Cold and charming school grass spoils the good girl

Chapter 119: A messy intersection

Although it has entered autumn, the hot sun in the afternoon still does not hesitate to sprinkle its light on the earth. The ground absorbs the sunlight and spits out the heat, and the soles of people's feet are warm and hot.

But I didn't feel anything, but the sun above my head made me a little irritable.

I think this farce-like vice president election finally made me survive to the last round. I thought that I might have been eliminated a long time ago, but I was left behind after experiencing so many things. I don't know whether to be lucky or helpless smile.

The last game is obviously different from the previous two games. The reason for saying this is that other schools should be fair and open no matter what they campaign for, but the position of vice president of Minghui District actually has to completely hide and block all relevant information at the final decision.

Situ Lei just told me that we are going to hold a two-day and one-night final campaign in a small forest in the southernmost part of the city in three days, and the results will be announced there. The rest didn't mention anything about me, and I didn't even tell me what I should do or prepare for it.

In order to show that I was not perfunctory about this election, I asked him if he needed to prepare any materials and copywriting that he should memorize. But he just looked at me and said coldly, "You can bring some mosquito repellent and anti-inflammatory medicine."

"De Mosquito repellent and anti-inflammatory drugs?" Yuan Meng repeated what I said with a question mark on his head.

"Hmm." I put away the face and tone that just imitated Situ Lei's tip of the iceberg and returned to my original face.

It is said that the last round of the vice president's election is the most difficult, and the owner can overcome the mystery and strangeness of the whole country. But what can you do in a place like the forest to hunt or cut down trees to build a house?

This matter was already very strange, but after passing through Yuan Meng's brain like a needle and thread, it became a real 'weird'.

I pushed her with a smile. If I really can't figure it out, I will go upstream. Anyway, I don't want to fall in love.

The sun pierced people's eyes, but I couldn't help looking up to see when the big fireball that had been burning the eyeball would slowly go west.

The preparation time of these three days can also be regarded as a break from the fatigue of the school festival. The school is also full of garbage, signs and other sundries left by pedestrians when cleaning up the school festival.

Yuan Meng said to help me buy mosquito repellent water and some necessary items, so I found a shade to enjoy the cool. I haven't finished the things delivered by Situ Lei, but the weather is also hot and people don't want to move.

After the incident of unsanitary hygiene in the cafe, the people in the school were obviously divided into two groups. One faction really mistook me for having an ambiguous relationship with Situ Lei and flattered them, and the other faction was the hostility of the Western Sword Society and other food poisoning classmates towards me.

I always feel that I rely on the big tree to enjoy the cool. I don't know what means I used to climb to Situ Lei, the reliable and Minghui's biggest backer.

I don't care whether these rumors have more advantages than disadvantages or disadvantages. Anyway, they will naturally be forgotten by them over time. Whether it's the vice president or the president's assistant, I'm just myself, silently waiting for graduation...

"Well, are you Xia Luolin? I'm the courier who was called by your school to pick it up before. Which room is that building?

I was in a daze under the tree, and the express phone suddenly disrupted my hard-won mood.

After briefly explaining the location of Minghui's huge area and chaotic teaching building, I hung up the phone and texted Yuan Meng to go to work first, and then returned to the student union to receive express delivery.

I came to Situ Lei's room and waited for the express delivery. At this time, Situ Lei should be busy with others outside to finish the school festival. The room was empty, as if a whispering sentence would echo.

I touched his longest office desk, and the residual warmth was still there.

I can't remember how long ago, the impression he left in my heart has always been as clean and clear as a piece of good, warm jade, shining light that is not dazzling but will not be easily ignored and buried. Whether it has experienced years of vicissitudes, covered by winter snow, or washed by streams, it will not leave a trace to destroy its smooth and jade texture.

Anytime, as long as someone needs him, as long as someone sees him, finds him, and touches him gently with his fingers, the lukewarm feeling will enter the body along the fingertips and flow all over the body with the blood...

Now, when I touch what he often uses, it seems that I have touched him, penetrating my skin with a little residual temperature, which makes me remember this feeling, which is hard for me to forget, the long time ago.

This time spent with him a little confused me, and what I said to him was that 'what my eyes saw may not be true'.

I was thinking, and the sound of knocking on the door suddenly came.

I thought it was the express delivery, but when I opened the door, I saw Yuan Meng's forehead full of sweat and stood at the gate breathlessly: "Lolin, pour me a glass of water quickly. I'll tell you something important."

"What's so urgent?" I poured her a glass of water, and then she held a few bottles of mosquito repellent water, mosquito incense, and some things that I couldn't see at a glance.

"On my way back just now, I saw the school director. And I heard that he will personally supervise the last round of the vice president's election. Yuan Meng drank all the water and gasped.

"The school is all opened by his family. It's normal for him to supervise. What does it have to do with me?" I took the cup with an indifferent face and filled her with another cup.

"It doesn't matter, but he met Han Heya as soon as he came back. According to Han Heya's personality, she will definitely say something against you."

"If you are willing to say it, just say it. No matter how much we manage, we can still control other people's mouths."

As I spoke, I casually looked over the bag of things bought by Yuan Meng. The more I looked at it, the more I felt that this pocket was a real sparrow, although it was small and full of internal organs. I told her to buy mosquito repellent water and anti-inflammatory drugs, but there are other things that make people feel strange, such as the huge area in the bag... electric mosquito pat.

"Why did you buy this?" I carefully took it out from under the bag and thought it was a murder weapon.

"I'll tell you this, it's very useful!"

Yuan Meng immediately became interested as soon as she saw me take out the electric mosquito racket. After taking it from my hand, she did a few swinging moves to hit the ball, and proudly told me that she must bring one every time she went out to the game. When she hit the mosquitoes, they all died gloriously.

I said this thing was useless and asked her to return it. But it doesn't matter if she doesn't use it with a serious face. The deep mountains and forests can also prevent perverts and mountain pigs...

"Well, this..."

"What's wrong?"

"I'm allergic to this medicine." I took out the anti-inflammatory drug bought by Yuan Meng and looked at it carefully and said to her.

"Then I'll go to the school doctor to change it."

Yuan Meng took the medicine in my hand and was about to leave. I hurriedly grabbed her: "Look, your sweat hasn't subsided yet. Let's rest here. I'll go to the school infirmary of the student union to change it."

I pressed her back to the chair to finish it, then pointed to the things in the corner and told Yuan Meng to give it to him if the express came during my absence, and the address was already written on it.

I came to the exclusive school infirmary of the student union. As soon as I opened the door, I saw a back like Ye Yichen sitting in it. I instinctively withdrew, but it was too late to be discovered...

"What a coincidence." Ye Yichen greeted me with a blank face.

"Yes, what are you doing here?"

I looked around and looked at him with special attention. There was no injury or abnormal complexion all over my body. And the special infirmary of the student union here, even if he is uncomfortable, he should not come here.

"Classmate, what's the matter?" The school doctor asked.

"Well, I'll change a box of medicine. I'm allergic to this."

Anyway, it has been found, so I have to bravely go in and give the anti-inflammatory drugs and receipts that Yuan Meng took from the school doctor before.

I exchanged greetings with Ye Yichen and was about to leave. A middle-aged man sitting in the innermost part of the infirmary slowly turned around.

"You..." I looked at him, and the language suddenly choked.

The face that I only saw once but always hovered in my mind without being unforgettable. When I first saw me a few years ago, my eyes stayed on me, as if the eyes that wanted to dry my blood fell on me again. In a trance, my expression seemed to be dull for a few seconds, but it soon recovered.

I turned around and wanted to leave, hoping that he had forgotten my appearance two years later, but he still stopped me as I was worried.

"Ruo, Lin..." His voice trembled a little. I don't know if he was afraid of seeing me, or he would be more or less excited at the moment of seeing me.

"Hello." My greeting method is very simple, so simple that there are countless strangeness and alienation inside.

"Do you remember me?" He was still a little excited and stam when he spoke.

"Well, I really want to forget it."

A silence that embarrassed others was finally broken by Ye Yichen: "Do you need me to go out and talk alone?"

"No need." Before he could answer, I said first.

"Lolin, do you hate me so much?" His voice was still trembling like that.

This sound, which seemed to have been disturbed by the heartstrings and was difficult to calm down, sounded again. It was like an old house that had been sealed by dust for a long time. Suddenly, one day the old door was pushed open, and the dust rose with the wind and flew into the eyes, hurting the heart.

And this old house has also been abandoned by me, and it has also hung a sign that can not be touched. I'm afraid that the flying dust will fascinate my eyes again and cover the road in front of me.

"We have never had an intersection. Why do we hate or not? Since there is nothing to do, I will go first. I still have work to finish." I smiled and nodded and exited the infirmary. And Ye Yichen also smiled at me after seeing me leave, which made people yearn for and difficult to understand.

"It's really unlucky. Yuan Meng just said that he was with Han Heya. How could he turn around and run to the infirmary and was just seen." On the way back from the infirmary, I said to myself with an annoyed face.

At this time, the express arrived at the door of Situ Lei's room as scheduled.

Just like when Yuan Meng first came back, he was sweaty and panting, and it was obvious that his clothes had been soaked with sweat and stuck to his body.

"I'll pick it up..."

In the hot sun, the sweaty courier stood at the door waiting to pick up the package while fanning himself with his hat.

Yuan Meng hurried into the room and took out a small bottle of newly brewed red wine and handed it to the courier. Seeing this, the courier took the bottle and opened it and drank it all. Then he burped and said, "Thank you, that's what you're going to send."

Yuan Meng was stunned first, and then stiffly stretched out her finger and pointed to the empty bottle that he had drunk: "...I just been drunk by you."
