Cold and charming school grass spoils the good girl

Chapter 137: Future - 1

Like a script that has already been written, Situ Lei and I actually lived together like this.

I never thought that there would be a day when two people who tried to rely on each other and then turned to hate each other would live under the same roof.

I always relied on his care when I was in the hotel, and in the student union, although we were separated by a wall, we were usually as busy as the relationship between subordinates.

They are not unfamiliar with each other's living habits, but after all, they still seem to be separated by something, and they don't feel too close to each other.

And after suddenly decided to live together, I had a trace of ordinary girl's shyness unconsciously.

I haven't been back home for a long time, and I still remember clearly when I first came back a year ago. He looked at me with a cold face and told me that this family no longer belonged to me.

Now I have been reassigned as a host by him, and my inexplicable strangeness and familiarity are like two forces that refuse to give up. I don't know whether stubbornness is better, or the habit will defeat everything.

He seems to be more familiar with this place than I do. He clearly remembers whether it is the display of things or when the unemployed will come to collect those miscellaneous fees.

He said that after my father transferred the house to him, he took this place as his half-home. If you have time, you will come to clean it in person and try to maintain the original appearance here.

During this period, the glass of the house has been changed several times, and he has broken several bowls and plates. He knows very well which location has caused a little mold due to the return of the rainy season.

I haven't even changed the brand of laundry detergent and detergent that my mother likes to use.

I was so enlightened when I heard him say this. No wonder when I came back, I could smell the familiar mother's smell as soon as I lay on the pillow.

I asked him why he did this.

He said that this is the closest place to me. Even if I hate him for leaving because of money, I still stubbornly want to keep something.

He never thought that I would come back after two years. When he saw me, the first thought that flashed in his mind was also hatred and revenge.

But when I really did that, I really began to get back to the same day and night as before. The weakest place that had been disguised in my heart seemed to have been stabbed by an arrow, and I couldn't be tough on me.

And I was overwhelmed by countless people.

We began to enter and leave the school together like a newlywed couple. Except for classes and the necessary student union work, he pushed me all the way behind my back.

I changed my mobile phone number, and Situ Lei told me not to let anyone know except my trusted relatives and friends. Don't tell even the work needs of the student union or the dean. If the school really comes to me, it will definitely contact me in any way.

On the third day back to school, he packed up some necessary things in our room and moved out of the student union apartment with me.

On the same day, Minghui and everyone knew it. I lived together with Situ Lei.

"Ai, Luo Lin, don't hide it from me. What happened to you and Situ Lei on your trip to Hangzhou? As soon as I came back, the city was so stormy. Yuan Meng hit me on the shoulder and looked at me with a squint face.

"Nothing happened. Are there any rumors about me and him in the school?"

I don't want to hide it from Yuan Meng, but what happened in Hangzhou is really hard to say. The reason why Yuan Meng asked this was obviously that Liu Ziyang didn't say anything after he came back, so I didn't have to do anything.

"There are all the beautiful and unpleasant sounds, but Han Heya has no face and no place to put it this time. It is said that her seduced in plain and secret lasted for so long, and in the end, she arched her hand without even touching a hair. Yuan Meng said with a happy face.

"Is that the only way?"

"Well, as soon as the news came out that you and Situ Lei lived together this time, those who guessed that you were together were arrogant enough."

"Then you should be the leader of this group of arrogant people, right?" I laughed and teased Yuan Meng.

"But there are always people who like to chew their tongues behind their backs. In Minghui, there are also many people who like Han Heya. Those blind men say a lot of bad things behind their backs. Do you want me to tell Liu Ziyang to deal with it?"

Yuan Meng looked at me, as if he could immediately lead the army to block these unfavorable voices in the school.

"It's all gossip, and they say they are tired and naturally stop. You, don't always take the life committee as a cadre. I poked Yuan Meng's forehead. Thinking that Liu Ziyang has long been the white-faced scholar I knew before, and you still foolishly use him as a dumb boy.

We are all changing and unconsciously wandering around with time.

The school is very small, and an accidental turn can meet a familiar person.

After coming back this time, Ye Yichen was like a stranger when he saw me, and he didn't even leave his hypocritical smile.

And I also passed by him as if I didn't know him. I didn't even cast a nostalgic look at him.

"Congratulations, you are about to become the young grandmother of the Situ family."

The sand grains raised in the wind, accompanied by this warm word, sounded like congratulations. But there are many meanings of sarcasm and sarcasm hidden in it.

He didn't smile or frown, but came out plainly. Then he passed by me and became the most familiar stranger.


Although the first snowflakes in early winter came a little later than in previous years, they still fell lightly to the palm of their hands. The cold touch is still clear.

Everyone in the school began to rush for the final exam. After all, some people are about to graduate and then be expelled from the ivory tower to crawl outside the more cruel society.

Even though Minghui gathered many rich and powerful young masters of rich families, some people's life experience is inevitable to face.

I was banned by Situ Lei. He was not allowed to go alone in many places, nor did he allow me to get out of his control.

As he said, his approach may be a little extreme and domineering. It is a good way to enforce protection. At least several times Han and Ya tried to trouble me, but they were scared by Situ Lei, who was cold-faced and said nothing.

Because of the end of the same period, Yuan Meng is also busy with three points and one line of life. Dormitory, canteen, tennis club.

I also followed her like a small tail and joked with her. Looking at her sweating in the club, she pressed her skirt coquettishly, wiped the sweat from her body with a towel and said, "Damn, Liu Ziyang, don't look everywhere..."

In the canteen.

"I heard that the school director is going to break off the father-son relationship with President Situ?"

"It's not all because President Situ doesn't listen to advice and has to be with such a person."

"Everyone's vision is really different, and it's also the one named Xia Luolin who has the ability. Look at Han Heya. She doesn't have a good appearance and figure. President Situ doesn't even look at her eyes.

"What do you know? This is called ability..."

"How handsome Ye Yichen is, hasn't Xia Luolin still dumped him? It must be the money of the boss's apprentice's family.

The canteen is originally a talkative place. People from all walks of life gather here not only to gag their mouths with rice, but also to gossip and tongue roots that can never be finished.

I ignored eating with Yuan Meng and heard everything I did.

Is the index of the student union recruiting new members reduced? It should be proposed to Situ Lei that the next time you enroll multiple test projects, all the tongues that exceed the specified length will be cut off in the community.

With that, Yuan Meng deliberately threw the spoon into the bowl, and the soup stains splashed out, and the spoon also made a harsh sound.

Several emerging girls from the student union looked at Yuan Meng and closed their mouths one after another.

Although these freshmen did not know Yuan Meng, they were also smart to understand in an instant when they saw me.

"They can say whatever they want. Why do you have to be so arrogant?" I patted Yuan Meng's hand with a smile. She is still looking at me angrily and desperately.

"They can't even stop eating." Yuan Meng snorted and turned her head.

I touched her fluffy short hair, and it felt like the old.

"Zhaolin, it's almost your birthday. Did Situ Lei say anything about it?" Yuan Meng's eyes were shining, full of expectation as if Situ Lei would definitely make some feat.

"Have you forgotten that the school will definitely hold a party at Christmas? There is no time to take care of me."

"Time is like a cleavage, and there will always be squeezing." Yuan Meng looked at my slightly flat chest and said.

"You are a lustful woman!" I knocked on her round head with chopsticks and pouted angrily.

When I got home, I locked myself in the bathroom and looked carefully at myself in the mirror for the first time in the name of bathing. The chest is really small and pitiful, and the figure is not as concave and convex as ordinary girls.

The continuous hot air in the bathroom hung a thick layer of water mist on the mirror, and a drop slowly flowed down, and a clear trace came out.

One, two, three.

The more parts exposed in the mirror, the more clearly I can see my thin body. Long hair waist, not because I like it, but I don't have time to take care of it like ordinary girls.

I have never had a decent summer, never been to the swimming pool, and even a rare trip to the shallow bay, I have never gone to the sea to try the salty taste.

The feelings and defects that have never been seen in life seem to be full of most of your life, but you still have to live strong.

After all, I still can't escape the fact that I am a girl. Yuan Meng's joke made me care so much about my figure.

I smiled self-deprecatingly, then turned on the shower to wash away the remaining foam from my hair and let myself forget those things that had nothing to do with this body.

"luolin, come out for dinner when you're done." Outside the door, Situ Lei called me in a warm voice.


Dry my body, I wrapped myself in a bath towel, and then gently knocked on the bathroom door twice like a signal. Situ Lei will come in and take me back to the room. When I change my clothes, the two will go to the restaurant for dinner together.

I haven't found any flaws in him during this period. Even with such a close life, I can't get news about my father from him.

began to be greedy and fell in love with such a life.

also began to feel that Dad really had a reason why he couldn't say that he deliberately avoided me and didn't want me to be found, which had nothing to do with Situ Lei.

And I, also because of him, because of his protection of the house in the past two years and my careful care. Unexpectedly, I found a trace of warmth of home again.


The life of two people seems to be a small family.

He said that he had never felt the warmth of his family, even when he did not know that he was the adopted son of the Situ family.

The word 'mother' is far away, like the stars in the sky, which is unattainable.

He and I have a common mother, but it's different.

As Christmas was approaching, the snow began to fly unscrupulously. Everyone thought that after living with Situ Lei for so long, those relationships must have happened, or gone further.

But we just snuggle with each other and rely on each other to get the warmth we need.
