Spirit Ruins

Chapter 133 Situation Reversal

Before long, a skull that had previously drilled into the ground suddenly roared. A young man full of dirt suddenly broke through the ground and flew into the air, followed by the skull, and the skull's eyes showed blood-red and fierce light and screamed wildly.

The young man was Lin Xiao. At this time, he cried bitterly and never understood why the red-haired Shura was so powerful that he could find himself at once.

In fact, it should also be Lin Xiao's bad luck. He hid in the bottom of the tomb, thinking that the ground could hide his own breath, and it was difficult for others to find himself.

Unexpectedly, this red-haired Shura has another talent, and the nose is naturally able to distinguish smells. Lin Xiao hid in the ground, and his smell was indeed sealed by the strata, but the smell he had left in the air had not completely dissipated, which suddenly made the red-haired Shura suspicious, so he was found by the skull.

Seeing Lin Xiao out of the ground, the red-haired Shura laughed wildly, "No matter how deep you hide, how can you escape from the palm of your hand!"

After he finished speaking, he immediately ordered those skeletons to attack Lin Xiao!

Lin Xiao was shocked when he saw this. Although his cultivation was more refined, how could he be the opponent of the red-haired Shura? What's more, the other party is not only the seven skeletons that are very powerful, and the three blood river needles at the bottom of the box in his hand are useless, and he can't resist it!

At the critical moment of life and death, Lin Xiao suddenly shouted, "Hundown! Red-haired Shura, didn't you say that you would give the enemy a chance to relieve him before taking action? Why did you go back on your back?

Lin Xiao originally wanted to stabilize the red-haired Shura first, and then slowly deal with the villain to find a glimmer of vitality.

Unexpectedly, the red-haired Shura had been hit to the death of Chen Yi before, and he was already very angry. At this time, he just wanted to destroy Lin Xiao immediately, extract his soul, and find a place to torture Lin Xiao and Chen Yi's soul. How can he have time to pay attention to the rules now?

I only heard the red-haired Shura sneered, "Can't I change the rules? You just have to die obediently. It's still the blessing of your three lifetimes!"

After he finished speaking, he reached out and pointed to Lin Xiao, and the seven skeletons opened their mouths and rushed to Lin Xiao!

It's really a scholar who meets a soldier. It's unreasonable. Lin Xiao met such evil cultivation as Chifa Shura, and his mind was full of tricks. When he saw those bloody skeletons rushing towards him, he suddenly had a feeling of falling...


A covered of blue Mars exploded between Lin Xiao and seven skeletons.

Although the ants are small, they still survive in the face of extinction. Although Lin Xiao knew that he was invincible, he was naturally unwilling to give up. Without thinking about it, he sacrificed a handful of five poison sand.

The five poison sand turned into a blue light curtain, blocking the attack of the seven skeletons. The attack of the seven skeletons was blocked, and they were naturally unwilling. Their mouths suddenly spewed out the blood mist that Lin Xiao had seen before. The blood mist collided with the five poisonous sand light and immediately suppressed the blue light.

The five poison sand had been used by Lin Xiao several times, and its spiritual power has been consumed almost. Now it has been hit by the blood fog of seven skeletons and suddenly became unsupported. The light transformed by the five poison sand shined a few times and extinguished one after another.

The five poison sand was destroyed, and the spiritual sand dimmed in an instant and turned into a waste product. Lin Xiao lost his hand-handed weapon, and the situation was even more critical.

He shouted and sacrificed the sword wheel in his body again!

Now Lin Xiao's magic power has greatly increased. At the beginning, he could only use one of the seven swords, but now he can use three swords at the same time. Lin Xiao pinched the secret with both hands, and the extremely fast sword spirit of red, purple and green flew out of his hand and shot at those skeletons!

Among the three sword qi, purple sword qi is the fastest. While approaching the seven skeletons, the purple sword qi suddenly burst and turned into dozens of purple thunder and lightning, wrapping all seven skulls in it like purple electric snakes!

The thunder roared, and the seven skulls seemed to be restrained by purple thunder, hissing tragically one after another, and almost without even room for resistance, bursting one after another and turning into a blood mist.

With the continuous bombardment of purple thunder and lightning, the blood fog was annihilated layer by layer, and it was about to disappear!

When the red-haired Shura saw this scene, he was shocked and shouted, "Zixiao God Thunder! What kind of magic weapon are you? How can you sacrifice the purple god thunder!"

Without waiting for him to finish speaking, the red and blue sword spirit continued for a moment, bypassing the purple sky thunder and shooting directly into the red-haired Shura in the rear!

Red-haired Shura had previously suffered Chen Yi's loss because of carelessness. Although he was winning, he did not dare to relax. Therefore, Lin Xiao's every move was under his surveillance. When Lin Xiao released the sword spirit, the red-haired Shura suddenly noticed and stretched out his hand. He and the blood fog around the skeletons suddenly rolled up like a psychic, and three blood-colored light shot out of the blood fog and hit the red and green swords!

Red-haired Shura finally launched the blood river needle!

Although Lin Xiao's sword wheel is magical, because of his lack of cultivation, he has not been able to fully refine the sword wheel, so he usually dares not use it. It is only used as a life-saving means to press the bottom of the box. At this moment, entangled in the blood river god needle, the two swords could no longer resist after supporting for a while and completely collapsed!

Red-haired Shura saw that the blood river needle defeated the sword gas, and immediately laughed wildly, stretched out his hand to point at the three magic needles again, and commanded the three magic needles to kill Lin Xiao!

The three magic needles received the order, and the blood fog spewed out all over the body was thicker, and they suddenly surrounded Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao was surrounded by thick fog, and the golden light previously released by the diamond circle outside the body was suddenly corroded, and the diamond circle was almost unsupportable.

In a moment, the brilliance released by the King Kong Circle was suddenly broken by the blood fog, and the King Kong Circle suddenly returned to its original state.

And while all the protective divine light of Lin Xiaozhou's body was broken, the blood light melted by the three blood river needles also came to Lin Xiao in an instant!

Lin Xiao saw that he could not escape with all his means, and immediately shouted sadly, "I'm going to die!"

Seeing that the three blood lights were about to penetrate Lin Xiao, a cruel smile appeared on the corners of his mouth. Although there were some accidents in this chase, it was still smooth, and the battle that has been practiced since then is coming to an end.

Remember that after this operation successfully got Jiuyou Ding, he returned to "Guanqi City" and could enjoy the smooth body of the spider charming woman. When he had red hair, he felt a little hot in his lower body.

But at this time, when the three blood river needles in the distance approached Lin Xiao, they suddenly blocked the three needles on the periphery as if they had encountered a mysterious diaphragm.

At the same time, the blood fog wrapped around Lin Xiao spread in all directions!

"What's going on!?" Seeing this scene, Red-haired Shura thought it was a phenomenon of blood river needle devouring, and quickly collected his mind. If you want to play the formula, contact the blood river needle again.

However, before he finished reciting the magic formula, the thick fog surrounding Lin Xiao suddenly separated to both sides and gave way. Then the ordinary sword, which was invisible to the naked eye, instantly shot out of the blood fog and stabbed the red-haired Shura!

Where the original swordsman passed, even the void began to crystallize! It seems that a crack like an ice crystal was cut by the sword spirit!

"Ah!" Red-haired Shurawan did not expect that Lin Xiao not only did not die, but also could send out this original sword. He was stunned and wanted to avoid it, but it was too late.

This original sword can only be issued by Yuanyingjing monks. Its power and speed are amazing, ten times more powerful than ordinary magic weapons! Even if the red-haired Shura had been prepared for a long time, it was absolutely difficult to resist. What's more, he was attacked again. Before he could react, he was suddenly cut off half of his body with his head and shoulders and died on the spot!

After the attack of the original sword, it gradually dissipated and became invisible. A blood fog slowly rose from the body of the red-haired Shura, and a face loomed in the blood fog, which was the soul of the red-haired Shura.

The soul of the red-haired Shura first looked around blankly, and then remembered something. His face showed horror and hurriedly tried to escape with the blood fog.

However, at this time, the three paths had been psychic. The blood river god, who had been scared away by the original sword, saw that the red-haired Shura had fallen. Suddenly, he was ecstatic and flew back, but instead of rushing in the direction of Lin Xiao, he directly bit the body and soul of the red-haired Shura! The bloody river needle is finally about to start to devour its owner!

Before the blood river needle approached the red-haired Shura, a thick blood mist appeared around the three divine needles. These blood mist suddenly condensed into four or five skeletons exactly the same as the skeleton just now, and rushed to the red-haired Shura.

"Ah!" The skull transformed by the blood river needle crazily bit, and immediately screamed. The cry was very sad. In the end, the voice gradually weakened and finally disappeared. Only the creepy chewing sound of the skeletons gnawing the red-haired Shura's body was left.

At this time, Lin Xiao quietly came behind the three psychic blood river needles. As soon as he raised his hand, the storage ring on his right hand released a blue light, and suddenly separated the blood river needle together with the skeleton and the body of the red-haired Shura, and put the three blood river needles into the storage ring.

When the red-haired Shura died, the blood river needle became a masterless thing. He only knew that he would devour the master according to his instinct and did not resist at all, so he was put into the storage ring by Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao then searched the body of the red-haired Shura and put away the storage ring and other foreign objects. Then a fireball was released and the body of the red-haired Shura was burned.

The body of the red-haired Shura suddenly burned. Lin Xiao didn't care at first, but when the red-haired Shura turned into flying ashes, there was still a yellow map made of unknown materials on the ground.

Lin Xiao looked at the map and didn't have time to carefully check the contents of the map, so he stretched out his right hand, emitted a blue light in the storage ring, and then put the map in.

After Lin Xiao finished packing up his body, he calmed down. I want to figure out what's going on.