Cold and charming school grass spoils the good girl

Chapter 140: Chain

The setting sun shone on us, and the people in the park dispersed. Only the slowly elongated shadow of the two of us floated on the muddy land after the snow melted.

I looked at the note in my hand and couldn't speak for a while.

"Don't you believe it?" Ye Yichen looked at it, and the evil charm on his face did not fade at all.

"Why do you make me believe with these numbers alone?"

" Luo Lin, when can you not be so suspicious, less stubborn and stubborn like ordinary girls? In that case, you will probably be cuter and more attractive than now... Situ Lei."

While he said this, his original evil smile was suddenly put away, and a trace of cunning flashed in his eyes like the bright frost in a month.

"So, this so-called address is fake?" I ignored his words that didn't seem to me have a little kindness.

"I said, this is a birthday gift for you. Do you think there will be a fake?"

From his words and cunning eyes, I can't see lies and deception, but more, as if teasing a cat.

"Where is he?" I pulled my eyes away from the note and stared at him.

The cold wind keeps hitting us motionless, no matter how much we wear, no matter how thick we wear it. There will always be a moment when you will be penetrated by this bitter cold.

"It seems that you believe me."

He finally relaxed a little, and then sat on the stone chair beside him and took out another bag sealed with brown paper from his pocket.

"This is also for you, which is part of the birthday gift."

I took the bag and was puzzled. Although he didn't stop unpacking, he still stared at his smiling and seductive facial features.

Take out the contents and slowly look down.


I threw them into the bag almost after a glance.

"How can you have this?" I sealed the bag again and quickly hid it behind me. Like a thief with a guilty heart, for fear of being seen by someone's 'the stolen goods' in his hand.

"I can also do what Situ Lei can do. And what he can't do, but I can satisfy you. I don't know what you saw in that bag for the first time, but I promise that you won't regret it when you finish reading it all.

He got up with a smile, grabbed my hand hard, and wrote down a list of phone numbers in the palm of my hand.

"This is my number. I know you deleted it from your mobile phone a long time ago, and even excavated it cleanly from your brain. But I think you will want to call me after reading those things.

After saying that, he slowly disappeared into the small park with the unstoppable cold wind. Only a few green leaves flying out of the box prove that he had been here.

When I got home, my thoughts seemed to be frozen by the weather, and I couldn't figure out what had happened so quickly.

Situ Lei called and asked me where I was. The tone is a little anxious. It should have been looking for me on the playground for a long time.

I didn't say anything, just told him that I had something to do and go home first.

The voice is a little lax and blurred. I think he heard that I was not in a good state at the moment. He said that he would wait for him at home and he would come back immediately.

I feel that I am in the maze carefully laid out for me by Ye Yichen, and even Situ Lei can't escape the doom here.

Suddenly, I turned my head and saw the cowhide bag that I threw in ** as soon as I got home. Ye Yichen just said that the contents will never make me regret it. So, is the searchlight that can cool this fog hidden in this brown paper bag?

I opened it again with an uncertain guess.

It is still the shocking photos that were enlarged and displayed in the auditorium during the primary election of the vice president of the student union at that time.

I put all these photos aside and don't want to see them again.

Then, I took out a pile of things like personal files from it. Several copies are attached with this photo, personal information, ancestral home, and some more detailed documents of several men.

I didn't know the people above until the faces of the three people who fought fiercely with Situ Lei appeared in the factory, and then the student Yuan Minghui named Binbai who kidnapped me.

"What is all this?" I said to myself, and my hands and eyes looked at the information in front of me more quickly.

Finally, I found commonal points in the detailed explanation below each of them. Except for the man named Binbai, they are all Situ Enterprise and the former An's enterprise, but now they are subordinate employees of Han's Group, which belongs to Han Heya.

And the three men who had fought with Situ Lei, as expected, were ordered to participate in the incident of fighting at Xia's house two years ago.

The annotations of each of them clearly record what happened that day in the form of self-statement.

There are several other people who participated in the tie me to the dark hut two years ago and bullied me with Han Heya.

Finally, I seemed to break the still memory of the seal and look at the detailed information in my hand. I began to recall what happened at that time.


Two years ago.

I left here and left the specimen to Situ Lei, with his debt to me and his love for him, I went to Austria alone.

Because Situ Bohan couldn't stand his adopted son Situ Lei so humblely and condescending to stay at the door of Xia's house to ask for Xia Luolin's whereabouts and forgive himself, he used his bodyguards and doctors to take Situ Lei home without any anesthesia.

Xia Yi came out to stop it and advised Situ Lei to go back to live his own life. Luo Lin would never come back.

Then Han and Ya of the Han Group made a lot of money to ask the three people to carry out the final expulsion plan in the name of the young master of the Situ family during Situ Lei's ban.

Finally, after several fights, the mother, who had only slept with weak consciousness, was diagnosed with brain death because she could not stand the noise of the outside world. Completely passed away.

But Han and Ya didn't think that what should have satisfied her at this point, even the goddess of luck favored her so much. I happened to call home at this time and heard a fierce scolding at the other end of the phone.

Dad then hung up the phone and told me not to call back, and then whispered to me, "Your mother has passed away..."

In an instant, the sound on the other end of the phone sounded as sharp as scraping the iron plate with a spoon. In the chaos, I only heard a clear sentence, which was "Master Situ's order..."

I quickly booked a plane ticket to fly back to China. When I got home, my home was empty. It was raining heavily outside, and the lightning seemed to split me in half. I'm curled up in the room, watching the computer and TV on. Looking at the mess in the room, I tried to find a trace of warmth from home with these lights.

I began to call Situ Lei repeatedly. I won't believe what I didn't see with my own eyes. Even in the face of such a broken home in front of me, I don't believe that he did it.

But the other end of the phone is always cold. 'The user you dialed can't be connected for the time being...' I began to die gradually, and I felt dizzy as if I had been filled with mercury. It seems that as long as the body moves slightly, there will be a burst of acid in the stomach. But I can't spit out anything.

The mobile phone suddenly lit up, and I seemed to finally reach a trace of hope in despair. I picked it up in a hurry, but it was not Situ Lei, who I had been looking forward to. But, Anan.

She said she wanted to see me. I promised, and then met her in this dilapidated house.

She told me that Situ Lei had been locking himself at home without eating or drinking, and was bound to know my whereabouts. It's just that his men went out, but the news of coming back is always 'no news from Xia Luolin'.

Anran said that she couldn't stand to see him so sad for me. So I got a way to get in touch with me through Ye Yichen.

At this time, I was like a puppet whose soul was taken away, but the sentence 'It is bound to find me, and my men go out without a sound' was remembered by me.

"Sure enough, it's the person you discharged. Sure enough, you destroyed me with your own hands..." I whispered, and a disdainful smile appeared on my pale face.

I touched my neck randomly, and then pulled off the starfish pendant and gave it to An Ran: "Tell him not to come to me anymore. From now on, I have nothing to do with him."

After Anan took the pendant, she didn't say anything. Just as she opened the door, she turned her head slightly: "Xia Luolin, thank you. I won't let you give up A Lei for nothing. I will transfer a sum of money to your account as soon as possible, which is enough for you to live again in Austria.

After saying that, she closed the door, as if she had left my world forever.

"Money, hehe..."

A few days later, I searched all kinds of places where my father might be, but to no success. I think he may have hidden somewhere else to prevent the harassment of the Situ family. He decided to return to Austria first.

Just as I packed my bags and was ready to leave, someone suddenly knocked me unconscious from behind, and then I was trapped in a dark place for a long time.

It was not until Han Heya took the starfish pendant I had returned to Situ Lei and appeared in front of me that I realized that all this was done by Situ Lei.

The light was white and dazzling, and I was like a rotting fish floating on the sea, allowing them to laugh and take those unsightly photos.

didn't send me back until they were satisfied.

Since then, Han Heya has clung to me like ghost claws forever. No matter where you go, you can't get rid of it. She will always guard me from coming back here and back to Situ Lei and her side.

I lost my home and my family, not to mention in Austria, even here I can't survive.

But I can't die yet. Those who have made me so miserable are still free. So I remembered the money Anan had promised me. Then he contacted Liu Ziyang in private, pretended to have just returned from Austria, met with Anlan, took the money and left them far away...

It's just that since then, I'm no longer who I used to be. A seed called 'hate' was quietly buried in the heart.

