Cold and charming school grass spoils the good girl

Chapter 118: Remless Revenge

The rain was fierce, and the rain hit the glass of the lounge disorderly and rolled down.

The white light without warning skipped the sky, illuminating the whole sky and cold, and I don't know who's heart it broke.

"Situ, why did you come here? Is it because you haven't seen me for a long time?" Ye Yichen's head was slightly raised from my lips, and a trace of cunning flashed in his eyes.

"Ye Yichen, let go of me."

When I saw that he distracted Situ Lei, I continued to struggle with the hand held by him and said to him coldly.

When Ye Yichen saw me struggling again, he turned his head, raised a hand that pressed me on my arm and made a silent posture. His white and slender index finger gently pressed on my lips: "Lolin, you will misunderstand that I deliberately left you here."

His words are enchanting, like a bound spell, which easily suppresses people and slaps them.

Situ Lei's lips also seemed to tremble up and down a few times, but his voice was mixed with thunder, and the pale light in the sky made people a little dizzy, and his words fell into the air with the thunder. But it also makes me think that I have lost my hearing in such an atmosphere.

"I should have told you not to come out alone." Situ Lei came slowly to me and Ye Yichen as he spoke.

"Situ, don't you think you look at her too tightly?"

"It's my business whether it's tight or not. She's a member of my student union. How can she take care of it?"

"Well, Yu Gong really has nothing to do with me, but private... What do you think Luo Lin is mine?" Although Ye Yichen's expression was full of looming charming smiles, his eyes looking at Situ Lei were as cold as winter.

"Xia Luolin, come with me..."

Situ Lei ignored Ye Yichen's provocative words and took a few steps larger than before, pushed away Ye Yichen, who was pressing on me, grabbed my arm and pulled me up.

Ye Yichen seemed to deliberately relax her body and let herself be easily pushed down, and it was also accurate that Situ Lei would make such an excited move. When he was pushed aside, he turned over and stood up without any damage or loss of instrument.

"It hurts..."

I was pulled up and sat on the table by Situ Lei, and struggled to earn the wrist that was grasped by Situ Lei. There was a needle-like touch in the slightly numbness, as if it was held too tightly by him, and the blood had been blocked to a trace of needle-like tip.

Situ Lei grabbed my hand and was about to take me out of here, but the other hand was firmly held by Ye Yichen.

"Let go." Situ Lei looked at him with his eyes and said.

"Why me? Luo Lin and I stayed together before you came. Isn't it..." Ye Yichen said and looked at me with a charming smile.

"That has nothing to do with me. Let me go..."

"Situ, you know, I like to see that you don't like me, but you can't kill me."

The two looked at each other with the same cold eyes, and neither of them gave in. A star is as dark as the vast night sky, and after absorbing people into their pupils, they disappear without a trace. The other is like a deep blue sea, with surging tides. A spray may make you smash and bury your bones here, and the body is empty.

And I, like a small star in the vast sky, will not be noticed one more, and one less will not be noticed. It is also the waves in the sea, splashing into the beach, and the evaporation and the scorching sun are unknown.

I can't escape from this. It has been several years since I was restrained by these two people who couldn't move, but now it hasn't changed.

The two of them were deadlocked for a long time, but they just grabbed my wrist, and no one gave in first.

Suddenly, Ye Yichen pulled me to the other side of him and came close to my ear as quickly as possible: "Luolin, do you think he will believe you?"

After saying that, he narrowed his eyes and smiled and let go of the hand that had been holding me all the time.

And Situ Lei instinctively pulled me to his side because he was preempt by Ye Yichen just now. With Ye Yichen's sudden release of his hand and Situ Lei's pull, my whole body fell into his arms.

Time seems to have been enchanted and redefined one frame after another of slow film playback. Let me clearly look at his face that is getting farther and farther away from me, and the smiling face. The slightly narrowed eyes were the veil that I couldn't see through. For example, when we were together, every time he smiled like this, it made me feel like the morning fog and I couldn't be myself.

But I know that he is lonely and has lost his soul.

Situ Lei stopped me in his arms and left me without saying anything. Two times, the three of us gathered here, but there was a deeper gap in the small auditorium lounge.

It was very late when we returned to the dormitory of the student union, but the continuous rain outside made us unable to tell whether it was day or night. The sky continues to be bright and dark, sometimes emitting pale light, and sometimes it seems to be heavily pressed down, so that we are all buried in a tiny corner of this huge planet and turn into dust.

"Do you want to see him so much?" He put me on the bed, his eyes wandered away from the room, never looking at me.

"I didn't make an appointment with him in advance. I just want to ask if he did the coffee shop."

I don't mean to explain, and I don't know if he will listen even if I want to explain. Or, like Ye Yichen, his bones are full of distrust of others.

"Do you want to tell me that you found it by chance, or did Di Lan do everything to avoid the suspicion of pretending to be sick and want to see you, not to tell you where Ye Yichen is?"

Situ Lei's words hit me like hail. Although he did not have any annoyed or extreme emotions, he could clearly feel the anger that was pressed in his body and had nowhere to vent was burning his internal organs.

"What the eyes see is often not necessarily true." I don't want to argue with him about this, and I don't need to say that the matter between me and Ye Yichen is as clear as a mirror.

"If what your eyes see is not real, then your hand..." With that, he suddenly took my hand and broke my finger away.

The red marks on the palm are clearly visible, and there are small mouths of different depths on the fingertips. Most of them have been wet by the rain and appear a little white and soft sac.

"This old wheelchair has been lost to the school doctor for many years and no one has used it. Is it really worth it for you to suffer such a injury with both hands?"

His eyes were full of pain and love, and his fingertips gently touched the red marks rubbed by the wheels of the wheelchair. The hot feeling spread as if it had been resurrected by him, and his heart also missed a few beats like a few seconds apart.

I lowered my head, pulled my hand out of his palm, and rowed this old wheelchair into the bedroom: "Go, I'm going to change my clothes."

He also seemed to realize that his behavior just now was a little inappropriate. After a few dry coughs, he put his hand into his pocket: "Ye Yichen's matter will be dealt with. Don't meet him again."

After a moment of silence, Situ Lei saw that I had nothing to say and went into the room and took out my clothes. He neither refuted his words nor argued with him against the wind, so he turned his back to me and left such a cold word and left.

The whirlwind of food hygiene and safety that did not meet the standards in the cafe was quickly covered by several official documents from the student union, because the remaining ingredients that had not been sold out on that day had been cleaned up, so there was no way to find out.

Although Ye Yichen and I are the chef of the coffee shop, we were also removed from the suspicion after having a complete set of physical examinations at the school doctor.

Although this matter is over, many students are reluctant, especially the Western Sword Society. But no one can talk nonsense about things without evidence. If they continue to make trouble like this, I'm afraid that the whole community will be punished by the school order.

And those who have used meals in the cafe and had adverse reactions have recovered and left the hospital one after another, so this matter has come to an end to a headless public case of Minghui.

"What, does he believe you?" When he left the school doctor's gate, Ye Yichen looked at me with a smile and asked.

"What do you hope? If my sentence can satisfy you and make you less trouble, then I can choose what you like to say." I smiled.

"Did he buy this wheelchair? It seemed that you were sitting on an old antique when you came that day." Ye Yichen looked up and down at me, as if looking for what was new to me and which were from Situ Lei.

"Well, I have a new mobility tool for your blessing. Roughly, I should have changed three wheelchairs this year.

After a brief chat with him, I was called back to the student union. In fact, I don't want to be alone with him for too long. I'm afraid it's causing something, and I don't have the capital to gamble with Situ Lei as a bargaining chip.

During the separation from Ye Yichen, I seemed to have gradually forgotten the existence of a person like him, as if his voice and appearance had become clearer and clearer in my mind.

A entangle that flicks near and far is often interrupted by another thing called 'memory'.

I think that I came to the student union for him on the condition of returning myself, but now after staying for a long time, I find that what I saw with my eyes at the beginning became more and more unreal and unreliable. Even those roots in my heart that I once thought were indestructible began to shake slightly.

After I returned to the student union, Situ Lei gave me a document for me to send to the broadcasting room. The general content is the results of the first and second rounds of the vice president election and the list of people who can participate in the third round of election.

Because I am a direct participant in the election, I can be notified directly without waiting for the broadcast announcement.

I opened the notice of results that were dispensable to me.


Xia Luolin, the candidate for vice president of the Student Union and the current assistant to the president:

First Round of Election: Failure

Second Round of Campaign: Success

Smooth promotion to the third round, final decision.