you really do to wash away Luo Lin's injustice?

"How do you know that I didn't do anything? As a discipline committee member, I will strictly investigate anything that disturbs discipline and illegal interests in Minghui. I won't cover up anyone, let alone wrong Xia Luolin."

"Yes, you are a discipline committee member. A large group of people under you are as strict as you, but have you really done anything? What else have you done besides arresting a few students like me?" Yuan Meng went up against the wind and stared at Ling Fei.

"It's our business to manage all the students well, and I will naturally ask people to continue to thoroughly investigate Xia Luolin's affairs."

Although Ling Fei was not convinced, it was obvious that Yuan Meng could not be said in this matter. She stood with her feet up. Because of the obvious height gap with Yuan Meng, she quarreled and lost a few points if she didn't stand on tiptoe.

"Yes, you will always find time to ask for an investigation. After all, you are not familiar with her, and it is only your duty to take care of her. If you can't do it well, just admit your mistake. If you can't find it, you will splash dirty water on Luolin according to other people's intentions, and you will be honest..."

"Have you two had enough trouble!" Seeing that they were arguing, I finally shouted at the two of them with all my strength.

"What others like to say is up to them. I believe Ling Fei will investigate this matter clearly. The clear self-clear, I'm not afraid of being suspected, and it doesn't matter how they say nice or unpleasant words behind me.

" Luolin, you..." Yuan Meng looked embarrassed for me and seemed to want to say something. I smiled and shook my head at her.

"Xia Luolin, I, Ling Fei, promise you here that I will thoroughly investigate this matter in public and private." Ling Fei's eyes were full of firmness, and then she glanced at Yuan Meng with a slight hint of disgust and left.

"Committee Fengji, wait a minute!"

As soon as Ling Fei left, Yuan Meng seemed to remember something and shouted to open the door and chased out. In an instant, only Situ Lei and I were left in the room.

The rain outside was still pouring. Situ Lei sat in a corner of the room, and his slender fingers beat the table rhythmically with the raindrops outside the window.

I haven't looked at him so seriously for a long time. The more I know about him, the more loose the chain in my heart that is tightly blocked about him. However, the moment the knot was untied, I found that my heart would not change back to its original appearance. It had already been strangled by the chain.

"Do you want to protect?" Situ Lei suddenly opened his mouth, but his hand, which repeatedly knocked on the table, did not mean to stop.


"Do you need me to say it directly?"


"In Madeleine, you are not the only one who can make desserts in the kitchen." Are you implying that he did what I did this time?

"Actually, you don't need to say that you should have thought of him, but you don't want to have anything to do with him, so you don't talk about it."

His eyes were slightly low, and he didn't look at me or outside. He just stared at his rhythmic finger tapping on the table. He looked relaxed and thoughtful.

Indeed, as early as I knew about this matter and couldn't find him, and the hesitation after my mobile phone kept echoing that evening but I didn't pick it up, I knew that this matter must have something to do with him. Although I thought that sooner or later someone would suspect him, I didn't expect it to be Situ Lei, and I didn't expect it to be so soon...


Before I could speak, the door was suddenly pushed open. Yuan Meng hurriedly supported the door frame with her hand: "Di, Di Lan, she also had adverse reactions and was sent to the school doctor..." She was out of breath and finally said it intermittently.