Cold and charming school grass spoils the good girl

Chapter 136: Gentleness in the palm of the hand


seems to be something I only had in my last life. It has long been away from me with the death of my mother and the disappearance of my father two years ago. Now Situ Lei said he would take me home.

Back to that is luxurious, but as cold as a huge ice cellar, will the students go?

I only feel like a snake. After a long time of refinement, I have to molt and be reborn once. This time may be long or short, it may be three or five years, or it may come suddenly like yesterday.

I often move my body to find a comfortable position on the plane, as if I was suddenly not used to the seat here, and it was difficult to sit.

"Is there any discomfort?" Situ Lei looked at me silently. Although he asked this question, there was no solution.

"It's okay. Maybe I haven't got up for a long time. I'm not used to it for a while."

I really haven't left bed since I recovered. Even if he got up, he sat against the head of the bed for a while with the help of Situ Lei.

He didn't buy me a new wheelchair or force me to go out for a distraction. I just looked quietly in the hotel room all day and didn't know where I got it. A heavy book has been quietly accompanying me so far.

"Sleep for a while."

I shook my head and didn't say anything.

He casually put the blindfold next to the seat on my head, then gently wrapped his arms around my shoulder and domineeringly pressed my head on his shoulder.


"You will feel more at ease." He stroked my hair, as gently and slowly as to comfort a restless animal.


I answered in a low voice and thought to myself that I was still seen through by him. It's not that I'm really not used to getting up and going out, nor is it because I'm uncomfortable.

It's just that I still can't adapt to returning to the crowd, adapting to these eyes, and the feeling of calming breaths into my ears with everyone.

I often feel that someone is peeping at me, especially those men with glasses who are strange to me. It's like a heartache that has not yet healed. The surface seems to have recovered and flat, but there are still bloody ditches inside...

"Situ Lei, do you know those three people?" A little calmed down, I took a deep breath and asked.

"Which three?"

"The three people who had fight with you outside the factory that day."

"I don't know."

He answered very simply and blurted out without hesitation.

I don't feel any flaws in his words, and the wounds on his body are enough to prove that they did not show mercy because he was Situ Lei.

It's just that in these days alone with Situ Lei, every time he comes out after taking a shower, I find that the wounds on his body are full of strange things.

The three obviously did not care about the importance and only took action to subdue Situ Lei. But those injuries cleverly avoided the knife after his car accident. Nowhere can touch his old wounds.

I have always been strange about this matter, because I still remember the words clearly in my mind when the three people left. They went to my house two years ago and received an order from the Situ family. At that time, I clearly heard the smashing and noise behind me in the last call with my father. Those people clearly shouted 'by the order of Master Situ...'

The yellowed memory washed away the rusty like being in a new spring because of the two people's words, but it revealed a brand-new riverbed that I had never seen before.

Because of a sentence at that time, I have hatred so far, and even now I can't believe that this matter has nothing to do with Situ Lei.

Has he lost his memory, or does it really have nothing to do with him?

I can't figure out the reason for this, and the inquiry just now is just unbearable to blurt out after holding it in my heart. After he decisively denied it, I had nothing more to say.

"Do you know them?" Situ Lei asked.

"No, I thought they were also Minghui's students, just asked casually." I casually covered up my doubts about him. If he knew that I didn't believe this question at this time, how should he react? How can he be so sad?

I rubbed my head on his shoulder, not to be coquettish, nor did I want to distract him from my sudden question. It's just that I haven't felt this way for a long time. Such a person has made me snuggle up.


"What's wrong?"

"About that incident two years ago. Ziyang has investigated clearly. I don't want to lie to you. The pendant in the photo is indeed my one, but I didn't send those people.

He said intermittently, as if he wanted to hide it, but he had a reason to say.

"Then who do you think it will be?"

I didn't expect that this matter would be mentioned again from his mouth. After hearing it, my voice instantly dropped to the freezing point. I don't know what he said this time, let alone fully believe whether he has done such a thing.

"I don't know what happened during my coma, and I don't know who touched the pendant. It's just that I'm afraid that this thing will happen and get worse and worse.

"So, are you asking me to believe you and then forget those things that really happened?" Although my tone is calm, it is still as cold as the cold top of the snowy mountains.

"I don't want you to believe me with one side of my words. Since this incident, I have no energy to think about those superfluous things. I'm not a lucky person. I can't guarantee that something similar will happen in the future, and I'm not sure that I will be so lucky to be saved by someone every time..."

His voice was gentle and full of worry, and he spoke gently in my ear.

"Now, the only thing I can do is to keep you by my side, whether you are willing or not. I think I'm domineering or still hate me for the past and the present. That's all I can do.

With that, his hand around my shoulder took me to his side.


Do you still hate him?

I began to have such doubts in my mind.

I don't know what to say about many things, but I think it's him, and it must be him. Those so-called 'iron evidence like mountains' pointed at his spearheads, as if they had been thrown into the hot magma.

And what I have seen with my own eyes, such as the excessive things he did to me and Ye Yichen, now I think it is just selfish to tie him by his side.

So, is he the bad guy in my heart?

A warm water began to flow through the already dry vein in his heart with time. That was the trace he left before. Time destruction made it dry and deformed, but now it is entangled and twisted and rehabits into the fresh water.

Probably, everyone has two egos in their bodies, one is suspicious and the other is pure as water.

I thought that the pure water-like me had already disappeared over time, but now I find that it is just one with the suspicious self.

Even with distrust of Situ Lei, he stayed with him with a mentality of using him to find his father. But he often greedily enjoys the gentleness he once left behind...

In his warm voice, I don't know when he really fell asleep.

It was not until the plane landed smoothly that I was woken up by him shaking his shoulders and knew that I had slept unconsciously for hours.

He hugged me all the way, with his long black hair hanging in the air. I put it on his shoulder, and the smell of shampoo on my head has remained on his clothes.

The temperature in Beijing can be described as cold. A trace of cool wind blew, which made me a lot more energetic than I was immersed in my sleep just now.

When I arrived at the lobby, he put me in his seat and called a taxi. Still like holding a huge doll, he put me in the car and sat in the co-pilot's seat.

The scenery outside the car window flashed one by one, floating in the brain familiarly, searching for fragments and memories of these scenes.

"This is not the way back to school." I asked puzzledly.

"We don't go back to Minghui."

"I'm a little tired. If you have anything left unfinished, just call a car to go back by myself. It doesn't matter." Because I was the only one in the back seat, I lay down lazily after I said it.

The arm rested lazily on his forehead and looked at the roof of the car shaking, and a trace of sleepiness appeared again. I think the so-called boat and car fatigue probably feels like this.

There was a silence, and I knew that I had said what I shouldn't have said. After experiencing these things, it was impossible for him to leave me alone.

Situ Lei told the driver to drive smoothly and slowly, so that he didn't know how long it would take to stop the road.

The sky has darkened, but the moon has not yet risen from afar.

The door opened, and the cold wind swept along the hair. He took off his coat and covered me and picked me up.

"Finally?" I asked.

"Well, here it is..."

I slowly opened my eyes along his words and his journey. I don't know how long I have traveled this way, and I don't know where I have been...

"...this is."

In front of us is a familiar scene, a beige building with several bicycles parked next to it that seem to have not even moved. The small garden not far away, and the people who came out for a walk in the evening...

I raised my hand and covered my mouth excitedly, afraid that I would make a sound because I was too excited.

There seems to be something rolling in the eyes, warm and salty. But at this time, even if it flows in the mouth, it is as sweet as honey to me.

"We're home." He looked down at me, who was excited and couldn't speak, and floated the corners of his mouth.

He put me in the room that once belonged to me: "Can I live here with you?" He squatted down and took off his shoes for me, looked at me solemnly and said.

"Didn't my father sell it to you?" My voice trembled slightly and had not yet eased from the excitement.

"It will always belong to you. This is your home. No one can take it away and replace it. Including me."

I look at everything familiar here, and the window is still so bright. The curtains and sheets are as clean as if they had just been washed, and the decorations in the room are spotless, just like when I left.

However, this house has not been lit like this for a long time. Although everything is old, the air is still full of the temperature that has been uninhabited for a long time. The air is cold and there is no temperature.

I looked at Situ Lei's deep black eyes.

"Well, let's live together..."